New York 2006

Chapter 314 The Inflection Point of History

Chapter 314 The Inflection Point of History

October 2009, 10, eight o'clock in the morning.

Avril Lavigne's house in Bel Air.

Luo Ji and Avril sat at the dining table, eating breakfast prepared by the Latin maid.

Avril asked casually: "Honey, how much did you pay for the villa in Bel Air?"

Luo Ji chewed the broccoli in his mouth: "1830 million yuan."

Avril's face immediately showed a happy smile: "Hey, this way we can live closer in the future."

Luo Ji said calmly: "I don't live there permanently. From now on, I will mainly live in Burbank, which is closer to the company."

Avril suddenly became a little unhappy: "I thought you bought a house nearby mainly to live closer to me."

"Hum... Fiona chose this. I agreed after one glance. I generally don't care much about this."

Avril muttered: "Since you don't plan to live here, why did you spend so much money to buy a house? You still have to hire someone for daily maintenance."

Luo Ji said calmly: "It's mainly for asset hedging, it can be regarded as investment. Didn't I tell you before? I want to diversify the risk of assets now."

"Uh... okay." Avril suddenly lost her temper.

The house Luo Ji bought this time was very large. It was like a manor, and it was more than enough to hold a party for thousands of people.I'm sure no one will ever say that the parties he throws are a little crowded.

Avril suddenly said: "Honey, do you think it's okay for the two of us to announce our relationship to the media?"

Luo Ji's heart skipped a beat, but he immediately calmed down, with a helpless expression on his face: "You just got divorced, and I stayed with you. People thought I was the one who ruined your marriage when word spread. Moreover, after it was announced to the media, We have to endure endless paparazzi harassment, and I hate this life. So, dear, can you understand me?"

Avril looked at Luo Ji with suspicion, but the two of them had only been together for less than two months, so she didn't want to push things too hastily: "Then let's put this on hold until later."



Ten minutes later, the two finished breakfast.

Luo Ji stood in the bathroom, tidied himself up a little, and then walked outside to the living room.

Avril immediately came forward and hugged Luo Ji's waist with a look of reluctance: "My dear, can you not leave and stay with me for a while?"

"I want to, too," Luo Ji said immediately, "But the company has too many things waiting for me to deal with, and there's nothing I can do about it."

Avril was a little disappointed: "Then can I stay with you? I can also record the album in New York."

Luo Ji knew that Avril was currently working on a new album with some musicians in Los Angeles.

He didn't panic at all and immediately gave the correct answer: "It's totally fine with me."

Avril immediately backed down: "Oh, my music producers are all in Los Angeles. I really want to leave the album behind and be with you all the time."

"I don't want you to leave either."

Avril was very satisfied with the answer and looked at Luo Ji with loving eyes: "Do you really like me so much?"

"Of course, you are the most precious gift God has given me."

Avril looked sweet, and she suddenly had a flash of inspiration: "Then let's get tattoos and put our names on each other's bodies."

"I'm leaving for Washington soon. Let's talk about it next time we meet, okay?" Luo Ji decided to deal with it first.

"Okay." Avril seemed to have thought of something, stood up on tiptoes and kissed Luo Ji. She smiled and said, "I will give you a surprise next time we meet."

"What surprise?"

"You'll know when we meet next time."



Seven o'clock in the evening.

Washington DC.

Luo Ji escorted Psaki, who was wearing a black evening gown, to a high-end restaurant next to the Congress where some politicians often discuss private matters.

As soon as the two entered the restaurant, some politicians and lobbying company staff in the living room immediately paid attention to them.

Luo Ji looked at her: "Jenny, you see they are all looking at you."

Psaki was amused: "Hahaha, I also hope it's me they're looking at. But they may not be interested in me, they're looking at you."

"Stop talking about them, talk about you." Luo Ji said as he walked, "You are really beautiful tonight. You are the most attractive person in the whole restaurant."


"Of course, you should wear less business attire. Evening clothes are what suits you best."

The corners of Psaki's lips curled up, and he leaned slightly closer to Luo Ji's ear and whispered, "If you really like it, then we'll use this outfit tonight."

Luo Ji understood immediately and moved his hand on her waist to pat her gently: "I'm looking forward to this night."

Psaki became serious at this time and poked Luo Ji's waist: "We're here."

While they were talking, the two of them had arrived at the door of a private room in the restaurant, and there were two Secret Service officers in black suits standing at the door.

Luo Ji looked at the two of them: "I'm here to see Secretary Clinton. Is she in there?"

"Here, Logic, please wait a moment."

A Secret Service agent took out a device and scanned Luo Ji and Psaki up and down, including their shoes and hair.

They found nothing unusual, so they opened the door and said, "Logic, Ms. Psaki, please come in."

It’s such a grand occasion, isn’t it the Secretary of State!

"Hello, Madam Secretary." The first time Luo Ji saw Secretary Clinton, he immediately walked up to her with a smile and gave her a warm hug.

"Hello, Logic." Ms. Clinton responded enthusiastically.

Luo Ji separated from her and hugged her assistant: "Patti, long time no see. You have become more beautiful."

Patty Doyle smiled and said: "Hahaha, I don't know if I have become more beautiful, but your mouth has become sweeter."

The four of them sat down, and Patty took the initiative to hand Luo Ji a menu: "What do you want to eat? I'll have the Secret Service send it to the restaurant later."

Luo Ji picked up the menu and looked through it for a while. Thinking that he would go out of his way tonight, he ordered a little more: "One steak, one fried shrimp, one vegetable salad, and one dessert."

"any drinks?"

Luo Ji looked at the three ladies and said, "Red bar, I believe you won't mind me drinking at the age of 19."

Ms. Clinton smiled and glared at Luo Ji: "Of course I mind."

Hahahaha, the four of them laughed.


The four of them ate dinner and drank red wine and chatted.

Luo Ji was quite interested in the news in Washington, D.C., and asked, "I heard that we plan to expand the scope of hate crimes from race, color, religion, and nationality to gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, and Disability.”

Ms. Clinton nodded: "Yes, you should see the relevant legislation passed soon."

"Won't the Republicans object?" Ms. Clinton said with a smile: "It's useless for them to object. Who told us to have an absolute majority in both houses of Congress? They can't stop the bill we want to pass now."

"So, the Barack health care bill can also pass?"


Ms. Clinton never forgot to brainwash Luo Ji and continued: "Logic, you should also know that one of the political propositions of our left is to protect vulnerable groups and allow them to obtain equal rights. Ethnic minorities, poor people, women, and sexual minorities Minority groups are all disadvantaged groups. The United States is a diverse country, and only in this way can the country develop better and more harmoniously."

"I know."

Luo Ji nodded. Now that there are so many Chinese Americans in the U.S. government cabinet, Zhao Meixin can become a member of the House of Representatives.To a certain extent, it is not only the efforts of the Chinese Americans themselves, but also related to the left-wing political views of the Democratic Party.

Seeing that the time was almost up, Psaki helped Luo Ji ask the question he wanted: "Ms. Clinton, I heard that President Barack plans to start a trade war with China?"

Ms. Clinton glanced at Luo Ji first, and then nodded: "Yes."

Luo Ji answered, "For what reason?"

Patty next to him said: "China's manufacturing industry is too strong, and the manufacturing industry in the United States is declining step by step, and many blue-collar workers are beginning to lose their jobs. We must start to solve this problem. Logic, didn't you also put Marvel's toy factory It’s closed, have the orders been transferred to China?”

Luo Ji disagreed: "This is the inevitable result of globalization. Capital is profit-seeking, and the per capita wage in the United States is too high. As long as a factory of the same type moves out of the United States to other third-party countries, their manufacturing Costs will inevitably drop rapidly. Other factories of the same type still in the United States will either move to reduce costs or be driven bankrupt by competitors."

Luo Ji took a sip of red wine and continued: "When we have a trade war with China, even if China's manufacturing costs increase, there are also cheap manufacturing costs in other countries, such as Southeast Asian countries. It is impossible for these industries to return to China in any case. American."

Ms. Clinton did not speak, so Patty explained: "We also know this, but Logic, you should also know that the unemployment rate remains high now, and we must take action."

Psaki continued: "When will the trade war start?"

Ms. Clinton suddenly looked serious and said, "Why do you ask that?"

Psaki didn't know how to answer.

Luo Ji took over the topic: "That's what I want to ask. I'm wondering if there are any opportunities to make a fortune in it. My game company has accumulated a lot of Chinese dollars in China, and I can't find a good investment channel at the moment."

Clinton glanced at Luo Ji twice and then said, "We will probably propose a bill in April next year, and it will be submitted to Congress for review in June."

Luo Ji asked what he wanted to ask, and only participated in the conversation occasionally.

His main thoughts are still on the trade war that will start next year.The United States may start a war this time not just because of economic interests.

Rather, the United States has always suppressed the world's second best to prevent them from threatening the hegemony of the United States.Just like Japan back then.

Luo Ji thought about it and couldn't think of any way to stop it.

Forget it, this kind of decision-making involving two big countries is not something that he, a newly minted rich man, can influence.He can only pray that the country with the largest Chinese population in the world can withstand the next offensive from the United States.

Luo Ji was thinking about it and was suddenly intrigued by Psaki's words: "By the way, why did President Barack suddenly win the Nobel Peace Prize some time ago? He didn't do anything conducive to world peace!"

"That's right." Luo Ji interrupted.

Ms. Clinton laughed directly: “We are also wondering about this matter, including him, who is also very surprised.”

Luo Ji said, "Well, it looks like Europe just wants to lick our new president."

Hahahaha, the four of them laughed out loud.

The protagonist of today's banquet is still Secretary Clinton, and everyone's conversation basically revolves around her.She herself looks much younger than before, and her spirits are much better.

Is this the taste of power, it makes people want to stop, how many years younger can they become?

Secretary of State Clinton was very talkative: "I visited North Korea a few months ago, and the results were very gratifying. I also brought back journalists detained by North Korea."

"Since I became secretary of state, I have basically spent my time on airplanes, visiting a country every once in a while."

"Those small African countries invite me to visit their countries every day and want support from the United States. To be honest, I really don't want to pay attention to them."


"Now that we, the Democratic Party, have an absolute majority in both houses of Congress, we can pass whatever bill we want. Hahaha, you don't know how angry the Republicans are. They just said that they will wait for the Republicans to take back both houses and let us pass any bill." Can’t pass.”

After hearing these words, Luo Ji immediately fell into thinking, and various thoughts kept coming to his mind.

Patty, who was sitting opposite, noticed the abnormality first. She patted Luo Ji's shoulder and asked with concern: "Logic, what's wrong with you?"

Luo Ji woke up and shook his head as if nothing had happened: "It's okay."


At nine o'clock in the evening, the two-hour party ended. Luo Ji and Psaki sat in the back seat of the car and drove towards the mansion Luo Ji bought for her in Washington.

Psaki asked with concern: "What's wrong with you? Why did you look so depressed during the second half of today's party?"

"It's okay." Luo Ji said casually.

Psaki continued: "Is it because of Scott Brown? Don't worry, the position of senator in Massachusetts has always been controlled by the Democratic Party, and the Republican Party cannot make much trouble."

"I know."

"Then what's wrong with you? You look worried."

"I'm fine, maybe I'm a little tired." Luo Ji smiled at her, then hugged her without saying anything.

The vehicle moved forward in silence, all the way to the door of Psaki's mansion in Washington, DC.

After all, Washington’s economy is not as good as New York and Los Angeles.
You can see it from the price.The house Luo Ji bought for 546 million was even larger than the villa he owned in Long Island, New York.

Swimming pool, sports field, courtyard landscape are all available.The houses here are also very large and decorated in a Mediterranean style that women like.

Luo Ji sat down on the sofa in the living room and stopped moving. Psaki's face was full of displeasure: "We haven't seen each other for such a short time. Don't you have any interest in me at all?"

Luo Ji then realized that he had ignored his girlfriend and immediately hugged her and explained, "How is that possible? I was just thinking about something."

"whats the matter?"

"I'm thinking about Ms. Clinton's words. She said that when the Republicans take back both houses, President Barack will be unable to pass any bill. Is this true?"

Psaki looked at her boyfriend's serious expression, thought for a moment and said, "I don't know that, maybe it's just the Republican Party's angry words. However, the Republican Party hates the black president. You know, because of race. Reason. Of course, there are also policy issues. The Republican Party hates the LGBT policies and the universal health care reform bill currently promoted by the Democratic Party. They believe that this goes against the tradition of the United States."

Luo Ji looked at her and said, "So the two parties are fighting fiercely now?"

"Yes." Psaki looked at her boyfriend curiously: "Why do you ask?"

Luo Ji kept telling lies. He said with a worried look on his face: "It's nothing, I'm just worried about the future of the United States. If the two parties continue to fight like this and can't reach any consensus, how can it be possible to govern the United States well?"

Psaki laughed out loud: "What a funny idea you have."


"Then do you miss me now?"


Psaki straddled Luo Ji's lap, leaned down and said in his ear, "Honey, let's try on this evening dress?"


Half an hour later, Luo Ji glanced at Psaki who was sleeping soundly on the bed, got up, put on his nightgown and went to the balcony to look at the night view outside.

The sky is dark and there isn't any moonlight today.

Luo Ji murmured in a low voice: "Trade war, the Democratic Party rules Congress and they can do whatever they want. Scott Brown, the Democratic Party has an absolute majority in Congress, and there is infighting between the two parties..."

Luo Ji made up his mind and took out his mobile phone to dial Sarah Palin's personal number: "Ms. Palin, I heard that you are in Washington recently. I happened to be in Washington these two days. I wonder if you are free. Come out tomorrow. Let’s get together?”

(End of this chapter)
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