New York 2006

Chapter 43 Life and Death

Chapter 43 Life and Death

“Oh, God, are you kidding me? I can’t believe I worked so hard and my two daughters ended up not matching my livers. Is this going to kill me? Damn it, Fxxk! "

Luo Ji and others looked at each other in confusion. They only heard Frank's yelling upstairs and had no idea what was going on.After a while, Sami and Fiona came downstairs. Sami looked at everyone and spoke calmly.

"I used Fiona's sample to test the match privately some time ago. I just received a call from the doctor that Fiona's and Frank's livers did not match. It's all over."

Luo Ji knew that there was no such thing as private matching. When Sami came today, he asked Luo Ji to cooperate with her and forced Fiona to do the matching. It seemed that something happened that Luo Ji didn't know about, but Luo Ji also Don't care about scumbag Frank, period.

Sammy continued: "The hope of continuing to find a source of Frank's liver is slim, so the first goal is to make his last days more comfortable. However, the house is too small and there are too many people. I plan to rent a house nearby and take care of him. Who is going to take care of Frank with me as he spends his last days?"

Karl immediately raised his hands and shouted: "Me. I am willing to accompany dad."

Fiona, Lip, and Ian were all silent, while Debbie looked at Luo Ji: "Feili, do you also want to spend the last time with Frank?"

"I'm afraid I can't. I can't stay in Chicago for a few days. I will go to other places to promote the song soon."

Debbie said regretfully: "Then I won't go."

Sammy is a man of action and is ready to head straight to the new house.Luo Ji has helped rent the house, which is near St. Michael's Hospital. It's not very far from the house where Fiona lives now, more than 20 minutes' drive away.

"What's going on outside the door? Why are there so many people surrounding our RV?" Blake asked.

Everyone stood up and looked out the window. About a dozen people were looking at their RV. Fiona said, "Two of them are our neighbors, and the others are also our locals."

Debbie shouted excitedly: "A few of my sisters are in there too, I'm going to invite them in. Logic, they've been wanting to see you for a long time."

When Debbie went to invite her little sisters, others at the door followed.As expected, they knew that he was coming.

The first thing I did when I walked in was that people gathered around me and asked for photos.Luo Ji gave the Gallagher family enough respect and was very kind to their friends.

Especially Debbie, she tried her best to show that she had a singer relative in front of her little sisters, which greatly satisfied her vanity.

Her two little sisters were fascinated by Luo Ji. The two girls were very bold and clung to Luo Ji desperately.Luo Ji worked hard to get rid of the entanglement between the two.

"Logic, I saw those two girls cuddling up to you just now. Men are all lower-body animals. Few people can control their desires when someone is tempting them. You did a great job just now, controlling yourself. . You have to know that celebrities are different from ordinary people. Many girls are very scheming. After they have a relationship with you, they are very likely to deliberately get pregnant with your child. The child support is enough for them to live happily for a lifetime. This is okay, you It's just a loss of money, but there are still some girls who are not pregnant, and they will falsely accuse you of raping them, etc. This will ruin your reputation. Many celebrities and rich people have fallen into this, you must pay attention to it. .”

Luo Ji is not a casual person. He has only had feelings for three girls after traveling through time for so long. He has met a lot of girls in such a long time, especially during the RV promotion period, when many girls came to him. , there are also many beautiful girls among them.But he was not tempted.

Blake, his agent Braun, Jeff Basker, and the head of publicity all gained something. Even the two drivers didn't leave empty-handed, but Luo Ji controlled himself.

"I understand, Braun, why are you as nagging as my mother? You have to tell me one thing so many times."

Manager Braun smiled slightly: "I take your words as a compliment to me. You are different from us. You must be careful because you are a star."

It took more than 20 minutes for a group of people to socialize and take a group photo. Frank Carl's things were also packed up. Luo Ji immediately said goodbye to a few relatives he had just met. The South District was indeed unsafe. Blake drove Sammy in the RV, and the manager Bu Lawn, the carer, Frank, brothers Chucky and Carl, headed to the newly rented house.

Carl and Sami accompanied Frank to the back of the car and let Frank lie on the bed. Sami sat next to Frank and comforted: "Frank, don't worry, there is still hope. The place I rented is very close to the hospital, and we also You have applied for liver donation from the hospital, and you will receive the most timely treatment as soon as the hospital has news."

Frank looked pained and silent, just staring at the roof of the RV in a daze. He knew very well that there was little hope of getting an organ donation and that his death was imminent.

It is really despairing for a person to know that he is about to die. Human beings are the only creatures in the biological world that know that they cannot escape the fate of death from birth.When Luo Ji saw Frank, he thought of the last part of his death in his previous life.It was really painful, and the pain still haunts me through nightmares from time to time.

Luo Ji came to the front of the car and took out his cell phone to secretly call his grandmother Queenie.

"Grandma, I'm Fili."

"I love you grandma too. I miss you so much. Can you come near St. Michael's Hospital? My mother and I live near here. We haven't seen each other in two years." "Sammy plans to take care of Frank through life. During the last part of the journey, Frank's current situation is not optimistic. He has advanced liver failure. He mainly has no liver source, and several children are not matched, including Sammy. Did you know? Sammy originally planned to transplant Frank's liver. They were We’ve only known each other for a few days.”

"Grandma, you can actually understand my mother. Yes, I love my mother. I know she is really paranoid sometimes, but I didn't expect her to be so crazy. The craziest thing I have ever encountered, She was the one who pointed the gun at herself and refused to let me leave. I still remember that scene clearly, she..."


Luo Ji had just been chatting on the phone with his grandmother, Queenie, when the RV was driving to a fork in the road and a truck suddenly appeared. Blake reacted quickly and braked immediately. Fortunately, the vehicle was driving in the city and the speed at which it finally collided was relatively low.

Luo Ji was slightly injured. He was knocked down and his head hit the carriage. He felt dizzy. He touched it with his hand and found that his scalp was broken and bleeding slightly.

"Fxxk, everyone get down, there's a gunman."

Blake suddenly yelled, and Luo Ji fell to the ground in an instant. He had experienced this kind of thing many times before, so this action had become instinctive.

Sammy, Carl, the nurse, and Frank on the bed all reacted and immediately got down. Only the manager, Braun, was dumbfounded.

"Bang bang bang."

The door of the RV was violently broken open in an instant, and two men wearing hoods walked in. From the color of their eyes, they could be seen to be two black men.

They didn't talk nonsense. One of them raised his gun and looked at everyone warily.

A man quickly scanned the carriage. He seemed to have conducted an investigation in advance and had a very clear target. He immediately recognized Luo Ji, who was wearing white clothes and hiding in the corner, and walked over immediately.

"Don't move, Logic, where is the money in the car? Tell me, M-Fxxk."

After the man finished speaking, he picked up Luo Ji, who was still lying on the ground, and pointed a gun at Luo Ji's head.

The threat of death instantly enveloped Luo Ji. His adrenaline was secreted rapidly, his heart was beating hard, and his brain was working rapidly. He immediately made the wisest decision. A good man should not suffer the immediate loss. Money is a trivial matter, but life is more important.

Luo Ji was about to speak, but the man didn't even intend to wait for Luo Ji to speak. As if he wanted to show off his power and intimidate everyone, he hit Luo Ji on the head with the butt of his rifle.

Luo Ji howled in pain: "Ahhhh."

"You all keep an eye on me. If anyone dares to resist..."

Sami instantly became furious and shouted: "M-Fxxk, how dare you, how dare you hurt my child."

Bang bang bang.

In the flash of lightning, Luo Ji saw his mother Sami pull out a gun from nowhere and instantly shot and killed the man who pointed the gun at him.

Bang bang bang.

The other man immediately returned fire, and Sammy was shot and fell to the ground.After the man fired the gun, he looked very panicked. He pointed the gun back and forth, left and right, and moved step by step towards the door of the car, preparing to run away.

Bang bang bang.

There were several more gunshots, and the man who moved to the car was shot and fell to the ground. 12-year-old Carl Gallagher held the pistol that Sammy had just held and shot the last gangster to death. He looked calm. Move slowly over to the gangster for a final check.

Everything happened so fast. Managers Braun, Blake, Frank and the caregivers fell into a daze. Luo Ji felt his brain was buzzing and blood was flowing from his head. There was only one thought left in his mind: Sammy was okay. !
"Blake, hurry, hurry, drive to the nearest hospital."

As soon as Luo Ji finished speaking, he went straight to his mother, Sami, to check her injuries and perform treatment to stop the bleeding.

(End of this chapter)

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