New York 2006

Chapter 315 Large Political Donations

Chapter 315 Large Political Donations
The next afternoon, Luo Ji found an excuse to get rid of Psaki.Accompanied by Fiona, we arrived at Sarah Palin’s home in Washington.

Luo Ji had specifically warned that this meeting would be a private meeting.Everything went very smoothly, unlike the last time the two met in Los Angeles, when a reporter suddenly appeared and asked for an interview.

"Hello, Ms. Palin." Luo Ji came forward and hugged her warmly.

"Good afternoon, Logic." Sarah Palin also responded enthusiastically: "Here, let me introduce to you, this is my daughter Bristol Palin."

"Hello." Luo Ji shook hands with her.

Palin's daughter Luo Ji has been seen in the media. When Palin participated in the presidential campaign last year, she was only 17 years old, and the media revealed that she was pregnant.

The news was quite big at that time, and it was the first time Luo Ji saw her in person, so he took a special look.

Palin's daughter was very excited, like a little fan girl: "Logic, I have all your albums. Can you sign the records for me later?"

Luo Ji immediately agreed: "No problem at all."

Palin next to him smiled and said: "She really wanted to see you before, and she also specifically told me that if I have a chance to meet you, I must bring her with me. Logic, did you know? There are many posters of you in her room. .”

"Hahaha, thank you for your like."

Several people were chatting as they walked into the house.

Luo Ji also took a special look at the environment around the house, which was an upper-middle-class living environment.I don’t know if she is deliberately keeping a low profile as a politician, or if she really doesn’t have much money.

"Fiona, just wait for me here. I'll go have a private chat with Ms. Palin."


When they arrived at the study, Perlin took the initiative to pour a cup of coffee for Luo Ji.The two sat on the leather sofa and chatted.

"Ms. Palin, will you be based in Washington from now on?"


"Then what are your plans for the future?"

"Probably just to help the Republican Party lead some civil organizations."

"Tea Party?"

"Yes, there are some other organizations as well."

Sarah Palin felt a little lonely when she said these words.Luo Ji could understand her performance. After all, she had the potential to become the first female vice president of the United States.As a result, it is now reduced to helping the Republican Party win over some civil organizations.

Luo Ji asked curiously: "So, do you plan to participate in the next general election?"

Palin said something cliché: "If it's good for the country, I should be in it."


Palin pulled away from his depressed mood and said with a smile on his face: "Logic, I wonder why you came to see me today?"

After the last interaction, Luo Ji also knew that Palin was straight-tempered. She basically said whatever she wanted. She was also quite emotional and not as pretentious as Ms. Clinton.

Luo Ji didn't hide anything and directly talked about the purpose of today's visit: "I recently heard some bad rumors in Washington, saying that the Democratic Party in Congress does not consider the opinions of the Republicans at all and does whatever they want. Is this true? ?”

When Perrin heard this, he was furious.She gritted her teeth and said, "Of course it is true. After the black president came to power, the Democratic Party went too far and did whatever they wanted. They did not take into account the political tacit understanding between the two parties that has been formed for hundreds of years."

Luo Ji looked at Palin's angry look and wanted to laugh. It seemed like she hated President Barack to death. After all, it was Barack who ruined her dream of becoming vice president.

When Luo Ji met people from both parties, he basically talked about people and talked about ghosts.His political opinions are very flexible.

He then said: "Then we just watch the Democratic Party fool around? Do nothing?"

Luo Ji also deliberately used an accent on the word "we".

"Of course not." Palin continued: "You should also know that there will be a special election for senators in Massachusetts next January, right?"

"Ok, I know."

"Our Republican Party must win this special election next year."

Palin then said viciously: "When the time comes, we will let the Democratic Party taste the evil fruits they have sown with their own hands. We will oppose whatever they support! We will never make it easy for them."

Hearing this from Palin, a senior Republican, it seems that the struggle between the two parties is really fierce.

Party strife, party strife.

Luo Ji said, "Can we succeed? I saw that a company recently conducted a poll. In the Massachusetts Senate election next year, 56% of people support Martha Coakley, the state attorney general proposed by the Democratic Party. "

Palin is not discouraged at all. She is full of fighting spirit: "We must work hard even if the odds of winning are low."

Luo Ji added: "But the Scott Brown promoted by our Republican Party is a bit unreliable!"

Palin reacted instantly, as if she had figured out the real purpose of Luo Ji's visit to her today, and she said with relief: "Don't worry, I have already said hello to Scott Brown, and he has reconciled with you. "

Luo Ji showed off his acting skills, frowned and said, "Can't we replace him with someone else? He looks a little unreliable. He doesn't look like he can win the election."

Palin shook her head: "Logic, there's really no way to change this. With the support of the Tea Party, he has won the support of most people in the party. I know what you are worried about. Don't worry, even if he succeeds in the election, he will I will never embarrass you in Congress.”

"you promise?"

Palin said seriously: "You have my promise."

"Okay." Luo Ji followed suit: "So, this senator's position is very important to our Republican Party?" "Yes." Palin explained in detail: "As long as our Republican Party gets this senator's position, we can break the The Democratic Party has direct voting rights in the Senate, so that we can attack bills submitted by the Democratic Party in Congress. Otherwise, the entire United States will be led into the abyss of destruction by the Democratic Party."


Palin, like Ms. Clinton, never forgets to brainwash Luo Ji: "I believe you can't understand the current policies of the Democratic Party, right? You are also a person with two children. You don't want your children to become LGBT people in the future. The Democratic Party is simply It’s too much. Not only did they pass the LGBT bill, but they also hyped it up in the media as if LGBT was a trend. This will seriously mislead immature young people.”

Luo Ji responded casually: "Yes."

Palin continued: "There is also the tax increase plan promoted by the Democratic Party. I am not opposed to the tax increase plan, but the Democratic Party uses the taxes of the middle class to subsidize the black and Latino groups. This is very difficult for us white and Asian middle class people. Serious injury."


Palin continued to elaborate on her ideas: "There is also the issue of education. The Democratic Party has gone too far. They support the policy of preferential treatment for minorities. But this kind of policy harms not only white people, but also their own advantages in education. Asians. They gave all those quotas to blacks and Latinos. This will seriously damage the global competitiveness of the United States. What we have trained is a group of low-ability people, while other countries that advocate fair competition have trained …”

The two did not have a deep conversation last time, but this time Luo Ji discussed some Republican political ideas with Sarah Palin in detail.

To be honest, some of the family and political views of East Asians are very consistent with those of white conservatives in the Republican Party.Such as education, marriage, gender concepts, etc.

Although the two are similar to each other in some details, there is one thing that cannot be avoided.The base of the Republican Party is white people, and many extreme groups in the Republican Party also support white supremacy.

But these were not important. Luo Ji saw that the conversation was almost finished, and he revealed the real purpose of coming today: "Ms. Palin, I completely agree with your point of view. The Democratic Party will destroy the United States if it continues like this. Therefore, in order to stop the Democratic Party Do whatever you want in Congress, and I intend to support Republican Senate elections in Massachusetts next year.”

Sarah Palin was stunned when she heard this and looked at Luo Ji in disbelief: "You mean, you plan to support Scott Brown's campaign? He has a personal grudge against you."


Perrin looked surprised and said: "This... I really didn't expect this."

Luo Ji smiled slightly: "Sometimes, party interests have to transcend personal grudges, what do you think? Ms. Palin."

"Yes, it is."

The talk of party interests is of course nonsense, and only Luo Ji's true purpose is known to him.

If the Republicans had the ability to fight with the Democrats in Congress, would they prevent the passage of many bills?Including the trade war that Ms. Clinton said she would pursue next year.

Just as the Jews hope that Jews around the world will live better and better, Luo Ji also hopes that the Chinese people all over the world will live better and better.

Moreover, the two countries are fighting, which is also very detrimental to Chinese Americans living in the United States.When the U.S.-Japanese trade war broke out, Japanese people living in the United States had a very difficult time.

However, Scott Brown’s polls are indeed very pessimistic, and I don’t know if they will succeed.Even if it succeeds, it is still unknown whether the two parties will really fight over the trade war bill.

However, it's worth the gamble to spend a few million to try it.

Luo Ji continued: "Ms. Palin, I hope this donation is private. You should also know that I am a celebrity and it is not convenient for me to directly reveal my political leanings."

Palin had a very good attitude at this time, smiling: "Of course I understand."

"So, I'm hoping you can find me a contact person who will accept my donation."

"No problem, you can see her tomorrow." Palin continued: "By the way, how much do you plan to donate?"

Luo Ji asked, "How much money do we plan to spend on the campaign in January next year?"

"About 3000 million meters."

Luo Ji thought for a moment: "Okay, I'll donate 300 million."


The next morning, Psaki went to work at the lobbying firm, and Luo Ji met with the liaison sent by Sarah Palin at home.

Luo Ji sat on the sofa and looked at the white woman in front of him.She looks very young, with shiny blond hair, and her original white skin has been tanned into the now popular tanned complexion.

Her appearance was ordinary and did not fit Luo Ji's aesthetic taste.He also looks a bit fierce.

Luo Ji asked, "What's your name?"

The girl opposite smiled: "Kelly McEnany."

"What's your relationship with Ms. Palin?"

"I interned next to her."

Luo Ji looked surprised: "Internship? How old are you this year?"

"22 is old."

Luo Ji was a little confused as to why Perin sent such a young girl here. Wasn't she trying to seduce him?Even if you seduce me, you don't check his aesthetics. I wonder if he doesn't like this?
Luo Ji didn't hesitate. Since Palin sent her here, he must have trusted her, so he went straight to the topic: "How did Ms. Palin arrange this donation?"

McEnany immediately took on a professional attitude and introduced in detail: "Since your donation is relatively large, in order to keep it confidential, this is what Ms. Palin planned. I will help contact several lobbying companies, and then you can use the cooperative funds to Call them in the name. Then they will divide the money into three parts and donate it through layers of outsourcing.”

“Part of the donation will go to the Republican National Committee, which will then allocate the funds to Mr. Brown’s campaign, part of it will be donated directly to Mr. Brown, and the last part will be donated to some political action committees that will cooperate with Mr. Brown’s campaign. Activity."

As expected, this is basically how wealthy people make private and secret donations.

"Okay." Luo Ji didn't hesitate and took out a business card and handed it directly to her: "When the time comes, you can directly contact the CEO of this company in Chicago, and she will transfer the funds to the lobbying company you mentioned. From now on, it will be her and you. Connect with specific work.”

McEnany took the business card and glanced at it: "Fiona Gallagher?"


 I'll have a rest tomorrow and update three chapters.
(End of this chapter)
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