Detective: Open your eyes, I am handcuffed in the interrogation room

Chapter 284 Case closed, Pang Rongrong’s funeral

Chapter 284 Case closed, Pang Rongrong’s funeral

In the interrogation room, the only sounds left were Pang Xi and the recorder typing on the keyboard.

Pang Qian spoke very slowly and with emotions, from sadness to anger, to the joy of getting revenge. It was like telling a very exciting suspense story vividly, making everyone watching the interrogation immersive.

The bottled water was indeed provided by Pang Xi. She added two bottles with a total of 200 tablets of sleeping pill powder in the water. The dose was enough to suffocate everyone who drank it in their sleep.

Asphyxiation is the fatal mechanism of sleeping pills because it has the side effect of respiratory depression. When breathing is suppressed, the heart, brain, and most tissues and organs will be deprived of oxygen, eventually suffocating to death.

Pang Qian obviously didn't want to take advantage of these two guys. On the night of the incident, she opened the door with a key and sneaked in. First she strangled Zhai Qi to death, and then she exploded with strength far beyond her own and threw Feng Chunbo out of the sixth-floor window.

On the sixth floor, Feng Chunbo hit his head directly on the ground, and the result was predictable.

It is worth mentioning that Zhai Qi seemed to have become conscious a second before his death. He opened his eyes and looked at Pang Xi, who was seeking his life, with inexplicable horror.

They indirectly killed Pang Rongrong, and eventually they themselves died miserably in Pang Qian's hands. It was... a cycle of cause and effect, and it was not a happy retribution.

Unfortunately, although Pang Qian had her reasons, she must also pay the price for her intentional murder.

"Where is Pang Rongrong?" Chen Yi asked the final question.

There was nothing left in Pang Qian's heart, and she showed a long-lost smile: "Captain Chen, can you do me a favor? I think you are different from the policeman in my impression."

Chen Yi: "Tell me."

Pang Qian: "I buried Rongrong on a barren mountain in the suburbs. There is no tomb or monument, and she is a lonely ghost. I feel sorry for her. Can you... help her organize a simple funeral? Send her ashes to the mausoleum."

"I'll pay for all the expenses, and I'll also give you a reward of 100,000 yuan. This shouldn't be considered a bribe, right?"

Chen Yi was silent for a while and said, "She also has grandma and grandpa. Isn't it appropriate for me to do this?"

When she mentioned her parents, Pang Xi's face darkened again: "Don't mention them to me, and don't tell them about this, okay?"

Chen Yi: "I'm afraid not. After a suspect in a criminal case is arrested, his immediate family members need to be notified."

Pang Qian sighed: "They must be worried about my money... Captain Chen, can I make a will?"


Chen Yi didn't expect that the other party's thinking would jump so much. Was he really disappointed in his parents?

"Pang Xi, you are not necessarily sentenced to death. Is it necessary now?"

Pang Qian said seriously: "It's necessary. I make money all for Rongrong. Now that Rongrong is gone, I have also committed an unforgivable crime. Regardless of whether it is the death penalty or not, I will donate my assets. Just Donate to...the welfare home, I hope there will be more children and they can live a good life in the future."

"Does Captain Chen know anyone from the welfare home?"

Chen Yi thought of Zhou Zhiyue and nodded: "We know him."

Pang Qian: "That's good. Donate it for me. The house has also been sold for me. Thank you very much. I'll add another 100,000 to the reward, for a total of 200,000."

Chen Yi: "Are you sure?"

Pang Xi: "OK."

Chen Yi: "Okay, I'll let the lawyer handle this matter."

Pang Xi was grateful: "Thank you...thank you."

She knew that the police had no obligation to help her, so she added 200,000 yuan to her reward.

Two hundred thousand is already a lot for the police.

"Is there anything else you want to say?" Chen Yi asked.

Pang Qian shook her head: "No, if Captain Chen wants to know if I don't regret it, I can tell you clearly, I don't regret it."

"Even if I could go back in time and make another choice, I would kill Feng Chunbo and Zhai Qi without hesitation. I will still say this when I get to court. Even if confession can reduce the punishment, I will still not change."

Chen Yi did not respond to these remarks, not to mention intentional murder. She is a great mother, but no matter how great a mother is, she has no right to take away the lives of others.

He stood up to leave.

"Thank you." Pang Xi's voice came again.

Chen Yi hummed, accepted Pang Qian's thanks, and disappeared from her sight.

In the interrogation room, Pang Qian lost all her strength, but the smile on her lips never disappeared. She was not afraid, and she really had no regrets.

The follow-up of the case and the collection of evidence were handed over to He Xin. Chen Yi and his people immediately rushed to the location mentioned by Pang Qian and dug out the bag containing Pang Rongrong's body.

In two years, Pang Rongrong's body had completely turned into bones. Chen Yi asked the forensic doctor to transport it back to the city bureau for DNA testing and then an autopsy. If there were no problems, he would be cremated directly.

In the forensic room, Fang Shuyu looked at the bones of the girl in front of him and said regretfully: "At Hua Ji's age, she chose to end her life by herself. Although she knows she shouldn't say this, is what Pang Qian did right? Is there a definite answer?"

Pang Qian is right and wrong from both perspectives, and legally she is wrong.

Chen Yi: "This is just a private conversation between the two of us. From the perspective of bystanders, I am afraid that a considerable number of people will support Pang Qian. Without Feng Chunbo and Zhai Qi, Pang Rongrong would have lived a good life."

"She is just addicted to the Internet in adolescence. She will change as she grows older. There will be a day when she matures, a day when she understands her mother, and a day when she appreciates her mother." "My mother gave me life and raised me. I I believe Pang Rongrong will be able to see through the future, but she will not have this opportunity, so Feng Chunbo and Zhai Qi who caused the tragic results are really hateful."

Fang Shuyu sighed. As a forensic doctor, she was used to it, but it would inevitably affect her mood every time.

Regular psychological counseling is not just a decoration for the police, it is really useful.

A week later, Pang Rongrong's funeral was simple. Her grandmother and grandfather were present, as well as other relatives and friends, including teachers from Yangcheng No. 2 Middle School and several classmates.

Of course, crying is inevitable at the funeral, but no one knows whether the crying is real. Pang Qian may be the only person in the world who can truly shed tears for Pang Rongrong.

After it was over, everyone rushed to a certain mausoleum in Yangcheng, which Chen Yi specially selected for Pang Rongrong.

He wasn't using his own money, he was using Pang Qian's money. Although he was not short of money, he would not go out of his way to replace Pang Qian.

As for the 200,000 yuan, they will naturally not accept it.

There were video and audio recordings in the interrogation room at that time, but everyone knew that Chen Yi would not take the money. To be exaggerated, it might only be the cost of a meal for Chen Yi, and a bottle of wine would cost tens of thousands.

The ashes were placed in the tomb, the marble cover was closed, and Pang Rongrong rested in peace, completely separated from yin and yang under everyone's gaze.

Chen Yi placed a bouquet of fresh flowers in front of the tombstone and bowed slightly.

"Your mother is not a bad person." Chen Yi whispered to himself, and Fang Shuyu was beside him, holding his hand.

The scene was very solemn, but Pang Qian's father made an inappropriate voice at this time.

"Officer Chen, Pang Qian killed someone, what should I do with her property? I heard that she has two houses and a lot of savings. I am her father, should I keep it for you?"

Everyone frowned, and with Fang Shuyu's cultivation, they had the urge to curse.

Such a big thing happened to my daughter, and my granddaughter is still lying in front of me. Is now the time to talk about money?

She finally understood why Pang Qian was dismissive of her parents, and she had felt the reason personally.

Chen Yi had no expression on his face, looking at the black and white photo of Pang Rongrong on the tombstone. The girl on it was smiling happily. This was a photo of her when she was fourteen years old, and Pang Qian chose it herself.

"The lawyer has notarized that nine-tenths of Pang Qian's property has been donated. I have deposited the remaining one-tenth for her on a regular basis, and it has nothing to do with you."

Chen Yi's voice sounded.

Hearing this, Pang Qian's parents immediately became excited, especially Pang Qian's mother, who stepped forward to argue with Chen Yi: "You, you, you..."

"Back off!"

"Please stand back!!"

Qin Fei and several police officers immediately stepped forward and blocked the other party's way.

Pang Qian's mother said angrily: "Why are you police doing this? That's my daughter's money. Why should she donate it? I don't agree! Get it back quickly! Her brother still has to use it!!"

Chen Yi turned around and said, "My name is Chen Yi, captain of the Criminal Investigation Detachment of the Yangcheng City Bureau. If you have any objections, you can appeal. I'll be waiting at any time."

"I repeat, the lawyer notarized that nine-tenths of Pang Qian's property has been donated. This is her freedom. The remaining one-tenth will continue to be donated even if Pang Qian is sentenced to death. This is The will she made in advance.”

This time he didn't sympathize with the suspect, he was just helping others. It wasn't a complicated matter, and there were no violations.

When I was drinking with Zhou Yebin before, he once said something as an old detective: Don't sympathize with the victims and suspects' families at any time. You will be very disappointed. Some victims and suspects' families will... It makes you so sick that you doubt your life.

Chen Yi knew this sentence before as a detective, but now he understands it even more deeply.

Interpols really need a very strong heart, and regular psychological counseling is not unreasonable, otherwise they will go crazy sooner or later, because some people are really irritating and it is impossible to understand what is going on in their heads.

"Okay! Chen Yi, right? I will definitely sue you! You will definitely swallow the money!" Pang Qian's mother's voice was sharp.

Chen Yi ignored it, turned and left.

"Back off!!"

Qin Fei and others guarded the surroundings, guarding against anyone approaching. He was relatively young, and this scene had already made him angry.

In addition to the police present, others also looked down upon Pang Qian's parents. They thought they were here to attend their granddaughter's funeral, but they didn't expect that they were here for property.

Pang Xi is really sad to have such parents.

Several people got in the car. Chen Yi rubbed his eyebrows and felt his head was buzzing. He had seen too many unreasonable things and really needed ways to relieve his emotions.

"Who are you? You can't accept it, what the hell."

Qin Fei was cursing and wearing his seat belt. The job of the police is to deal with the dark side of society, so it is impossible to keep his mouth clean.

This is an "occupational disease" just like smoking.

(End of this chapter)

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