Chapter 285 Engagement is approaching

Pang Qian's parents really went to sue. After all, it was an asset worth millions. No one could ignore it. Even if the Chen Group lost millions, Chen Zhiyao would still frown.

Many people will never make so much money in their lifetime.

Chen Yi answered several calls, but no one came to the door. The last call came from Xing Zhengqin.

Xing Zhengqin, captain of the Dongzhou Provincial Department’s Inspection Team.

"Two lunatics, don't worry about them." Chen Yi came to the window with his mobile phone and raised his hand to take a puff of cigarette.

If it had been anyone else, Xing Zhengqin would have definitely sent someone here to investigate. Even if there was no problem, it would still be a formality.

There was a smile in Xing Zhengqin's voice: "Let me tell you, Chen Zhi, you solved the murder case and involved the suspect's money. Your style of doing things is really unique. I probably understand it. It has to be you, not afraid of trouble."

Chen Yi smiled and said: "Why should I be a policeman if I'm afraid of trouble? Captain Xing, I've caused trouble for you. I'm sorry."

Xing Zhengqin said indifferently: "This is nothing to worry about. It's normal. Let's get together when we have time. We haven't met at the wine table yet. Don't worry about this matter. I will handle it."

Chen Yi: "Thank you, Captain Xing. Let's have a drink together another day."

Xing Zhengqin: "You said so, I'll wait for your call."

Putting down his phone, Chen Yi looked out the window and felt both funny and helpless. There was no good way to deal with people like Pang Qian's parents, just ignore them.

Of course, with the capabilities of the Chen Group, there are countless ways to make the Pang family uncomfortable, but if bullying is not his style, it is too cheap.

If the other party retreats when they see the difficulty, forget it. If they push further... we'll talk about it then.

He left the matter of Pangxi's house to the people in the company. Since he had decided to sell it, he would not persuade her to do anything.

That night, Chen Yi took Fang Shuyu to treat everyone to a meal, including Zheng Yang, Zhou Zhiyue and others. These people were all participants in the issue of Pang Qian's property.

"Is Tang Yian doing well?" After three drinks, several people started chatting, and it was Chen Yi who spoke.

Zhou Zhiyue said: "He is used to it mentally. It's quite good. Thank you Captain Chen for your concern."

Chen Yi nodded: "When will the orphanage be completed?"

Zhou Zhiyue calculated in her mind for a moment and said: "It's almost the end of the year, and I have received a lot of donations during this period. This person named Pang Qian has the most. What a good person."

Chen Yi didn't talk about it. Pang Qian was not selfless, she just made the best choice for herself in a desperate situation. Objectively speaking, this was indeed the case.

There were many people present, everyone had a small circle, and the box gradually became lively.

Zheng Yang touched Chen Yi and whispered: "Last time you asked someone to report it, what happened?"

Chen Yi squinted: "Brother Yang, you really don't like to mention anything. This is the first time I've been reported. It's a milestone."

Zheng Yang laughed out loud: "Haha, it seems okay to sit here and drink, let's talk? I'm quite curious, is it about the will?"

Chen Yi nodded: "Well, Pang Qian's parents want the money, but Pang Qian has already donated it."

Zheng Yang understood: "Usually I don't burn incense and I just improvise. Is this what you mean? Pang Qian would rather donate it than leave it to her parents, which shows that she is very disappointed with her parents and she did the right thing."

Fang Shuyu on the other side said with a cold tone: "I didn't expect these two old guys to actually report it. False accusations are a crime, and spreading rumors and slander is also illegal. They should be arrested."

Zheng Yang gave a thumbs up: "Brothers and sisters are women and should be arrested."

It was just a casual chat. He knew that since Chen Yi did not pursue the case now, he would not pursue it in the future. For Chen Yi, this was just a small episode in his career as a criminal police officer.

After dinner, everyone parted. Chen Yi and Fang Shuyu returned home, sitting on the sofa and watching TV while talking about Pang Qian's case.

Although the case is over, the investigators who have experienced it personally are inevitably uneasy. Chen Yi is the same, and so is Fang Shuyu. Fortunately, the two are colleagues and lovers, so they can exchange opinions with each other and calm down and forget as quickly as possible.

This is not the last case, nor will it be the most difficult to resolve.

As criminal police officers and forensic doctors, no one can predict what the next case will be before retirement, just as no one can predict the human heart.

The conversation quickly ended and turned to the engagement schedule.

Calculating the time, the engagement date is coming soon, next month, it is already the end of the month, and there are only a few days until next month.

Fang Shuyu is looking forward to it. She feels that everything is the best arrangement. The gears of fate are turning all the time. As long as you are patient, you will definitely be able to wait for the right person.

When she recalled the first meeting in the library, her feelings for Chen Yi couldn't be said to be bad, but they couldn't be said to be good either. It took a long time for her to be in contact with him, and then the spark of love started to appear. It was very hot and sultry.

I don't think the two of them had ever quarreled. It may have something to do with the period of love. Once engaged and married, conflicts of one kind or another may occur.

Fang Shuyu is not worried. The ups and downs are the essence of love. He is not perfect, and Chen Yi is not perfect either. The eternity is the mutual running-in.

"I have to tell my dad in advance who your grandfather is."

Chen Yi was half-lying on the sofa, with Fang Shuyu leaning on his chest in his arms. The TV picture in front of him was still flickering, but its effect was only to increase the sense of warmth, and neither of them cared about the content.

From this angle, the collar of Fang Shuyu's pajamas is open, and half of the beautiful painting is looming, like the whiteness after a heavy snowfall.

Fang Shuyu moved in Chen Yi's arms, adjusted to a comfortable position, and said, "Uncle Chen's receptive ability should be quite strong, right? After all, he has experienced the storms of the business world."

Chen Yi said with a smile: "That's not a guarantee, except for Uncle Fang. If your grandpa... he really might be scared."

"If he loses his composure at the engagement banquet because of my concealment of information, I will be finished when I get back."

Fang Shuyu also laughed: "Is it that exaggerated?"

Chen Yi lowered his head: "You have such a high starting point, so you can't imagine it... I think you can change your place today."

After saying that, he suddenly turned over, and Fang Shuyu's exclamation sounded in the living room.

Under the soft light, it is charming and charming. The next day, when the busy work was over, Chen Yi returned home by himself and called Chen Zhiyao and Shen Ying back in advance.

Originally, the two of them had a dinner tonight, but after receiving a call from their son, they decisively turned it down. Since Chen Yi became a criminal police officer, especially a captain, that was a rare occasion.

"Where is Shuyu? Why hasn't Shuyu come back?" Shen Ying asked as soon as she came up.

Chen Yi explained: "She also went home today. She has to go back and stay for a day every now and then."

Shen Ying snorted: "That's fine, you and your dad chat first, your mom and I will cook some dishes today."

After saying that, she went to the kitchen. Chen Yi came to the living room and took a seat. Chen Zhiyao was adjusting the TV and finally decided on a documentary called Sky Eye Chase. This is a legal program based on real legal stories.

Chen Yi looked over and said, "Dad, when did you start watching law enforcement programs?"

Chen Zhiyao put down the remote control and said with a smile: "You are now the captain of the criminal police, so I don't have to make up for your lessons? Also, Shuyu comes from a police family, so we will have something to talk about when the time comes. What else should we do? Talk about the company with your future father-in-law. My development plan? Or my glorious history of starting from scratch? He must also be interested."

Chen Yi didn't know whether to laugh or cry. He didn't expect that his father would really regard the marriage of two families as a career, and he would also make up for his blind spots.

It's understandable, since both families are not ordinary people, so my father naturally wants to do the best in this matter without leaving any flaws.

While speaking, Chen Zhiyao stared at the TV screen without blinking, trying not to miss any detail.

Chen Yi is also watching it, and this kind of program is also helpful to him.

The title is "The Missing Girlfriend Who Led the Wolf into the House". It seems that the victim is a woman. The sound and editing are very good, and the atmosphere of suspense is full.

Chen Zhiyao seemed to be very interested. His attitude of learning at the beginning evolved into a curiosity-seeking attitude, wanting to know what the truth was.

"Son, what do you think this case is about?"

Just ten minutes after it started, Chen Zhiyao broke the silence in the living room.

Chen Yi looked at the TV screen and said: "From the title, it can be seen that it was either for love or for money. Since the word "lure the wolf into the house" is used, it is very likely that the victim was killed for money, or for robbery of money and sex, and to kill the victim.

Chen Zhiyao: "Hey, some people just don't know what to think. Do they have to hurt others? There are many legal ways to obtain it. Why bother? I have been poor and angry, but I have never thought about breaking the law or committing a crime."

Chen Yi turned around: "There are seven billion people in the world, which means seven billion different personalities. Even if we use probability calculations, illegal crimes are unavoidable. There will always be people who take risks out of desperation, and there will always be people who act impulsively and make things worse for themselves. I regret everything in my life."

Chen Zhiyao agreed with this view and nodded: "You are right. The police can come into contact with many bad people. Don't be affected by it. If you have nothing to do, go to a psychiatrist and find the best one."

Chen Yi smiled: "Okay, I know. By the way, Dad, Shuyu and I are going to get engaged next month, right?"

Chen Zhiyao: "Yeah, why bother asking? I shouldn't have told you the date earlier."

Chen Yi: "Shuyu's grandfather will also come then."

Chen Zhiyao: "Oh...that's for sure."

Chen Yi continued: "Her grandfather is very powerful, he is in the Imperial City."

"Huh?" Chen Zhiyao then moved his eyes away from the TV screen and focused on Chen Yi, "How powerful? More powerful than her father?"

Chen Yi nodded: "Yes."

After receiving the affirmation, Chen Zhiyao's expression changed slightly, he quickly turned down the volume of the TV and asked, "What's your name?"

Chen Yi: "Fang Yanjun."

Chen Zhiyao searched in his mind, and after a while he frowned and said, "I've never heard of it, but the name sounds very contemporary when I hear it, and... it's very popular."

Chen Yi: "Yes, it's just as you understand."

Chen Zhiyao stared.

Fang Songping could still accept it. As one of the top companies in Yangcheng and even Dongzhou, he naturally knew people of that level. But it was different in the Imperial City. This was a step up.

"Why didn't you tell me earlier?!" Chen Zhiyao complained.

Chen Yi spread his hands: "I just found out about it not long ago."

Chen Zhiyao calmed down and didn't know what he was thinking. Although he was surprised, he didn't react too much. From now on, relatives will get used to it sooner or later, but it just takes time to accept it.

"The Fang family is amazing, you are so lucky." After a long time, his voice sounded.

Chen Yi rolled his eyes: "Did anyone say that about my son?"

Chen Zhiyao glanced at him with disgust and said, "Don't you want to hear the truth? Then let me say something else. Shuyu marrying you is really a blessing she has cultivated in eight lifetimes. Do you think this is reliable?"

Chen Yi had a black line on his forehead: "Dad, that's not what you said last time. You said we are no worse than anyone else."

Chen Zhiyao: "Did I say that? You remember it wrong."

Chen Yi: "..."

After dinner, Chen Yi drove away from home. He didn't drink. He was kicked out. Chen Zhiyao and Shen Ying should have many problems to talk about.

Chen Yi's purpose of going home this time has been achieved, which is to make Chen Zhiyao mentally prepared, and he doesn't bother to care about other things.

Anyway, they are all members of the same family, and there is no strong utilitarianism. Harmony with each other is the most important thing.

Ordinary and natural, pretty good.

(End of this chapter)

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