New York 2006

Chapter 301 Kristen can’t let go

Chapter 301 Kristen can’t let go

2009 9 Month 3 Day.

Six pm.

Christine's mansion in the hilltop villa area of ​​Los Angeles.

"Logic stayed at Avril Lavigne's home in New York's Upper West Side late at night a few days ago and didn't leave until noon the next day."

After Kristen read the news in the newspaper, she cried and got into the arms of her best friend Dakota Fanning.

"Wuwuwu, I love him so much. That bastard didn't even call me once after we broke up, and he even found a new girlfriend. Wuwuwu..."

Dakota patted her back and comforted her: "Logic is a playboy, so let's break up. Now he has found a new girlfriend to piss you off. With your appearance, what kind of boyfriend do you want?" Can't find it. Find one and show it to him."

"Wuwuwu, I...I can't let him go. My heart hurts so much, like someone has cut me with a knife."

Dakota continued: "He is not worthy of your cherishment. You can find someone better than him."

"There's no one better than him."

Kristen cried while talking: "He...he is the best man to me besides my father. Not only did he help me get the starring role in "The Book of Eli" in my career. He was also willing to give me … It was the first time I felt safe with another man.”

Dakota said: "But no matter how good he is, he is still a playboy."

After hearing this, Kristen's calm mood suddenly became extremely bad, and she covered her face and cried loudly, sobbing uncontrollably.

Dakota wanted to laugh in her heart, but she still showed concern: "Don't cry, let's go shopping, maybe you can feel better. You have broken up, and there is no point in talking about this. He is just a bastard. , I said it a long time ago, he..."

Christine listened and gradually came to her senses.It seems that his best friend has been driving a wedge between him and Logic.

She stopped her tears, looked at her best friend and said angrily: "It's all your fault. You asked me to go to New York to find him, saying that I should be stronger. Now it's fine, we both broke up because of you."

Dakota's eyes were evasive: "I didn't let you break up with him."

Kristen looked at her best friend angrily: "Why didn't you? You have been saying in front of me that he is not good to me, saying bad things about him, saying that he is not suitable for me, and saying that I should end the relationship with him. If it weren't for you, I would How could we get to this point with Logic? My relationship with him was obviously so good before..."

"How could you say that to me!" Dakota retorted: "I only said that for your own good."

"For my own good, you shouldn't have provoked a relationship between me and him in the first place. Because of you, I broke up with him so impulsively. He and I didn't have to go to this point."

"I didn't instigate your relationship."

"I finally figured it out now. You just can't stand the fact that I have a boyfriend as good as Logic. That's why you keep saying bad things about him in front of me."

"I do not have!"

The more Kristine thought about it, the more reasonable it became, and then said: "It's because he rejected you during the audition for "Twilight Saga" 2, that's why you hold a grudge and don't look down on us."

"I didn't!" Dakota said quickly: "You have to believe..."

Kristine interrupted directly and looked at her best friend angrily: "Get out, I don't want to see you now."

Dakota was also angry: "You are simply being unreasonable and spreading your anger about breaking up with him on me."

Kristine followed her ex-boyfriend's example, pointed to the door, and said with a cold face: "I don't want to say the same thing a second time, please get out now."

Dakota was in disbelief: "Are you serious? You want to give up our relationship as best friends for several years for that playboy scumbag?"

Kristine has a softer personality, and her tone softened a bit after hearing these words: "You go out first, I want to be alone now. My mind is very messed up."


Ten minutes later, Kristen broke away from her sadness and searched the Internet for recent news about her ex-boyfriend.

CNBC: "In recent months, Logic has been busy working on his business empire. Logic admitted that after several months of restructuring his company, he has been separated from the busy company affairs and does not need to participate in the specific affairs of the company. Management only grasps the company’s overall strategy!”

The New York Times: "Logic's Holi Games officially reached a settlement yesterday with the producer of "Mob Wars" over the legal action over the copyright of "Mafia Wars". The settlement amount was US$1200 million, less than the US$1500 million originally requested. .”

"Some analysts believe that Holi Game Company's move may be to prepare for Series C financing. Because of the popularity of social games, the market expects Holi Game Company to be valued at at least 10 billion U.S. dollars."

Los Angeles Times: "Logic appeared at the financing signing ceremony between Tesla and Mercedes-Benz parent company Daimler yesterday. In this financing, Daimler spent $6500 million to acquire 10% of Tesla's shares."

"As the company's second largest shareholder, Logic expressed his optimism about the strategic cooperation between Tesla and Mercedes-Benz. He said that this cooperation will make Tesla more and more formalized and take a step closer to becoming a large electric vehicle company. "Hollywood Daily: "Logic Pictures announced today its production plans for next year, including the romantic comedy "Friends", the musical film "Les Misérables", the second season of the TV series "Westworld", and the second season of "The Vampire Diaries" department."

"Logic's personal investment style has always been aggressive, but compared to this year, Logic Pictures' investment scale next year will be greatly reduced. According to professional analysts, this may be related to Logic Pictures' high debt."

TMZ: "Logic was at the Forest Lawn Memorial Park in California today for Michael Jackson's funeral."


The more Kristen watched the news, the more uncomfortable she felt. She thought for a moment and took the initiative to dial her ex-boyfriend Logic's number.

She said weakly: "Logic, what are you doing?"

"I didn't do anything." Luo Ji said coldly, "Did you call me for anything?"

Christine's tone was gentle and she whispered: "It's okay, I just wanted to call you and talk to you."

"Then tell me."

"Are you in Los Angeles now?"


"Is it convenient to meet up?"

Luo Ji asked, "What's the matter?"

Christine whispered: "No, I just want to see you."

"It's inconvenient at the moment. My schedule is full these two days." Luo Ji continued: "If you have anything to ask me about, come to the celebration party for "The Twilight Saga 2" in a few days. I'll be free at that time. "

Kristine was a little angry and said loudly: "Do I have to make an appointment to even see you now or take advantage of your free time?"

Luo Ji asked coldly, "What do you think?"

Kristine softened: "Maybe we should talk about our emotional problems, I..."

"I have hung up in advance." Luo Ji then added: "If you have anything to do in the future, you can call my work mobile phone."

Kristine immediately said: "Why have you become so ruthless? We..."

Before she could finish speaking, there was a beeping sound of the phone hanging up from the other side.

Kristen immediately threw herself on the sofa and cried loudly!


Christine's mother walked into the house and saw her daughter lying on the sofa listlessly.

"Christine, what's wrong with you?"

Christine then realized what she was doing and threw herself into her mother's arms: "I couldn't bear to leave Logic. I took the initiative to call him, but his tone was cold, as if everything was over. I wanted to talk to him about my feelings. thing, but he hung up the phone without hesitation. What should I do?"

"Oh." Her mother sighed: "It's over, it's over. You should look forward."

"I can't let him go, wuwuwu..."

"Time will heal this."

Kristen cried and said: "But my heart hurts so much. He is always on my mind."

The two talked about it for a long time, but Kristen just couldn't let it go.

Her mother saw no alternative: "Logic is very strong and a bit chauvinistic. You can do this..."

After hearing this, Kristen thought for a moment and said, "This won't work, he will be very angry. Let me think about it again."

 there will be another chapter

(End of this chapter)

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