New York 2006

Chapter 303 Logic’s good reputation spreads throughout the United States

Chapter 303 Logic’s good reputation spreads throughout the United States
Luo Ji stood not far away, watching Jackson's funeral ceremony continue.

A group of people stood next to his grave, one after another coming forward to lay flowers. The whole scene looked orderly and very harmonious.

But what Luo Ji saw was an undercurrent hidden beneath the calm order.

The business empire left behind by Jackson is being coveted by people with different agendas.His siblings, his lawyers, his agents.Luo Ji still doesn't know who represents Jackson's true will.

After this funeral, the intensity of the inheritance battle will surely reach a higher level.

Elizabeth Taylor finished laying flowers, wiped the corners of her eyes with a tissue and walked out.

She was the goddess of a generation in the United States in the last century. She is 80 years old this year and her appearance is no longer good.

However, she is still the white moonlight of many old white men. Many elderly big shots in the United States, whether in business or politics, are willing to selflessly provide her with all kinds of help.

Luo Ji now wanted to find someone who could figure out the real situation of Jackson's will, so Elizabeth would be a perfect fit.

She was Jackson's best friend during his lifetime. During the child molestation case, Elizabeth supported Jackson without hesitation and gave him the greatest help.

Moreover, she has lived a very wonderful life and her status is very aloof, so she will not be bribed by anyone who wants to.

Luo Ji stepped forward and said seriously, "Ms. Elizabeth, can we chat for a while?"

Elizabeth was a little confused, but nodded: "Okay."

Slightly away from the crowd, Luo Ji revealed his true purpose: "You must have heard that Jackson invested a sum of money in my private equity fund before his death, right?"

"Yeah." Elizabeth nodded.

Luo Ji continued: "Now because of this fund, many people have approached me. Jackson's mother, Katherine, wants to withdraw the money. She feels that she may lose the lawsuit over the inheritance in the end. People from the Jackson Estate Management Committee previously wanted to withdraw the money." After I rejected the money, they now want to put it in my place, most likely to wait until the inheritance battle is over before taking it out. And Jackson's sisters also want to withdraw some funds from me."

Elizabeth looked at Luo Ji in surprise: "What do you mean?"

Luo Ji looked at her seriously: "You were Jackson's best friend during his lifetime. So I want to ask you who of them can represent Jackson's true will."


"what why?"

"Why did you help Jackson? Your relationship is just average. This will bring you a lot of legal risks."

Luo Ji looked at Jackson's tombstone leisurely: "Maybe he felt the same way. When he invested, he told me that he wanted to leave the money to his children. You should also know that I also have two children."

Elizabeth glanced at Luo Ji with complicated eyes, and then said solemnly: "Logic, you are a good person. I would like to say thank you to you on behalf of Jackson."

"You're welcome." Luo Ji then looked at her: "I'm not familiar with the people in the Jackson family, nor the people in his estate management committee. So can you tell me who you think is most likely to protect Jackson's children?" Benefits until they reach adulthood?”

Elizabeth thought for a moment: "Logic, to be honest, I can't confirm whether Jackson's will is true. But the person who best represents the interests of Jackson's children is undoubtedly his mother Katherine. Their mother-son relationship is very good. Jackson trusts the most It’s her too.”


The next day, Luo Ji Burbank's home.

Luo Ji, lawyer Jamie, Elizabeth Taylor, Katherine Jackson, her accountant, and Michael Jackson's three children were sitting in the living room.There are many legal documents on the table.

Luo Ji picked up a document and handed it to Catherine: "Jackson invested 2000 million dollars in my fund last September, and now it has appreciated by 72%. My fund charges a 2% management fee and a 20% profit commission." So, you now get $3112 million. Of course, this is before tax."

"Yeah." Catherine took the file and read it.

Of Jackson's more than 3000 million, 40% was given to Catherine and 60% to his three children.Luo Ji was equivalent to playing the role of the executor of the inheritance worth more than 3000 million yuan.

Of course, Luo Ji is illegal as the executor of the estate, and he may encounter legal action later.

Elizabeth Taylor gave a thumbs up: "Logic, you are truly an investment genius."

Luo Ji burst into laughter: "Hahaha, everyone says so."

Elizabeth said, "Can you give me a spot in your private equity fund?"

"I want to ask the CEO of our company about this," Luo Ji said.

"Then trouble you."

"I can ask for you, but I can't guarantee success."


Luo Ji and Elizabeth were chatting easily, while Catherine was reviewing documents accompanied by the accountant.After a while, they finished reviewing the documents.

Catherine raised her head and looked at Luo Ji gratefully. She even addressed him with honorifics: "Mr. Logic, thank you for your help."

Luo Ji accepted it calmly: "Yes."

Luo Ji's lawyer Jamie shook his head. He was very opposed to Luo Ji's decision.But he had no choice but to help wipe the butt now.

Jamie looked at Jackson's mother: "Catherine, you should know that Logic is taking legal risks by giving you the funds, right? The people who are in charge of Jackson's estate now are the estate committee, and they are likely to file a lawsuit against Logic. "

Catherine nodded: "I know, I am very grateful for Mr. Logic's help."

Jamie continued: "So, in the next lawsuit between you and the estate committee, my law firm will send someone to assist you. You must cooperate in the process. You cannot ignore Mr. Logic's interests and settle with them alone."

Catherine nodded solemnly: "I will, I guarantee it on the honor of the Jackson family."

Jamie continued: "Catherine, you and Jackson's three children will need to sign some documents later."


"That's it." Luo Ji looked at Catherine: "After you sign the documents, the more than 3000 million will be in your account tomorrow."


After this incident, Catherine trusted Luo Ji very much. She said, "Mr. Logic, after the inheritance dispute is over, I will put the money back into your fund. In the name of the three children, until they come of age." ."



Luo Ji sent Catherine and the others away and returned to the living room to sit down.

Lawyer Jamie immediately complained: "Logic, I really can't figure out why you would get involved in Jackson's estate lawsuit. This does no good at all, but may cause a lot of trouble."

Luo Ji said lightly: "Things have already happened. It's useless for you to say this! You should just think about how to deal with the follow-up problems."

"Oh." Jamie sighed, then walked out to get ready.

At this time, Luo Ji was the only one left in the room, and the news was playing on the TV. The picture showed the private doctor who killed Jackson being arrested by the police.

Luo Ji looked at the TV and muttered to himself: "Michael Jackson, I did what I promised you."


Two days later, Blanca and McLean of the Jackson Estate learned about the incident.The two immediately got together and discussed countermeasures.

They were still in a lawsuit with Catherine, so they could only ask Logic Investment Company.

Blanca was very angry and called Logic Investment Company.

The person who answered the phone was a female voice with a slight Asian accent: "Hello, sir, this is Logic Investment Company. How can I help you?"

Blanca asked directly: "Why did you give Michael Jackson's investment in you during his lifetime to Catherine and the others?" The wiring lady asked doubtfully: "Excuse me, who are you?"

Blanca was very upset. Logic Investment Company had previously rejected his request to withdraw money, and this time it simply pretended not to recognize him.

Blanca suppressed her anger: "I am Blanca from the Jackson Estate Management Committee."

The receptionist did not understand what was going on. She checked the system and then said in a gentle tone: "The recipient of Mr. Michael Jackson's investment in us was shown to be her mother, Katherine Jackson, and her three children."

"You have no right to do this, I'm the one on the receiving end," Black said.

The receptionist was very helpless: "Sir, this is what the system displays."

Blanca also knew that it was useless to embarrass a low-level employee: "Let your person in charge come and talk to me."

"Okay, I'll contact you right now."

About 2 minutes later, a man's voice came from the opposite side: "I am Xu Youyu, CEO of Logic Investment Company. What can I do for you?"

Blanca calmed down. There was a big shot opposite. His voice was much gentler: "Mr. Xu, we talked last time. I am Blanca."

"Ok, I know."

"Why did you give money to Katherine Jackson and the others?"

Xu Youyu didn't panic at all, and asked in a deep voice: "They are Mr. Jackson's mother and her children. Is there a problem with this?"

Blanca said coldly: "I am the person from the Jackson Estate Management Committee, you should ask for my opinion."

Xu Youyu said: "Our company does not want to get involved in your affairs. If you have any problems, go and communicate with Katherine Jackson and the others. The money is in their hands now."

"The money is coming out of you."

"Okay, I'm quite busy here." Xu Youyu didn't want to argue with him, so he said again: "If you have any problems, go and negotiate with Catherine and the others."

Blanca wanted to say something else, but what she heard was the sound of the phone hanging up.

McClain hurriedly stepped forward and asked, "What did they say?"

"They asked me to talk to Catherine."

McClain scolded directly: "That bastard Logic, I had such a good attitude in front of him before, and he actually sided with Catherine. We are the executors, that bastard, garbage, idiot, self-righteous guy."

Blanca didn't answer, just lowered her head in thought.

After McLean finished venting, he gradually calmed down. He looked at Blanca and said, "What should we do now?"

"Initiate legal action directly against Logic Investments."

"Do you want to think about this again?" McClain hesitated.

"You're still thinking about it!"

Blanca said: "If we compromise, the executives of Jackson's industry can bypass us and reach an agreement with Catherine and the others. This is not how things work, we must show a posture to intimidate others."

"Then... okay, just do as you say."


"The Jackson estate filed a lawsuit against Logic Investments, accusing them of passing money to Katherine Jackson and her children without authorization from the executor of the estate."

"According to the information we have learned, this amount of money is 3112 million. When Jackson originally invested this money, it was only 2000 million. This was invested by Jackson a year ago."

2009 9 Month 5 Day.

Celebrities in California saw the report in the Los Angeles Times.Everyone started talking about it, and most of the discussion focused on the terrifying rate of return.

"Wow, is Logic's fund so profitable?"

"There were rumors before that Logic was an investment genius, but I still didn't believe it. Now it seems to be true."

"Do you have Logic's contact information?"

"I heard that Logic will hold a party in the next few days. Do you think it's possible for me to sneak in?"

In short, Logic became the biggest public opinion topic in Los Angeles for a while.No one paid much attention to the lawsuit, and most of them focused on Logic’s profitability.

Luo Ji instantly became the most handsome boy in Hollywood. He received full attention wherever he went, and the paparazzi never left his side.

Fortunately, Luo Ji was often in the spotlight, so he could handle this kind of attention, but he had to suffer from bodyguards who had to always be vigilant about safety issues.

Discussing this topic, of course, also included Sarah Palin and her female assistant who came to Los Angeles.

Sarah Palin lamented: "Logic made a lot of money from short selling during the financial crisis. I thought he was just lucky. I didn't expect that after the stock market recovered this year, his profits would be so terrible."

The female assistant, who had studied Luo Ji specifically, said, "The Internet stocks that Logic has recommended in the media have all increased by more than 80% this year. Buffett has personally praised him in the media before."

"So he is truly an investment genius."

The female assistant nodded: "Well, Logic is a big player in the financial market and has a certain appeal. After the news came out this morning, the stocks he recommended in the financial market all rose to varying degrees. Especially his Booking Holdings, which holds 5% of its publicly announced shares, and Netflix, which owns 10%. Both have increased by more than 8%."

Sarah Palin asked: "So we in the Republican Party need to win over him more?"

The female assistant said: "Yes, according to his current development momentum, his influence will only become higher and higher in the future."

Sarah Palin lamented: "How did he do it? I have never seen anyone achieve so much at such a young age."

The female assistant answered: "Maybe he is very smart. It was previously reported that his IQ is 167."

Sarah Palin picked up the newspaper and read it again, then pointed and said: "But looking at this report, Logic's decision is a bit irrational. There is a high probability that Katherine Jackson will lose Michael's inheritance lawsuit, so Logic The lawsuit will eventually be lost."

The female assistant thought for a while and said, "Maybe it has something to do with his personality. Logic is still young and is not a pure profit animal. He has simple kindness. He has given up his interests many times before to help some people around him."

Sarah Palin wondered: "Does Logic have a good relationship with Michael Jackson?"

"It has not been mentioned in the media. The relationship between the two should be normal. At most, they are just ordinary friends."

"Then why would Logic take legal risks to help Jackson?"

The female assistant sighed and said: "Maybe it's because of a simple sense of justice. Logic said in the media before that when Michael Jackson invested, he said he wanted to leave the money to his children."


At the same time, many celebrities across the country are also discussing this matter.

"There may be something really wrong with Jackson's will, otherwise why would Logic bypass the estate committee and give the money directly to Catherine and the children."

"But there is no evidence. If you can't overturn the will, everything will be in vain. Logic probably realized this, so he divided the money with Catherine and the others in advance."

"But Logic will be litigated, and may lose the lawsuit in the end."

"So Logic is trustworthy, because Jackson gave him selfless help just by saying a word before his death. Ordinary friends can do this, so it will be more reassuring to be his good friend."

" you have Logic's contact information?"

(End of this chapter)

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