my slow journey to infinity

Chapter 65 Sylvia’s Height

Chapter 65 Sylvia’s Height

The second phase of the battle is about to begin.

The two phantoms collided in the center of the carriage, and a substantial momentum spread out like a shock wave, even temporarily strangling the strong wind!

With the restrictions and weight removed, Wang Shui's strength and speed suddenly increased a lot, but his two-handed sword was very strange. He did not open and close it widely to emphasize the advantage of the sword's length, but moved the sword around. Use footwork to get at the root, and once he gets close, he will use his insidious sword movement to penetrate, but this small attack was used by him with great force.

President Bradley can still see clearly the attack of Aqua Regia, and his physical fitness can be regarded as the top level of human beings.

But aqua regia is different. Aqua regia was corrected by Sylvia using special exercise techniques and drugs. He has reached human extremes in all aspects.

Moreover, in terms of combat skills, Aqua Regia also surpassed Bradley, and the president who only relied on his eyesight quickly became passive.

At a certain point, Wang Shui suddenly gave up half of the center line during his continuous attack. He gave up an offensive opportunity naturally and used it to dodge an attack that was not particularly necessary, showing a slight flaw.

Sure enough, the President immediately seized the opportunity and stepped forward to counterattack, but Wang Shui made a feint at his feet and opened a trap posture.

Wang Shui is a habitual and subconscious player who sells flaws. Bradley has almost never encountered an opponent who actively sells flaws. Those who have fought against him have no spare time to defend, let alone sell flaws.

The president, who had been defending fairly well, was instantly bitten by Wang Shui. Wang Shui broke the president's balance three or two times, then took a step back to make room, and his sword skills immediately became wide open and closed.

Faster speed, stronger power, this is the tactic of adding insult to injury!

The president, who was slightly off balance, was struck by the sword in the middle, and he was immediately slashed. Blood burst out instantly, staining his shirt red. Wang Shui had the advantage to stab and attack the president's right hand.

However, the injured president showed a special calmness and madness. He actually blocked it with his left arm, and at the same time stabbed him with the saber in his right hand. He actually wanted to exchange injuries for injuries, or even exchange lives for lives!

Wang Shui's fighting style is that he will never stud, and he always leaves room for changing his moves.

Since the President advanced, he retreated. As he retreated, the stabbing sword switched to lifting and slashing. The sword light split, and the President's raised left arm was instantly cut off, but he seemed not to feel the pain, and the saber also Sent into the abdomen of aqua regia.

At this time, Wang Shui's follow-up attack had just arrived, and he cut off the president's right arm with two swords!

Wang Shui's abdomen was penetrated by the saber. The pain was very clear, but it was not as severe as he imagined. Wang Shui tightened his muscles and clamped the saber. He turned around and kicked the president who had lost both arms, and he was hit hard on the ground. on the bookshelf behind him.

Then several rays of silver light flashed through the air, and six flying knives penetrated the bones and tendons on the president's thighs, calves, and shoulder blades, and were heavily nailed to the bookshelf.

On Wang Shui's side, he pulled out the saber carrying the President's right arm from his abdomen, and then immediately used alchemy to stop the bleeding and heal his injuries. I have to say that the feeling of pulling the blade out of his body was indeed a bit strange.

"Four points." Sylvia commented under the iron gray mask.

"Ah?! Isn't this even a passing mark of 6 points?"

Wang Shui expressed his dissatisfaction. He had tried his best and the President was indeed very strong.

"The full score is 100 points because you have lifted the physical restrictions." Sylvia clarified her evaluation.

"Wok! I don't accept it! I don't believe you can be 25 times stronger than me!" Wang Shui had already assumed that Sylvia would get a perfect score when he shouted, "I don't accept it! Come and try it!"

As he spoke, Wang Shui took out five blank paper cards from his clothes on the ground. Blue lightning burst out from his left hand wearing a metal ring and whipped on the cards, forming a charred pattern.

The card flew out and pinned around the president's body. Wang Shui threw the two severed arms over, and blue lightning enveloped the president.

Tens of seconds later, the president half-knelt on the ground and silently inspected his hands. Apart from being very weak, he didn't even have any wounds on his body.

It was alchemy, he had seen it before, but the effect of aqua regia's alchemy was incredibly powerful.

The beautiful straight-edged saber flew in front of him, and then a small gray-brown ball was thrown over by Aqua Regia, landing just at the base of the handle.

At this time, Sylvia also pulled out the long sword stuck in the cheek of the android Rust on the floor, not caring whether she would recover.

Sylvia walked to Wang Shui, pushed him away, and then said to the president:

"Eat that pill and it will restore your physical condition and bring you to your usual best level. If you can persist for one minute, both of you will survive."

The straightforward humiliation did not make President Bradley angrier. Instead, his eyes became much calmer. He did not think that the enemy was insulting him, because this female swordsman with a clear voice gave him a far greater sense of oppression than that one. Men are strong.

In other words, the man just now did not give him a strong feeling. The man was obviously very skilled, but his aura was very ordinary, without any sense of oppression, only one that was particularly cunning and ruthless.

Bradley took the pill, and sure enough, a warm breath quickly filled his body. He was refreshed and his body quickly regained his vitality. He was even more energetic now than usual.

Sylvia stood there casually, pointing her sword diagonally at the floor, telling Bradley that she could take action at any time. .

Bradley made the first move, and he attacked with all his strength as soon as he took action. Did he last for one minute?Pure defense is seeking death!

Sylvia's body swayed, and she also rushed toward him. She didn't dodge, dodge, or block Bradley's clean slash. She directly lifted the sword blade. She lifted the sword cleanly and struck first. , the sword moved to the middle position, turned into a flat thrust, and the tip of the sword went straight to Bradley's heart!
No gain in exchange for injury!

Bradley immediately made a judgment. The power of his horizontal slash was limited. He didn't know whether the opponent had any subsequent defensive measures, but the opponent's attack would definitely hit his heart first.

Without thinking too much, Bradley had already adjusted the force under his feet. While continuing to slash, his body tilted to one side, and he was ready for his lungs to be punctured.

However, Sylvia predicted Bradley's intention. Although her attack was late, she still had the energy to follow Bradley's heart!But she additionally used "sword length" and curved arms to deceive Bradley.

Just when Bradley's body was deflected and his center of gravity was irreversible, Sylvia stretched out her arm, and the tip of the sword reached the president earlier than expected. Sylvia plunged the sword into his chest, and then used a strange The vibrating blade technique instantly destroyed his heart.

The two of them passed by each other, even two or three positions apart. However, the victory was already decided. The moonlight flashed behind the president, but he no longer had the intention or ability to turn around and take action.

He was heartbroken, in a physical sense.

Five cards quickly fell on his side, and the familiar blue lightning repaired his heart, but this time he was even weaker.

The President inserted the straight-blade saber on the floor to support himself from falling down. He was very calm now, waiting for the sentence of Wang Shui.

"1.32 seconds, do you know how weak you are?"

Sylvia said this to Wang Shui, but Bradley felt that the other party was also talking about him.

But he can't be angry, even if he is [angry].

"Why do you want to save me?"

Bradley asked Wang Shui. In his opinion, although the powerful female swordsman was very rude to the cunning man, it was obvious that their actions were led by the male swordsman.

Wang Shui had already begun to put on his inner armor to bear weight, and at the same time replied with a kind smile:

"I'm sorry, Your Excellency, the President. In fact, the two of us just heard that the strongest warrior of Amestris was on this train, so we wanted to come and ask for advice. As for the atmosphere of fighting and killing just now, it was... Just kidding.”

Bradley pressed his saber and tried to stand up, but failed. He listened to Wang Shui's nonsense, looked at the dismantled carriage, and [Lust] and [Gluttony] who had not yet returned to human form, and then said :

"I see, I almost misunderstood you."

"It's true, it's true. Your soldiers were just stunned and fell asleep in the carriage in front. We really came here to communicate with each other in a friendly manner."

As he said this, Wang Shui's expression suddenly became a little awkward. "Well, in addition to the spur-of-the-moment battle, there is actually a small matter. Our emperor wants me to inform you. He is very dissatisfied with the continuous wars here, which has seriously affected our business. He hopes that Ames Dollis will prosper under your leadership instead of continuing to engage in such a brutal militarism, which is not good for everyone."

"You mean, the emperor of the new country? Are you from the new country?" Bradley was more concerned about the information in Wang Shui's words than lying.

"Yes, didn't I just use alchemy to treat you?"

"But... you look like a pure Amestrian."

"Oh!" Wang Shui suddenly came to his senses, and then rubbed his face violently with blue lightning, giving him a calm New Chinese face, "Okay, do you believe it now?"


The president was silent. He had many questions, but he felt that even if the other party was willing to answer, his questions would only become more.

"Okay, okay, the night is getting dark, so I have to say goodbye. Your Excellency, the President, please rest early. Goodbye!"

Having had enough of playing tricks, Wang Shui raised his hand and jumped out from the side of the damaged car. At the same time, Sylvia also jumped lightly into the night outside the car.

After a full five minutes, Bradley had the strength to stand firm and move. Rust on the side had already recovered. In fact, when the president faced Sylvia, she was able to move. But she didn't dare to move.

Bradley came to [Gluttony] Gratoni, who was still in pieces, and pulled out the black dagger inserted next to his Philosopher's Stone.

This seemed to be left by the female swordsman. The black-coated dagger was engraved with a simple forging formation and the elongated Chinese characters. It made the artificial man Gratoni unable to regenerate and recover his body.

"It seems that we have encountered a group of difficult enemies." Rust whispered, his tone no longer arrogant as an artificial person.

"They are not from the New Country, but they are the people who helped Ishval, and they know us very well."

The president said, but he himself did not have much confidence in this judgment. It was also because he was worried that the other party was just pretending to leave, and he did not say many words directly.

He believed that man could do such a thing.

It's all a mystery.

But the affairs of the embassy were not stopped, and there was no sign of damage to the underground land formation. The eldest brother [Arrogance] among the seven androids has been patrolling the underground with his shadow ability. Their father [Bottle] The small and medium-sized people] also monitor the formation of the entire country.

The other party probably just discovered that they were androids, and it was probably the dead [Jealous] Envi who had exposed his flaws.

No, it could also be [Greed] Grid. That guy has long since defected due to his endless greed. He may also leak some information. It’s time to capture him...

Dignity, interests, and even the country are not important. The artificial man has only one purpose, and that is to complete his father's plan.



On the other side, Wang Shui, who jumped off the train, took out a bunch of materials from the awakener space, built a simple car, and took Sylvia to the nearest town.

The car drove silently for a long time before Wang Shui asked seriously:
"How long will it take for me to reach your level?"

"Are you serious?"

Sylvia also thought for a while before answering:

"Training and attributes are one aspect. Don't rush it. You lack too much practical experience. If you don't go to the battlefield or find a master to fight, you will never reach my level. Oh, by the way, there is another hard condition—— You have to reach level five.”

"Oh, fighting, fighting, people like it and hate it at the same time."

Sylvia smiled at Aqua Regia's emotion. She felt the same way about fighting. It couldn't be called enjoyment, but the process made her very comfortable. She also didn't want to lose and wanted to become stronger.

"Do you still remember the [Iron Law of Survival] in the circle of awakened people?" Sylvia suddenly asked.

"First, don't come into contact with anything related to [Ability God] in any sense; second, stay away from guys with dangerous scales on their heads; third, if a person wears the badge of [Battle Master], it means he doesn't want to I was interrupted. Of course I remember that there were a lot of death-defying news feeds every day, and that was my daily electronic pickle."

Although he has lived stably in the fantasy world for seven or eight years, Wang Shui still remembers life in the main world of the dream system like new, not only because his memory is good enough, but also because of the characteristics of the fantasy world.

Just like his body has basically not aged, he can exercise his attributes but cannot break through the limits, cannot advance in the fantasy world, and the memories in the fantasy world will quickly fade after returning to reality.

These are all characteristics of a fantasy world under accelerated time.

"Then do you know what happened to the [Battle Master] in Article [-]?"

"Um, an officially recognized combat ability recognition system? I have only watched their games. There are many spectators and everyone loves to watch them, but it is rare to see people wearing badges."

"[Combat Master] does not belong to the dream system. It exists independently and its evaluation of combat ability is very accurate and reliable."

"So? It can help me become stronger?"

"Of course you can. After you go back, go to the [Battle Network] to register an account and customize your fighting style. It will recommend suitable training programs, and then help you match up with masters of similar strength to fight, close to a life-and-death simulated battle. For someone like you Ye Luzi's fighting style helps a lot. Alas, it's a pity that I was implanted with low-level instructions by some **, so I can't train you as a killer."

Wang Shui was so cheeky that he pretended not to have heard the last sentence. He just nodded and recorded the information in his memo.

"Hill, what level do you belong to in [Battle Master]?"

"Heh," Sylvia said with disdain from the Queen, "I'm still one sword star away from getting the [Absolute Combat Power] badge. This is a level you can't even imagine in your life, and I didn't get it not because of my combat ability. Weak, but because my extraordinary level is not enough, the minimum requirement for the [Absolute Combat Power] badge is level seven."

Ah, so far away...Iron brand, silver brand, gold medal, crystal brand. Only by getting 99 sword stars on the basis of crystal can you be promoted to [Absolute Combat Power].

“What level am I roughly at now?”

Since Sylvia said it was of great help, Wang Shui must have believed it. She is the authority in this regard.

"Uh, no... right? If you want to get the badge, you have to be at least level [-], right? All the goalkeepers of the iron brand are level [-]. This is [Battle Master], not the ranking system of those garbage online games. You don't have to think too much about it. More, just mix it up with its training."

Ah, here, it turns out that I am not a good person... Originally, I defeated Bradley tonight. Although he was pierced by a sword, Wang Shui still gained some confidence.

"A little disappointed?"

"A little, after all, I have been practicing for a long time, and you personally taught me." Wang Shui did not forget to bring up Sylvia, saying that I am probably not good because you didn't teach her well.

"There is an absolute limit to energy. If your level is not reached, your body will not be able to withstand a third-level attack. What is the master level? You cannot wear mobile armor in the battle master competition."

"You mean, my fighting skills are actually very strong?"

"What I mean is that your level cannot fall behind!"

The discussion about the battle basically ended here, and the two jumped to the topic of other dimensions later, completely losing the tense and busy atmosphere some time ago.

It was also the first time that Wang Shui had an understanding of Sylvia's strength. He was driving and chatting, but the 1.32-second sword strike was constantly replaying in his mind.

(End of this chapter)

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