New York 2006

Chapter 302 The Legend Ends

Chapter 302 The Legend Ends
Luo Ji just spoke to Christine, and his tone was businesslike, which was certainly true.He would not take the initiative to admit his mistake.

But it was a lie to find an excuse to hang up on her. Luo Ji did have something to do, and he went to Michael Jackson's funeral at the cemetery.

Jackson died in June, but the cause of death is unknown.Therefore, Jackson's family has always insisted that he will not be buried until the true cause of Jackson's death is found.

So it was not until August 8 that the coroner announced that Jackson had committed suicide.After law enforcement officials opened a case and arrested Jackson's personal doctor before his death, his family began to arrange Jackson's funeral, which is scheduled for today.

Jackson's memorial concert was held as early as July 7, and was watched by more than 7 billion people.

There were so many people attending the memorial service, including celebrities who were related to Jackson during his lifetime.

But today, Jackson's real funeral was held privately by his family, and only some of Jackson's close friends were invited.Not many celebrities came.

To be honest, according to the relationship between Luo Ji and Jackson, the two were just ordinary friends. Luo Ji did not need to come to the cemetery to say goodbye to him in person, he only needed to say goodbye in the church.

However, in order to show how much they valued Luo Ji, Jackson's family specially invited him over.

At six o'clock in the evening, the sun had just set, and you could still see the afterglow of the setting sun.Jackson's funeral was named "Sunset Funeral" by them.

Luo Ji arrived at California's Forest Lawn Cemetery on time by car. Security here was very strict today, and there were police patrols all around.

The staff were making preparations for the burial, and people attending the funeral gathered together in twos and threes to chat.

Luo Ji stepped out of the car wearing black clothes and was spotted by William Adams of the Black Eyed Peas who was passing by.He took the initiative to stop and come up to chat.

"Hi Logic."

"Hello, William."

"Jackson was a legend and the world would be sad to lose him."

Luo Ji nodded in agreement: "Yes."

"Logic, do you know? There are several songs in my electronic music album this year that were produced by your electronic music record producer."

"I know this, my company's CEO David Guetta! I didn't expect him to come back to work for you. He has rarely produced songs in the past two years and has been focusing on running the company."

"My relationship with Coulthard is very good, we have known each other for a long time."

Luo Ji nodded: "Yes."

William said solemnly: "Logic, thank you for affirming my music in the media."

"Your music is already very good. To be honest, nine months have passed this year, and your music is the only one that shines in my eyes in the music industry."

"I just caught the trend. Your electronic music record is the big winner."

"Then I want to thank you. You can be regarded as an endorsement for my company."

Since the electronic music of the Black Eyed Peas became popular this year, many big-name singers, or singers in transition, have come to electronic music producers to seek cooperation.Everyone saw the potential of electronic music.


The two chatted for a few more minutes, and Luo Ji saw Jackson's sister, Janet Jackson, passing by.So he stopped her and said, "Where is your mother Catherine? I want to say a few words to her."

Jenny said: "She is over there at the hearse. I will take you there."

"Okay." Luo Ji then said to William, "Remember to invite your group to come to my party in two days."


Luo Ji followed Janet Jackson. She was the woman with the highest musical achievement in the Jackson family.

However, she was banned by the media after the incident where her breasts were "ripped off" by Justin Timberlake at the Super Bowl in 2004.But Justin Timberlake has no shit.

Janet Jackson is now completely outdated, and this kind of outdatedness is not that of ordinary singers.

Most singers can still perform commercially and hold concerts even if they are past their prime.But because of the impact of her "breast ripping" incident at the Super Bowl, many people would not invite her.

That scumbag Justin Timberlake is the nemesis of female celebrities!There's Britney in the front, and there's Jenny in the back.

Jenny suddenly said: "Logic, I wonder if it would be convenient for you to tell me how much the money my brother Michael invested in your fund has become now?"

What, do you want to fight for the inheritance?
Luo Ji had seen on the news that Jenny's financial situation was somewhat bad since she passed away.

Luo Ji kept an eye on it, shook his head and said, "I don't know, I don't care about the daily life of the company. By the way, why do you ask?"

Jenny began to complain: "Logic, did you know? During this period, I paid for my brother's funeral expenses. Now no one in the family is willing to pay for this money. It is me who pays to support everyone. What do brothers and sisters have? Everyone is asking me for money. I can hardly stand it any longer."

"Uh..." Luo Ji thought for a while and said, "Didn't the Jackson Estate Committee provide this money?"

"No." After Jenny finished speaking, she continued: "So, can you help me ask someone in your company later how much money he has?"

Luo Ji asked, "What do you mean?"

"I was thinking like this, can I withdraw some money from Michael's investment and use it first? My family's expenses have been huge recently?"

"This is impossible!" Luo Ji said directly: "Jenny, it's not that I won't help you, but there will be legal risks if I give you the money. Unless you can get the court documents."

"This... ok!"

While the two were talking, they had already arrived near the hearse. Luo Ji saw Michael's three children, Jackson's mother Catherine, and McClain of the estate committee standing there.

Catherine was chatting with McClain at this time, and the two seemed to get along well.

McClain, a member of the heritage committee, took the initiative to say hello to Luo Ji: "Hello, Logic."

"Hello!" Luo Ji said hello casually, then looked at Jackson's mother: "Catherine, would you like to chat in private for a while?"

"it is good."

Luo Ji took her to a secluded place and asked, "What's the current status of Jackson's case?"

Catherine said: "All clues point to his personal doctor."

"Is there no one behind this?"

"It can't be found out, or it doesn't exist. The private doctor just said it was caused by his own mistake. This may be a coincidence."

Alas, a generation of superstars died so mysteriously.Life is so fragile!

Luo Ji thought for a while and said, "I just heard Jenny say that she paid for Jackson's funeral expenses. Is this true?"

"it is true."

“Why don’t the people at the heritage committee come up with the money?”

"We are still in a lawsuit with them, how could they approve this money."

Luo Ji thought of the people from the Jackson Estate Committee he had just met: "What's going on with McClain? Why is he here?"

Catherine hesitated: "He is not bad, not like Blanca."

When Luo Ji heard this, his heart suddenly went cold.

More than a month ago, Catherine also said that the person from the estate management committee might be the mastermind behind Jackson's death. It turns out that this person is good now.

How could Catherine, a 79-year-old black woman, outplay the two white elites on the Heritage Committee?Luo Ji wanted to get out now.

To be honest, the relationship between Luo Ji and the Jackson family was not very deep.The reason why he agreed to Catherine in the first place was because he felt the same way.It contains a father's deep love for his children.

But the legacy Michael Jackson left behind was terrible.

A will whose authenticity cannot be determined, and which has only two executors, is too easy to concatenate.The will does not yet provide for the executor's salary.Then, the executor can easily empty the estate.

Now, there are a whole host of Jackson sisters outside the Jackson estate.According to Jenny, these brothers and sisters also want to share the inheritance.

Luo Ji himself learned this lesson, and consulted a barrister to formulate his will in great detail.

The salaries of the seven executors of his will were lower than their current incomes, so there was no possibility that the executors would betray him for huge profits.

Moreover, there were seven witnesses to his will, so unless all seven of them betrayed Luo Ji at the same time, it would be possible to secretly modify the will.

But among seven people, as long as one person is betrayed, the others may go to jail.No one among them would have dared to communicate with Luo Ji when he was alive. If someone snitched on them, they would be finished.

If Luo Ji died, they might dare to join forces, but there must be someone loyal to him among the seven.Even if they all betrayed them, they couldn't guarantee whether Luo Ji would have any backup plan.I definitely wouldn’t dare to risk my fortune on counterfeiting.

In short, it can be said that Luo Ji made the will perfectly.

But the matter of Jackson really bothered Luo Ji.He already had the urge to give up. He and Jackson didn't have much of a friendship each other, so they might end up causing trouble in the end.This is not in line with his philosophy of life.

Catherine suddenly said: "Michael's estate is now managed by the estate committee. Logic, if my estate lawsuit ultimately fails, can you divide the money among us in advance according to Jackson's will?"

"Are you serious?"


Luo Ji said, "So now you think you will lose the lawsuit over the inheritance?"

"It's most likely yes." Catherine nodded and continued: "We can't deny the correctness of the will, and we can't come up with a new will, so there is a high probability that we will lose the lawsuit in the end."

"Then can you get the settlement conditions? For example, let the people from the estate management committee give you the cash that Michael deposited with me in advance. This way I can implement it. Otherwise, the people from the estate management committee may sue me. They have The right to execute the inheritance.”

Catherine whispered: "I can only say try my best."


"Then what if I can't get the settlement terms by then?"

"Let's talk about it then," Luo Ji said leisurely.


After Luo Ji separated from Catherine, he wandered around the cemetery. However, within a short time, he was found by McClain, a member of the Jackson Estate Management Committee.

He had a very good attitude and greeted Luo Ji with a smile on his face: "Hello, Logic."


McClain said, "Can we chat?"

"Okay." Luo Ji also wanted to hear what the executor would say.

McClain asked in confusion: "Logic, why didn't you send this quarter's fund income report to Jackson's estate management committee?"

"Maybe I forgot. I usually don't care about the company's specific matters."

McClain didn't hide it either: "Don't lie to me, Logic, are you on Catherine's side?"

"I don't stand for anyone!" Luo Ji said, "When Jackson invested the money during his lifetime, he said he wanted to leave the money to his children."

"I agree! What Jackson loves most is his children." McClain then said: "The person who wanted to withdraw this money from your fund was Blanca, and he didn't even notify me."

Luo Ji immediately became wary, but said superficially, "Yeah."

McClain then said: "Logic, did Catherine tell you that she wanted to withdraw the money?"


McClain said, "Like you, I am on the side of the children."

"still none!"

McClain then said to himself: "Logic, you may have seen some bad remarks in the media about us as executors of medical orders. I also know this. This is human nature. I feel that money should be left to relatives. ,child."

"Go on." Luo Ji nodded to show that he was listening.

"But there's a reason why trust funds have been around for so long." McClain continued: "It's very likely that family members will spend the money after they get it. Especially black families, you know, they can't keep their wealth. Jackson is In order to prevent such a thing from happening, I was asked to be the executor."


MacLean continued: "Catherine is now 79 years old, and she can still be sober for a few years. If you give her money, she will definitely not be able to keep the wealth, and it will all be divided up by Jackson's brothers and sisters. The child is still young now , how much money can they get when they reach adulthood? There may not be a penny left by then.”

Luo Ji looked at him seriously: "So, what do you mean?"

"I hope you can keep the money in the fund and not give it to Catherine. I will always invest the money in you and never touch it." McClain continued: "When the children grow up, I will share it with them. ."

"Can you convince Blanca?"

"Of course!"

Luo Ji thought for a while and said, "Can you sign a long-term investment contract? When the children grow up, I will allocate it to them. Jackson's mother 40%, the children 40%, Jackson's charity fund 20%, everything All according to the doctor's orders. I can give 20% of the funds to the estate management committee and put them into Jackson's charitable fund for your disposal."

McClain's face froze at first, and then he hurriedly said seriously: "Logic, I am assured of your character, and I completely agree with your decision. But Blanca will definitely not agree. Logic, after all, you are not Jackson's executor."

"I know." Luo Ji nodded.

"So, you're going to keep the money with you, right?"

"Let's talk later!"

McClain continued: "I do this for the sake of my children. If you give the money to Catherine, she might squander it all and leave nothing for the children, and you will also bear legal risks."

"Stop talking about this." After Luo Ji finished speaking, he pointed not far away: "The funeral is about to start, let's go there first."


Luo Ji deliberately avoided the people related to Jackson's will and found a place where celebrities gathered.

There are Michael's ex-wife Lisa Presley, Hollywood legend Elizabeth Taylor, former baseball star Barry Bonds and Black Eyed Peas member William Adams, who we chatted with before.

He came to stand next to William, said hello, and listened quietly to the pastor's speech.

"I stand here, with a heavy heart, to say farewell to our dear friend Michael Jackson. He was an American male singer, songwriter, record producer, dancer, actor, and philanthropist. Known as the "Father of Pop Music" king"."

"He is a great man who conquered the world. His name is known all over the world and will be forever engraved on the wall of the World Hall of Fame..."

As Luo Ji listened, a video suddenly appeared in his mind, in which William Adams was standing next to him.

Soon, the music started.


Dedicate yourself and you can find yourself
Give it a go and you'll see

Standing in the hall of fame
You're already in the Hall of Fame
And the world's gonna know your name
the whole world will know your name

Cause you burn with the brightest flame
Because you are the most dazzling flame

And the world's gonna know your name
Your name will be remembered by the world

"At this sad moment, let us remember Michael and let us pray that his soul rests in peace. At the same time, let us also send our blessings to his family, friends and colleagues, and may they be able to recover from their grief in the days to come. Recover and continue to live strong and courageous.”

"May Michael's soul rest in peace in heaven and may his love live forever in our hearts."

After the pastor finished speaking, the guests came forward one by one to lay flowers.

After a while, it was their turn. William said to Luo Ji, "You go first."


Luo Ji stepped forward and looked under the pit. Jackson was lying in the coffin.

I don’t know whether it was Jackson’s last will or family arrangement, but Jackson did not erect a tombstone.A generation of legendary superstars ended quietly like this.Not even an epitaph.

Luo Ji put the flowers aside, then grabbed a handful of soil from the ground and threw it onto the coffin.

Catherine stood opposite, taking several of Jackson's children and a group of Jackson's brothers and sisters, and bowed to Luo Ji to express her gratitude.

Luo Ji looked at Jackson's three children, especially the daughter Paris, and cried very sadly.

He turned around and wanted to leave, but then he thought of Tianqi's song just now. Does this count as the deal that the dead Jackson had just made with him?
Under everyone's surprised gazes, Luo Ji came to the cemetery again, picked up a handful of soil and threw it on the coffin.

Then he whispered to the coffin below in a voice that no one else could hear: "Michael, I'm afraid of you. I will fulfill your request and leave the money that belongs to your children to them until they grow up."

 The Script - Hall of Fame (Official Video) ft.
(End of this chapter)

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