Chapter 278 Nostalgia Internet Cafe

The questioning continued, and Chen Yi changed the subject.

"Ms. Pang, do you know where the bottled drinking water in the house comes from?"

Pang Qian replied: "I asked the people at the water station to deliver it. When they looked at the house, there was no water in the house. I said that five barrels of water would be provided for free. Two people can drink for a long time. This is not to rent out the house. What?"

Chen Yi: "Which water station?"

Pang Qian: "There is only one water station near the community, and it's easy to find."

Chen Yi: "Why isn't the house sold?"

Pang Qian asked: "Why should I sell? Maybe it can appreciate in value. Now Yangcheng real estate has a good momentum."

Chen Yi: "The market for new houses in good locations is good, but houses that are more than 30 years old are no longer interested in the market and are unlikely to rise again."

Pang Qian was noncommittal: "That's not necessarily true. No one can say for sure about financial matters... No, what does it have to do with you whether I sell the house or not?"

She reacted with dissatisfaction in her tone.

At this moment, her attitude towards Chen Yi has changed. It is not as polite as when they first met. It should be because Chen Yi suddenly mentioned her daughter's affairs, which revealed the scars deep in her heart.

Although she gave birth to a child without hesitation, it was difficult to treat her completely calmly. A family of three is the most harmonious, not a family of two. What's more, she didn't lose her husband, but got pregnant out of wedlock.

Pregnancy before marriage is difficult for even enlightened parents to accept, and Pang Qian's life has not been easy these past few years.

Chen Yi smiled: "It's just a small talk. Don't be angry, Miss Pang. No one wants to see something like this happen. Since there is nothing anyone can do about it, before this case is solved, Miss Pang will probably face questions from the police often." , and some of the questions may be difficult for you to understand, which is normal.”

Reaching out to avoid hitting the smiling man, Pang Qian couldn't help but feel angry, so she could only nod silently in agreement and returned to her normal state.

As time passed, Chen Yi saw that he had finished asking questions, so he asked Pang Qian to leave first. After staying in the city bureau for such a long time, she also needed to go back and take a rest.

During the investigation of the case, the other party's mobile phone must be kept open and cannot leave Yangcheng for the time being.

Judging from the clues currently available, Pang Qian has certain suspicions, and it is necessary to conduct an in-depth investigation.

When the door closed and Pang Qian's figure disappeared, Chen Yi looked at Qin Fei: "I've given you a task. Do it carefully."

Qin Fei straightened his back: "Yes, Captain Chen, please tell me."

Chen Yi: "Find two field officers to keep an eye on Pang Qian. Then you can take people to investigate Pang Qian's interpersonal relationships and her consumption records. The focus is on the purchase of diazepam drugs. Check carefully and don't rush. Once you find something, Tell me immediately and ask Sister Jiang to cooperate with you."

Qin Fei: "Yes!"

He didn't ask Chen Yi if he had begun to doubt Pang Qian, he would just do whatever the other party said.

Qin Fei left, and Chen Yi also came to the case handling hall. The forensic doctors and technicians had gone back to rest, and the remaining police officers were busy at the moment.

"Captain Chen! Director Zhang is calling you!"


Chen Yi responded and came to Zhang Jingang's office. A murder had just occurred, and he, the deputy director in charge of criminal investigation, would definitely intervene.

In the office, Chen Yi sat on the sofa, lit a cigarette and reported to Zhang Jingang the current situation.

"Haunted?" Zhang Jingang stood in front of the window, the two of them were relatively far apart. "Although we know it is nonsense, others don't think so, especially in the community where the crime occurred. If it is not handled well, it may cause panic."

Chen Yidao: "It's not considered confidential. Let's spread the news in advance. Just say that someone is pretending to be a ghost. The police are doing their best to find the murderer. Please rest assured."

More official words.

Official notices are still very useful. Most people who believe in ghosts and gods have no independent opinions, and they must also believe in the police.

Zhang Jingang thought for a while, nodded and said, "Okay, let's stabilize the mood of the people first and then investigate the case, so as to prevent them from talking nonsense to their relatives and friends and on the Internet."

Rumors spread very quickly. The previous hauntings have been widely spread in a small area. Coupled with the sudden murder case now, it may be said to be very evil.

It is estimated that the residents in the same unit are planning to move out now.

Chen Yi: "I'll find someone to take care of this later."

Zhang Jingang hummed and said, "I can rest assured that you will investigate the case. I won't ask about the details of the case. Just go and do your work."

Chen Yi: "Okay."

At noon, Chen Yi and Shi Xin came to the workplace restaurant for dinner. After preparing the meal, they sat down and chatted with each other while eating.

We already have a preliminary understanding of Feng Chunbo and Zhai Qi's personal situation. He dropped out of middle school and has no social security. Judging from all the content left on his mobile phone, the relationship between the two is simple and their lifestyle is very simple. When they are short of money, they do odd jobs and hang out in Internet cafes. In low-consumption entertainment venues such as billiard halls, people can continue to work when they have no money, fishing for three days and drying nets for two days.

I have done it as a takeaway person, a delivery person, a porter, etc., and each time it was short-term, no longer than a week.

As long as you have money in your hands, you will never wrong yourself. You can eat, drink and play when you should. You are the kind of person who is completely flat.

In terms of consumption, they save when they can, live in Internet cafes and under bridges, and never spend their hard-earned money on physical enjoyment. They pursue spiritual enjoyment and do not waste every penny.

There are more and more young people lying around like this. They lack the enthusiasm and career plan to improve their lives. They work as a monk for a day and never think about what to do tomorrow.

"Does living in the present count as living a transparent life?" Shi Jixin asked this question. Chen Yidao: "Everyone has the right to choose his or her own lifestyle. As long as they do not break the law or commit crimes that harm the interests of others, others are not qualified to point fingers. However, to normal people, they are indeed considered aliens."

Shi Xin: "It's strange that a person who is already lying down will be killed?"

Chen Yi: "Lying flat does not mean that there is no desire. The murderer was motivated by money, love, and revenge. Now it seems that there is a high possibility of a vendetta. I don't know who I have offended."

At this moment, Shi Xin stopped eating, leaned closer and whispered, "Is Pang Qian's problem getting bigger and bigger?"

Chen Yi raised his head slightly: "Did you see it?"

Shi Xin: "Of course, Feng Chunbo and Zhai Qi cherish every penny and should not be willing to rent a house. Even if the house is very cheap, it is a waste for them. With that kind of money, they can stay in the Internet cafe for a long time. Yes, kill two birds with one stone."

Chen Yi: "Yes, even if you discount it in half, it will cost more than a thousand a month. Unless it is as cheap as cabbage, it would be inappropriate to call Pang Qian back just after she left. I will let Qin Fei find out about this matter. If Pang Qian deliberately let Pang Qian If she is suspected of having two people living in her house, then consider detaining her and conducting a comprehensive investigation."

He Xin pondered for a while and said: "Do you think it is possible that the house is haunted by Pang Qian? One of the purposes is to lower the price of the house so that Feng Chunbo and Zhai Qi can move in reasonably, because the price reduction without any reason is too Deliberately.”

Chen Yi: "I have also thought about this matter. It is possible. Let's wait for the results of Qin Fei's investigation. If Pang Qian has a problem and the transaction was in cash, it will be difficult for us to get the answer for the time being."

Shi Xin: "Let me check the first few tenants first to see if there is any interaction with the deceased."

Chen Yi: "Okay, I will go to the Internet cafe where they often go in the afternoon to take a look. The owner of the Internet cafe must be very familiar with them."

When is new: "Yeah."

After lunch, Chen Yi rested in the office for a while, then left the city bureau with Zhuo Yun and drove to the entrance of an ordinary Internet cafe in Yangcheng.

This Internet cafe is called Beyond Internet Cafe. The brand is very old and the location is relatively remote.

Internet cafes were very popular ten or twenty years ago, especially near schools. At that time, Internet cafe owners made a lot of money. Later, technology developed faster and faster, mobile games became popular, and everyone's living conditions also improved. You can buy your own computers, and gradually Internet cafes begin to close down.

Nowadays, most Internet cafes have been upgraded to Internet cafes, which not only provide Internet access, but also provide humanized services such as freshly ground coffee, milk tea, meals, office work, rest, etc., meeting more advanced entertainment needs.

To put it simply, Internet cafes are dirty and messy, while Internet cafes are neat and clean.

"This Internet cafe has been around for many years, and it hasn't closed yet." Zhuo Yun glanced at the sign, and his memory seemed to go back to his childhood.

The days of hanging out in Internet cafes with friends are gone forever, and I really miss them.

Chen Yi said: "The fact that it hasn't closed down means that it still has a customer base. Let's go and have a look."

After saying that, the two entered the Internet cafe and went up the narrow stairs to the second floor.

Pushing open the heavy glass door, the pungent smell of smoke and sweat hit my face. Such a bad environment was considered normal before, but now it will be criticized.

Those who can come to a place like this to surf the Internet are basically short of money, and most of them are, to put it harshly, gangsters and streetwalkers.

Of course, it also includes young people like Feng Chunbo and Zhai Qi who can hang out all day long.

Go to an Internet cafe to enjoy?


Being able to have fun in the Internet cafe in front of them and kill everyone on the Internet is already the ultimate experience for them.

Again, people are different. Everyone has the right to freely choose their lifestyle. As long as they don't break the law and commit crimes, others have no right to comment and just live their lives well.

"A familiar place." Zhuo Yun was not disgusted with this Internet cafe, but instead stirred up the DNA from many years ago.

Chen Yi smiled and said, "You can play for an hour to get a feel for it."

Zhuo Yun was embarrassed: "Forget it."

While they were talking, the two came to the front desk. The person in charge of collecting money was a middle-aged man, who seemed to be the boss.

It stands to reason that it would be better to have female employees at the front desk, but it is estimated that no girls would be willing to come to such an old-fashioned Internet cafe. Isn’t it nice to go to an Internet cafe? The environment is good and the salary is high.

"Hello." Chen Yi said with a smile.

The man was scrolling through his mobile phone, holding a cigarette between his fingers, and asked habitually: "How many hours will you be driving? Two yuan if you have an ID card, three yuan if you don't have one."

Chen Yi: "Police, can we have a chat?"

Hearing this, the man raised his head suddenly, lost his grip on his cell phone and dropped it to the ground.

He didn't pick it up, and stood up quickly with a polite smile: "It turns out to be a comrade from the police. Is there anything wrong? I don't have any violations here. Who is that! And you are smoking! If you don't smoke, you will die! I told you How many times have I been told not to smoke in Internet cafes!”

When he shouted, the cigarette in his hand was still burning, so he probably... forgot about it.

If the owner of an Internet cafe does not stop smoking or fails to display a no-smoking sign, he will be fined up to RMB 15,000. In serious cases, he will be ordered to close his shop for rectification.

If the situation is particularly serious, the business license will be revoked.

The problem is big or small. The rule is that smoking is not allowed, but there is no one who doesn't smoke. If you don't smoke, why come to the Internet cafe? It's better to be at home.

Many young people who were surfing the Internet looked over and quickly put out the cigarettes in their hands when they saw that suspected police officers were coming to the door.

Is there anyone checking this shitty place?

(End of this chapter)

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