New York 2006

Chapter 86 We Are Born A Couple

Chapter 86 We Are Made To Be A Couple

Snowflakes slowly fell from the sky, and the temperature also dropped.The small snow mountain is slowly covered with ice and snow.Fortunately, Luo Ji and Taylor were well prepared and wore thicker clothes so they wouldn't feel too cold.

The two of them put on ski suits, helmets, gloves, scarves, and special snow goggles.Wear ski boots on your feet, secure your skis, and hold your ski poles.Luo Ji began to learn how to ski under Taylor's guidance.

"Taylor, have you often skied before?" Luo Ji leaned on his ski pole and moved slowly step by step.

"My parents would occasionally take me and my brother to ski. I have great talent and I learned it after just a few skis." Taylor watched him carefully as he learned to ski.

"That would be great."

After spending this time together, Luo Ji discovered that Taylor, who was born in the middle class, was indeed a good middle-class girl by American standards.

He is gentle and friendly to others, will not lose his temper with others, is very polite to the media, and speaks softly.Playing with myself today, it was rare to see her wild and crazy side.

"This progress is too slow." After Taylor said this, he took off his skis and stood in front of Luo Ji wearing the sled.Then he held the ski pole horizontally and said, "You hold it, and I'll help you get familiar with it first."

A picture suddenly appeared in Luo Ji's mind. A man and a woman also contacted each other for skiing like they did.But unlike in the picture, where the man was coaching the woman, now it was Taylor coaching her.

Could it be that the apocalypse is coming again?Luo Ji fell into a daze, but the scene disappeared again.

"what happened?"

"It's okay." Luo Ji pulled the ski pole and moved under Taylor's guidance.

Luo Ji's balance talent was quite good, and he soon learned to do it well. He held his ski pole and started to move slowly on the gentle slope.Taylor rowed back and forth, circling Luo Ji.

Luo Ji smiled proudly and said, "Taylor, see how my skiing goes?"

"Awesome." After Taylor finished speaking, he slid over on his ski pole, then raised his hand and pulled Luo Ji onto the snow: "Hahaha."

"How childish." Luo Ji slowly stood up.

"A little bit." Tyler stuck out his tongue playfully and mocked.

After more than half an hour of studying, Luo Ji's confidence greatly increased and he looked at the one kilometer long slope all the way to the bottom of the mountain.The long stretch of white road looked like it could be easily conquered.

"Tyler, let's slide down the mountain together."

"Okay, I'll skate slower in front then, and remember to follow me closely." Taylor warned.

Luo Ji made an OK gesture, and the two of them slowly slid down the snow path. Luo Ji stumbled at first, but he became more and more familiar with it. After gliding at high speed for a while, he raised his ski poles and let his body slide on the snow. Racing down the road, screaming at the empty snowy road.

"Oh hoo!"

Taylor heard Luo Ji's cry and looked back at him, smiling happily.She also followed Luo Ji's example, spreading her hands and embracing the snow-capped mountains.

Another image appeared in Luo Ji's mind. It was the same two young men and women skiing on the snow track.Their postures are relatively unfamiliar and they don't look like professional skiers.

However, the picture appeared and disappeared again. What is the situation of today's apocalypse?

Taylor skied to a gentle slope and raised his ski poles to signal Luo Ji to stop.Luo Ji slowly lowered his speed from behind and slid next to her.She was seen looking at the scenery around her.

Looking around, the surrounding trees are decorated with bits of white, and the buildings at the foot of the mountain are also decorated in white with light snow.

"It's so beautiful." Taylor said leisurely.


The two put down the sled and sat on the gentle slope, admiring the rare beauty.Taylor looked at Luo Ji and took out his iPhone.The two put their heads together and took a selfie.

"Does it look good?"

"It's really beautiful." Luo Ji said with a smile.

Taylor in the photo is 17 years old. Although she has changed her hairstyle and dyed red lips, she still looks girly.Luo Ji turned his face and saw that she also had the kind of light spots that are unique to white girls.The whole person was not open at all.

"By the way, I've finished writing my song. Do you want to listen to it?"

"of course."

Taylor took out her mobile phone and played her guitar accompaniment, and her clear voice sounded in the snow.

"You came to my city, we are...I am taking you to taste my favorite coffee."

The previous paragraph was the first half that Taylor wrote for Luo Ji when the two met for the first time in Nashville.It seems that her song has been written already, and she just needs to fill in the lyrics.

"I went to your city, and the weather was very cold that day. You took off your black down jacket and let me wear it. You were shivering from the cold, but you managed to say it wasn't cold. I want to know your past life, and you show me I visited the place where you used to live, took me to visit your city, and we gradually became familiar with each other. There were snowflakes in the sky that day, and you drove me in your car. At that time, you were only looking at me, but you forgot about the red light."

The sky above the snow-capped mountains was empty, with only Taylor's singing echoing in Luo Ji's ears, filled with the melancholy atmosphere of a girl.

"You took me to your home that day, and your mother showed me your past photos. She told me the story of how you once studied to participate in a violin competition. In the photo, you have a blush on your face and a very happy smile. I feel so happy. I think that should be the happiest time when you were a child. After a few days of getting along, I thought we were very familiar, but I still don’t understand you. You in the song have an unforgettable love. That song It hurt my heart, like someone cut a knife in my heart."

The song is full of girlish sentimentality, and Taylor's singing echoes in Luo Ji's ears.

"On the day I left, you gave me a lipstick and said that red matches me well. You arranged my hairstyle and said that fluffy bangs are suitable for me. I messed up my hairstyle and wiped off the lipstick. On the seat at the airport , I leaned on your shoulder and could feel your pounding heartbeat. But you refused to say that sentence. In the end, I only left one sentence, and I will show you my most beautiful look next time. I I just don’t know if you will still like me the way I was then.”

Taylor's singing echoed on the snow-capped mountains. She looked at Luo Ji quietly, her eyes full of sadness.

Luo Ji's heart seemed to be melted. This was the first time he had experienced this feeling. It was filled with sadness, love, happiness, sorrow, and pity. All kinds of emotions were intertwined together, making his heart agitate, so he spoke.

"Taylor, be my girl."

Taylor's eyes welled up with tears, and he hit him lightly: "Asshole, you're just opening your mouth now. I've hinted countless times in the past few months, and I always thought you didn't like it..."

Before she could finish speaking, Luo Ji hugged her and kissed her tightly.The snowflakes fell slowly, and there was only a man and a woman clinging to each other on the entire snow-capped mountain.

I found a love for me
i found my love

Darling, just dive right in and follow my lead
Darling, just follow me and fall in love

Well, I found a girl, beautiful and sweet
I found such a girl, beautiful and sweet Oh, I never knew you were the someone waiting for me
I never thought you were the one I've been waiting for
'Cause we were just kids when we fell in love
We were just kids when we fell in love

Taylor snuggled tightly into Luo Ji's arms. She talked about how the two of them should face the media in the future, how to arrange their future lives, and whether they should live in New York or Nashville.

But Luo Ji's thoughts were already confused at this time. The MV for the song "Perfect" appeared in his mind, and the song rang out. The MV progresses slowly, and the male and female protagonists in the MV, just like him and Taylor today, come to the ski resort to ski.

"Let's go down the mountain, it's getting late." Taylor suggested with a smile.

"Let's go."

The two put on their ski equipment and slowly skied all the way to the small town under the snow-capped mountains.Originally, the whole process of going down the mountain should have been over in more than 20 minutes, but it ended up being stopped for two hours by the two of them.When we arrived at the small town, it was already getting dark.

"Come on, let's go to the restaurant to eat."

After returning the ski equipment, the two went to a restaurant in the town to have dinner.My physical strength has been exhausted all afternoon, and it’s really time to replenish it.The two walked to a small private room, and like a boyfriend and girlfriend who had just fallen in love, they began to feed each other obsessively.

"Here, have a piece of steak. I'll cut it for you." Taylor picked up the fork and handed it to Luo Ji.

"Ah." Luo Ji happily accepted.

The two of us finished our meal together and started walking hand in hand on the streets of the town at night.

But then the phone rang at an inappropriate time and Taylor picked up the phone to answer it.

"I'm with Fili."

"It's going to snow and get dark now. We can't go back. It's too dangerous."

"We are at a nearby ski resort. There is a town here. We will rush back tomorrow."

"Mom...don't be like this, please."

Taylor looked depressed and handed the phone to Luo Ji.As soon as Luo Ji picked up the phone and said something, he heard Taylor's mother accusing her face, and Luo Ji could only explain.

"We didn't expect this. Who knew it was already February and it was snowing heavily nearby. We originally planned to go back tonight."

"We really didn't have a plan. The weather forecast says the weather will be good today. If you don't believe it, you can check it out."

"I will definitely take good care of Taylor and promise to hand her over to you intact tomorrow. Don't worry, this is a famous tourist area for rich people nearby, and the security is very good."

"Uh... I won't, don't worry."

After some explanations, Taylor's mother finally hung up the phone.Luo Ji patted his chest and let out a long sigh of relief.

"What did my mother just say to you?"

"She told me that if I really want to have sex, I must take safety measures." Luo Ji said with a smile.

"Ah." Taylor opened his eyes wide and looked at Luo Ji in shock.

"Hahaha." Luo Ji laughed.

Taylor became angry and grabbed a handful of snow and threw it at Luo Ji's face.Luo Ji was not to be outdone, and the two started playing a snowball fight.After a battle, both sides suffer losses.The two held hands and slid back and forth on the snow, just like two children laughing happily.

Not knowing what it was
I didn't know how to love
I won't give you up this time
But this time I won't let love die again
darling, just kiss me slow, your heart is all I own
Honey, just kiss me slowly, your heart is all I have
And in your eyes you're holding mine
In your eyes, I see that you also occupy my heart
The two of them were tired of playing and came to the hotel they had just booked in a tacit understanding.This hotel is composed of small wooden cabins, which are the property of the residents of the town.The two walked inside, and the cold outside suddenly disappeared, and the floor heating warmed the entire house.

The entire cabin is very cozy, just like home, with guitars, TVs, books and various living facilities inside.Only the bedding is new, and the owner of the cabin will change it at any time.

"Meow meow meow, meow meow meow."

An orange and white kitten meowed when it heard the two people's movements. This is a characteristic of the hotel, in order to attract customers.Visitors will be asked to choose whether the hotel provides pets.

Taylor immediately walked over, picked it up and stroked it lovingly: "It's so cute. Look at its beautiful colors."

Luo Ji also moved forward and began to caress her.The two sat on the edge of the bed and started playing with the cat.After feeding it some cat food, the satiated kitten decisively abandoned the two of them, walked to its own nest and fell asleep.

"I also wrote a song for you." Luo Ji said sincerely.

"Really? Then play and sing for me now." Taylor said in surprise.

Luo Ji picked up the guitar hanging on the wall, sat on the sofa, and after familiarizing himself with it once or twice, he played and sang the song "Perfect" that had just been revealed.

As the song slowly appeared, Taylor heard the words in the lyrics and put a hand on Luo Ji's leg, with tears shining in his eyes.

We are still kids, but we're so in love
We're young but we love so much
Fighting against all odds
Fight against all adversities in the future together

I know we'll be alright this time
i know we'll always love

Darling, just hold my hand
hold my hand darling
Be my girl, I'll be your man
Be my girl and let me promise you a future
I see my future in your eyes
I see a bright future in your eyes
The singing flowed slowly, and Luo Ji looked at Taylor affectionately.The air is filled with the smell of happiness.The two looked at each other and felt each other's sincerity. This will be a very beautiful emotional experience.

At this moment, Luo Ji felt the greatest peace and happiness since traveling through time.

Baby, I'm dancing in the dark, with you between my arms
My dear, I hold you and dance lightly in the dark
Barefoot on the glass, listening to our favorite song
Walking barefoot on the ground listening to our favorite songs

When I saw you in that dress, looking so beautiful
When I see you so beautiful in that dress

I don't deserve this, darling you look perfect tonight
I suddenly feel dirty, my dear, you are so perfect tonight
It was very dark outside, with heavy snow falling in the sky, and the tree branches creaked under the weight of the snow.

Inside the cabin, Luo Ji's cell phone was playing the recording of his guitar playing and singing just now.Luo Ji and Taylor hugged each other and slowly danced to the song.Taylor leaned against Luo Ji's chest and listened to Luo Ji's slow narration.

"That day in a coffee shop in Nashville, when I heard you playing the guitar and singing the song you wrote for me, my heart skipped a beat. It was like being shot by an arrow. It was a happiness that no one else had ever given me. …”

I have faith in what I see
I always believe what I feel
Now I know I have met an angel in person
I know I met an angel who landed on earth
And she looks perfect, I don't deserve this
She looks stunning, so beautiful that I feel like I don't deserve it

You look perfect tonight
My dear, you are the most perfect tonight

Taylor looked up at Luo Ji, her eyes filled with happiness. She reached out her hand and gently touched Luo Ji's face, and said firmly: "We are meant for each other!"

 Perfect - Ed Sheeran
(End of this chapter)

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