Chapter 279 The game the victim is addicted to

As the man drank, the Internet cafe became a lot quieter, and occasionally the sound of keyboard and mouse tapping could be heard.

Most of the people who can come to this kind of place to surf the Internet are people from the lower class, and some may even have some problems with them, so they will have a stronger sense of awe towards the police.

"You can still surf the Internet without an ID card. Are you telling me there are no violations?" Zhuo Yun snorted coldly.

The man said sarcastically: "I'm quick to talk, but I made a mistake. The ID card costs two pieces, but it costs three for different locations. The machines are different."

Zhuo Yun seemed to be smiling but pointed at the man's right hand.

The man glanced down subconsciously and found the burning cigarette between his fingers. He was stunned and quickly extinguished it.

"Haha...haha, misunderstanding, misunderstanding, which police station are these two police comrades from? I know them..."

Chen Yi interrupted: "We are not from the police station, nor are we here for routine investigation. You don't need to tell me who you know. Just answer a few questions for us."

After speaking, he took out his ID and motioned to the man.

The man took a closer look, and his expression changed with surprise: "Captain of the Criminal Investigation Detachment?! So young?!"

Chen Yi put away his ID: "Are you the boss?"

The man nodded in panic: "Yes, yes, I am the boss."

Chen Yi: "Is it convenient for us to talk somewhere else? I don't think we are busy now."

Man: "Okay, okay, leader, please come with me!"

He took Chen Yi and Zhuo Yun to a nearby room. The room was not big, with tables, chairs and benches. It looked like an office, but it was shabby.

"I'm sorry, it's a bit messy. Leader, you can sit wherever you like." The man said politely.

Chen Yi looked around and sat down nearby.

You can't access the Internet without an ID card, the Internet cafe is full of smoke, and there must be problems with the fire protection. If we follow the normal regulations, we will inevitably close down for rectification, and we will also be fined.

But Chen Yi would not just seal this place off for free. There are all kinds of things in the world. This is one of the reflections of real life in the city, and it is necessary for its existence.

Law enforcement is not to copy textbooks, but to allow more people to live safely, have a place to stay, and have a happy smile within the scope of mediation.

Just like the Internet cafe owners and people surfing the Internet in front of them, they are already very satisfied at the moment. Why bother to go online and push them to a dead end? Just remind them.

Furthermore, he was here to investigate a murder case, not an Internet cafe.

"What's your last name, boss?" Chen Yi asked.

The man hurriedly said: "You're welcome, I won't give you the surname Wang."

Chen Yi chuckled: "Boss Wang, you still need to look at the ID card. This is to protect minors and provide more help for us to fight against illegal crimes. We should pay attention to it in the future."

"As for the smoking issue...forget it, let's talk about business."

Hearing this, Boss Wang breathed a sigh of relief. This leader is a leader. He is different from other police officers. He has a very big structure.

"Boss, you smoke." He handed over the cigarette.

Chen Yi waved his hand: "No, Brother Yun, show him the photo."

Zhuo Yun: "Okay."

He stepped forward and took out the photos of Feng Chunbo and Zhai Qi to show to the other party.

Chen Yi asked: "Do you know him?"

Boss Wang recognized them after just one glance, and said excitedly as if he had made a contribution: "We know each other! I know each other! These two often come to the Internet cafe, eat and live here, they are regular customers."

Zhuo Yun put away the photo and Chen Yida said, "Do you remember your name?"

Boss Wang thought for a while and said: "One is called Zhai Qi, what is the name of the other, what is Bo, I'm sorry I forgot, but they registered their ID cards, let me look for them for the leader?"

Chen Yi: "No, thank you Boss Wang for your cooperation. Let me talk about these two people."

Boss Wang: "Boss, what are you talking about?"

Chen Yi: "Let's chat casually. Tell me everything you know. Let's talk about their living conditions first."

Boss Wang: "Okay!"

He started talking.

As Shi Xin investigated before, Feng Chunbo and Zhai Qi were frequent visitors to the Internet cafe for several years. They would appear in the Internet cafe every now and then. Sometimes they would stay for several days at a time, eating when they were hungry and sleeping when they were sleepy. , it was completely messed up.

Occasionally, he disappears from the Internet cafe for a period of time. According to previous investigations, it can be determined that he went to make money.

After earning hundreds or even thousands of dollars, continue to be carefree and hang out in places like Internet cafes and billiard halls, over and over again, never getting tired of it.

Their desires are not high, and they have no ambition at all. They live in a way that they think is comfortable, and they don't know when the end will be.

The worst outcome may be sudden death in an Internet cafe.

Maybe when you die, you will still have a satisfied smile on your face, with a virtual online life in front of you.

"What games are they playing?" Chen Yi asked.

Boss Wang replied: "Huanwu is not a popular game, but if you want to play it, it is very fun, addictive and time-consuming."

Chen Yi: "You don't spend much money, right?"

Boss Wang nodded: "Yes, it doesn't cost much. Of course, you can also spend money. You can get higher strength in a very short time. Other players who spend time can barely catch up if they play day and night. This That's the fun part of Huanwu. Everyone has a chance." "It's not like some of the current krypton gold games. If you have money, you are the father. No matter how much time you spend, it will be useless, otherwise you will be called a krypton gold boss."

Chen Yi can understand what the other party wants to express. This should be the reason why Huanwu is a niche player. People who spend money can be caught up by krypton gold players. It only costs a dime, so it is better to just play a krypton gold invincible game.

"Boss Wang, did anything special happen when they were online at your place, or did you hear any interesting gossip?" Chen Yi asked.

Boss Wang thought about it seriously and shook his head hesitantly: "In my, the two of them are quite withdrawn. They don't like to talk much. When they come, they surf the Internet and indulge in games. They rarely make any noise."

Chen Yi: "You haven't had any conflicts with other people?"

Boss Wang: "That's even more impossible. How can there be any contradiction?"

Chen Yi was a little disappointed. The Internet cafe was full of people. If Feng Chunbo and Zhai Qi offended some ruthless characters, the Internet cafe was more likely to do so.

Now it seems that it is not the case, or the Internet cafe owner knows too little.

"Boss Wang, haven't they made any new friends?" Chen Yidao.

Boss Wang: "As long as people who come to the Internet cafe often are familiar with each other, they can be considered friends. But I have never encountered the contradictions and special things you mentioned. We are very harmonious here."

Chen Yi: "Harmony? There have been no fights? Are you sure?"

Boss Wang was embarrassed: "This... haha, there have been a few times, it was just a small conflict, and I have persuaded them to leave. Fighting is not a trivial matter these days, but these two people were not involved, I can be sure."

Chen Yi: "From your description, they are two young people with quiet personalities and addicted to games. The outside world has nothing to do with them."

Boss Wang nodded: "Yes, that's what I mean."

Chen Yi fell silent, and the death scenes of Feng Chunbo and Zhai Qi appeared in his mind.

Two poor, arrogant people were killed on the same night, and it was premeditated and highly targeted. The murderer definitely came for them, and the vendetta could be huge.

Quiet personality and addicted to games?

Those people in Internet cafes who yell about tattooed dragons and painted tigers may seem like they are not easy to deal with, but in fact they may be very timid.

The quieter an honest person is, the more things he hides in his heart.

A biting dog never barks and is aboveboard and never shows up on the outside. There must be a reason why two people were killed mysteriously.


The game is similar to reality. Is it possible that something excessive was done in the game? But if it's just a game, is it really necessary to escalate to the level of killing people?

He couldn't sympathize with this, so he asked: "Boss Wang, for people like them who are addicted to the Internet, games are all they have, right?"

Boss Wang nodded: "Of course."

Chen Yi: "Are you playing fantasy martial arts?"

Boss Wang: "Let's play. I play a lot of games to entertain myself when I have nothing to do."

Chen Yi: "What is the biggest hatred between players in this game?"

Boss Wang thought for a while and said: "You have been forced to kill many times, right? It's easy to lose levels and equipment. The game has a lot of freedom. It's easy to kill someone."

Chen Yi was not satisfied with this answer.

It's a bit ridiculous to kill real people in reality just because they were killed in the game.

"Is there any greater hatred?"

Boss Wang thought hard: "It's gone...Oh, yes, it is! Account hacking! Isn't it? Huanwu is a time-consuming game. If someone has worked hard for several years to create a high-end account and it is stolen, the equipment will be completely decomposed Or sell it, this is a mortal enemy, vomiting blood."

Chen Yi's eyes narrowed slightly.

It's a very simple reason, but he didn't think of it immediately just now, mainly because he doesn't play games.

"Are these two people very good at playing fantasy martial arts?" he asked.

Boss Wang: "It's pretty awesome. If you soak in it every day, how can it not be awesome? It's almost catching up with the krypton gold masters. It's so awesome. I guess I can sell it for a lot of money."

Chen Yi: "If you don't have money in this game, besides spending time, can you grow faster by hacking accounts?"

Boss Wang: "Yes, this is biased and very unethical."

Chen Yi: "Have they ever done it?"

Boss Wang: "This... I don't know."

Chen Yi felt that this was a direction for investigation and should not be ignored: "Are your computers still restoring their systems every day?"

Boss Wang nodded: "Of course, if you need more cards, the hardware can hardly keep up."

Chen Yi stopped asking when this matter would become more professional. He would ask him when he returned to the city bureau.

If there are no clues so far, then start from the game. Data will not lie. As long as there are facts, you will definitely find something. If you can't find it in the Internet cafe, go to the game company headquarters to find it.

The two left the Internet cafe.

At the door, Zhuo Yun had an idea: "Team Chen, there is a lot of room for manipulation in terms of profit in the matter of account theft. The account itself is a profit. If it extends outward, there is also extortion. Is it possible that it is related to extortion?"

Chen Yi: "It is not impossible that the main money from the account was stolen, but Lao He has checked the consumption records of the deceased, including the payment records, and no suspicious income has been found."

Zhuo Yun snorted: "That's not right."

(End of this chapter)

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