Chapter 95 Assuming Homicide
The atmosphere was quiet for a while, and Zhuo Yun seemed a little irritable: "This is wrong."

"How could the bank card found at Wang Yan's house belong to Tang Yiping? Isn't it so counterintuitive?"

"According to our inference, it should be the person who falsely accused Tang Yiping of rape."

"Chen Yi, do you think so?"

Chen Yi nodded: "Normally speaking, yes."

His current reaction was the same as Zhuo Yun's, very strange.

There must be something wrong with this woman Wang Yan.

According to the results of the visit, her family is in difficulty and she has a younger brother who is in school, so she needs money to support her expenses.

Judging from her behavior, she took the initiative to follow Tang Yiping into the hotel. Afterwards, she refused the money offered by the other party, and then immediately went to the city bureau to call the police. There must be something wrong with something abnormal.

Judging from the inquiry, Wang Yan did not make any excuse after being exposed, but chose to stick to his confession as if he had to do so.

Judging from the response to the inquiry, Wang Yan appeared to be lying when he mentioned whether he wanted to receive money.

All the above indicate that Wang Yan most likely made a false accusation against Tang Yiping after receiving the money.

And now, the money has indeed been found.

200 million.

A very generous number.

However, the owner of the bank card turned out to be Tang Yiping, which really surprised him.

Tang Yiping paid Wang Yan to falsely accuse him?It doesn't work logically.

"Then what's going on now?" Zhuo Yun couldn't understand and could only keep asking questions.

Maybe Chen Yi can figure it out with his mind?

Chen Yi paced back and forth with his chin in his hand and said, "Everything that seems unreasonable is inevitable, but we can't figure it out yet."

"There is no entry point, and clues are scattered and missing, making it difficult to form a closed loop."

"We can't be too anxious. Let's listen to what she has to say first."

"Bring Wang Yan to trial."


Wang Yan was taken from the detention room to the interrogation room. This was her first time in the interrogation room. She kept rubbing her hands and looked a little panicked.

Chen Yi opened the door and walked in. Without saying anything, he directly placed the bank card in his hand in front of her.

Seeing this bank card, Wang Yan's expression finally changed, and the look of panic became more intense.

"Wang Yan, the money has been found, tell the truth."

"Who on earth asked you to falsely accuse Tang Yiping?"

Chen Yi spoke slowly.

Wang Yan lowered his head and remained silent, with struggle in his eyes.

Chen Yi continued: "I have met your brother."

Hearing these words, Wang Yan suddenly raised his head: "You..."

Chen Yi waved his hand: "Don't worry, we just asked about your family situation and didn't say anything else."

"So far, you are still working in a company in Yangcheng, and you are still the sister who pays Wang Tao 800 yuan a month."

Hearing this, Wang Yan breathed a sigh of relief: "Thank you... thank you."

Chen Yi: "Don't thank me in a hurry. Wang Yan, your behavior has violated the law. I think you should also know this, otherwise you would not accept the 200 million."

"Exchanging one and a half years for 200 million is worth it to you."

"But now the money is here, and Tang Yiping is also dead. Human lives are involved. This matter is not a small matter."

"I don't care what that person told you, or what promises they made to you, the problem is serious now."

"If Tang Yiping's death is related to being falsely accused, then you will be involved."

"Don't tell me you don't know. This is a human life lawsuit. I don't need to explain the word manslaughter, right?"

"Even if you don't want to think about yourself, think about your brother."

"If you keep hiding it, I can't guarantee that you will be able to see Wang Bao's graduation or even his marriage."

After listening to Chen Yi's words, Wang Yan trembled and raised his hands to cover his eyes.

This action means that her psychological defense is collapsing.

Seeing this, Chen Yi moved a chair and sat in front of Wang Yan.

After a long time, Wang Yan wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes and said, "Yes, I took the money. The rape accusation against Tang Yiping is a false accusation."

In the observation room, Zhuo Yun breathed a sigh of relief after hearing this and finally said it.

"Don't worry, let's start from the beginning." Chen Yi said.

The other party's words showed that she did not know who the owner of the bank card was.

Wang Yan said softly: "I remember...three months ago, a man came to me and said he had a business deal with me."

"I'm sorry, I still don't know his name, and I haven't seen his appearance. I can only tell you that he is a man, because he keeps himself very tight."

Chen Yi: "It doesn't matter, continue."

Wang Yan continued: "I asked him what his business was, and he said it was very simple. After receiving a certain customer in the future, he would follow the customer, and then go to the city bureau to call the police the next day, saying that the other party was raped."

"I was shocked at the time. Isn't this a false accusation? It's illegal and criminal. After decisively rejecting it, I got up and left."


Chen Yi listened carefully and began to restore the scene in his mind.


"Wait a moment."

The man spoke quietly and turned to look at Wang Yan's leaving figure.

"Since we are doing business, you will be rewarded for your efforts. Don't you want to hear about my remuneration?"

Wang Yan turned around and said, "No matter how much money you pay, I will never do that because I absolutely cannot be caught."

Man: "After being arrested, no one sent money to my hometown, and no one supported Wang Ba's education, right?"

After hearing this, Wang Yan's expression changed, he turned around and strode back, saying in a cold voice: "Have you investigated me?!"

The man's eyes were as calm as water, like an ancient well, without any ripples.

“When doing business, of course you must know yourself and your enemy.”

"Don't worry, I will never force you, so can you listen to what I have to say?"

Wang Yan was silent for a long time, and finally chose to sit down.

For no other reason than because the other party named Wang Bao, she was worried that the man would be unfavorable to Wang Bao.

After Wang Yan sat down, the man said, "I only want to say three points."

"First, the false accusation will definitely be established, but I can guarantee that you will be able to come out in a few months."

"Second, during this period, I will pay for your father and brother's living expenses. I will pay them regularly and I will not let them know what happened to you."

"Third, I pay the full remuneration in advance, 200 million."

After saying the last words, he took out a bank card and placed it in front of Wang Yan.

Hearing the number 200 million, Wang Yan suddenly looked at the bank card.

Earning 200 million in a few months is very attractive to her.

As for the criminal record, she doesn't care.

Life is so difficult, why do you still care about whether your personal information is stained?

"False accusation...will it be released in a few months?" Wang Yan asked.

Asking this sentence means that she has begun to be interested in the man's so-called business.

The man spoke: "The circumstances are minor and there are no serious consequences for others. Within three years, I will help you find a good lawyer."

"If you have a good attitude and performance, I guarantee that you can get out within a year." "If you can't get out, starting from the 13th month, 20 will be added to the first month, [-] will be added to the second month, and so on. "

Wang Yan was silent for a long time and asked, "Who is the customer you are talking about?"

The man paused for a moment and said in a cold voice: "Tang Yiping."

Wang Yan: "I don't know him."

Man: "You will know him, sooner or later. He often goes to your nightclub."

"Here's a picture of him."

As he spoke, the man placed a photo next to his bank card.

"Miss Wang Yan, business requires mutual consent. If you think it's appropriate, we can reach a consensus on this and you can take away the bank card now."

"If you don't think it's appropriate, I won't force you."

"Think about it."

Wang Yan took a deep breath, stared at the bank cards on the table for a while, and finally put away all the bank cards and photos.

Seeing this, the man nodded slightly and said, "Then the business is concluded."

"Remember, find a way to let him take you away. I think this is not difficult for you, and Tang Yiping has needs in this regard."

"Next, let me talk about a few points that need attention."

"First, don't drink too much, make sure you are sober, and don't pretend to be drunk."

"Second, don't take the money given by Tang Yiping. It's okay if you have to take it, but you can't tell the police immediately."

"Third, you must go to the Municipal Bureau and report the case to the Municipal Bureau's Criminal Investigation Detachment. It is best to directly face the leader of the Municipal Bureau's Criminal Investigation Detachment."

"Fourth, the police will find suspicions about this rape report based on your confession and hotel surveillance. At this time, you have to insist that Tang Yiping raped you."

"Fifth, try to hide your bank card as much as possible. Do not withdraw cash in the near future to ensure that the police will not find it. I suggest you not to keep it at home. There is no safe place at home, let alone give it to Wang Tao."

"Sixth, the alarm time is stuck in the afternoon or evening."

"Seventh, within 24 hours after calling the police, immediately retract your confession and say that Tang Yiping did not rape you. The reason can be made more vague, which will help the final sentencing."

"do you understand?"

Wang Yan stared blankly at the man in front of him, feeling that his mind was a little confused.

What the hell is this guy trying to do?
"Answer me, do you understand?" the man repeated.

Wang Yan nodded subconsciously: "I understand, I understand, stay awake, don't take Tang Yiping's money, go to the city bureau to report the crime, hide your bank card, and retract your confession within twenty hours..."

She was suddenly afraid because she didn't know the other party's purpose at all.

I always feel like something very bad is going to happen.


The man in front of me didn't seem like a bad guy. He had been very polite since then and had taken into account the unpredictable consequences. There was only inducement and no coercion.

This gave her inexplicable affection and trust, plus a bank card worth 200 million yuan...

The man stood up: "Very good, I wish us a happy cooperation."

"If anything happens in the middle, I will give you extra compensation."


Wang Yan looked at the man's leaving figure and wondered whether his choice this time was right or wrong.

If nothing else, she needs the money.


In the interrogation room, when the picture in his mind was interrupted, Wang Yan's voice also stopped.

Chen Yi frowned. The other party described it in detail, so he probably wasn't lying.

However, it made the case more complicated and messy.

An unidentified man took Tang Yiping's bank card and invested 200 million for Wang Yan to make a false accusation. He also listed seven key points that needed attention.

The purpose is quite clear and is by no means a simple false accusation.

Unfortunately, it is impossible to know the other party's true motives at this moment.

However, Chen Yi made a preliminary judgment that there was definitely a certain connection between this false accusation and Tang Yiping's death.

As for whether there is direct contact or indirect contact, further investigation is needed.

In addition, an important question arises: Did this man promote, know or even plan Tang Yiping's death?
With new gains, Chen Yi stood up and left the interrogation room.

The investigation against Wang Yan can come to an end, and all the questions that need to be asked have been asked.

Arriving at the case handling hall, everyone gathered together.

It can be seen that the entire criminal investigation detachment is a bit messy, and this series of events is really unpredictable.

Zhuo Yun said: "That man is not simple. He can predict in advance that the police can detect suspicious points based on surveillance. If there is no clear purpose, I don't believe it."

"Chen Yi, can you find a way to connect Wang Yan's false accusation and Tang Yiping's death?"

Chen Yi shook his head: "I can't think of any points that can be contacted at the moment."

"What we know now is that the man gave Wang Yan seven things to pay attention to and the results he wanted to achieve."

"That is, the police opened a case for investigation, summoned Tang Yiping, made Tang Yiping appear in the city bureau, labeled him as suspected of rape, and then walked out intact."

"He died that night."

Zhuo Yun rubbed his temples: "No, my head hurts a little."

Chen Yi sat down, feeling a rare irritation in his heart.

After taking out a cigarette and lighting it, he smoked for a while and then said, "Let's make a hypothesis."

"Assuming that Tang Yiping's death has something to do with that person, let's forget about the modus operandi."

"Then if there is a false accusation... then use the false accusation as a starting point and incorporate it into the murder process."

"If the false accusation is not directly related to Tang Yiping's death, then the false accusation is a very special sign."

"To put it simply, the murderer must let Tang Yiping go through the process of false accusation before he can die."

"Huh? It seems to make sense."

"After the false accusation, Tang Yiping must die. Then Tang Yiping cannot continue to stay in the city bureau, let alone go to jail. In that case, he will not be able to take action."

"Therefore, we must ensure that Tang Yiping can leave the city bureau quickly after being falsely accused."

"If you think about it this way, the motivation is relatively reasonable."

Listening to Chen Yi's words, everyone's faces gradually became brighter.

It seems to be much smoother, otherwise it would be impossible to understand the man's purpose.

Zhuo Yun: "What if the false accusation is directly related to Tang Yiping's death?"

Chen Yi shook his head slightly: "This possibility is relatively small. I have never heard of any killing methods that require the victim to go to the city bureau first."

"Brother Yun, what do you think?"

Zhuo Yun realized something: "Well... my head doesn't hurt so much anymore."

"Then why did Tang Yiping have to go through the false accusation process?"

Chen Yi thought for a while and said: "Based on the hypothetical premise, Tang Yiping committed suicide, so what type of homicide was it?"

Zhuo Yun: "With such deliberate intentions here, I'm afraid it's not a vendetta, right?"

Chen Yi: "What hatred?"

Zhuo Yun was silent.

Chen Yi stood up at this time and said: "Assuming he committed suicide, one line goes down and Tang Yiping must go through the process of false accusation."

"So is it possible that the murderer has also been falsely accused?"

"And the person who made the false accusation is Tang Yiping."

(End of this chapter)

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