Brother Song Taizu

Item 106 of Chapter 8

Chapter 106 Eight Provisions
No one could have imagined that the first person called by Zhao Guangmei to fight back would be Cao Bin.

Faced with such a big thing as the official being beaten, Zhao Pu quickly and resolutely carried out a large-scale investigation after temporarily taking over the Kaifeng Mansion. It was such a mess that he even recommended Yao Shu, one of Zhao Guangyi's most trusted subordinates, to go. He was transferred to another place as a prefect.

However, there was almost no movement on Zhao Guangmei's end.

Those who were paying attention to Zhao Guangmei all the time only knew that he just called Cao Bin to his house to chat for half a night, and then he actually did whatever he was supposed to do.

Although Cao Bin had been a wine steward before, everyone really didn't understand what he was doing. What does tax law, wine stewardship, and what do these things have to do with Cao Bin?

Just two days later, Cao Bin actually handed Zhao Kuangyin a document, and Zhao Kuangyin personally issued an edict to approve it, that is, "comprehensively promote and implement the eight regulations of the Song Dynasty", while Cao Bin retained At the same time as the commercial bank position, he simply added a separate dispatch under the Privy Council to be responsible for the implementation of these eight regulations. The immediate superior was a direct bachelor of the Privy Council, that is, Zhao Guangmei.

After the full text of the edict and the eight regulations were issued, the civil and military officials in the court couldn't help but change their expressions for a while. Then in just half a day, it quickly became the hottest topic in the streets of Kaifeng. However, what on earth is this? , in fact, everyone still can't help but have different opinions.

Everyone is a little confused. Is this another gust of wind, formalism, or is it serious?

It is said that it is formalism, but the whole edict is eloquent and has nearly ten thousand words. It is said that it was written by His Highness the King of Qin himself, and it is obvious that it has been prepared long ago and is definitely not a whim.

When did His Highness the King of Qin ever do anything superficial?

But to say this is serious...why does it feel so nonsense?
Improve investigation and research, streamline meeting activities and document briefings, improve official reports, strengthen supervision and inspection, improve security work and travel appearance issues, strictly publish manuscripts, and practice diligence and frugality.

Just looking at these eight items, there is no doubt that the government is going to be rectified. Of course, everyone has been prepared for this. After all, the imperial army has been rectified, and it is their turn for the civil servants.

However, the more you look at the details of these eight items, the more nonsense they seem. This thing cannot be implemented at all.

Who would comply with such strict regulations?If it really wants to be implemented, wouldn't it mean that officials would have to live without work?
So what are we trying to do when we finally study and take exams to become officials?
However, very quickly, just two days later, Cao Bin actually started taking action with his inspection team and patrol battalion, and he was directly pursuing the last step of practicing frugality and working with integrity.

Cao Bin led the patrol camp and not only posted large-character posters in various government offices, but also posted large-character posters in shops of all sizes on the streets, especially restaurants. .

In fact, there are only three rules: For officials of the Song Dynasty, ranging from the prime minister to the subordinate staff, when hosting official banquets, the meal price must not exceed one hundred yuan per person. Anyone who violates this rule will be dismissed.

All officials of the Song Dynasty, from the prime minister to the subordinate staff, were not allowed to accept private banquets. Violators would be punished as corruption.

A porridge and a meal should be remembered as hard-earned. Starting from today, Kaifeng will be used as a model to implement the CD-ROM operation. In restaurants, corner shops, restaurants, tile houses and other places, every meal and drink must be saved and eaten carefully and not wasted.

These three items serve as Cao Bin's current main focus.

Because this is really the easiest and best part to check among the eight regulations.Every day at meal time, people from the supervision camp would go to various major dining halls and politely look at the tables: What kind of dishes are these?What price is this?Are there any officials from the current government among the guests at this table?
No?Okay, eat and drink well, you can eat and drink whatever you like with the money you earn.

What's the situation? Is it a treat?How much does this table of food and drinks cost?Is there a standard of more than one hundred liters per capita?As long as there is, I will immediately ask you to go back and talk.

Even if it is obvious that a table has ordered too much food and cannot eat anymore, these inspectors will simply sit over and watch you eat, euphemistically calling it Operation CD-ROM. In this case, nine times out of ten, the food will be eaten. They can get a meal along with them, but those who get a meal for no reason are extremely uncomfortable.

It's not that they didn't accept it, or they didn't take it seriously, but Cao Bin and his supervisory team dared to arrest Shi Hanqing, and even refused to give Zhao Kuangyin face. Who would they spoil?
If you have a better attitude, it's okay. Usually, you'll be sent back for education, forced to write a self-reflection, and then let go. You'll be asked to do whatever you're supposed to do. But if you have a bad attitude, no matter who you are, I'll really send you there. Throw him in jail, and then ask your boss to pick him up from jail.

Then everyone will naturally be honest, and it is better to do less than to do more.

You may say that this punishment is severe, but in fact it is not. But going out to eat is a happy thing, but some soldiers drag you away and give you an education and an examination. Who can be happy like this? ah.

If eating a meal is not enough to worry about, then who will eat it?

So much so that it is now difficult to invite these officials to dinner in Kaifeng City. Even if they are really close, they will say: "Don't invite me, I'll treat you instead."

Then, the business of the thirteen restaurants plummeted, or in other words, Te Niang's almost disappeared completely.

Are there people in the Song Dynasty who are no longer subject to the constraints of laws and regulations, and who Cao Bin dare not control?There must be some, but these people are in the same position as Zhao Guangmei. If they want to eat, they will only go to Fanlou.

As for the taste, drinks, and service, all the dishes in the world can be found in Fanlou. If you want to eat delicious food, just go to Fanlou. And the food in Fanlou, at least in the lobby below the third floor, is really special. It meets the standards, or It is said that this standard was originally set based on Fan Lou's current dish prices.

Naturally, the common people and soldiers in the army are also muttering: Fanlou is obviously the restaurant with the best food, the best decoration, the best girls, and the best location in Kaifeng. What is the so-called dining standard if you don't order any delicacies from the mountains and seas? Going to Fan Lou for a meal is actually enough. Then, those people who don’t go to Fan Lou but go to places more expensive than Fan Lou to eat, aren’t they just corrupt bastards who take bribes?

The Yabing class is essentially the representative of ordinary people, and they hate corrupt officials the most. Seeing that the thirteen restaurants are becoming increasingly desolate, everyone from the soldiers to the common people are applauding for a while.

What's more, there was no need for Cao Bin to send someone to supervise the people. The people themselves had already supervised the situation. As long as they saw anyone going to eat on the [-]th floor, no matter whether they were entering or coming out of the gate, they would be booed. Some of them yelled at each other, and some even threw things at those they considered corrupt officials.

And those who have collected money from the Thirteenth Floor are being manipulated by Zhao Pu to the point of death, and everyone in the Kaifeng Mansion is in a state of turmoil. Who has the time to take care of them?Even if there is, do these subordinates dare to quarrel with the supervision team of the commercial bank?
Then the officials took a look and realized that it was all about the wine tax. They were venting their anger on the officials... right?

It doesn't matter if we skip two meals. No one is really so greedy. Not to mention that the food on the Thirteenth Floor is not as good as Fan Lou. It's not like there is no talent in the Song Dynasty. In less than a month Since then, many so-called farmhouses where you can enjoy delicacies from the mountains and seas have opened in various suburbs and countryside.

However, the Thirteenth Floor is obviously just an introduction. If this matter only ends here, then there is nothing unacceptable for everyone, but if... all of this is just the beginning, we really need to take the opportunity to implement it one by one. What about the so-called eight regulations?
(End of this chapter)

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