New York 2006

Chapter 44 Hospital

Chapter 44 Hospital
"A robbery case occurred in the South Side of Chicago yesterday. The perpetrators were two men. They used a stolen truck to block Logic's RV when Logic passed by the South Side of Chicago and committed the crime. It is said that the two gangsters died on the spot, and one of Logic's An entourage was injured and is being rescued. Logic himself was also injured."

Yesterday's news was playing on the TV, and a reporter and a passerby appeared on the screen: "Hello, are you a witness yesterday?"

"Yes, yesterday when I was resting in the house, I received a message from a friend. He said that Logic came to a nearby block to visit relatives. Many people went to join in the fun. Several of them wanted to take a photo with Logic. At that time, I I was about to go, and then I was walking on this road when I suddenly heard the sound of a vehicle crashing. I saw a truck and an RV colliding. Two masked men got out of the truck, shot and broke into the RV. Then more than ten gunshots were heard, and about a minute later, the RV drove away. The two masked men did not get out of the car."

"So do you know what happened in the RV?"

"I didn't know. I called the police at the time. Later I found out that the RV was Logic's RV."

The TV screen then switched to the press conference of the local police station. The police responded very quickly this time. A celebrity was robbed, two were killed and one was injured, which attracted a lot of public attention.

"Logic himself was indeed injured. Fortunately, the two suspects were shot dead on the spot, and one of Logic's entourage suffered a gunshot wound. Logic himself was also slightly injured."

The reporters below immediately raised their hands to ask questions.

"Is Logic's injury serious?"

"Logic himself suffered a minor head injury and there are no other problems."

"Excuse me, why didn't Logic accept our interview in the hospital?"

"You have to ask Logic himself."

"Is this a premeditated crime? What was the motive of the criminal?"

"The suspects have been identified. The two are well-known drug addicts in the South District and have multiple criminal records. They robbed for drug money. We have found out that they bragged to many people before committing the crime that they wanted to rob Logic. Then the suspect somehow received Logic's whereabouts and ambush him on the road he passed."

In the corridor of St. Michael's Hospital Emergency Center, Luo Ji, with a bandage on his head, looked at Fiona, Lip, Ian and Debbie: "So, who among you four leaked the news that I was going to your house? I obviously called you before I went there to tell you not to tell others about my whereabouts, as it would be very dangerous."

Fiona immediately spoke: "Feili, we really haven't told anyone that you are coming to my house."

The other three people also immediately stated that they had not told anyone. Luo Ji said angrily: "Then why do those two drug addicts know my whereabouts?"

Everyone looked at each other, and after a while, Lip, who was admitted to Illinois Institute of Technology, said: "Philip, we didn't tell anyone that you were coming yesterday, but the news that you are our relative has already spread throughout the world. Neighborhood. You came here in an RV a few days ago, and many people have seen your RV. RVs worth 10,000+ are rare in our neighborhood. Maybe you were targeted at that time."

Luo Ji thought about it carefully and it was indeed like this. If someone had revealed in advance that he would go to that neighborhood yesterday, there would have been more than a dozen people who came to Fiona's house to watch.It was probably when the dozen or so people saw the rarely seen RV on the street that they thought they were there.

This makes sense, but there is another question. Luo Ji continued to ask: "Then someone must have leaked that I came to your neighborhood in an RV, right? I remember the first time I went to your neighborhood, I didn't even get out of the RV and show my face. . If you don’t tell me, who will know it’s me in the RV?”

Fiona answered sincerely: "When Blake entered the house, he said you were in the RV. But you took Sammy away without saying hello to us. I did complain to others later, saying that you drove the RV to my house. It's a bit heartless to leave without even showing your face at the door."

"I said it too."

"I said it too."

After a few people finished talking, Debbie said: "Feili, I also told my little sisters, but we don't know that it would be dangerous to reveal that you drove a RV in our neighborhood. We are all ordinary people and poor. How could you have thought that someone would plan to rob you after lying on the road all your life? After you came for the second time and called us to warn us, we never told anyone else. We are family and we will not take you put in danger,”

Carl's performance yesterday had already made Luo Ji accept the Gallagher family: "It's my fault, I shouldn't have doubted you."

At this moment, the doctor also came out and waved: "Logic, come here to sign."

Everyone gathered around. Luo Ji took the document and read it: "What's going on? Why do you need to sign again?"

The doctor had a very good attitude and said: "At that time, the shooting occurred. Sammy was shot in the shoulder and arm, causing massive bleeding. There was also a bullet that scratched her skull, causing her to coma on the spot. Although the operation went smoothly, She has also woken up, but there is still a risk of infection now, and the medicine we use has certain side effects, so you need to sign."

This hospital is close to the South Side of Chicago. This doctor often treats gunshot wounds and is very experienced. Now I can only trust him. After signing, Luo Ji handed the document to him: "Doctor, my promise is still valid. Wait for me After your mother recovers, I will fund a large sum of money for your research."

"Thank you in advance, Logic." Luo Ji was a little anxious and continued: "When can I see my mother? She has been awake for several hours and I still can't see her?"

The doctor warned: "Don't be anxious. She is at a particularly high risk of infection and must live in a sterile environment. I will not let you see her until her immune system stabilizes in three days."

"Excuse me, doctor, tell Sammy I'm waiting for her outside, tell her I love her. Thank her for saving me."

"No problem, leave it to me."

After bidding farewell to the doctor, everyone dispersed. Luo Ji stood in the empty corridor with a bandage on his head and a tired look on his face. He hadn't had a good rest since yesterday's shooting.

Click, click, click.

Luo Ji took a closer look and saw a person holding a camera not far away and frantically taking pictures of him. Luo Ji reacted immediately.

"It's the paparazzi, Lip, Ian, stop him quickly."

But the paparazzi was so experienced that he immediately turned around and ran away. Lipien chased for a while and then lost him, so he had to come back empty-handed.

A celebrity was robbed and two died and one was injured. This topic is so exciting that the media is now very interested in him. Luo Ji's phone number has been flooded with calls. Even Robin in New York called him hoping to interview him, but Luo Ji I received a call from Chicago Mayor Daley’s assistant, hoping to discuss interviews with the media in advance.

Luo Ji actually wanted to criticize Chicago's public security directly in the media, and he would not give it to Mayor Daley if he didn't want to give it to him. This was really satisfying, but the matter was far from that simple. A prosecutor called him.

Luo Ji walked to the bench and sat down, covering his face with his hands. Whenever he closed his eyes now, he would remember that he was hit in the head with the butt of a gun and his mother was shot in anger. What followed was her falling posture. And then there’s the Carl shooting, and what follows…

"Logic, it's time to change the dressing, why didn't you go to the infirmary to treat the wound? I know you are worried about your mother, but it's not a big deal that you have been staying at the door of the emergency room. You haven't rested all day, so It’s very detrimental to your wound recovery.”

Luo Ji looked up and saw that it was Bianca Samson, the doctor who was treating his head wound. She was very beautiful, a standard American blonde, and looked intellectual and beautiful. Luo Ji had the same feelings for her as Max. He had a good impression, but Luo Ji had made up his mind and would never mess with a woman older than him again.

"Excuse me, Doctor Bianca, just help me deal with it here."

Doctor Bianca was very gentle and carefully removed the bandage and changed the dressing, but Luo Ji still felt a burning pain in his scalp. When he fell in a car crash, his scalp was only slightly bruised, but then the butt of a gun fell off and hit him directly on the head. Make a hole.

"Can you give me a bottle of OxyContin? My scalp feels so painful."

OxyContin is a painkiller. In the United States, as long as there is pain, doctors will prescribe a few pills to patients. However, this drug is too expensive. A bottle of low-dose is $[-], and a bottle of high-dose is $[-] or seven hundred. This is just Wholesale price.Luo Ji had eaten it several times when he was young, but when he grew up and moved to an RV camp, he couldn't afford it anymore.

Bianca looked around, then whispered into Luo Ji's ear: "It's better not to use OxyContin. Now there are rumors in the medical circle that OxyContin is extremely addictive. OxyContin is very addictive." The main ingredient in Oxycodone is a cousin of heroin, which is also known as country heroin. Sources say that Virginia prosecutors are likely to sue Purdue Pharma, the company that makes OxyContin. I'll prescribe you some other painkiller. .”

Luo Ji was shocked. Almost everyone he knew had taken this drug: "Fxxk, then why is this drug sold like an over-the-counter drug? It is prescribed for casual pain. Is the FDA just for the taking?" "

Bianca complained: "Revolving door, you know, after FDA personnel retire or resign, they will go to work in major pharmaceutical companies, and the salary will be high."


This kind of political and business revolving door is too common in the United States. Officials, prosecutors, presidents and other government personnel give the green light to companies when they are in office. After they retire or resign, they will work in companies. Different salary packages will be given according to different official positions. There is a special set of operating rules.

After changing the medicine, Luo Ji chatted with Bianca for a while, and then Bianca went to work if she had something to do. Luo Ji sat on the bench in the emergency center and squinted for a while.

After a while, Blake came over, patted Luo Ji's shoulder lightly, and spoke in his ear: "There are reporters and TV stations gathered outside, all clamoring to interview you. Your lawyer Jamie Dutton is also here. , as well as the prosecutor of the South District of Chicago, police officers, and William Daley, the representative of Chicago Mayor Richard Daley, and his entourage. They are eager to meet with you."

Luo Ji told Fiona to wait at the door of the emergency room and notify him immediately if there was any news.He came to the advanced ward of the hospital, and first met with lawyer Jamie Dutton along with Carl and others. He was in urgent need of some legal advice.

(End of this chapter)

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