Brother Song Taizu

Chapter 102: Your Highness, you are a bit proud of your favor.

Chapter 102: Your Highness, you are a bit proud of your favor.

"Your Highness, this trick of selling dog meat on a sheep's head really opened my eyes, Lao Shi. It turns out that this kind of money can actually be made like this."

Sun Liancheng also said: "General Shi is right, His Highness is really a heavenly being. Who would have thought that a mere iron pot can make food so delicious, especially this vegetarian dish, stir-fried in an iron pot , with just a little oil and salt, it will immediately become a delicacy in the world, far better than boiled dishes. I'm afraid it won't be long before this iron pot will become a must-have for every household. Use this Fanlou Come and make this iron pot and stir-fry famous, it’s really amazing, amazing.”

Zhao Guangmei was naturally very happy when she heard this. How could she be complacent after being given a high hat?

In fact, stir-fry is a thing that started in the late Tang Dynasty to be precise. It only developed very slowly and was not popularized. Moreover, the so-called stir-fry in these years did not use iron pots, but iron pots similar to teppanyaki. plate.

However, in fact, Iron Smelting Master had already matured in the Song Dynasty, and iron pots had already been popularized. The Song Dynasty also had the highest steel production in all dynasties. Various Chinese and foreign historical materials have a large gap in the estimates of the Song Dynasty's steel production. However, even according to the most conservative estimates, the annual steel production at the peak of the Song Dynasty had exceeded the entire Tang Dynasty combined. Even during the Wanqing Westernization Movement, it was far less than the Song Dynasty. Iron was actually very cheap.

What he did was just push it forward slightly. Making money with the iron pot was really just a convenience. He had a bigger consideration behind this. The cultivation and development of the steel industry is of great importance to a person. How important is this to the country?

It's all thanks to Fan Lou's golden brand, otherwise he would have had to work hard to promote iron pots.

Looking at the completely blocked streets outside, Zhao Guangmei couldn't help but feel in a good mood and said, "Come on, come on, I'm happy today. Can you two drink with me?"

"Okay!" Shi Shouxin agreed without saying a word, but Sun Liancheng hesitated and said: "Your Highness, you are still growing up after all. We have something to do in the afternoon. If you want to drink... it will be a million dollars." You have to drink less.”

"That's natural. Drink less, drink less, you must drink less." As he said this, Zhao Guangmei couldn't wait to drink a glass, with a satisfied look on her face.

Since breaking the alcohol habit, Zhao Guangmei's ability to resist has become worse and worse, and her addiction to alcohol is actually worse than in her previous life.

This kind of thing is actually the same as the word "sex". I know that when I am still growing, I should try to stay away from the word "drinking and sex", but I always have poor self-control and can't control it.

"Your Highness, why do we only sell this iron pot for [-] yuan each? I think, even if it sells for [-] yuan, or even [-] yuan, everyone will definitely rush to buy it. We really have nothing to do here. Making too much money.”

Zhao Guangmei smiled proudly and said: "In business, a penny can support people to death, and a lot of money can starve people to death. These are necessities that people all over the world need. No matter how thin the profit is, as long as the sales volume increases, there is no need to worry about making money." , and why do you think I sell it so cheaply? This is called a stuck price."

"Why is the stuck price?"

Zhao Guangmei heard this and said seriously: "The iron tax will be abolished sooner or later. If my elder brother doesn't think of using this method to restrict me, I will find a way to get him to smash these rotten taxes and make money by taking advantage of the tax." , it cannot last long.”

"However, without the tax advantage, wouldn't commercial banks have any advantage over merchants? How is that possible? This depends on the industry. To put it bluntly, although light industry makes money, it is destined to be temporary, and heavy industry is Our root is this iron pot. Our iron pot is sold for [-] Wen each. Not counting taxes, the production cost is about [-] Wen. If transportation costs are included, Kaifeng water transport can usually If we can transport it, if a merchant buys our iron pot and sells it outside, the shipping fee of [-] yuan will be as high as the sky."

"However, if the powerful people and businessmen in the private sector produce an iron pot without paying any tax, the cost is unlikely to be less than [-] cents, and the quality is not necessarily better than ours. It’s called the scale effect. How can private merchants build such a large iron furnace as ours, and where can we get the assembly line production? We even have our own iron ore, from mining to furnace burning to iron frying, iron smelting, and iron casting. The process, not to mention the lack of craftsmen, how can a small workshop compare?"

"To put it bluntly, if we sell [-] or even [-] coins, can we sell it? Yes, but once there is no iron tax protection, at this price, private workshops will definitely spring up like mushrooms after a rain, and follow us Competition will inevitably lead to messy things. It’s not that I reject commercial competition. It’s just that steel is the foundation of the country after all. I’m still worried about letting private merchants do it. Who knows if they will smuggle it? What about the Khitans? No, they will almost certainly smuggle it to the Khitans. As for the iron taxes and commercial laws that restrict private merchants, it is really your law and I laughed. "

"Business rules are the real truth that override tax laws and national laws. To put it bluntly, there are people who do the business of beheading, but no one does the business of losing money."

Shi Shouxin suddenly realized: "So that's it. Except for our firm, no one can reduce the cost of the iron pot to two hundred cash, or even below three hundred cash. This must be a must-have item for every household, almost forever." There will never be a day when it is sold out, so if we sell it cheaper, no one in the private sector will compete with us, and all the money will go into our pockets."

Zhao Guangmei smiled and said: "That's not all. The money I make from them is not from the pot, but from other things. After all, the pot is for cooking, and cooking must use oil, right? Nowadays, most of the people in Kaifeng, and even the entire Central Plains region, Lard is controlled by our trading company. Of course, lard is still too expensive after all, so I have been building an oil pressing plant in the trading company these days. It is almost completed now. North of the Yangtze River, almost all the soybean fields this year are Our trading company sent someone to make a reservation, and I bought 10,000+ acres of land in Hebei specifically to grow rapeseed. Within at least three years, our trading company can monopolize at least half of the edible oil supply. This thing, It’s a steady stream.”

"Furthermore, I have also developed something called soy sauce. After three or four years, the monopoly on oil extraction will gradually disappear. This thing will be available soon. I should be able to eat it for another three to five years. Next year, when soy sauce slowly lets go, I will just look for other things to make money."

When Shi Shouxin and Sun Liancheng heard this, they couldn't help but be more amazed.

It turns out that money is so easy to make?
Look at His Highness, he has already figured out how to make money next year, the year after, and even the year after next.

How did this brain grow?
Sun Liancheng heard this and said: "But in this way, although we still made a lot of profits, it was not because of wine after all. This time the thirteen restaurants... I am afraid that they may not be affected, but they are still quite angry. ah."

Zhao Guangmei had drunk more than half a kilogram at this time and was obviously a little drunk. After hearing Sun Liancheng's words, she burst into laughter and curled her lips disdainfully:
"Thirteenth Restaurant? Do you think I take them seriously? I am saving face for my elder brother. Otherwise, wouldn't dealing with them be as easy as sleeping with my wife? They deserve to talk to me about fighting. These two words?”

"Actually, we don't need to take action at all. Just wait and see. After a while, these restaurants will inevitably cause trouble."

Shi Shouxin frowned and said: "Your Highness, you mean... the tax law? Is there something wrong with the new tax law that the government tried?"

"Yes, there is a problem, and it is a big problem."

"Given the trust that the officials have in His Highness, if there is indeed a problem with this law, why didn't His Highness say so? How could the officials not consider His Highness's opinions?"

Zhao Guangmei smiled and said: "I say, it's useless. My eldest brother didn't do it himself. There are many civil servants watching it. They always think that our business can make money because of diamonds." Is there actually any loopholes in the tax law and taking advantage of the country? It certainly is, but the problem is that the tax law is full of loopholes and it is a big sieve."

"To be honest, the money of the trading company is also the money of my eldest brother and the money of our old Zhao family. But isn't the money of the third company the money of the old Zhao family? Isn't the money of the old Zhao family mine? Do you have the money? I am the crown prince. It is the same to me whether I put this money in the left pocket or the right pocket. Do I have to fight with my elder brother for this little money?" "Throughout the dynasties, or in other words, every business house, Every organization will only think about reform when it has to change. If it weren't for the rise of commercial banks, which affected the income of the third division, I would have been able to advise my eldest brother, let alone one year. Believe it or not, Big Brother will not push forward the tax law reform in three to five years. The stakes are too high and the resistance is too great."

"Similarly, even if you change, you will definitely try every means to make easy money. In this world, there is never a real way to face difficulties. Unless there is really no other way to go, everyone will instinctively Choose the easy way out, as is the case with the salt and iron tax. It is too easy to put away, which has led all dynasties to instinctively study it, and relatively speaking, this tax law has the least impact on vested interests."

"This tax law is Zhao Pu's initiative. It is a national policy approved by eldest brother and approved by all civil and military officials. Even if I strongly oppose it, don't eldest brother want to give it a try? Even if he doesn't try, will Zhao Pu be willing to do so? Will those civil servants be willing to do so? ?”

"Actually, I already have a complete set of plans on how to change the tax law. However, my method is, firstly, more complex and difficult to understand than the current one. Secondly, it has a great impact on the existing tax law. The civil servants in the world will instinctively object, so I won’t even show it, at most I will just hint it intentionally or unintentionally.”

"We have to wait until they are at the end of their rope, and we have to force them to use the old methods. These simple and crude methods will no longer work, and even when the civil service group is about to be laid off collectively, then it is necessary for me to come up with this thing. Understand, I am deliberately forcing them to the point of no return. Otherwise, the tax law cannot be changed. Otherwise, if I put forward my tax proposals now, the government and the public will definitely oppose it. Even if my elder brother believes it If I insist on implementing it, the effect will definitely not be good."

"So, why am I stopping them? As the saying goes, don't look back until you hit the wall. What I have to do now is to hit the wall hard with their collars. If I hit it a few more times, they will understand. Naturally, Then he will come back and beg me to come.”

Hearing this, Shi Shouxin showed an expression that looked like he was constipated.

Zhao Guangmei drank another two ounces of wine happily.

"What are you doing? Make that expression. We are not outsiders. If you have something to say, you can just say it. You are a retired veteran cadre, so you are not being unruly. You can say whatever you want. You are not afraid of offending others."

Shi Shouxin sighed after hearing this, but stood up and ordered all the service staff inside and outside the private room to leave, then sat down again and said: "There are some words that I shouldn't say from my standpoint, but since Your Highness, you also As if I am one of my own, I will use my strength to speak out."

Seeing that, Sun Liancheng quickly went to the toilet.

"What's going on? You're being treated so seriously."

Then Shi Shouxin said solemnly: "We have all seen the various reforms in the official family over the past year. In fact, everyone can see that he is afraid. Since the late Tang Dynasty and the Five Dynasties, arrogant soldiers have driven away commanders, and strong generals have been driven away. The king is indeed too intimidating, so whether he uses more garrison methods or sets up transfer envoys, it is all to strengthen the control of the Forbidden Army. Of course, we can all see that this will weaken the combat effectiveness of the Forbidden Army. However, the lesser of two evils, does His Highness think that the officials did something wrong?"

Zhao Guangmei couldn't help but his eyes lit up when he heard this. He really didn't expect that Shi Shouxin would say this to him. He couldn't help but laugh. Then he poured himself a drink and drank: "This really doesn't seem to be your position. If you have to say what you need to say, keep saying it, I’m very interested.”

Shi Shouxin smiled bitterly: "How can there be so many positions? A year ago, the officials released their military power over a glass of wine, and we...sigh~, I shouldn't say it, he dismissed fourteen generals of the Forbidden Army in one breath, Counting the external Jiedu envoys, there are nearly thirty. Of course, the officials are clever in their methods, and it can be said that the officials have given us generous gifts. Objectively speaking, they treat us well."

"But you said, I am only 30 years old this year. I have given up all my military power so early to take care of myself at home. Don't I feel a little bit unwilling in my heart?"

"Let me tell you something that should not be said, but is the most truthful. Brother, although he is very skillful and very comforting, but if there are so many of us, if we are really unwilling to cooperate, how can he release the military power so smoothly? ? More than 20 senior generals were all dismissed in one breath. However, whether it was overtly or covertly, the country of the Song Dynasty was still stable, without any disturbance. Looking at the history books, has there ever been such a thing in this world? To be honest, Is the prestige of eldest brother higher than that of Liu Bang, the founder of Han Dynasty?"

Zhao Guangmei shook her head and said: "It's not too high, it's not too high. No matter what, when future generations evaluate the elder brother, they will not be able to escape such a bad comment as bullying orphans and widows. So Brother Shi, what do you think the reason is?"

"Haha, although I got a bargain and acted like a good boy, I don't have the shame to say this, but I say from the bottom of my heart that even though my eldest brother wears a yellow robe, I am the biggest beneficiary. Even our brothers planned this matter. But, even I, a general of the Imperial Guard, have had enough of these days."

"Chai Zongxun is a child. There is absolutely no reason for him to sit in this world. In fact, everyone in the Forbidden Army understands that there must be a change of dynasty. If we don't do this yellow robe, Li Chongjin will definitely do it. Even Fu Yanqing, can't he Does he really have no intention of wanting to be Yang Jian? If he doesn’t want to, his subordinates will force him to think about it. Since they are all usurpers anyway, and those who are near the water and the towers get the moon first, then naturally the eldest brother should be the official. "

"But...hey~, really, I've really had enough of this constant change of dynasties, the days when arrogant soldiers drive away coaches, and strong generals drive away kings. Even I, who get the greatest benefit, am the least qualified to say this. Everyone will say, Suffer it! Enough! It’s enough! In 50 years, there have been six dynasties and fifteen emperors! Six dynasties and fifteen emperors! The common people are afraid of the pain of war. Can we generals really sleep peacefully every day?"

"So, in fact, who in the army can't see what Big Brother's real thoughts are? Isn't it just to clean up the army, be obedient, and stop rebelling? Everyone understands that even if we suffer losses because of this, since Big Brother has given We are wealthy and stable, and everyone just accepts it."

"To be disrespectful, my eldest brother has spent his whole military career in the Palace Division, but has never been in charge of the Guards Division. In fact, his prestige... is not that high, at least it cannot be compared with Han Gaozu and Han Guangwu. , the most fundamental reason why his removal from military power went so smoothly is not the prestige of his methods, but the peace of mind of the people and the stability of the world!"

"But Your Highness, if the official family changes, you will follow suit. We all understand what the official family means. They want to increase their control over the army, but you, what are you doing? I know you want to fight for the reserve, but you... Is it possible to achieve this?"

"You want the army to be decomposed but connected through the ties of commercial banks. Of course, I also believe that in the future, the official family will have no worries as long as you are here a hundred years from now. But what will happen after a hundred years from you? ?Isn’t the power of the trading house too great?"

"Finally, let me say something offensive. As your eldest brother, the official family trusts you enough. How many kings in the past dynasties would entrust their brothers to this? Are you a little... ...Are you proud of your favor?"

Hearing this, Zhao Guangmei fell silent.

Then he drank a glass of wine and suddenly laughed loudly, slapping his thighs in excitement.

"Okay! Okay, okay! Okay, Lao Shi, oh Lao Shi, you really impressed me. I've been waiting for my eldest brother to ask me this, but I didn't expect you to ask it on his behalf. Okay, I used to I really underestimate you, but Brother Shi, do you think that I am expanding my business, even going against my brother, just to compete for the position of prince? You think of me a little too small, right? "

Shi Shouxin said: "I also know that Your Highness must have a deeper meaning, but I still can't figure it out. Could you please help me clarify my doubts?"

(End of this chapter)

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