New York 2006

Chapter 42 Family Meeting

Chapter 42 Family Meeting
Sami informed the Gallagher family in advance that the DNA test results showed that the family was indeed related by blood. Today was the agreed family meeting, and the whole family came back for a reunion.

Sammy introduced the Gallagher family to Luo Ji: "Fili, this is your grandpa Frank, this is the eldest Fiona, this is the second oldest Lip, this is the third youngest Ian, and this is The fourth child is Debbie, this is the fifth child Carl, and the youngest is the sixth child Liam. And this is the carer I hired for Frank."

Luo Ji looked at everyone and smiled and nodded.

"Everyone, this is Fili's agent Braun, and this is my eldest son Fili. Look how much you look alike." Sammy then touched his tears with his hand: "Oh, shit, This scene is so touching, family members reunited.”

Luo Ji complained silently in his mind, wondering what the resemblance was, but he endured it for the sake of his mother and smiled at everyone: "Hi, nice to meet you."

Debbie, the youngest girl, was like a little fan girl: "Logic, I'm so happy to meet you. I like your songs so much. I didn't expect you to be my nephew. Can we take a photo together?"

Luo Ji said, "Of course."

Debbie rolled her eyes: "Can I take you to meet my little sisters? They like you very much too."


Luo Ji promised Sami that he would give her face today and the whole family would live in harmony.

Debbie made a good start, and other people who were still a little cautious immediately gathered around Luo Ji and asked the question they wanted to ask the most: "Logic, did you really have sex with Britney?"

This kind of thing has been asked many times, and Luo Ji was able to answer it shamelessly and calmly, and managed his expression well when answering: "No, she is my idol, we actually wrote the song all night. We have already sent the guitar version to YouTube, and you should be able to hear the studio version in a month or two.”

"Fili, come here, grandpa will take a look at you."

Frank's face was pale, as if he was terminally ill. Luo Ji stepped forward reluctantly. Sami glared at Luo Ji, and then Luo Ji smiled and knelt down to hold Frank's hand.

"Grandpa, are you okay?"

Frank gently touched Luo Ji's hand with his hand, with a sad expression: "The person I'm most sorry for in these decades is Sami. I have never fulfilled my responsibility as a father. I can see you and see Sami at the end of my life." Mi, I have no regrets in my life. Feili, you are the most promising among all the children. I hope that after I pass away, you can take good care of Sami, take good care of the whole family, and take good care of the children."

Sammy looked touched and gently held Frank's other hand: "Oh, daddy."

Before Luo Ji came, he thought Frank was a complete bastard, but now he could feel Frank's sadness. Could it be that a man who is about to die can speak kindly.

Fiona suddenly yelled: "Frank, you bastard, you are pretending to be a good person now. You have used so many lies to deceive us. All our children are victims. Now are you going to deceive Fili with lies again?" ?”

The older children, Lip, Ian, and Debbie all agreed, while the two younger children, Carl and Liam, looked confused.

Frank looked painful and regretful: "I know that I deserve it. I have never fulfilled my responsibilities as a father. I don't ask for your forgiveness. I only hope that you can live a better life after my death."

Human beings are naturally good at pretending, and Luo Ji didn't bother to guess whether Frank was just pretending or showing his true feelings. This time, he was here for his mother, Sami.

Luo Ji interrupted everyone's continued quarrel: "I have consulted Frank's attending physician at St. Michael's Hospital. Frank's medical record is very bad. He has been admitted to the hospital due to repeated alcohol abuse and snorting. His liver failure was also caused by long-term alcohol abuse. Damage. In his situation, it is basically impossible to obtain a liver through free donation. Many medical institutions will refuse to donate livers to long-term alcoholics. Even if it is possible to agree, it will be too late, so the next step is to One situation is if you can find someone over the age of 18 around you who would like to donate a liver to Frank."

Sammy said regretfully: "My liver match was unsuccessful, so the only relatives around me who are over 18 years old are Lip and Fiona." Fiona now works in a cup manufacturing company, and Lip works in Illinois. I am a freshman at the State Polytechnic University and I am already an adult.

Karl was still young and had a good impression of Frank. He echoed: "Lipp's blood type is B, which does not match Frank's. But Fiona's blood is type O, which is the same as Frank's. Her liver There’s a good chance it’ll be a match.”

Liver transplantation requires human leukocyte antigen (HLA) and blood type matching testing. But before Luo Ji could ask Fiona if she was willing to do a leukocyte antigen test, Fiona angrily said, "I will never transplant my liver." The liver donated to Frank was not a congenital defect, but caused by his own long-term alcoholism. Hmm! Are you gathering together today just to force me to donate a liver to Frank? "

After speaking, Fiona glared at everyone, and then ran directly upstairs. The other children were silent and pretended not to care about Frank's life or death. It seemed that Frank had really done something to harm the children.

Sammy looked very disappointed.She looked at Luo Ji pleadingly, hoping that Luo Ji could think of a solution.Luo Ji walked up to Sami, patted Sami's shoulder lightly, and whispered in her ear: "Why don't you go up and have a chat with Fiona? Communication is the prerequisite for mutual understanding. I'll just buy it with money. Fiona has gone too far, this is not how families deal with each other."


Sammy and the caregiver first sent Frank to the room to rest, and then went to find Fiona who hid in the room and cried alone.Sammy first walked to Fiona and comforted her gently, and then said: "Fiona, can you tell me why you hate Frank so much? He is about to die, is there anything else that cannot be forgiven? ?He is our father after all.”

Fiona's eyes were red from crying, and she was silent for a while before speaking: "When I was nine years old, Frank drove Lip and Ian and I to play in Washington. It was very cold at the time and there was heavy snow falling in the sky. . Frank parked the car in the park, locked it, and went to the building next to it. I waited and waited, and waited, and waited all night. My brothers and I almost froze to death in the car. We were stopped by passers-by the next day. Extricated from the car, when I found Frank, you know what I saw?"

"What do you see?"

Fiona was full of hatred and gritted her teeth: "He just lay straight on the ground, got high with a group of people, and slept all night in a building next to the park. She didn't think at all that her three children might be in the car in the winter. Frozen to death."

Sami was shocked by this story. She originally intended to use Luo Ji's presence today to force Fiona to have a wife in person, but she didn't expect to hear such a shocking story.For a moment, I doubted whether my decision was right or wrong.

Fiona then said: "Sammy, you are my sister, I like you, but I really don't like Frank. You should be glad that he has never appeared by your side. He is a complete bastard. He has been a complete bastard for more than ten years." He has hurt me, Lip, Ian and Debbie with countless lies and deceptions. Now he appears to be repentant, all for the purpose of getting me tested for a match."

Sami lowered his head silently: "I know Fiona, I won't force you anymore. I understand you, if I treat my two children like this, I don't think they will forgive me. I can't imagine it either. What a father would do."

Through communication, the relationship between the two half-sisters who had some grievances before became closer.

Fiona put away her tears and said to Sammy: "I think you did a good job, Chucky is cute, Philly has become a big shot, and you have cultivated a singer. You should be proud of yourself. .”

Sami smiled bitterly and shook his head: "Although I have a good relationship with my two children, it is mainly because I treat them well in daily life. But I know that I failed as a mother and did not provide them with a comfortable environment. Fili His current achievements have nothing to do with me. They are all due to his father. His father trained Fili to learn various musical instruments when he was young. After his father died unexpectedly, I failed to provide him with a place to study. The environment for music.”

"You've done a great job, Sammy."

Sammy looked at Fiona with a smile: "I actually admire you more. I know how difficult it is to raise children, but you can actually raise five children to such a big age, and you also raised Lip into a college student. What you have done is already It’s great.”

Luo Ji was interacting with several children below. Although he was relatively junior, no one dared to show off in front of him, and they all chatted with him in a flattering manner.

Luo Ji had heard from Blake that none of the children were cheap, and they were as good as his predecessor in cheating and abduction.It seems that this is not true.Several people are very polite and respect themselves very much.

Manager Braun watched this scene and whispered in Luo Ji's ear: "When you are strong, you will meet good people around you."

(End of this chapter)

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