Detective: Open your eyes, I am handcuffed in the interrogation room

Chapter 283: Plea guilty, cause of Pang Rongrong’s death

Chapter 283: Plea guilty, cause of Pang Rongrong’s death

In the conference room, Pang Qian seemed to be chatting with a friend: "When I got to high school... there was a slight change at the beginning. She missed classes less often. It may be that the new teacher and new interpersonal relationships affected her, but I didn't expect..."

Speaking of this, Pang Xi's face showed a trace of pain, obviously recalling something she didn't want to face.

Chen Yi answered: "Unexpectedly, Pang Rongrong died suddenly without any warning. This is a huge blow to you."

Pang Xi couldn't stop crying. She loved this daughter very much.

At this moment, certain topics were unavoidable, and Chen Yi said: " did Pang Rongrong die?"

Pang Xi: "Since... I don't want to talk about this issue."

Not even close.

Pang Qian has completed her purpose of revenge and does not care about the consequences she will face, but it takes courage to admit the crime. Every suspect has a wall in his heart. Now this wall has cracks, and it takes time and more clues to solve it. grind.

Chen Yi did not force her and talked about other things. Half an hour later, he left the interrogation room.

In the evening, Shi Xin came back and brought Pang Rongrong's mobile phone. The mobile phone was on, fully charged, and had not shut down.

Probably, it was because Pang Qian was reluctant to throw away her daughter's mobile phone, and she also didn't want to let it stop. She missed it while reminding herself that the great revenge had not yet been avenged.

"Tell me the key points." Chen Yi said.

Shi Xindao: "The harvest is not big. We need to start with mobile phones and computers. I have already brought my desktop computer back and can investigate it at any time."

"How was the trial?"

Chen Yidao: "That's almost it. I need more information about Pang Rongrong. I need to immediately check her mobile phone and Pang Qian's computer. Also, contact Huanwu Game Corporation, be tougher, and get the detailed game data from two years ago. Tell them that if they don't cooperate, the two captains of Yangcheng Criminal Investigation and Economic Investigation will go and ask for it in person."

Shi Xin: "Okay, I'll do it right away."

Chen Yi returned to his office. The case had come to an end. All that was left was Pang Qian's confession. The speed was relatively fast.

Choosing to kill Feng Chunbo and Zhai Qi in his own home was a huge risk.


Chen Yi leaned on the chair and lit a cigarette, recalling the interrogation process just now.

Pang Qian had already leaked that Pang Rongrong committed suicide, and he probably committed suicide in that haunted house.

Suicide, everything makes sense.

The first is Pang Qian’s motive for killing. Since Pang Qian committed suicide, even if she called the police, the law would not sentence Feng Chunbo and Zhai Qi to death. She decided to do it herself.

The second is Pang Qian's way of killing. She chose the house where Pang Rongrong committed suicide and chose to pretend to be a ghost. There may be many reasons for this. You need to hear what Pang Qian has to say.

For example, reduce the difficulty of committing crimes.

For example, give your daughter an explanation.


When the time came to the next day, He Xin worked overtime and only slept for three hours. He found out everything that could be found. The entire case was now very clear, except for a few small doubts.

Only Pang Qian knows these doubts.

"The game has a real-name system. Pang Qian also plays this game. It started almost two years ago, just a few days after Pang Rongrong disappeared from school."

In the case handling hall, Shi Xin said with dark circles under his eyes, handing over the investigation report in his hand.

Chen Yi took it: "Thank you for your hard work, Lao He. Go and rest quickly. Leave the rest to me."

When is new: "Okay."

After Ji Xin left, Chen Yi focused on the information in his hand. As the information was taken in, the grudges between Pang Rongrong and the two victims slowly unfolded before his eyes.

From the analysis of game data, it was indeed account theft. The game account that Pang Rongrong worked so hard to play fell into the hands of Feng Chunbo and Zhai Qi. After more than half a month, all the valuable equipment and materials in the account were looted. The time when Pang Rongrong was absent from school was basically the same.

In other words, when Pang Rongrong learned that her account was completely disabled, she chose to commit suicide.

"Half a month... It seems that it's not just because of the game, these two bastards have also done other things."

Chen Yi stood up and prepared to settle the case.

"Who is that! Take Pang Qian to the interrogation room!"

"Yes! Team Chen!"

In the interrogation room, Chen Yi faced Pang Qian again. After a night, the makeup on Pang Qian's face had been smeared and she looked very haggard.

Losing his freedom in the detention room is a huge test for the suspect, which will bring considerable help to the subsequent interrogation.

The strength of people's psychological defenses is limited. In theory, there is no person without flaws.

"Pang Qian, we've found out everything, right?" Chen Yi pointed to the investigation report in front of him.

Pang Xi was a little decadent and said expressionlessly: "Yes."

Chen Yi continued: "The account Pang Rongrong worked hard for two years turned into an empty account overnight. This was a big blow to an Internet addicted girl. However, from the account being lost to being cleared, everything went through in the middle. Half a month."

"I want to know what Pang Rongrong has been through in the past half month."

These words cheered up Pang Xi, she clenched her fists and said coldly: "Is it important?! She is already dead, dead! Why do we still need to check her!"

Chen Yi said: "I'm sorry, we are criminal police. The murder case is a major criminal case. We cannot let go of anything related to the case."

"Do you really have to carry it on? Pang Qian, the result will not change. And... where is Pang Rongrong now? Have you considered... letting her truly rest in peace and leave this world well?"

Pang Qian's breathing became rapid, her eyes were red, and she seemed about to cry.

Chen Yi said the last shocking sentence: "Was she raped? Or was she seduced?"

Pang Qian collapsed completely and cried bitterly. She was hysterical, mixed with anger towards Feng Chunbo and Zhai Qi. Although they were dead, they could not make up for her grief.

Chen Yi sighed slightly, it seemed he was right.

Sure enough, sometimes a biting dog doesn't bark. Feng Chunbo and Zhai Qi looked bad on the surface and had a quiet personality, but when the opportunity was presented to them, they did not let go of the innocent Pang Rongrong.

This is not showing off, let alone seeing through life, but compromising and escaping. Feng Chunbo and Zhai Qi did not have the courage to face the fiercely competitive society and deal with complex interpersonal relationships, so they chose to be confused.

He is addicted to the Internet, but he has hatred for society in his heart. When the opportunity comes, he will commit sexual crimes.

"Tell me... the main contents of the suicide note." Chen Yi said softly.

He speculated that Pang Rongrong should have left a suicide note at that time. This kind of thing would be difficult for Pang Qian to find out. Pang Qian cried for a long time. When the sobs stopped, she said in a hoarse voice: "You are right, it was... seduction. Rongrong gave up her resistance in order to get her account back, but those two beasts did not fulfill their promise. She Just... hanged himself."

Hang yourself?

Chen Yi recalled the layout of the room. There were not many places for hanging. There were iron rings reserved for fans on the ceiling of the old house. They were quite strong. As long as you stood on the coffee table and placed a chair on the coffee table, you could reach it.

"in living room?"

Pang Xi: "In the bedroom."

Chen Yi: "Where is the suicide note?"

Pang Xi: "Burn it."

Chen Yi: "When was it burned?"

Pang Xi: "After killing those two beasts."

She admitted the crime and Chen Yi understood the whole process.

Her daughter's suicide note had special meaning to Pang Qian. She would not destroy it easily and kept it for two years. If Pang Qian's home was searched directly on the day of the crime, the case could be solved that night.

This is after the fact. The police have no right to search without direct clues. Every case is a mess in the early stages of investigation. When the truth is revealed, it is actually very simple from a God's perspective.

Mother, revenge for her daughter, nothing more.

Two years ago, when Pang Rongrong was sixteen, if she had called the police at that time... Feng Chunbo and Zhai Qi would not have been sentenced to death. After all, they were not the ones who killed the person.

Pang Qian couldn't accept this and chose to do it herself.

After a moment of silence, Chen Yi asked: "You have been investigating Feng Chunbo and Zhai Qi since Pang Rongrong died, right?"

Pang Xi said angrily: "Yes! I have to make them pay the price. For this reason, I even played this game and found them in reality through the game. They have to pay with their lives!"

Chen Yi: "What happened to the house?"

Originally, the house needed to be completely demolished and thoroughly investigated, but now there is no need for it.

Pouncey: "I renovated the house."

Chen Yi: "Be specific."

Pang Qian whispered: "The heat-absorbing material used in the wall is also filled with refrigerant. It is connected through hidden wires. The wiring of the lights has been changed. From time to time, there will be poor contact. The mattress... has a pressure switch to control the sound. "

Chen Yi: "Where is the speaker?"

Pang Xi: "In the wall."

Chen Yi: "What is the fragrance in the house?"

Pang Qian: "The datura petals and pollen are mixed with acacia wood."


Chen Yi picked up his mobile phone to search and got information about dimethyltryptamine.

Dimethyltryptamine is a psychotropic drug that has a hallucinogenic effect. This organic compound is found in the root bark of the acacia tree.

Datura plus acacia wood, the powerful hallucinogenic effect makes everyone who enters the house see things that do not exist in the world.

Pang Qian really did a lot of homework and preparations, and the result met her expectations.

"Where is it hidden?" Chen Yi continued to interrogate.

Pang Qian: "It's everywhere, inside the mattress, on top of the wardrobe, in the wall."

Chen Yi: "Did you spread the image of white clothes and long hair, or did it come from the first tenant?"

Pang Xi: "It was me. When my daughter committed suicide, she was wearing white clothes. She...her hair was very beautiful."

At the end, she cried again.

Chen Yi waited for a while and said, "Why do you want to transform the house into a haunted house?"

Pang Xi let out a long sigh: "After thinking about it for a long time, I finally decided to do this. The benefits... are many."

Chen Yi listened carefully and understood Pang Qian's mental journey.

First, Feng Chunbo and Zhai Qi's lifestyle is simple and they can't find a place to do anything. Even if they can find it, Pang Qian, a weak woman, can't kill two adult men, so she needs to trick them into a place where they can do it easily. Confined place.

Secondly, Pang Xi needs to be very familiar with this place and be able to manipulate the food of the two of them.

Third, the price of a haunted house can be reduced to a very low price, which can eliminate the doubts and vigilance of Feng Chunbo and Zhai Qi to the greatest extent. After a long period of understanding, Pang Qian has understood that the two are poor people and must be very cheap.

I spend my life in ruins and long for a comfortable place.

Fourth, her daughter died in the house. Pang Qian believed that the ghost was here, so killing Feng Chunbo and Zhai Qi in the house would be regarded as revenge for the mother and daughter together. This was her obsession.

All reasons combined, the old house is the best choice. This is Pangxi's idea, and it is not complicated.

As for the first few tenants, their role is only to test the effects of the rooms and determine the fact that they are haunted.

" much is it?" Chen Yi asked.

Pang Xi sneered: "One hundred yuan per person, given in cash."

Chen Yi: "Okay."

One hundred yuan, this is really cheap, equivalent to living for free.

"Did you make the call yourself when Feng Chunbo called you on the night of the incident?" he asked.

Pang Xi: "Yes."

Chen Yi: "How to unlock it?"

Pang Xi: "I have been with them for so long and watched them play games in the Internet cafe. Can I not know the password?"

Chen Yi: "Let's talk about the detailed murder process, starting from... tricking them in."

Pang Xi's voice sounded in the interrogation room, and this time it lasted for a long time.

(End of this chapter)

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