New York 2006

Chapter 85 Ohio Lover Chapter 2

Chapter 85 Valentine’s Day in Ohio 2
Luo Ji finished his breakfast and slept until twelve noon. He felt dizzy when he woke up.I woke up after washing myself.I ate some lunch, dressed up a little, and watched TV in the hotel room out of boredom.

The American media is so boring. The death of Anna Nicole Smith, a gold digger, has been hyped for a week. As long as there is any progress in the case, the media will report it on a large scale.Comparable to Britney when she was newly divorced.

A few days ago, a mass shooting occurred at the Trolley Plaza Mall in Salt Lake City, Utah.Five bystanders died at the scene and four others were injured.The media gave it only a little coverage.Americans seem to have become numb to shootings happening everywhere, and everyone has long lost interest in things like this that happen every few months.

The American media has been really abnormal in recent years. Luo Ji heard his manager Braun say a few days ago that the media has been hyping up gossip about celebrities on a large scale in recent years, as if the Bush administration is trying to divert attention from the ongoing war in Iraq.The American people are really fed up with this Republican from Texas.

dong dong dong, dong dong dong.

Luo Ji opened the door and saw Taylor. She was holding a satchel in her hand. She was wearing the black down jacket he gave her last time and the light blue scarf she wore yesterday around her neck. She was looking at him with a smile: "My today's The promotion is over, let’s go, I’ll take you out to play!”

"Where are you going?" Luo Ji picked up the backpack he had prepared, closed the door and walked outside.

"You'll know when you get there! By the way, remember to wear thicker clothes." Taylor smiled mysteriously.

Luo Ji probably guessed the destination, but didn't explain it.

The two walked to the road and hailed a taxi. The taxi driver was confused as to why they were wearing masks and sunglasses, but he didn't say anything and drove to their destination.

After driving for an hour, the two arrived at their destination, an amusement park near Cleveland.Luo Ji got out of the car and looked at Taylor suspiciously.

"You asked me to wear thicker clothes. I thought we were going to a ski resort or an ice rink."

"We'll go to the amusement park for two or three hours first, and then go to a nearby ski resort. I haven't been to an amusement park for a long time," Taylor said excitedly.

This area is a famous tourist area in Cleveland, with all kinds of facilities.The two bought tickets and entered, and Taylor immediately pulled Luo Ji to the roller coaster.

"Let's go on the roller coaster!"

Luo Ji looked at the roller coaster. The equipment looked very new and there should be no safety risks, so he readily agreed.After getting on the roller coaster, Luo Ji looked up at the towering track and suddenly felt regretful.

"How about we go down."

"Don't be afraid, it will be very exciting." Taylor looked excited and looking forward to it.

The roller coaster started to move slowly, and Luo Ji's heartbeat suddenly accelerated. He grabbed Taylor's hand, his face turned pale.Taylor turned his face and saw Luo Ji's guilty look.

"You are actually afraid of riding a roller coaster."

"I'm not afraid." Luo Ji forced himself to say.

Rumble, the roller coaster began to rotate at high speed.Luo Ji's heart skipped a beat, as if it had stopped, and all he could think about was, I'm going to be finished, I'm going to be finished.Luo Ji screamed miserably as his left hand grasped the railing tightly and his right hand held Taylor's hand harder.

"Ahhhhhhh, mom, I want to go home!"

Taylor was very calm. He turned his head and saw Luo Ji's miserable state and laughed loudly: "Hahaha. If there is a camera now, it should record your scene."

"Ahhhhhh, let me go down, let me go down!"

Luo Ji screamed at the top of his lungs, but unfortunately his voice was muffled by the rumble of the roller coaster.He looked at the ground and really felt that the roller coaster might derail and fall at any time. The fear of approaching death made him very scared.

Taylor saw that Luo Ji's face didn't look like he was pretending, so he shook Luo Ji's hand hard and shouted loudly: "Don't be afraid, I'm here!"

Taylor's words made Luo Ji feel a little safer and his heart calmed down a little.But then the roller coaster came to a turn, and Luo Ji's head began to fall downwards, and the calm he had just gained suddenly disappeared.

"Ah ah ah ah, help, help."

After 10 minutes, the roller coaster ride finally ended.Luo Ji's feet were still a little weak, so he stepped off the roller coaster with Taylor's help: "I swear, I will never do a roller coaster again in my life!"

"Hahaha, Fili, you coward!"

After Taylor finished mocking, she immediately took out her iPhone and took off Luo Ji's mask.Click, click, click, and took a lot of photos in succession: "Look at how you look now, you seem to be scared to death."

Luo Ji took the phone and took a look. His face was pale and his hair was very messy. It was as if he had just been shocked. "This is a black photo of me, I want to delete it."

Taylor snatched the phone away, put it into his pocket, and walked a meter away from Luo Ji: "No, I want to save it and use this photo as my phone wallpaper."

"No, are you my fan?"

"Hahaha, that's it!"

It took Luo Ji five minutes to recover.The two continued to hang out at the amusement park. Taylor saw a bungee jumping project and asked Luo Ji to participate. Luo Ji immediately refused.

Taylor said: "Don't you really want to feel the feeling of falling from a high altitude?"

"When I was a child, I often dreamed of falling from a tall building or a mountain. That scared me very much. It scared me more than a roller coaster." Luo Ji said with lingering fear.

Taylor scoffed, "You're such a coward!"

"You better understand me!" Luo Ji said shamelessly. He saw a haunted house in front of him, so he suggested, "How about we go to the haunted house! It's not dangerous, and it's more exciting."

Taylor's face looked a little unnatural, but then he regained his composure: "What's so fun about a haunted house? It's not interesting at all. Let's go somewhere else!"

Luo Ji noticed her little expression and immediately said, "The haunted house is the most interesting. Come on, I'll take you there."

After he finished speaking, he pulled Taylor towards the haunted house. Taylor immediately showed a pitiful expression and his voice trembled: "Feili, I really don't want to go."

"Don't be afraid, I will protect you." Luo Ji said.

"Okay. I believe it, but you must not scare me."

The scary music played, and Taylor immediately held Luo Ji's hand tightly and huddled against Luo Ji.Luo Ji patted Taylor's hand: "Let's go, don't be afraid."

The two walked into the haunted house. The lights inside were very dark, and with the scary music, it was eerie.The two of them had not walked ten meters when suddenly a mummy wrapped in white cloth jumped out and shouted.


Taylor immediately hid behind Luo Ji and said to the mummy, "Ah, don't be like this. Don't scare me."

Luo Ji didn't panic at all and patted the mummy's hand calmly and friendly, but then a zombie from a game similar to Silent Hill suddenly ran out, holding a model knife in his hand and pointing it at the two of them.

Luo Ji was also frightened by this series of tricks, and Taylor was even more frightened. She let out a pitiful and helpless whine unique to a female voice.Luo Ji recovered quickly, looked at Taylor and smiled: "Hahaha. Coward." "Feli, leave quickly, I don't want to stay here anymore." Taylor said pitifully.

Luo Ji immediately picked up Taylor and continued to move forward. Along the way, Taylor screamed from time to time and said, "This is terrible, really terrible."

By the second half, Taylor was even more frightened. He hugged Luo Ji's hand tightly, his voice was trembling, and he kept chanting: "Stop, stop, don't scare me, don't scare me." ”

"Don't be afraid. They're all pretending. There's nothing to be afraid of." Luo Ji comforted him.

"But I just can't control it. Watching horror movies when I was a kid brings back memories of my childhood. Now I'm even more scared." Taylor said tremblingly.

The two walked out, and Taylor stood there blankly. Luo Ji asked, "How do you feel?"

Taylor did not speak, but walked up to Luo Ji and hugged Luo Ji tightly. Without saying a word, the hug ended.Luo Ji took out his cell phone and turned on the camera function. Just as he was about to step forward and take off Taylor's mask, Taylor immediately jumped back.

"Hahaha, I already knew you would do this." Taylor stuck out his tongue and mocked.

"Okay, you win, but can you not use my black photo as your phone wallpaper! I will take any handsome photo you want later."

"No, I'm going to use that photo. Hahaha."

The sun was still relatively bright when they went out at noon, but now the sky became overcast, but the two of them were in a very good mood and were not affected by the weather at all.The two held balloons in their hands and wore sunglasses while eating ice cream and chatting.

"I haven't been this relaxed for a long time." Taylor said with emotion.

"Yes." Luo Ji looked at the playground where people were coming and going.

Taylor suddenly pointed to a place in the amusement park and said excitedly: "There are matryoshka dolls there, let's go and play."

"Which doll do you like, I'll put it back for you. My skills are very good." Luo Ji promised, patting his chest!

"Just that little bear doll. Give me a few laps and let you see my skills!" Taylor said excitedly.

One circle was empty, two circles were empty, and three circles were empty. Luo Ji and Taylor used more than 50 circles in a row without success.

"Is this your skill?" Luo Ji and Taylor asked each other in unison.

"I just have a raw hand." The two said together.

"Hahaha." Both of them laughed at this little tacit understanding.

The owner of the nesting doll looked at the two of them enthusiastically and said, "Do you want more?"

"One hundred more!" Luo Ji still didn't believe him.

Luo Ji and Taylor threw seventy more times in a row but still missed, and the onlookers around them could hardly stand it anymore.

"What skills do you have? Give me two and let me help you." said an enthusiastic person.

Taylor said: "Thank you, no, we can do it ourselves."

During this time, the two of them threw two dolls around, but they couldn't get the brown bear doll that Taylor wanted.Luo Ji took out a circle, aimed it, and threw it.


Luo Ji and Taylor happily jumped up and high-fived to celebrate, finally getting the bear doll they wanted.Taylor shouted happily: "Boss, give me that little bear quickly."

"Here." The owner of the matryoshka smiled and handed it to Taylor.

Luo Ji said, "Is there anything else you want?"

"Okay, it's almost time. Let's go to the ski resort. One is enough." Taylor said happily holding the bear doll.

Luo Ji looked at the enthusiastic people who had just offered to help: "I'll give you these two dolls and the remaining hoops."

"Really? Thank you."

Luo Ji patted his shoulder and left with Taylor.Taylor happily played with the bear doll along the way, and the two of them walked outside the playground.

Walking to a remote place, Luo Ji saw that there were very few people, only two or three people there: "Let's find someone to take a photo with us."


Luo Ji stopped a young man with an East Asian face: "Can you help us and Zhang Ying?"

"Of course." The man with an East Asian face looked at a man and a woman wearing masks and sunglasses with confusion, but didn't ask any more questions.

"How do we pose for pictures?" Taylor said.

"Just stand there with the doll and watch my performance." Luo Ji said with a smile.

The two took off their masks and sunglasses. Luo Ji walked to the front and suddenly carried Taylor on his back.Her left hand was wrapped around Luo Ji's neck, and her right hand held the bear doll in front of her.The two of them laughed happily.

The East Asian man was very shocked to see the star, but he didn't say much and immediately picked up his phone to record the scene.

"Thank you."

"You're welcome, can I talk to you and Zhang Ying? Logic." The man with an East Asian face said.

"Of course." Luo Ji replied with a smile.

Ten minutes later, Luo Ji and Taylor sat in the back of the taxi, looked back at the playground, and then looked at the photos they had just taken together on their phones.The two people in the photo smile innocently and cleanly, just like two children.

"It's so beautiful." Taylor leaned his head on Luo Ji's shoulder and said softly.

"I will set this photo as my mobile phone wallpaper." Luo Ji said.

"I will too," Taylor said softly.

(End of this chapter)

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