Detective: Open your eyes, I am handcuffed in the interrogation room

Chapter 280: Playing with fantasy martial arts, an Internet addicted girl

Chapter 280: Playing with fantasy martial arts, an Internet addicted girl

At the entrance of the Internet cafe, the two did not leave immediately. Chen Yi lit a cigarette and thought about the game played by the victim.

Games account for a large proportion in the lives of victims. If something happens, the cause is likely to come from the game. However, it is difficult to say what happens on the virtual network, and Chen Yi cannot make a reasonable judgment for a while.

Zhuo Yun just talked about blackmail, and he thought that if he really wanted to rely on it, he would have to rationalize it.

For example, the haunting incident has nothing to do with the suspect. The other party happened to encounter it and took advantage of it.

For another example, if there is no record of payment, it can be considered that the two parties made a cash transaction, or that they were killed out of anger before the transaction was reached.

and many more.

The accuracy of the forced rationalization inference method is relatively low.

"Team Chen, where should we go next? The water station delivering water, or other places where the victim has been?" Zhuo Yun asked.

Chen Yi: "Wait a minute while I sort out the clues."

Zhuo Yun stopped talking.

After a while, Chen Yi said: "Based on the current situation, we have obtained several relatively large possibilities. What conclusion can we get after integrating them?"

"First, the landlord Pang Qian is suspected of committing the crime, and compared with other relevant persons we have, the suspicion is at the highest level."

"Secondly, the victim is obsessed with online games, and his personality can be said to be indifferent to the world. He is unlikely to conflict with others in reality, so the possibility of the conflict coming from online games is relatively high."

"Pang Qian, online game, can you contact me?"

Zhuo Yun thought for a while and said: "It's unlikely that someone who is almost forty years old plays online games, right?"

Chen Yi slowly exhaled the smoke: "Don't be so absolute. Internet addiction has nothing to do with age, and the key point does not necessarily come from Pang Qian herself."

Zhuo Yun: "What does Captain Chen mean?"

Chen Yi: "According to the inference direction I just mentioned, Pang Qian and online games can continue to extend the next two possibilities."

"The first possibility is that Pang Qian is also an online game enthusiast, and she and Feng Chunbo and Zhai Qi had a grudge in the game and started killing people."

"The second possibility is that Pang Qian does not play online games, but her daughter plays online games. Her daughter was harmed by Feng Chunbo and Zhai Qi, so she took revenge for her daughter and killed people."

Zhuo Yun suddenly realized: "Oh, yes, she also has a daughter. She is less than twenty years old and is the age to play games. Why don't you check it out?"

Chen Yi nodded: "Both of us will investigate. On Pang Qian's side, let's wait for Qin Fei's investigation results first. Now ask Lao He to send the detailed information of Pang Qian's daughter. We will go to the water station first, then to the billiards hall, and finally investigate. Pang Qian’s daughter, come step by step.”

Zhuo Yun: "Okay, normally she should go to college in the second half of her eighteenth year. If she also plays fantasy martial arts, it should be in high school."

"Yeah." Chen Yi agreed.

Next, the two left the Internet cafe and drove to the water station. They learned about the water delivery situation in the community, including who the water delivery worker was, what the cleaning and filling process was, and they asked the owner of the water station in detail.

There is nothing new to gain from the water station.

Later, Chen Yi and Zhuo Yun went to the billiards hall that the victim often frequented. Like the owner of the Internet cafe, the owner of the billiards hall also had a deep impression of the two. Although the number of visits was not as frequent as that of the Internet cafe, it was still rare. Familiar face.

Everything was normal. Feng Chunbo and Zhai Qi had not had any conflicts with anyone. They would leave whenever they got tired. They also cheated on long-term members and used the billiard hall as a designated entertainment venue.

The focus of the investigation is now mainly focused on the game Huanwu.

At eight o'clock that night, Chen Yi and Zhuo Yun came to Yangcheng No. 2 Middle School.

Shi Xin has sent the detailed information of Pang Qian's daughter. She has not yet gone to college. She studied in Yangcheng No. 2 Middle School in high school. She should graduate in her senior year of high school this year and next year.

The evening self-study in Yangcheng No. 2 Middle School ended at nine o'clock. The two of them failed to find the principal and met with the school director on duty.

When he learned that the captain of the criminal investigation detachment came to investigate the case in person, the school director was surprised and quickly called Pang Rongrong's class teacher over.

Pang Rongrong, the name of Pang Qian's daughter, a single-parent family who was pregnant before marriage naturally took her mother's surname.

"Director, you are looking for me."

A middle-aged woman wearing glasses soon came to the office.

The school director waved: "Teacher Pan, come and sit down. This is Captain Chen from the Criminal Investigation Detachment of the Municipal Bureau. I need to know something about classmate Pang Rongrong from you."

"Pang Rongrong?"

The woman had a strange look on her face, and without asking any questions, she stepped forward and sat down.

"Captain Chen, do you need me to avoid it?" the school director asked.

Chen Yi: "No, Teacher Pan, is Pang Rongrong in the classroom at the moment?"

The woman said: "No, she hasn't been to school for two years."

The first question directly disrupted Chen Yi's thinking: "What? You haven't been here for two years?"

The woman nodded: "Yes, almost two years, and I have only been in high school for two months."

Chen Yi: "What happened?"

The woman said: "I don't know. Pang Rongrong often skipped school and hasn't been here since the last time. I called her mother to ask. Her mother said that Pang Rongrong was ill and took a long leave. This stay lasted for two years. Now, It’s already time to go to senior year of high school.”

Chen Yi asked: "What disease?"

The woman replied: "I don't know. Her mother said it was very serious and didn't come to the school to go through the formalities. I haven't seen Pang Rongrong since then."

Chen Yi was silent for a while and said, "Can you trouble Teacher Pan to call Pang Rongrong's best friend from her freshman year of high school?"

Woman: "Okay, you're welcome, I'll be there right away."

After saying that, she got up and left the office.

After the class teacher surnamed Pan left, the school director handed over a cigarette. Chen Yi did not refuse, thanked him, took it and lit it.

While waiting, a few people chatted. It was rare for the school director to meet the newly appointed head of the criminal investigation detachment of the Municipal Bureau, and he also wanted to get close to him.

Judging from the nature of the work, the Criminal Investigation Detachment is one of the departments with real power, and their interpersonal relationships are much better than that of the school director. It would be great if he could make friends.

Chen Yi knew in his heart that being polite and having multiple friends was not a disadvantage after all.

"You criminal police are really working hard. You have to investigate the case so late. I wonder what is happening with Pang Rongrong?" the school director added.

Chen Yi: "It's not convenient to say, sorry."

The school director said quickly: "I'm sorry, Captain Chen, I was so abrupt."

Chen Yi: "It's okay."

About ten minutes later, there was a knock on the door, and a middle-aged woman came in with a girl.

The girl is wearing a school uniform, her short and crisp hair is fresh and natural, full of energy, and she looks very cute.

Facing a room full of adult men, including a school director, the girl seemed a little reserved, and her timid attitude was reflected on her face.

"Captain Chen, this is Cong Jiatong." the middle-aged woman said.

Chen Yi nodded slightly and showed a gentle smile to the girl: "Jiatong, don't be afraid. We are just asking a few random questions. It has nothing to do with you. It is about Pang Rongrong. Sit down."

Cong Jiatong did not dare to sit down and subconsciously looked at his class teacher.

"Sit down." The middle-aged woman repeated.

Seeing this, Cong Jiatong stepped forward and sat down with confidence, his legs closed tightly, and his hands pressed together nervously. Chen Yi: "Jiatong, how long has it been since you last seen Pang Rongrong?"

Cong Jiatong said honestly: "It's been a year or two, the teacher... said she was sick."

Chen Yi: "Didn't you contact me during the holidays?"

Cong Jiatong: "I went to see her once. Her mother was very cruel and told me not to come here again. I was scared and didn't go again."

Chen Yi nodded: "Oh, so that's it. Do you know the game Huanwu?"

Cong Jiatong: "I heard that there are classmates in the class playing."

Chen Yi: "Pang Rongrong, do you want to play?"

Cong Jiatong: "Let's play, and we're really good at it."

Hearing this, Zhuo Yun's face became serious. The intersection was found, and it was a very important intersection.

Chen Yi's smile remained unchanged. Until now, Pang Qian's suspicion has become bigger and bigger, and further in-depth investigation is needed.

"Teacher Pan said she often skips class just to play games?" he asked.

Cong Jiatong nodded: "Yes."

The image of Pang Rongrong, an Internet addicted girl, appeared in front of Chen Yi.

Two Internet addiction victims, one Internet addiction girl who has been out of school for two years, still play the same game, and the girl's mother is also listed as a suspect...

The thinking is very clear.

Chen Yi: "Does she have a boyfriend?"

Cong Jiatong didn't react: "Huh?"

Chen Yi repeated: "Does Pang Rongrong have a boyfriend? Or, has she ever mentioned to you that she knows a man outside of school?"

Cong Jiatong recalled carefully, and then carefully looked at the class teacher beside him.

Middle-aged woman: "What do you think I'm doing? Tell the truth."

Cong Jiatong then spoke: "When I was in junior high school... I had a boyfriend, but we broke up later."

The woman's face was a bit unsightly. Puppy love was unacceptable to the teacher, not to mention she was still in junior high school.

Chen Yi: "Have you known each other since junior high school?"

Cong Jiatong: "Yes, we were classmates in junior high school, and we went to this school."

At this moment, the school director explained: "Captain Chen, our school has established a new junior high school a few years ago, but there are not many classes. It is mainly for the children of faculty and staff. Students from outside can also come, that is..."

He didn't finish his sentence, the meaning was obvious, that he needed a relationship.

Chen Yi said: "I understand, Jiatong, has Pang Rongrong been playing magic martial arts since junior high school?"

Cong Jiatong: "Yes, she has been playing for a long time, otherwise she is very good."

The teacher surnamed Pan couldn't help but want to start teaching. He knew without thinking that he must study hard, but because the police and the school director were there, he didn't say it.

Chen Yi considered whether to ask Pang Rongrong's junior high school boyfriend, but after so many years, he probably had little to do with the case, so he should focus on the immediate focus first and wait until he loses the clues.

"Jiatong, you can go back. Thank you for your cooperation. I hope you can get into the university of your choice next year."

Cong Jiatong was relieved and stood up and left quickly without saying thank you to Chen Yi.

After bidding farewell to the school director, Chen Yi and Zhuo Yun returned to the city bureau.

Qin Fei hasn't come back yet. When the new cooperation technicians and forensic scientists have screened the crime scene, they have determined that all fingerprints and footprints do not come from other strangers.

However, foot gloves were found near the scene, and the suspect was most likely wearing gloves. This result cannot advance the case.

Shi Xin said that judging from the call records of the previous tenants and the contents of the deceased's mobile phone, the two parties had no contact. Further investigation is needed to improve the accuracy.

Chen Yi put the matter on hold and held a meeting that night to discuss issues about Pang Qian and Pang Rongrong.

This is the biggest gain today.

"Internet-addicted girl?" Ji Xin said thoughtfully, "Then the clues are reasonable. If we continue to investigate in this direction, we might be able to make significant progress."

In the case handling hall, Chen Yi sat on a chair and said: "We have not discovered the motive of Pang Qian herself, but her daughter is different. If Pang Rongrong is harmed because of the game, because of Feng Chunbo and Zhai Qi, as a single mother , is very likely to take drastic actions.”

"Pang Rongrong is everything to Pang Qian. She has no husband, and may not even want to see her parents. We can imagine her special feelings for Pang Rongrong."

Shi Xin nodded: "Yes, I think I can ask Pang Qian face to face about this. Does her daughter know that she is addicted to playing games?"

Chen Yi: "Don't worry, let's wait for Qin Fei. Let's see if this former policeman is qualified."

One of the reasons why Qin Fei was asked to investigate Pang Qian instead of Zhuo Yun was training and investigation. After experiencing the Jiao Cheng case, he believed that the other party could already take charge of his own role.

Qin Fei's advantages are not as obvious as those of Shi Xin, Lin Chen and others. What Chen Yi values ​​​​is his growth speed and execution ability. Don't underestimate these two points. They are very important to the criminal police and cannot be possessed by just any person.

When is new: "Okay."

Chen Yi: "Everyone else, please go back and rest. Lao He, please check Pang Rongrong's medical records to see if she is sick."

When is new: "Okay."

After the meeting, everyone left. Chen Yi went to the forensic room, but Fang Shuyu hasn't left yet.

"How's it going?" Fang Shuyu asked about the progress of the case in the forensic room.

Chen Yi sat down and spoke briefly, and concluded: "There are no definite clues. We can only rely on inferences at the moment. The most likely possibility is that Pang Qian killed Feng Chunbo and Zhai Qi because of their daughter."

Fang Shuyu handed his water cup to Chen Yi and said, "Just for the game?"

Chen Yi took the water glass and took a few sips, and said: "What is Internet addiction? Games are everything to them, and this game requires a lot of time and is very rewarding. We can't treat it as a bunch of cold data. "

"For Feng Chunbo, Zhai Qi and Pang Rongrong, it can almost count as their lives, and they have deep feelings."

Fang Shuyu: "That's easy. Just investigate Pang Qian and Pang Rongrong in a targeted manner, and you will have the answer right away."

Chen Yi: "I hope so. This is just a more likely direction. We can't rule out the coincidence of playing Huanwu together. Shuyu, please go back first. Lao He and I will be busy for a while."

Fang Shuyu nodded: "Okay, don't be too late."

Chen Yi: "Yeah."

After Fang Shuyu left, Chen Yi went to the case handling hall to wait for the new results. The medical records were not connected to the police, so they needed to call or go directly to the hospital to retrieve them. This process was relatively slow.

Chen Yi was almost falling asleep while waiting, when a new voice came over: "Chen Yi, there is no name Pang Rongrong in any major hospital in Yangcheng."

Chen Yi sat up from his chair.

In this case, Pang Qian might have lied back then.

Seeking medical treatment out of town is a very rare event. Even if the condition is serious and needs to be transferred to another hospital, it must at least be diagnosed in a local hospital. Therefore, as long as Pang Rongrong has a serious illness that prevents her from going to school, Yangcheng should have a record.

No, that's not right.

Pang Rongrong is not sick.

 The author is ill today (I'm not going to lie, my stomach has been hurting all day), and I may only have one update of 4,000 words left. If I still write, it will be very late. Don't wait any longer. Thank you for your follow-up subscription!



(End of this chapter)

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