New York 2006

Chapter 313 The Chosen One Logic

Chapter 313 The Chosen One Logic
Five days later.

Holiday Inn Montreal, CA.

Today, a party organized by the Chinese Political Action Committee is being held here. The people who are here are some Chinese celebrities from the political, business and entertainment circles in the United States, as well as a few white people.

Luo Ji was invited to come, and not only did he come, but some of the Chinese around Luo Ji also came.

Marvel CEO Zhu Haowei, Logic Pictures CEO Yang Yanzi, Holi Games’ Yang Jian, WeChat Deborah Liu, Logic Investment Company’s Xu Youyu, Venture Capital CEO Erin Lee.

There are also some Chinese people in the entertainment industry who surround Luo Ji, including Remy Hay, Constance Wu, Yitong Chen and Keying Wang.They all accepted the invitation to attend the party.

Luo Ji looked at Zhao Meixin with a smile on his face: "Congratulations, you have made history and become the first Chinese female federal representative."

"Ha ha ha, thank you!"

Luo Ji continued: "I knew you could do it!"

Zhao Meixin rolled her eyes secretly, that's not what you thought at the beginning.

However, she quickly adjusted her attitude and showed the signature friendly smile of a politician: "Logic, thank you for your support."

Luo Ji waved his hand casually: "You're welcome."

At the beginning of this year, Congresswoman Hilda Solis, a Latina in Congress, was appointed Secretary of Labor by President Barack.Her California 32nd Congressional District became vacant, so a special election was held.

This is a member of Congress, and California politicians are ready to make a move.Zhao Meixin is no exception. She was elected to run by California's Chinese political groups.

California's 32nd Congressional District is the base of the Democratic Party, and it is impossible for the Republican Party to win.

That was the infighting within the Democratic Party, and there were eight Democratic politicians participating in the primary.There are also three Latino politicians among them.

Why the emphasis on having Latino politicians running?That's because the district is more than half Latino.

In the United States, a country with diverse ethnic groups, ethnicity must transcend class, and identity politics is also advocated.Everyone is fighting for the interests of their respective ethnic groups.

Generally speaking, in a constituency, people will vote for politicians of their own ethnic group in most cases.

Zhao Meixin said at the beginning that she wanted to run for the House of Representatives in this constituency, hoping to get Luo Ji's financial support.

Luo Ji learned a little about the situation in the constituency and saw three Latino competitors. He felt that she had little chance of winning, so he only gave her fifty thousand dollars.

But who would have thought that those Latino politicians were fighting among themselves, causing the Latino vote to be spread among three politicians.Moreover, Latino voters believed their politicians were sure to win, and fewer of them voted.

Zhao Meixin seized this opportunity and united Asian, white, black and a few Latino voters in the constituency with her outstanding eloquence and very high affinity, as well as the super mobilization ability of 80-20, a Chinese political action committee member.With an approval rate of 31.9%, he broke out of the siege.

She won the Democratic primary.There is no doubt about it. This is the iron vote warehouse of the Democratic Party. There is no doubt that she made history and became the first Chinese-American female member of Congress.

To be honest, Congressman Luo Ji didn't care much, but she was of Chinese descent, and Luo Ji was willing to give her more support in the future.

This is also the reason why so many Chinese celebrities came to this banquet today.

Luo Ji lowered his voice and asked the most worrying question: "In the midterm elections next November, will the Democratic Party send Latino politicians to compete with you?"

Zhao Meixin said confidently: "There is a high probability that it will not happen. The Democratic Party will not agree to take risks. They believe in the winner. But I am not afraid even if there is competition. You have also seen the mobilization ability of our Chinese political action committee this time. They It’s trustworthy and I’m trustworthy.”


Luo Ji nodded seriously. To be honest, he was shocked by the mobilization ability of the 80-20 Political Action Committee initiated by this Chinese-American.

In the past, this committee only made comments in the media, and many political news that was widely circulated among Chinese Americans came from them.

For example, Asian Americans account for 5% of the U.S. population, but only 867 of the 8 federal judges (less than 1%) are Asian Americans.

For example, in 2002, political opponents of Asian candidates twice launched racist attacks on them. 80-20 passed a resolution to punish such politicians and called on Asians to boycott such people.

For example, the glass ceiling for Asians is that Asian Americans have the highest educational attainment, but compared to blacks, Hispanics, and women, Asian Americans have the lowest chances of being promoted to management.

Forget about the public opinion offensive.But no one expected that this political action committee would directly participate in the election and support the Chinese-American politician Zhao Meixin, and it would explode with such great energy.Kill multiple competitors in one fell swoop.


Bang bang bang, everyone in the banquet hall started to applaud.

Luo Ji also applauded and watched as Wu Xianbiao, the former lieutenant governor of Delaware and now the chairman of the Chinese American Political Action Committee 80-20, walked to the front of the hotel.

He picked up the microphone and began to speak: "When the Asia Gate incident broke out in 1996, I was very angry that the media, the Democratic Party and the Republican Party distorted and smeared Asians. The media and the two parties wantonly slandered Asian politicians, arbitrarily investigated Asian fundraisers, and used Unfounded charges were pinned on them."

"This kind of thing also happened last year. I believe everyone has heard of Xu Yongqian. If he was not an Asian fundraiser, but a white man. No one would investigate him for no reason at all. He is still in prison. middle."

"This has been happening throughout history, but it has never changed. I am very disappointed in the inaction and failure of the Asian community to stand up for their rights because of our lack of political maturity and cohesion."

"That's why I formed 1998-80, a national Asian political action committee, in 20."

Luo Ji knew the inside story. Although this political action committee mentioned Asians, it was actually formed by Chinese Americans.

Although everyone talks about Asians to the outside world, Asia is too big, and privately it is all about their own ethnic groups.It’s just that when publicizing to the outside world, they are collectively referred to as Asians.

The political action committee 80-20 covers Chinese Americans from all over the country.For example, Chinese from China, Malaysia, Singapore and other places.

There are also many northern Vietnamese here, and they can't get along with the southern Vietnamese natives who came to the United States.

They believe that hundreds of years ago, the people in South Vietnam were barbarians who ate with their bare hands, just like people in Southeast Asia.

Therefore, northern Vietnamese who come to the United States usually hang out with Chinese Americans.

Indeed, the people of northern Vietnam have ancestors from China, and culturally they also identify with the Confucian cultural circle.The most important thing is his appearance, which is different from the dark-looking natives.

Chinese Americans also identify with them. Everyone looks the same and has the same culture and appearance.Basically accepted them.

Wu Xianbiao continued his speech: "In order to defend themselves, Asians must develop sufficient political influence, reward those politicians who safeguard our interests, and punish those politicians who do not care about our legitimate interests."

“That’s why I created the 80-20 Asian American PAC!”

Bang bang bang, everyone below applauded.

"In 2007, we submitted questionnaires to several major presidential candidates and asked them to make written commitments to guarantee the rights of Asians. For example, Asians must be taken into consideration in the appointment of federal judges. For example, anti-discrimination in enterprises bill."

"At that time, Barack did not give us a written guarantee. So we fought back firmly and mobilized the Asian community against him."

"After our struggle, before the 2008 presidential campaign, both Senators Barack and Bay responded to this and made a written commitment to increase the appointment of Asian federal judges after successful campaign."

"Now, an Asian federal judge has been appointed by President Barack, and he has promised us that if there are vacancies, he will appoint five Asian federal judges."

"This proves that our struggle is fruitful. We must resolutely support those politicians who safeguard our interests, and we must resolutely oppose those politicians who do not care about our legitimate interests!"

Bang bang bang, everyone immediately applauded.

Wu Xianbiao continued: "In May this year, we also successfully sent Zhao Meixin to the position of House of Representatives. This is the result of our efforts. Now, I would like to invite Congresswoman Zhao Meixin to speak on the stage."

Clap clap, applause sounded again.


After half an hour.

The purpose of holding this banquet today is to donate money.

As the most famous Chinese tycoon in the United States, Luo Ji donated the maximum annual donation limit of $5000 to a political action committee.

The people around Luo Ji, such as Xu Youyu, also donated 5000 yuan.

Of course, this is only apparent.Luo Ji will later donate $80 to the 20-50 political action committee through Psaki's lobbying company.

Luo Ji was actually annoyed by such troublesome political donations, and so were other wealthy people.

Because there is an individual donation limit, it is unrealistic to support a politician with a large amount of money.But in order to protect their property, rich people have the motivation to contact politicians.

Therefore, wealthy companies will organize their employees to donate to favorite politicians in their own names, and then the company will compensate the employees with bonuses and the like.

Luo Ji did this in the early days, mobilizing company employees and relatives to donate to politicians.But this is also dangerous. If an employee breaks the news, it is very likely that the ship will capsize.

Later, through Psaki's arrangements, Luo Ji's donation became more secretive and safer.

For example, if Luo Ji wanted to donate $20 to Ms. Clinton, Luo Ji would have his charity fund find an excuse to send the money to the lobbying company established by Psaki in the name of business dealings.

Psaki will then contact the third-party outsourcing company that handles donations and ask them to organize people to donate money to Ms. Clinton.

You read that right, helping others donate to politicians has formed a black industry chain.However, neither party will care about this. This is their pocketbook, and they are trying their best to protect it.The third party does not know which donor donated the money to politicians. At most, they only know that it is money from lobbying companies.Even if an employee comes out and doesn't know who the sponsor is, it won't cause much trouble.

Moreover, both parties suppress such news and the media won’t report it unless they want to receive the wrath of both parties.

In this way, Luo Ji's donation to Ms. Clinton was completed in secret.

This is how Luo Ji donated $100 million to the Democratic National Committee in order to prevent Scott Brown from being elected to the Senate.

Through this channel, after the Democratic National Committee receives the money, it will use it to support Scott Brown's opponents in the name of party funds.

But there is a big problem with this kind of donation. It goes through layers of outsourcing and multiple middlemen.Often a donation of 100 million yuan may only end up with 85 yuan in the hands of politicians.

This dissatisfies the rich, and it dissatisfies the politicians.

Therefore, everyone is paying great attention to the recent case of federal citizens suing the Federal Election Commission, promoted by politicians and wealthy people.

Why is this case important?

Because federal election laws not only restrict individuals, but also companies and organizations from spending large sums of money to support politicians' campaigns.

If this case is successfully prosecuted, wealthy people can directly support their favorite politicians' campaigns without limit through companies, associations, organizations and labor unions.

This will also allow the wealthy to have an unprecedented increase in their influence on American politics.

Luo Ji found Zhao Meixin and asked about this question: "You are well-informed on Capitol Hill. Where is the case of citizens suing the Federal Election Commission now?"

Politicians are generally very honest with their sponsors, and Zhao Meixin did not hesitate at all: "We will go to the Supreme Court soon."

"Do you think you can win the case?"

Zhao Meixin looked around first, then lowered her voice and whispered: "There is a high probability that we will win the case. That's what Capitol Hill has said recently."


"There is news that the wealthy people and politicians who promoted this case have "persuaded" several judges of the Federal Supreme Court."

Luo Ji said, "This... the public response will be huge."

Zhao Meixin laughed: "The Constitution stipulates freedom of speech, and companies can do whatever they want with money? Are they not allowed to use money to publish ads on TV that support or oppose candidates?"

Luo Ji thought for a while and then said based on his limited legal knowledge: "Can a company have freedom of speech? A company is not an individual entity."

Zhao Meixin showed a mysterious smile: "Whether the company has freedom of speech is not something we can decide. This is decided by the veterans in the Supreme Court."

Luo Ji frowned: "Will this completely change the United States? Rich people will be able to influence American politics more powerfully, while the power of the common people will become weaker and weaker."

"Maybe." Zhao Meixin then laughed: "But wouldn't it be the richest people like you who will benefit the most from the passage of this bill?"

"Hahaha, yes." Luo Ji concealed his embarrassment with a smile.

Zhao Meixin got down to business: "Next, our Chinese community will continue to push in Congress to ask the U.S. government to apologize for the previous "Chinese Exclusion Act." I wonder if you can support it?"

"How to say?"

"Your new media multicultural media company has a great influence on the Internet. Can you give us some public support?" Zhao Meixin then complained: "I have contacted several Jewish members of Congress and want them to give us some support." There’s support in some traditional media, but they’re not interested in it.”

You still have to deal with the affairs of your own ethnic group yourself.

Luo Ji agreed: "No problem, I will say hello to the company. You can just contact them then."


After half an hour.

Luo Ji and Wu Jianmin from Huami Bank stood together and chatted happily.

He said: "Mr. Wu, I have read the documents on the Huami Bank acquisition. My 1.9 million yuan will arrive tomorrow."

Wu Jianmin showed a smile on his face and praised: "Logic, you are very capable of action."

"It has been three days since we received the company information, and it is not a short time."

"That information is not good. You must have a good investment team."

Luo Ji smiled slightly: "It's just that the money given to them was enough, so they acted so quickly."


Both of them laughed, causing the people around them to look sideways.But no one dared to come and disturb.

Luo Ji finally confirmed: "When the acquisition is completed, I will get 10% of the shares. Right?"


Luo Ji joked: "Can the repayment of Logic Pictures' remaining 5 million yuan loan from Huami Bank be deferred?"

"As long as you are willing, you can repay the loan anytime." Wu Jianmin added: "As long as you can afford the penalty."

Hahahaha, the two laughed again.

Suddenly, a voice came from behind Luo Ji: "Logic, can we chat for a while?"

Luo Ji looked back and saw an unknown white man in his 40s. He was dressed like a priest.

Luo Ji looked at Wu Jianmin in confusion.

Wu Jianmin whispered in Luo Ji's ear: "He is the priest of a church in Montreal, and he has a good impression of Chinese Americans. Some of his ideas are quite extreme, and he believes that Chinese and white people are the smartest races on earth."

Luo Ji nodded and said out of politeness, "Father, do you have anything to do with me?"

The priest said, "Can we talk privately?"

"Okay." In public, Luo Ji tried his best to show respect to the clergy.


Under the leadership of the priest, Luo Ji followed him to an undisturbed area of ​​the banquet hall.

Luo Ji's head was filled with questions: "Excuse me, do you have anything to do with me?"

The priest asked: "Logic, were you in a car accident and fell into a coma in 2006?"

"Yes." Luo Ji nodded: "You can see this in the newspaper. Why do you ask?"

The priest looked excited: "Did you see anything when you were unconscious?"

Luo Ji said vaguely, "No."

"You must have seen something, maybe you can't remember clearly!"

The priest said firmly: "Otherwise, how could you write such good music, each one of which is a hit? Moreover, you are so successful in whatever you do. Whether it is movies, music, investment or business management, you just have At 19 years old, you have achieved such high achievements. I have never seen a young man as successful as you."

Luo Ji looked at him confused: "You said I must have seen something when I was unconscious? What do you mean?"

The priest said expectantly: "God, angel. Did you see it at that time?"

"Uh..." Luo Ji didn't know how to answer.

The white priest didn't wait for Luo Ji to answer, and began to talk to himself: "Yes, yes, in order for mankind to develop better, God must choose someone who can be accepted by both parties. Half of you White, half Chinese, so that it can be accepted by two of the smartest races on earth.”

Luo Ji was confused: "What are you talking about?"

The white priest held Luo Ji's hand excitedly: "Don't you still know your mission? Your previous coma has a special meaning. The fact that you have achieved so much success at such a young age is proof that you are a genius, you are the one Choose One.”

Luo Ji also knew some religious content and instantly understood what he was talking about.

He then said perfunctorily: "I don't quite understand what you are talking about. If nothing happens, I will leave first."

After Luo Ji finished speaking, he ran away.This group of magicians is talking nonsense every day and I don’t know what they are thinking.

But the white priest chased after Luo Ji: "Logic, I haven't finished telling you why you are running away. You are the Chose One, you have to understand your mission..."

(End of this chapter)
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