New York 2006

Chapter 84 Ohio Lover Chapter 1

Chapter 84 Valentine’s Day in Ohio 1
On the morning of February 2007, 2, at the airport in Ohio, Luo Ji was wearing a black windbreaker with a white sweater underneath.He wore a mask on his mouth and a pair of gold-rimmed flat glasses on his eyes.Wearing all disguises and dragging suitcases to the airport exit.

As soon as he arrived at the exit of the airport, Taylor recognized him immediately and rushed up to give Luo Ji a big hug: "Feili, are you tired from this journey?"

"I'm not tired. I fell asleep all the way, but when I was sitting in the first class cabin, there was always a blond flight attendant walking around in front of me, asking me what services I needed. She also wanted to leave me their phone number. Luo Ji said with a smile.

"Humph." Taylor slapped Luo Ji: "You didn't stay, did you?"

"Of course I stayed."

"You bastard, you didn't come to see me on Valentine's Day, you came to make me angry!" Taylor said angrily.

"Hahaha, just kidding, I already threw their business cards in the trash can." Luo Ji said with a smile.

The two have known each other for three months and have only met rarely, but have been in contact on the phone.The relationship is much more familiar than before.The two often joke and tease each other.Taylor's attitude towards him also became much livelier.

"That's not bad."

After Taylor finished speaking, he looked around and found that no one was paying attention to them, so he took off his mask and looked at Luo Ji with an arrogant expression: "Let me show you my new look. I made it yesterday. How about it?"

Luo Ji's eyes immediately lit up. She was wearing a dark blue windbreaker, a light blue scarf, red lipstick on her lips, and a little makeup on her face.Her blond hair is shoulder-length and styled on the sides with fluffy bangs in the middle.

"It's so ugly," Luo Ji said.

"You..." Taylor finished speaking and was about to take action.

Luo Ji quickly grabbed Taylor's hand, looked directly into her eyes, and spoke sincerely. "Very beautiful, I like it very much."

"Really?" Taylor said in surprise.

"Of course it's true. You used to be a country girl. Now it can be said that you have undergone earth-shaking changes. Your charm has increased by more than 01:30 points." Luo Ji said with a smile.

"Hehe." Taylor didn't care about the country girl's comments and said with a happy smile: "By the way, I prepared a gift for you."

"what gift?"

Taylor took out a black scarf from his pocket, walked forward gently, wrapped the scarf around it several times, and then wrapped it around Luo Ji.He looked around and said, "It looks much better this way. Do you like it?"

Luo Ji touched it and found it very comfortable. Then he looked at Taylor proudly: "Are you handsome?"

"Not handsome, ugly. Hahaha." Taylor put on a mask: "Let's go to the parking lot first. I came with my mother today. She must be waiting impatiently."

"Your mother?" Luo Ji paused and stood frozen on the spot.

"Yeah, let's go!" Taylor looked back at Luo Ji.

Luo Ji hammered his thigh twice with his hand and looked at Taylor awkwardly: "I don't know why, but it's like my feet have lost control and I can't walk."

"Hahaha." Taylor laughed happily: "You coward, my mother has a very good personality. When she heard that you were coming, she specially offered to pick you up. Don't be afraid, she promised me that she would treat me well. your."

"Really?" Luo Ji asked anxiously.

"Let's go! Don't be afraid, I'll protect you." Taylor patted her flat chest, acted like a big sister, and dragged Luo Ji towards the parking lot.

When they arrived at the parking lot, Luo Ji saw Taylor's mother standing next to the car. She was a slightly fat white woman with a cold face, an indifferent expression, and no smile on her face.Just looked at Luo Ji.

"Mom, he is Logic, my friend, and he came to see me today." Taylor introduced her mother by the arm.

Luo Ji quickly took off his mask and glasses, and with what he thought was the best smile in his life, he looked at Taylor's mother, stretched out his hand, and spoke in a calm tone.

"Hello. My name is Felix Slott Rowe. Everyone in my family calls me Feli. You can just call me Feli."

Taylor's mother looked at the scarf around Luo Ji's neck, curled her lips, and glared at Taylor. Then she stretched out her hand and shook Luo Ji's hand gently, saying calmly, "Get in the car."

"Mom." Taylor said coquettishly, holding her mother's hand.

"Get in the car." Taylor's mother was unmoved.

Taylor looked at Luo Ji innocently and gave him a wishful look.Luo Ji immediately ran forward and opened the car door for Taylor's mother. Taylor's mother said, "I'll do it myself."

Luo Ji retracted his hand in embarrassment, put the suitcase in the trunk, and then prepared to sit in the back with Taylor.As a result, as soon as she opened the car door, Taylor's mother sternly refused: "Logic, sit in the front!"

"Mom," Taylor complained.

Luo Ji wasn't angry at all. He smiled and said, "It's okay. The view from the front is good. I can just take a look at the scenery of Ohio."

As the car drove on the Ohio highway, Luo Ji found something to talk about, but Taylor's mother remained unmoved.Luo Ji continued to compliment, "Your driving skills are really good. I didn't feel any bumps when I sat on it."

Taylor's mother said flatly: "That's it!"

Taylor sat behind and was anxious, so he could only change the topic to ease the atmosphere: "Look, it's very foggy today."

Luo Ji looked at the heavy fog outside and said, "I heard that Ohio's main industries are mining, energy, crude oil and manufacturing. Could it be the cause of environmental pollution? Some time ago, Vice Commander Gore invited me to participate in the 2007 The environmental charity concert held around the world on July 7, 7 is to change this situation."

Taylor's mother rarely took the initiative to speak: "Vice Commander Gore, are you talking about Albert Gore, the deputy commander during the Clinton administration?"

"Yes, he is very nice."

"What is he doing now?"

"Mainly engaged in publicity work in the field of environmental protection." Luo Ji turned to Taylor and said, "Taylor, do you want to participate in this charity concert? This is a grand event that will be held in more than a dozen cities around the world. There will definitely be a lot of media coverage."

"Okay." Taylor said happily.

Luo Ji said, "Then I'll call Deputy Commander Gore and tell him. He will definitely be happy to accept a talented girl who sings country songs."

"That's great."

When Taylor's mother heard this, her attitude toward Luo Ji improved a lot: "Then I'd like to thank you on Taylor's behalf, Logic." "You're welcome, Taylor is very talented."

Taylor's mother continued: "The song you two collaborated on is good, the melody is beautiful, and you are also a talented child."

It seemed that the strategy was successful. Luo Ji continued: "By the way, I also got an advertising contract for Taylor and I. It's the MV of the song we collaborated on, and Apple's mobile phones will be embedded with the advertising they developed. The total contract value of the new mobile phone is US$80, and Taylor and I will get half of it by then."

"Really? Doesn't Apple sell MP3 players and computers?" Taylor's mother said.

"That's their newly developed mobile phone. It hasn't been launched yet. It's planned to be launched in June this year. This is a mobile phone. I brought one to Taylor and it's in the suitcase." Luo Ji took out his mobile phone and showed it to Taylor's mother. .

Taylor's mother took one look and continued driving, saying sincerely: "Then let me say thank you to you on Taylor's behalf."

"This is what I should do," Luo Ji said.

"Feili, I heard you have your own music company?" Taylor's mother took the initiative to talk about Luo Ji for the first time.

Luo Ji immediately replied: "Yes, after I became famous on the Internet, I made my first pot of gold and founded my own music company. Now there are 22 employees. The publisher is the same company as Taylor's, both are Universal Music. "

"Not bad." Taylor's mother nodded.

"Thank you for the compliment." Luo Ji said sincerely.

Taylor's mother then changed the subject: "Feili, you are a nice person, but you should restrain your arrogant and violent personality. It's not good for you to do this."

"Why do you think so?" Luo Ji asked doubtfully.

Taylor's mother said: "Some time ago, you made a lot of arrogant and irritable remarks in the media. Your character is so bad."

"Mom, Fili is not like this." Taylor said anxiously.

Only then did Luo Ji understand the reason. It turned out that she, who was born in the middle class, disliked his arrogant speeches in the media.Luo Ji immediately changed his strategy and said lowly.

"You don't know the inside story. Some time ago, Universal Music has been bullying me. They found people to accuse me of plagiarism. They also threatened me with media hegemony and slandered me in the media. They said a lot of bad things about me. The purpose was to monopolize my company. I Just fight back with strong words so they can treat me as an equal.”

Taylor's mother said in surprise: "Is that so? Then why don't you just tell the media that they want to steal your company."

"This will directly break up with Universal Music. It is the last resort. They have been bullying me during that time. Fortunately, I survived. They saw that my records were selling so well, and they finally compromised."

Luo Ji finished speaking in a low voice, and then looked at Taylor's mother with his big, clear and bright eyes, with an innocent look on his face.Taylor's mother looked a little uncomfortable when Luo Ji saw her, so she turned away and changed the subject.

"I heard from the media that your previous living environment was not good."

"Yes, when I was a child..."

Luo Ji recounted his miserable past experiences.The three of them chatted all the way to the reserved hotel.

The overall environment of the hotel is not very good, just an ordinary hotel. Taylor and her publicity team are staying here now.It seemed that Big Machine Records was not wealthy when it started, so Luo Ji didn't have high requirements and asked Taylor to book the same hotel for him.

"Feili, what do you want to eat? I'll get some for you. You must be exhausted after flying all night. You should pack your luggage here first."

Taylor's mother looked at Luo Ji with a gentle look on her face. He sent Luo Ji to the hotel room and said kindly.Luo Ji quickly refused.

"No, I can just go out and do whatever I want later, and Taylor will have to go public later."

Taylor's mother spoke gently: "My child, don't be polite. Just leave it to me. You've been tired all the way. I'm going to be angry if you keep being so polite."

Luo Ji could only agree: "Just a sandwich with milk. I'm not picky about food."

"Okay, just leave it to me." Taylor's mother said and walked out of the room.

When Taylor saw her mother leaving, she complained: "She treats you better than she treats me now. She keeps scolding me during this time."

"Hahaha, that proves that I am loved by everyone. Are you jealous?" Luo Ji said proudly.


Taylor glared at Luo Ji, then sat down on the bed with a disappointed look on his face and stopped talking.Luo Ji walked to sit next to her and patted her shoulder gently.

"what happened?"

Taylor said dejectedly: "I have to go out to promote today, and you will only stay here for a day. Why is the time we spend together always so short."

"It will be fine after this period of time has passed. We all have to promote the album now." Luo Ji consoled him.

"Really?" Taylor asked uncertainly.

"Of course." Luo Ji promised.

"Then we have made an agreement. When this period of time is over, you must accompany me well,"

Taylor stretched out his little finger, and Luo Ji also smiled and stretched out his little finger to hook up with her: "I promise!"

"That's great." Taylor said with a smile: "Where are you going to give me my cell phone?"

"I'll get it right away. I also invested in Apple's mobile phone, which is simply an epoch-making product."

"is it?"

Luo Ji opened the suitcase, took it out, handed it to Taylor, and then instructed her on how to use it.

"This is a mobile charging power supply that I bought for you separately. This is a full touch screen mobile phone. Look, this is the volume button. This is the button to return to the main interface. This is the settings interface, which contains ringtone settings and SIM card settings. This is the camera interface..."

(End of this chapter)

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