my slow journey to infinity

Chapter 64 The hateful villain duo

Chapter 64 The hateful villain duo
Hohenheim set out again, taking his wife Theresa with him.

When Teresa left, she told the six or seven-year-old protagonist brothers to listen to Granny Binako and not to bully little Wenli. She was very energetic.

After the matters here were dealt with, Wang Shui had not been quiet for two days, and the android side launched a new counterattack on the frontal battlefield of Ishval.

This time the casualties on both sides were not high, but they began to take the initiative to occupy some unimportant uninhabited areas. After receiving this news, Wang Shui immediately returned to Ishval.

"Suddenly occupying a large non-strategic area and advancing the front with low intensity, they want to cease the war and get more land as a bargaining chip before negotiations."

Sylvia made this judgment.

Wang Shui had been commanding the troops for a long time and had dealt with a large number of national affairs. He also understood what the Central Army wanted to do, so he casually answered Sylvia:
"Then we won't receive news of peace talks from them for the time being. We will push them out of Ishval in one fell swoop, then occupy some small towns on the border with well-developed transportation, hang on to them, and gain more initiative in the negotiations. "

The two had the same idea and immediately started making arrangements.

The mechanized corps composed of structures had been hidden by them before, and they only engaged in annihilation warfare and long-range artillery assistance, for fear of scaring away the Amestolis army. Now it was time to show their force.

In the next half month, not only the structural troops were fully mobilized, but even the ordinary troops of the Ishvar people were equipped with [Light Weak Source Armor] in batches to join the counterattack.

This kind of armor is far from the level of [Mobile Armor], but the effect of protecting bullets and shrapnel is quite good. The energy source is the slow-recovering crustal energy, which is very useful on this kind of gun battlefield.

This kind of armor was provided with ideas by Aqua Regia and combined the knowledge of alchemy, mechanical armor and the main world [Mobile Armor]. It was mainly developed by [Ishval National Alchemy Research Institute] and then mass-produced by the structural weight factory. As early as Wang Shui Water had been building up inventories when it took over the country and is only now releasing them.

Under the overwhelming offensive brought about by unequal combat power, the rate of defeat of the Amez army depends on whether their vehicles are sufficient and how fast the vehicles can run.

Ishval is not that big. When the actual control area of ​​Wang Shui's subordinates became one and a half times the size of Ishval's land, he "finally" received the negotiation request from Ames Central Army.

Wang Shui once again launched many speeches. He first made it clear to all the people that the hatred could not be given up, but he secretly spread other news beforehand to let the people know that Ishvar's economy was almost impoverished. If the fight continued, there might be widespread famine.

On the surface, he maintains the image of a militant.

In fact, Wang Shui did not lie. Without his generous personal assistance, Ishvar would have starved to death within a month, and every household would have no food in stock during the war.

After the symbolic vote, Wang Shui expressed in a public speech that he had suppressed his anger and accepted the peace talks, but proposed high compensation.

And asked the President of Amestolis [Kim Bradley] to go to the ceasefire line in person to sign a peace agreement, apologize to the Ishvar people who died, recognize the independent status of the Ishvar country, etc.

Wang Shui originally planned to ask for a high price and wait for the other party to pay back the money on the spot, but to his surprise, the android side was very happy. Not only did he say that the president would come to apologize in person, he also agreed to the establishment of an independent country in Ilvar, and also proposed the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two sides. , establishing embassies for each other.

To be honest, the official actions of Amestolis are a bit ugly. Some time ago, the President personally approved [Presidential Decree No. 3066] and formulated the [Ishval Annihilation War] plan. In this way, not only his reputation will be If it falls sharply, the presidential position will also become unstable.

But Wang Shui immediately understood that the artificial people didn't care. The entire central bureaucracy belonged to them. It didn't matter who they chose as the puppet. They just wanted to ensure that the national formation formation was launched smoothly.

The riots lasted for several years and the war lasted for more than a year. They had kidnapped a large number of Ishval people and obtained more Philosopher's Stones than in the original book. There is no problem with a ceasefire now.

As for the issue of creating [Blood Seal] in the core area of ​​Ishval, they made a request from the embassy. Whether they secretly kill some people here, or use the embassy as the core to massacre local civilians, they can easily achieve the national refinement. array of needs.

If it weren't for the information asymmetry and Wang Shui knew they were going to cause massacre, this move wouldn't have seemed so idiotic, but rather straightforward and effective.

As for the compensation and humiliation proposed by Wang Shui, it didn't matter to the androids at all. They just waited for the agreed day to turn the entire Ishval into a dead zone.

Then, Wang Shui happily accepted.

After all, he also hopes that the plan of the villain in the bottle can succeed, and in this way, he will have another seven or eight years of stable time. In addition to alchemy and regular combat training, he also has a lot of complicated professional knowledge to learn, especially It's medicine and magic, both of which are quite time-consuming.



On October 1908, 10, in the small town on the border between Amestolis and the newly established country of Ishval, peace negotiations were successfully conducted in a tense atmosphere.

The over for now.

Most of the Amestrians were not affected by the war, but the trapped life during the war was finally over, and they breathed a sigh of relief. Only some blind war maniacs and people who made money from the war were still clamoring.

Ishval was much quieter. They only had pure anger. In the short war, they lost at least 170 million people, of which more than 3 troops died, and the rest were civilians.

According to the post-war census, the total population of Ishval was over 370 million. A war that only lasted for one year cost them one-third of their population. This was despite Wang Shui's timely efforts to turn the tide.

The genocidal war made Wang Shui feel a natural discomfort. He never thought of appeasing the anger of the Ishvar people. On the contrary, he wanted the Ishvar people to always remember the hatred of annihilation of the country and genocide. Some people will never All are enemies.

After the negotiation agreement was signed, Wang Shui looked at the unruffled Amestrian President [Kim Bradley], the strongest artificial man who represented [anger], and sent him an invitation to a banquet. .

"Won't a personal relationship that is not exposed to public view have an impact on His Excellency Azir's reputation?"

Bradley refused.

"My people trust me, not fear me. Mr. Bradley, I sincerely extend an invitation to you. If you don't come, the establishment of diplomatic relations and the embassy may have to be delayed for more than ten years."

Wang Shui lost his face and threatened with a straight ball.

Bradley was calm on the surface, but his anger had already materialized. The strongest android only left a word of "ok" before getting up and leaving the venue.

Wang Shui always maintained a just right annoying smile.

"Are you planning to leave him completely by irritating him like this?"

Sylvia came over from the side. Today she used the body of an android to come to the venue as [President Azir's Bodyguard].

"No, I just want to test his skills. Killing him directly will inevitably alert the enemy, and even if something happens to him, it can't happen in Ishval.

The train he took back to Central City belonged to a subsidiary company of our group. I really wanted to kill him. I piled several tons of explosives, incendiary bombs and the like on him to kill him several times, but there was no need.I never worry about how to deal with these artificial humans. What I care more about is how strong he is, who is known as the ceiling of conventional combat power in the original work.

The old rule is, I take action and you sweep the formation, but remember to hold back so as not to scare them. "


Sylvia made a negative comment about Wang Shui's petty attitude, but Wang Shui knew that since she didn't directly object, she agreed.

The next process was rather boring. After Bradley left the dinner with visible anger, Aqua Regia and Sylvia immediately changed their clothes and got on the same train.



"Why not kill that Azir directly? The war was reversed because of his appearance. That guy entered your attack range many times today."

In the exclusive office carriage of the President [Kim Bradley], a beautiful woman with a cool appearance and stunning figure asked the President this question. She was not very polite, nor did she show any arrogance towards the President.

"It makes no sense. According to the detailed information, he is just a businessman who pulls strings, a puppet, and his emotions are still at the level of a small businessman. Ishval's successful counterattack is due to the industrial support of unknown external forces. Killing him is nothing more than letting them get another puppet, and it will only make us more passive. Everything is for [Seal of Blood], we need to be patient."

"It's so embarrassing. Even Envy died here."

The woman said with emotion, she was not talking about the president, but was commenting on the collective of artificial humans. The [Ouroboros tattoo] symbolizing the artificial humans was exposed under her collarbone.

She is the artificial human Rasta who represents [Lust]. She has the strongest aggression, but her fighting ability...

While they were chatting, there was a short, fat guy at the end of the carriage. He kept eating. That was Gratoni, the android who represented [Gluttony]. He and Rust followed [Wrath] here. , in a sense, it is also to protect [Wrath] who does not have extraordinary regeneration ability.

After a brief chat, the carriage fell into a certain quiet atmosphere, with only the faint sounds of the train moving, Gratoni eating, and the president flipping through documents.

Then, there was a knock on the door at the other end of the carriage.

"Your Majesty the President, the flight attendant has brought you refreshments. Do you want them?"

There was Bradley's familiar voice outside the door. That was his guard. Of course, the guard was just an ordinary person, helping him with some trivial matters.

"Send it in." Bradley said casually, without paying too much attention.

The guard who had known about the existence of the other two androids for a long time did not care about [Lust] and [Gluttony]. He opened the door cleanly and entered the office car, put down the tray containing tea and pastries and biscuits, and said:

"It has been tested and there is nothing wrong with the food."

The moment he put down the tray and turned around, Lust, who had been observing a little, felt a flash of cold light, and then:

The first sound was the crisp sound of metal intersecting, and the second sound was the sound of Bradley's back hitting the wooden bookshelf as he retreated.

President Bradley threw away half of the pen in his hand, and calmly took out the fixed-blade saber beside his uniform. At the same time, he looked at the guard who had served him for five years with a calm expression, and asked with some confusion:
"Why, Larry."

Larry, the guard who missed the sneak attack, turned the same straight-edged saber around in his hand, and his smile gradually became a little wilder:

"Why? I've been lurking for so long, guess why!"

Larry threw the question back and immediately launched an attack.

As for why the guards wanted to attack the president, he didn't know. He was just aqua regia with a changed appearance, deliberately deceiving people.

Wang Shui's attack was very fierce, and President Bradley, who could respond to Wang Shui's full-force sneak attack, was not far behind. Both of them were in offensive postures. Small wounds kept popping up on their bodies, but there were no vital injuries.

This guard actually got into a fight with Bradley!
Rust, who represents [Lust], was immediately alert. She wanted to step in to help the President. The artificial man didn't care about such frivolous things as duel and glory.

But as soon as she took an offensive stance, she felt severe pain in her arms. After two thuds, her arms fell to the ground.

"Keep watching."

In the severe pain, Rust was surprised to find that there was an inexplicable person beside her. The iron-gray robe and mask covered most of her features. The hand holding the long sword also wore tactical gloves, but the cold voice Clearly a woman.

"Who are you!" Rust asked loudly while his hands quickly recovered, and his fingers immediately turned into sharp black thorns to poke at the opponent.

Then there was a dazzling moonlight flash, Luster's limbs were cut off, and his body and head fell heavily to the floor. At this time, her perspective happened to see [Gluttony] Gratoni, who had been cut into a pile of meat pieces.

When her body regenerated, she was about to say something, but the cold blade pierced her cheek directly, cut off her tongue, and nailed her to the floor.

From beginning to end, Sylvia never looked at her, or even showed any killing intent. She just stood there, like the crescent moon hanging quietly in the night sky, shedding quiet and dangerous moonlight.

And the most terrifying thing was that the long sword that pinned Rust to the floor suddenly lit up with a blue glow, and Rust's regeneration speed immediately became extremely slow!

"They killed Envi!"

This was the only thought left in Rust's mind.

Sylvia's powerful attack was only fleeting, quiet and deadly, and far less powerful than the two people standing in a stalemate in the middle of the carriage.

All the protruding objects in the carriage were being destroyed by the sword light. The two of them fought more and more fiercely, especially President Bradley. His attacks were direct and ruthless. He did not stick to any moves, but used the fastest and most direct attack. The path quickly strikes any part of the aqua regia that is not protected.

Wang Shui was indeed at a disadvantage in the early stage, but after dozens of thrilling injury exchanges, Wang Shui gradually "learned" how to deal with Bradley's offensive, or in other words, he understood "Bradley's Offensive Techniques" This book!

After a sudden collision, the two men's straight-edged sabers broke at the same time. The President, who had already planned it, immediately turned around and quickly stabbed Aqua Regia's side with the broken blade. At the same time, he caught the upper half of the broken blade with his teeth and shook his head. When he let go, the broken blade flew towards Wang Shui's face at the same time.

Wang Shui was indeed caught by such a flexible and sudden tactic, but his physical fitness was much stronger than Bradley expected. Wang Shui turned his face sideways and narrowly passed the flying broken blade, while holding his own broken blade in both hands. The blade pressed down, just in time to suppress the attack on the flank.

The huge force pushed Wang Shui to fly backwards, Wang Shui also took advantage of the situation to twist his body and kick to the side, knocking Bradley back.

The two of them retreated three or four steps at the same time, and only the broken blade was left, but Wang Shui had a long wound on his face, which was caused by the flying blade that he couldn't completely avoid even with his extreme reaction.

The President [Kim Bradley] was slightly more successful, but he only had a broken blade in his hand. At this time, he also discovered Sylvia and felt great pressure.

Under this situation, he still remained calm and said calmly:
"You are not Larry, it was you who killed Envi."

"Smart, strong, and flexible, I approve of you!"

Wang Shui's face showed an arrogant smile like a villain, his face twisted and changed, and he immediately changed into a new look. This was the face of a passerby he had seen before, and he was still lying.

After saying that, he raised his hand to gather a large amount of blue lightning, grabbed it from the side of the car body, and tore off a large piece of the car skin.

The train was still running, and the strong wind blew away everything that had been chopped into pieces in the carriage. The carriage, which was made up of a lot of metal and messy materials, was quickly compressed by aqua regia into a two-handed sword.

Wang Shui did not attack immediately. He inserted the long sword at his side and reached out again to pull off a large piece of the carriage on the other side. This time he gathered a saber, the standard straight-blade saber of Amestrian officers.

He tossed the new knife to Bradley and began to undress.

The President caught the slowly spinning straight-edged saber. It was much heavier than an ordinary saber, but its length and center of gravity were perfect, making it more suitable for him than an ordinary saber.

Moreover, the material of this knife revealed a kind of beauty that he did not understand. The blade was sharp yet heavy, and the faint patterns on it seemed to tell him:
"I won't break off that easily."

While he was admiring the weapon in his hand, Aqua Regia had already stripped off to only his black short sleeves and shorts. The heavy inner armor with [Suppression Array] engraved on it was thrown to the ground. He bounced a few times to adapt. With an unrestricted body.

President Bradley on the other side also took off the eyepatch on his left eye, revealing the left eye with the iconic tattoo of the android. It is his special ability - "The Strongest Eye", which gives him the ability to detect the flow of air. vision.

Wang Shui drew out his long sword with both hands, grinned ferociously and issued a villain declaration to the president:

"Jiejiejie, I hope you can make me happy!"

(End of this chapter)

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