my slow journey to infinity

Chapter 63: Battle meetings several years in advance

Chapter 63: Battle meetings several years in advance

In the backyard of the old base, various lights gradually lit up around a huge stone platform engraved with complex formations.

Hohenheim looked at the illusory figures busy around him with some surprise. He was very sure that these people were made of light.

"Okay, okay, it's almost done. Just be able to communicate."

Wang Shui clapped his hands and sat down first, with Hohenheim sitting on his left.

El, who is thousands of kilometers away, and more than 40 people are in a conference room at the [Ishval National Alchemy Research Institute]. They are also sitting around a stone platform, looking at the two Aqua Regia composed of light. .

Wang Shui used his original appearance, so he started to introduce himself.

"Okay, masters of alchemy and alchemy, the holographic projection based on alchemy works well. The meeting to save the world has officially begun."

"First of all, let me introduce myself. I am [Syl Via], the national alchemist of Amestris. Friends of the Ishval tribe, don't be angry in a hurry. Ha, it seems that I am a top arms dealer. You are famous enough, sit tight, everyone, I am a close friend of your busy president Mr. Azir Shia.

Yes, I am the insider who provided the Philosopher's Stone, and the weapons and food you used to resist Ames were basically provided by me. Of course, Mr. President has paid for it. "

Several Ishval people looked at each other, whispered for a while and then stopped moving. Il also nodded to Wang Shui. He solved a puzzle. He never understood why there were so few people in Ishval territory. The factory can produce so much material.

Compared to the plainness of the Ishval people, Hohenheim looked at Aqua Regia with admiration. He now believed that Aqua Regia was not a lackey of the androids.

"Without further ado, the blond-haired and golden-eyed Mr. [Von Hohenheim] next to me is a remnant of the ancient country [Xerkels] in the east. Let him introduce our enemy."

After speaking, Aqua Regia nodded to Hohenheim.

Hohenheim calmed down and began to talk about the history of more than 400 years ago, how the "Little Man in the Bottle" was born, how he deceived the king of the ancient country into sacrificing all the people to make the Philosopher's Stone, and also talked about the more than 50 things in his body. The Philosopher's Stone and the wailing souls of tens of thousands.

Every time he talks about something, Aqua Regia will project the corresponding image on the stone platform, such as the ruins of the National Refining Formation of the ancient country, such as the National Refining Formation Site in Amestoris that Hohenheim discovered and confirmed on the spot a few years ago. Form a formation.

When talking about the little man in the bottle and the artificial man, Aqua Regia also attached their photos, but there were small words under Enwei's name, which represented the sin of "jealousy":
【Confirmed death】

"The current crisis is probably like this. There is bad news. The national formation formation has actually been completed, and the underground of Ishval has been filled with tunnels and cables."

"Can it be destroyed directly? Use a lot of explosives." An alchemist interrupted.

"Of course, but this level... is too easy for alchemy to repair, and there are powerful artificial beings guarding the underground. If pressed, I'm afraid they will cause massacre in advance, complete the blood seal, and forcibly Refining the whole nation into the Philosopher’s Stone.”

"Then why don't they do it now?" someone else asked.

"That's a... ritual, or a refinement with strange conditions. Just like the Philosopher's Stone requires the engraving of blood, the little man in the bottle needs to refine a large number of Philosopher's Stones under certain conditions to transfer a large number of souls. From "one" to "whole", we call for a [door of truth].

I have seen this part of knowledge in [Gate of Truth]. The key words are [Eye of Heaven·Chapel of Earth]. It probably means viewing the earth, or the entire world, as an individual with independent consciousness. I just said The ritual is to call the door of truth of "God".

I believe that everyone who has seen their own "door" should know that the "truth" we can see at a price is related to our knowledge. The more familiar the knowledge, the lower the price.

And a lot of knowledge, just "knowing" has a very different effect from "knowing". Many of our masters also know some things but cannot cultivate them, such as a stable sun. This has nothing to do with the price paid. . "

When Wang Shui said this, no one interrupted, everyone looked like they were listening to the myth.

"The purpose of the little man in the bottle is to pull down the door of truth of "God" from the sky and merge with it, thereby making it become God.

Oh, isn't it ridiculous? It doesn't want to learn, research or think. It just wants to merge with God and turn its ridiculous "omniscience" into "omniscience and omnipotence". "

"Is this information...reliable? Or can it really be done? It sounds ridiculous to sacrifice a large number of human souls to become gods."

This is Hohenheim's question.

"The above is no problem. The special alchemy ritual knowledge is provided by the [Gate of Truth]. At least the part of the Gate of Truth that summons "God" is no problem.

As for using tens of millions of souls to refine the Philosopher's Stone, and then borrowing the power of a large number of Philosopher's Stones to absorb the [Gate] and become a god, I can only say that no matter whether the villain in the bottle can do it, we cannot sit idly by and watch it happen. slaughter.

Moreover, even if it cannot become a god... it is a philosopher's stone worth tens of millions of people.The little man in the bottle is going to cause such a large-scale massacre in the small area of ​​Amestolis. If it masters this great power, the whole world will be enslaved by it. "

The alchemists from other countries present also nodded. One of the reasons why they gathered together was to prevent this disaster.

Next, the alchemist representative of Ishval Research Institute [Il] spoke:

"Okay, everyone understands the necessity. Now let's go through the specific response plan. The first is the result of the research institute, [Anti-national formation formation].

The little man in the bottle spread more than 50 pieces of the Philosopher's Stone in his body to the entire country to form a refining formation. It can use the energy field of the Philosopher's Stone to shield the connection between the alchemist and the energy of the earth's crust, thus preventing us from using alchemy. technique.

We cannot use a large number of philosopher's stones to fight at will like the villain in the bottle, so we must break the asymmetry in combat power caused by this shield. [Anti-national training array] can disrupt the effect of the national training array and neutralize the sage. The interference of the Earth's Stone allows us to reuse the energy of the earth's crust.

Of course, for the sake of safety, I hope that everyone here will also master the alchemy technique of using dragon vein energy in case of emergency. "

Wang Shui took over the conversation at this time:

"Yes, the anti-land formation formation can only be activated later, because it relies on the shell of the land formation formation. If it is activated a little later, tens of millions of souls will be absorbed by the villain in the bottle, so we need to have a back-up plan. ." Hohenheim hesitated for a moment, then said:
"My preparations can probably be used as a back-up. In recent years, I have been wandering around Ames, and I have arranged a reversal forging array based on the nodes on the land forging array. As long as I can complete this forging array, I will be ahead of schedule. Even if you die, everyone's soul can return. If the villain in the bottle has already stolen the divine power and lost the suppression of a large number of Philosopher's Stones, it should be quite fragile."

"Should." Wang Shui suddenly emphasized the word, but Hohenheim answered immediately.

"At least I can be sure about the reversal and refining part. This is also the answer I got at the [Gate of Truth]."

"Share it, share your knowledge, even if you die, we confirm that the reversal refining array can be completed. In addition to the one you arranged, we must cooperate with other large-scale refining arrays and arrange some spare ones. Of course, we will also use enough heavy firepower, leave this aspect to my company."

Wang Shui's tone was calm and ruthless at this time. He assumed that Hohenheim, who had the strongest vitality among everyone present, would die, but Hohenheim quite agreed and directly shared the information with everyone present.

"These are not enough, the plan will become more and more complex, and confidentiality is also very important. I hope that you can keep a low profile and concealment as much as possible under the protection of President [Azir]. Although our enemies are very arrogant, I think they are also I won't spare my power to destroy you all.

Okay, if there are no more questions, let me announce a countdown, [February 1916, 2, 3:4 pm], which is when the ritual is activated. On that day, we will decide the future of humans and artificial humans. . "

"So accurate?!"

Everyone present was very surprised, but after thinking about it, everyone thought that this might be stolen information, and it was accurate and reasonable.

"Is that a special day?"

"Of course it's special. There will be a total solar eclipse in Central City that day. The Presidential Palace is the center of the moon's shadow on the ground. It has a special meaning in mysticism. The specific knowledge cannot be described in ordinary language and words. If you are curious, you can Just look for it yourself, of course you may not be able to find it.”

Wang Shui’s final summary:

"Okay, it's not enough for us to do this alone. I don't expect you researchers to charge into the battle. Professional things require professional people. Leave the job of finding thugs to Mr. Azir and me. Everyone, do your best. Just do your job, um, let’s break up the meeting.”

After the meeting, the projection was turned off, and Hohenheim seriously stated that he would need aqua regia's help next.

He had decided to take Teresa on a trip and complete his mission while traveling, so he didn't want to waste time on the long journey, let alone have Teresa sleeping in the open air with him.

In response, Wang Shui gave him a smooth but old-looking copper card with black paint on it.

"This is?"

"Any shop with the same logo, as long as you show this card, you can get their full help, whether it is money or goods. Of course, if you want to eat the freshest seafood in the desert, you must inform them in advance .

Ha, you don’t need to be so serious. The most important thing is that you can take it to any car rental agency or station to receive the most advanced travel services. If the place you want to go is not populated, you may need to wait a few days for them to pave the road. past. "

"This is?"

“[Sylvia Group] Board of Directors Gold Card.”

"I don't want to ask...I...I can't imagine how much energy you have now. The power you can mobilize now even exceeds that of the villain in the bottle. No, your efficiency is even higher. You have also mastered the sage." The knowledge of how to refine the stone... Hill, you are in danger now."

Hohenheim wanted to remind Wang Shui in a serious tone, but Wang Shui's care for their couple was of great help to his journey of redemption. He didn't even know what to ask Wang Shui to do. This young man always took care of things. Gotta be organized.

He lowered his guard and addressed the young man by his first name for the first time.

"Huh? Who called me?" Sylvia's voice came from the thinking channel.

When the meeting just started, she also listened with the help of Wang Shui's body. Just after the meeting ended, she heard someone calling her when she was distracted for a moment.

"No, you called me."


Aqua regia was briefly distracted, which made Hohenheim frown even more. He thought he had hit on Aqua Regia's pain points and pointed out some dark things.

It made Wang Shui want to laugh a little.

"Teacher, I regard you as a teacher, and I hope you can face some things squarely.

Maybe you have a problem with me harming those extremely evil people, but don’t compare me to the villain in the bottle. I don’t deserve it, and neither does it.

To launch a Philosopher's Stone formation on the scale of a country like Amestris, one would either have to massacre tens of millions of people as blood seals, or consume an extremely large amount of Philosopher's Stones. Now those who have Philosopher's Stones of this scale , only it, and you, Mr. Hohenheim. "


"I think you must know, "One is the whole, and the whole is one." I don't want to be a god without self-awareness, and I don't need such a large number of philosopher's stones, let alone wealth and power.The only thing that attracts me is knowledge, of course, not the arrogant "omniscient" like that idiot. "

This is what Wang Shui said in his heart. He has talked to "God" many times and has seen the endless truth many times. He wants to understand one thing:

Just "omniscient" without "comprehension" will definitely not achieve "omnipotence".

(End of this chapter)

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