Chapter 97 Qingyuantang

"If nothing else, the person who made the overseas account transfer and falsely accused Tang Yiping are the same one, right?" Zhuo Yun said.

Chen Yi nodded: "There should be no problem with this."

"It was originally Tang Yiping's card, but now it's in someone else's hands. Was it lost or given as a gift?"

Zhuo Yun thought for a while and said: "It is unlikely that it will be lost. I think it was a gift."

"If it was lost, why didn't Tang Yiping report the loss? Did he have too many bank cards to remember?"

Chen Yidao: "When analyzing this issue, we must also consider the identity of the mysterious person."

He gave the guy who falsely accused Tang Yiping of rape a codename.

"Based on the premise that Tang Yiping died of homicide and was avenging Tang Yian, then the mysterious person and Tang Yian not only knew each other, but also had a very good relationship."

"People who have a good relationship with Tang Yian should also know Tang Yiping."

"Then it makes more sense to give a bank card as a gift."

Zhuo Yun: "The person who can let Tang Yiping give a bank card must be extremely close to him."


"I'll choke you! Could it be Zhou Zhiyue?!"

Zhou Zhiyue and Tang Yiping are lovers, and they have been in love for a very long time, so they definitely have trust in each other.

Tang Yiping refused to get married and liked Zhou Zhiyue very much, so it was entirely possible for him to give away the bank card.

Chen Yi looked over: "Brother Yun, you are a lot smarter. I also thought of this name just now."

"But only the person involved knows about the bank card. If Zhou Zhiyue is involved in the case, I'm afraid the other party won't tell the truth if I ask directly."

"This matter needs to be understood from the side."

"For example, is the relationship between Zhou Zhiyue and Tang Yian not as simple as we currently know?"

Following Chen Yi's train of thought, Zhuo Yun gave full play to his imagination: "Zhou Zhiyue and Tang Yian had a very good relationship, but Tang Yian was imprisoned for rape. Zhou Zhiyue was so disappointed that he chose to be with Tang Yiping."

"Then Tang Yian told Zhou Zhiyue the truth after he was released from prison. Unfortunately, he died in a car accident... No, no."

"It should be that after Tang Yian was released from prison, he investigated first and found out that the instigator was Tang Yiping. Then he told Zhou Zhiyue the truth. In the end, he died in a car accident. Zhou Zhiyue decided to avenge Tang Yian?"

"Eh? Zhou Zhiyue seems to be a very shrewd woman. Will she kill someone for Tang Yian?"

"And she can definitely make a move to make Tang Yiping feel like being framed. Is it just because the person is dead that he is extreme?"

Chen Yi quickly shouted to stop: "Brother Yun, brother Yun, don't assume so far ahead. Your mind is easily confused. Are you going to write a suspense novel?"

"Go step by step, first determine whether the initial hypothesis is correct, and then go on."

Hearing this, Zhuo Yun felt embarrassed and said: "Okay, don't hold it, don't hold it."

Chen Yi turned around: "Sister Jiang, has the identity of the plaintiff in Tang Yian's case been checked?"

Jiang Xiaoxin turned on the computer: "I checked, Ma Huiru was once the front desk of Huatong Company."

"After Tang Yian's case, she received a lot of compensation, resigned and left Huatong Company, and opened her own beauty salon."

"Later, it may have been due to poor business operations that it closed down and the property was sold. I don't know where it is now. The mobile phone number under my name has been deactivated. I guess he is hiding and doesn't want anyone to find him."

"According to the ID card usage record, he did not leave Yangcheng."

Chen Yi: "When did it go bankrupt?"

Jiang Xiaoxin: "The time was quite recent, just two years ago."

"Huh?" Chen Yi seemed to have caught something at this time and said: "Two years ago was really a critical... time point."

Zhuo Yun: "How?"

Chen Yi: "The 200 million in that bank card was transferred two years ago."

"Tang Yiping went to Qingyuantang two years ago."

"It was two years ago that Ma Huiru's industry collapsed."

"Is it such a coincidence?"

Zhuo Yun reacted immediately and said very confidently: "The murderer started taking revenge two years ago!"

"Ma Huiru made a false accusation, and she is also the target of revenge!"

"And the people inside Qingyuantang have problems!"

Chen Yi looked at Zhuo Yun and gave a thumbs up: "I have an idea."

Zhuo Yun smiled and said, "Right? I think it's quite reliable."

Chen Yi was noncommittal: "I don't know if it's right or not, at least I can't refute it."

"It's easy, let's check."

"After checking, you will know if it is correct. Let's set off immediately without further ado."

"Sister Jiang, try to find out where Ma Huiru is. She must live there, right? For example, by borrowing or renting a house."

Jiang Xiaoxin nodded: "Okay, I understand."

The investigation process is now starting to go smoothly.

Chen Yizhuoyun is in charge of the most important line, while Tang Yian and Ma Huiru are the clue branches, and others in the criminal investigation detachment are in charge.

I imagine that if there is a result in the end, the clues gathered together should give a huge boost to the overall case.

in the afternoon.


Chen Yi Zhuoyun drove here.

After seeing the long queue at the door, it was verified that what Zhou Zhiyue and driver Li Shengguo said was true.

Qingyuan Hall is not large, but the door is already full of people. There are even old men and women who brought their own small benches to sit around and chat, waiting for their number to be called.

The two looked at each other and stepped forward.

"Sister, where are the lines?"

Chen Yi stepped forward and spoke with a smile.

Although the other party's age seems to be about the same as my mother's, people always call her younger.The middle-aged woman who was called eldest sister turned her head and smiled when she saw two handsome young men: "Yes, wait in line. My waist has been bad recently, so come here and let Dr. Huang take a look."

"Are you here to see a doctor too? You're so young and you shouldn't be."

Before Chen Yi could speak, another middle-aged woman next to him said: "Young people today are under a lot of work pressure, so it's normal to feel uncomfortable."

"Young man, you can make money slowly, but your body must not collapse."

Chen Yi smiled and said, "That's what you said."

"Sister, it's our first time here. What's the name of this place... Qingyuantang? Are the doctors there very good?"

The other party responded: "It's amazing, look at so many people queuing up."

"For many years, we don't have to go to the hospital for minor problems. We come here and let the doctor take our pulse and take a few Chinese medicines and it will definitely be cured."

"If you don't believe it, just try it yourself and you will know. I guarantee you will come here often in the future."

After saying that, she seemed to feel that the last sentence was ambiguous. Isn't this a curse for a young person? She quickly changed her words: "I mean I will be very satisfied."

Chen Yi nodded with a smile: "So that's it, I understand, thank you."

After chatting for a while, the two people stepped forward and squeezed into the main entrance.

There are a lot fewer people in the hall. Looking around, there are three doctors of traditional Chinese medicine sitting in the clinic, and there is another one who is quite old and is responsible for collecting and distributing orders and taking medicine.

Chen Yi turned to look at the wall, where profiles of four doctors were hung.

Liu Xinshui, the founder of Qingyuantang, looks at the photo, it is the doctor who did not attend the consultation.

Arranged to the right, they are Qi Jie, Zhuo Tianfei, and Huang Dalin.

The doctor Huang mentioned by the middle-aged woman at the door just now should be the last Huang Dalin.

The name is very ordinary, but his medical skills are obviously recognized by everyone.

"Brother Yun, there is someone with the same surname as you." Chen Yi pointed at Zhuo Tianfei and said.

Zhuo Yun grinned: "What's wrong, I have to ask if they are relatives?"

Chen Yi smiled and stepped in front of Liu Xinshui.

Seeing the new faces, Liu Xinshui turned around and asked, "Are you two uncomfortable?"

Chen Yi took out his ID and said politely: "Hello, Doctor Liu, Criminal Police Officer of the Municipal Bureau, I see that you are very busy, can I spare you a little time?"

"Don't worry, it'll only take a few minutes."


Liu Xinshui was surprised, but did not refuse. After all, it is every citizen's obligation to cooperate with the police investigation, and there is no need to cause trouble for himself.

"Okay, please come in with me."

Chen Yi: "Okay, thank you."

Liu Xinshui: "It's okay, it should be."

The two of them followed Liu Xinshui past the medicine cabinet and entered another room.

The room is not big, with three small beds. It should be a place for follow-up treatment.

Traditional Chinese medicine is not only about taking pulse and prescribing medicine, but also massage and acupuncture.

There is no one in the room right now.

"Two police officers, just ask if you have anything, let's hurry up." Liu Xinshui said.

Chen Yi nodded: "Okay, thank you."

"Doctor Liu, do you remember Tang Yiping?"

Hearing this name, Liu Xinshui thought for a while, nodded and said, "Oh, I remember that he often came here to recuperate his body in the past few years, and he was very generous. I have a deep impression of him."

Chen Yi: "How many years exactly?"

Liu Xinshui: "Two years, maybe."

Chen Yi: "What disease does he have?"

Liu Xinshui said: "It's nothing. It's not a disease. The pace of life is so fast now, and long hours of hard work can easily leave hidden diseases."

"If it is not taken care of properly, it may develop into a disease over time."

"I remember that he had a herniated disc in his waist, which was caused by sitting for long periods of time. He also had kidney deficiency, night sweats, insomnia, etc."

"Although they are all small problems, they add up to quite an uncomfortable situation."

Chen Yi: "Is there a heart problem?"

Liu Xinshui was stunned: "Heart? No, he didn't say that his heart was not feeling well, and he couldn't tell from the pulse."

Chen Yi: "Who treated him?"

Liu Xinshui: "Huang Dalin."

Chen Yi: "Is it convenient for me to ask him?"

Liu Xinshui hesitated: "This..."

"Officer, you've seen it too. It's so busy outside. Why don't we wait until we get off work in the evening?"

Chen Yi did not insist. There were so many people outside who were really busy. It was not easy to disturb other people's business, and it would also have an impact on the patients who came for consultation.

"Okay, let's come back later."

"By the way, one more thing, what specific treatment plans did Tang Yiping receive? Did he only take traditional Chinese medicine?"

Liu Xinshui: "Of course not. Acupuncture and massage both have a great auxiliary effect."

Chen Yi nodded: "Okay, thank you."

The two left Qingyuantang.

Standing at the door, Chen Yi looked back at the Qingyuantang signboard, thoughtfully, as if he had thought of something.

"What's wrong?" Zhuo Yun asked on the side.

Chen Yi was quiet for a while and said, "Brother Yun, do you think acupuncture can kill people?"

(End of this chapter)

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