Chapter 96 Another weird clue
Case hall.

After Chen Yi's voice fell, Zhuo Yun and other people's expressions immediately froze.

Tang Yiping made a false accusation?
Yes, if Tang Yiping has made false accusations and caused immeasurable harm to the person being falsely accused, then when the person being falsely accused comes out, he will have the motive to retaliate against Tang Yiping.

Reasonable, quite reasonable.

If that's the case, then... what kind of case is it?

"and many more!"

Zhuo Yun seemed to remember something, and his eyes immediately widened.

"Chen Yi, that Tang Yian was once accused of rape."

"Holy crap! Tang Yian couldn't have been falsely accused by Tang Yiping!!"

It's no wonder that he got in touch so quickly, because the experiences of the two people were so similar that they were almost exactly the same.

Both were suspected of rape and both died unexpectedly. The only difference was that Tang Yian was actually sentenced, while Tang Yiping quickly walked out of the city bureau.

Judging from Chen Yi's analysis just now, the reason Tang Yiping was able to walk out so quickly was precisely because the murderer needed to take action against him.

Otherwise, this false accusation could be made more credible.

In any rape case, the focus of the investigation is usually on the suspect, which is also a psychological bias against women.

As long as a girl is determined to falsely accuse someone, with careful planning, the success rate is still very high.

Zhuo Yun's words caused an uproar in the entire case handling hall, and they immediately started whispering.

The more we investigate this case, the more bizarre it becomes.

If the hypothesis is true, it would be comparable to the plot of a TV series.

Chen Yi looked at Zhuo Yun: "That's what I want to say."

"Tang Yiping and Tang Yian are both involved in the rape case. Is this a coincidence?"

"If the incident of Tang Yiping's false accusation is regarded as a symbol of murder, the murderer will not easily change the characteristics of the symbol."

"Rape is the most important symbolic feature."

Zhuo Yun took a deep breath to calm down, and murmured: "Is this nonsense? The two brothers have any grudges, and they need to go to the extent of falsely accusing them."

"Tang Yian has been here for eight years, and he can't accept it on anyone."

Chen Yi turned around and put out his cigarette and said, "Don't worry about other irrationalities for now. Let's continue the discussion based on the hypothesis just now."

"Assuming that Tang Yiping died in a vendetta, and that Tang Yiping was falsely accused of being a murder symbol, then Tang Yian's case cannot be ignored."

"According to this idea, the murderer is very likely to avenge Tang Yian."

"If it hadn't been for Tang Yiping, Tang Yian would not have gone to jail, and he would not have died later. These are the most direct connections."

Zhuo Yun narrowed his eyes: "Then, who will avenge Tang Yian?"

Chen Yi: "Right now, it's just a hypothesis. We need to investigate to know what the result will be."

"There are still many questions that need to be clarified, such as why the murderer had Tang Yiping's bank card, where the money in it came from, etc."

"Sister Jiang, who was in charge of Tang Yian's case back then?"

Hearing this, Jiang Xiaoxin quickly called up the files from that year. She was slightly startled when she saw the name, and said hesitantly: "Hou Guangyi."

"Hou Guangyi?" Chen Yi expressed that he was unfamiliar with this name. Seeing that the other people's expressions were also wrong, he immediately asked: "Do you know him?"

Zhuo Yun was slightly silent and said: "Hou Guangyi was the former vice-captain, the one who recovered from illness."

Chen Yi paused for a moment and said, "It's such a coincidence that it was also done by our municipal bureau?"

Jiang Xiaoxin explained: "This case is the same as Wang Yan's case. The victims chose to come directly to the city bureau to call the police."

Chen Yi nodded: "I understand."

"In this way, we will check one by one. First check this bank card to see when the 200 million in it was paid in and who paid it in."

Jiang Xiaoxin: "Okay, I'll be responsible for this."

Chen Yi looked at Zhuo Yun: "Brother Yun, let's go to Qingyuantang tomorrow to learn about Tang Yiping's medical treatment."

" Captain Hou and the plaintiff in Tang Yian's case."

Zhuo Yun: "Okay."

Chen Yi: "Others are responsible for investigating Tang Yian. We need to know his interpersonal relationships."

"The key point is whether there is anyone with whom he has a good relationship, regardless of gender, such as a good brother or girlfriend."

"The time span is very long, and the process may be a bit tortuous. Everyone has worked hard."

Although what Wang Yan saw was a man, anything was possible.

Everyone nodded, indicating that there was no problem, and went to prepare themselves.

Soon, only Chen Yi and Zhuo Yun were left standing.

"Brother Yun, there is one more point."

Zhuo Yun was shocked: "Huh? What?"

Chen Yi spoke: "Wang Yan said just now that the other party will find him a lawyer, remember?"

Zhuo Yun immediately remembered it, nodded and said: "Yes, I said it, do you think so?"

Chen Yi: "If Wang Yan's case is quickly reviewed and goes to trial, do you think this lawyer will show up?"

Hearing this, Zhuo Yun's eyes lit up: "Through this lawyer, follow the clues to dig out the people behind the scenes?"

Chen Yi nodded.

Zhuo Yun slapped his thigh fiercely: "What a great idea!"

"I'm here to handle this matter. I'm very familiar with the prosecutor's office."

Chen Yi: "Okay, we will take multiple actions, and new clues will always emerge."

At this time, Zhuo Yun hesitated for a moment and couldn't help but said: "Chen Yi, do you think... the man who gave Wang Yan 200 million seems to be quite kind?"

From what Wang Yan said before, although the other party had many inducements, there was absolutely no coercion and gave Wang Yan plenty of room to make a decision.

Moreover, he also promised to help her send money to her father and brother while she was in jail.

Even if there are variables, money will be added layer by layer and there will be additional compensation.It sounds like other than making false accusations, Wang Yan is always considered.

Putting aside the criminal behavior, it can indeed be described with the word "kindness".

Chen Yi nodded slightly: "I admit, he is indeed very kind."

"Actually, there are not that many bad people in the world. If this case is really a vendetta, the murderer will only be angry with Tang Yiping and will not implicate other people."

"Even if there are obsessions in his heart, Tang Yiping must be allowed to visit the city bureau. This has minimized Wang Yan's mental loss and given him generous rewards."

"How do you evaluate it? Do you have good intentions?"

Zhuo Yun sighed: "If that's the case, this Tang Yiping is not a good person."

"But we are criminal police, this is not an issue we should consider."

"Okay, I gained a lot today, let's talk about it tomorrow."

"Chen Yi, your brain is so good that it cured my headache."

Chen Yi: "Assumptions are not necessarily facts. We still have a lot of work to do."


After his colleagues were almost gone, Chen Yi came to the forensic room, where Fang Shuyu was waiting.

Not for dinner together, but for the case.

"The problem hasn't been found yet, has it?" Chen Yi asked.

Fang Shuyu put down the pen in his hand, shook his head and said, "No, how is your investigation going?"

Chen Yi replied: "The case is gradually advancing."

Fang Shuyu was stunned for a moment: "Push forward? Isn't it really an accidental death?"

Chen Yi stepped forward and sat down and said, "Based on my experience, I'm afraid not."

"If we can't find the modus operandi, we can only look at the motive."

Fang Shuyu didn't ask any more questions. He frowned and said, "It causes cardiac arrest...what can be done?"

"There are no wounds on the body, there are no suspected poisons in the stomach, and the blood toxicology tests are also normal."

"Sorry Chen Yi, I can't give you any clues now."

Chen Yi smiled: "It doesn't matter, don't worry. Between us and the criminals, no one can guarantee that the criminals' IQ will be weaker than ours."

"There must be traces of existence. Let's wait until I find other clues."

"Shu Yu, is there nothing suspicious about Tang Yiping's body?"

He couldn't help but ask one more question.

Fang Shuyu: "I checked it carefully again today, and there is something I don't know whether it counts."

Chen Yi raised his eyebrows: "Oh? Tell me."

Fang Shuyu: "There are slight traces of suspected corrosion near the ventricular blood vessels of Tang Yiping's heart."

"I have never seen this kind of situation before, so I can't say for the time being. I am looking up information."

"When I go home tonight, I want to call Master and ask."

"Signs of corrosion?"

Chen Yi was slightly stunned and couldn't give a reasonable explanation for a while.

Caused by drugs?
Impossible. If it is caused by drugs, how can it accurately lock the heart?


That's not right. There aren't any minor wounds. Could it be that they have healed over time?
"Let me ask Master before I speak." Fang Shuyu said.

Chen Yi nodded: "Okay."

"Let's go then, I'll take you to get something to eat."

Hearing this, Fang Shuyu's eyes brightened, and he skillfully began to take off his forensic clothes and pack his things.

Chen Yi was not surprised. He already knew that the other party was a foodie.

He likes to eat but is not fat, which is a physique that women envy.


The next morning, the results of Jiang Xiaoxin's bank card investigation came out.

First of all, confirm again that it belongs to Tang Yiping, there is no problem with this.

Secondly, the card opening date goes back ten years.

Third, 100 million was deposited into this card four years ago, and the transfer record came from another card owned by Tang Yiping. It was transferred back one year later, and 200 million was deposited another year later.

This time, it is impossible to confirm whether Tang Yiping deposited the 200 million because it came from an overseas account.

Chen Yi began to sort out the timeline.

Four years ago, Tang Yiping transferred 100 million to this bank card.

Three years ago, Tang Yiping withdrew 100 million from his bank card.

Two years ago, the bank card received 200 million in cash transferred from overseas accounts.

Today, this card was handed over to Wang Yan by a man and is now being found by the police.

It's another weird clue. A discerning person can see that something is wrong, but can't know the actual situation.

In terms of's not easy to analyze.

"Can I check?" Zhuo Yun felt that he was in a mess again and asked with a frown.

Jiang Xiaoxin shook her head: "I can't find it. It's a private account. The policies of this overseas bank are different from those of our country, unless it escalates to international negotiations."

"And even if it is found, the name may not be the one we want to know."

Zhuo Yun understood what she meant and did not rule out the possibility of using the same card but having different money. Finding an intermediary to open the card to avoid inspection would be extremely difficult if it involves overseas investigation.

(End of this chapter)

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