New York 2006

Chapter 41 Bond

Chapter 41 Bond
On his third day in Chicago, Luo Ji walked out of the radio station and started reading a local newspaper.The title is that the Cook County State's Attorney condones the spread of white supremacy, and the picture is a photo of the World War II German swastika flag hung in front of the Milkovich family's house that Black took a few days ago.

Luo Ji thought for a moment that this local Chicago newspaper seemed to be owned by Disney. Cook County Prosecutor Peter Flock's name did not appear in the news. It seemed like it was a political warning letter that saved some face.

This is how agent Braun said the Jews handled such incidents.Stand on the moral high ground and use public opinion to warn powerful local politicians.Push them to deal with such things.The action is very fast, and it seems that Jewish control of the media is not just talk.

Luo Ji put aside the newspaper. He was in a particularly good mood today. Several radio stations he interviewed in Chicago today were very friendly to him. They were mainly flattering. After he refused to answer questions related to Britney's scandal, he stopped asking them. Mainly promoting songs, his attitude towards himself was surprisingly good, so Luo Ji found his manager Braun.

"Why are these radio stations so easy to talk to today?"

Manager Braun said in surprise: "Didn't I give you the documents some time ago? These radio stations have received our Money. Isn't it normal to be nice to talk to?"

Luo Ji suddenly realized: "I see, that's it. I remembered it, but the file you gave me contained so many radio stations. I took a quick look at it and put it aside. I didn't notice these few small radio stations. I only paid attention to that one at the time. Several big radio stations.”

At this time, manager Braun handed a piece of information to Luo Ji: "The DNA test results are out."

Luo Ji immediately took the document and read it. The identification results of four sets of DNA by two different groups of examiners showed that Frank Gallagher and Sammy Slott were 99.99% father and daughter. Frank Gallagher Er and Carl Gallagher are 99.99% father-son, and LuoJi and Sammy Slott are 99.99% mother-son.All four are related by blood. LuoJi is one-quarter related to Frank Gallagher and one-half related to Sammy Slaughter.

Luo Ji held the DNA test report in his hand and said with complicated emotions: "Frank is really my grandfather."

Black also came back at this time, took out a document and said: "I bribed several local people with small money, and I found out clearly that Frank Gallagher is a very famous local alcoholic, and he is a single father. He had six children to support, but he was addicted to alcohol all day long and failed to fulfill his responsibilities as a father. He spent every month’s welfare payment to buy alcohol.”

Luo Ji asked doubtfully: "Frank's character is not unexpected. After all, he abandoned my mother for decades. But in such a big family, who is the one raising the six children?"

Blake said: "Their mother is also an irresponsible person. The whole family's children are mainly raised by the eldest sister Fiona Gallagher. She dropped out of high school before graduating and took on the responsibility of raising the entire family. To a certain extent, she plays the role of a mother. Such a beautiful girl. She has done many jobs, including changing sheets in hotels, waitressing at McDonald's, waitressing at bars, and waiting at restaurants. You may not believe it, but she actually passed Sewers, illegal Latino immigrants are doing the work now."

"Fiona, is that the 20-year-old woman at the door that day?"

"Yes. She is now working in a private company, and the whole family is living well under her management. Apart from her somewhat chaotic private life, everyone I bribed thinks she is very good."

Luo Ji remembered her. Fiona was quite beautiful, with bright eyes. She looked very energetic and full of power.If a young girl like her lived alone and was so beautiful, she would definitely have a good life, but instead of doing so, she took on the responsibility of raising the entire family.

"Then she is indeed good." Agent Braun said.

"What should I do next?"

It was really difficult for Luo Ji to rationally analyze this complex family relationship.He is often carried away by emotions, and sometimes his ideas are really different from those of Americans. He needs to listen to some other people's suggestions. Agent Braun considered it before speaking.

"The relationship between relatives is really difficult to deal with. I will help you analyze it from a rational perspective. As a public figure, if one day you are exposed as not helping your poor relatives, it will have a great impact on your reputation. of damage.”

Luo Ji said, "What I'm struggling with is not money at all, but my mother, Sami. Frank is an alcoholic and a scumbag. I don't understand the character of their family at all. I'm afraid that my mother will be hurt." .”

Braun continued: "Although some people only consider naked interests, people are competing for interests all the time. Money is an important criterion for the relationship between people, and the same is true for family relationships. You don't need it the least. What I worry about is that Sammy will be hurt by them. If your family is rich, then you will be in a strong position in the family relationship, and the whole family will only try to please you and Sami. If you are afraid that Sammy will be cheated, you only need to control Just Sammy’s monthly living expenses will be enough.” “Yeah.”

Braun then spoke: "The most important thing about Sami is freedom. She is also your elder. You can't always make decisions for her. Emotional experience is a very personal matter. There is no right or wrong here, only a matter of feeling. You She also told me that Sammy has chaotic emotional problems. Being emotional is not a bad thing. She just didn't meet a good person. Did she live a happy life when she met your father? You can't use the perspective of a rational person. Look at life, such a life will be very tiring. You have to experience and feel life, rather than analyze life."

"I understand."

Luo Ji returned to the hotel and looked at his mother, Sami.After traveling through time for so long, the only person who can cause strong emotional fluctuations in Luo Ji is his mother Sami. She is Luo Ji's emotional connection in this world: "Mom, do you know why I am so angry with you? You are actually because of A father figure I just met is ready to donate his liver. I don’t have many relatives in this world. What should Chucky and I do if something happens to you?”

Mother Sami said: "I was wrong."

"I have already shown you Frank's information. He is not the perfect father figure in your mind. He is an alcoholic who never cares about the life and death of his family. His purpose for finding you is not that simple. He is not leaving you an inheritance. For example, none of his own children are willing to transplant a liver for him, so he can only come to you to match him. He has never fulfilled the responsibility of a father, and Fiona is the one who raised all their children."

Sami touched the corners of his eyes with his hands: "Fiona, Debbie and the others have all told me. I know Frank is not a perfect father, but I just can't help myself from wanting to be close to him. I have wanted a man in my life." Father, now he appears. Although he is not perfect, at least it can prove that my life is complete. Just like you have been longing for something your whole life, he suddenly appears. Although he is not perfect, you still want it. .”

Luo Ji felt like his mother was talking about his relationship with Britney. From a rational point of view, he really shouldn't have provoked Britney, but he would still do it again. He had liked her for so long and couldn't control it. Humans He is always an emotional animal, and emotional experience is really a very personal matter: "Mom, please promise me that if you encounter this kind of thing in the future, you must think of me and Chucky, and you can't damage your own health when your brain gets hot." Body."

"I promise you." Sami lifted up her clothes to reveal her belly. There were several hideous scars on it. She pointed to one of them and said, "My child, do you see this? This is the result of the caesarean section when I gave birth to you. If you need a liver transplant one day, I will give it to you without hesitation."

Luo Ji really didn't know this. He stepped forward and touched the scar gently. The scar felt uneven and looked very unsightly. This was the bond between him and his mother, Sami.

Is this the feeling of being connected by blood? Luo Ji felt his heart suddenly soften. His eyes softened when he looked at his mother, Sami, and he hugged her gently: "Mom, I love you. What should I do with Frank next?" relationship, I follow your opinion."

In front of Milkovich's house, Police Officer Tony opened the door and stepped out of the police car, followed by three colleagues.They knocked on the door, and the head of the family, Terry Milkovich, opened the door. Tony, the usually obedient police officer, became tough. He took out the newspaper in his hand and threw it directly into Terry's face: "Fxxk You Terry, you M-Fxxk are causing trouble for us. Do you want me to lose my job? Quickly pull down your swastika flag and the swastika flags of your brothers, otherwise don’t blame us for ignoring the neighborly relations over the years. feelings between each other.”

The other three police officers also gathered around, touching the guns at their waists and staring at Terry Milkovich warily.Terry looked confused and quickly picked up the newspaper and read it.After reading them all, he realized the seriousness of the matter.This time, the Cook County Attorney General was provoked. One of the black police officers may have been unhappy with Terry and punched Terry directly in the stomach.

"Why are you M-Fxxk still standing there? Why don't you quickly pull down that shit-like flag of yours and don't let me see it again?"

One of the white police officers also spoke up: "Terry, I usually help you, but this time it came from my immediate boss's boss. If you don't want police officers to keep watching you in the future, just hurry up and get that damn swastika." Tear down the word flag.”

Terry Milkovich is not afraid of anything, but he knows the consequences of being targeted by powerful government departments.He immediately called his sons to come out and clean up the surrounding swastika flags.When the officers saw the flag being put away, they gave a warning and left.

When Luo Ji and the others drove the RV to Gallagher's house again, they noticed that the swastika flags of the three houses on the street had disappeared.

It wasn't until the group of them arrived at Gallagher's house that they learned another news.In the morning, the swastika flag disappeared. In the afternoon, the head of the Milkovich family, Terry Milkovich, was arrested and imprisoned for trafficking drugs to Qatar, Mexico.

Agent Braun showed a surprised expression. It seemed that it was the first time that he personally felt the influence of his own tribe.

(End of this chapter)

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