Chapter 253 Meeting Qi Ting’s Father

That evening, Chen Yi met with Gu Jingfeng and Mo Jiantong to report on the investigation progress in the past few days, the follow-up investigation plan, and the foreseeable investigation results.

"That's basically it."

After roughly speaking, Chen Yi looked at the two of them.

Gu Jingfeng nodded and sighed: "It's difficult for Liang Yi. After years of collecting evidence and careful arrangements, he is just waiting for us to come. Unfortunately, his whereabouts are unknown now."

"Chen Yi, is he alive or dead? Have you found any clues? Even if it is just a guess, tell me the truth."

For such an excellent criminal police officer, Gu Jingfeng was worried about his safety.

Chen Yidao: "I prefer that he is still alive."

Gu Jingfeng hummed and didn't ask for the reason or basis. He only listened to the result, regardless of the process.

Mo Jiantong said at this time: "You just mentioned Bamencang, how are you going to investigate this?"

Chen Yi said: "Knocking on the mountain and shaking the tiger has been used. I want to wait for them to reveal more flaws and try to avoid unnecessary interrogations. Xiong Fu is just Wu Yong's subordinate, let alone Wu Yong, but he is so tough. Without evidence, I won't act rashly."

"Wu Yong's location suddenly disappeared this afternoon. This must have been intentional. Where exactly he went is a very important question. Maybe it was Bamencang."

Mo Jiantong nodded.

Gu Jingfeng asked: "The evidence Liang Yi has can already arrest Wudeshan, right?"

Chen Yi: "Yes, but it is only part of the evidence. Wu Yong is still blank. He is as careful as Wudeshan in his work, and his subordinates are also very loyal. We can't do anything to him in a short time."

Gu Jingfeng: "It's only been a week, don't be in a hurry. Since you think Liang Yi is still alive, check slowly and carefully. We have plenty of time. If you need it, call me at any time."

Chen Yi: "Yes, Team Leader Gu."


The next day, Chen Yi took Qin Fei to meet Qi Ting's father Qi Weihai. Before leaving, he left He Hexin at the city bureau, staring at Wude Mountain and continuing to search for Wu Yong's location.

These days are critical. Chen Yi is worried about others and needs to let Shi Xin do this in person.

After contacting Qi Ting, Qin Fei drove Chen Yi to a medium-sized enterprise in Jiaocheng named Teng Yue.

Like Huisheng Group, Tengyue is also in the cosmetics business. It may be for this reason that the two companies formed a competitive relationship and a series of conflicts occurred.

The result is obvious. Teng Yue failed miserably. If people don't reason with you, it's useless no matter how business-savvy you are.

The car stopped at the gate, and Qi Ting had been waiting for a long time.

"Captain Chen."

When Chen Yi opened the door and got out of the car, Qi Ting quickly stepped forward to say hello.

The moment he decided to cooperate with Chen Yi, Teng Yue placed his treasure on Chen Yi. Once it failed, Teng Yue would not even have a chance to survive. Being expelled from Jiaocheng would be the best outcome. With Huisheng Group's The way you act may even put your life in danger.

Therefore, they must hold on to Chen Yi's thigh.

"Where is your father?" Chen Yi asked.

Qi Ting replied: "I'm waiting for you in the office."

Chen Yi: "Let's go then."

Afterwards, Qi Ting took Chen Yi into the company, got on the elevator, and finally arrived at the office on the sixth floor.

Qi Ting did not participate and closed the door outside. Her father could communicate with Chen Yi about the rest of the matter, and she could not help much.

The man standing in front of the window turned around, stretched out his hand from a distance, and said with a smile on his face: "Captain Chen, hello, hello, we finally meet, please take a seat."

The two shook hands and took their seats. Qi Weihai picked up the brewed tea and poured tea for Chen Yi and Qin Fei.

"Captain Chen, these are our local cigarettes, please try them."

The beginning of social acquaintance is to get close. Qi Weihai is very skillful and is not in a hurry to talk about business.

Chen Yi thanked him, picked up the cigarette case on the table and opened it.

Watching Chen Yi light up the cigarette, Qi Weihai smiled and asked, "What do you think of Captain Chen?"

Chen Yi nodded: "It tastes good. As for the taste... I guess I'm not used to it. Overall it's pretty good."

Qi Weihai: "Captain Chen took a few cigarettes with him when he left. I have many here. These are the best quality cigarettes in Jiaocheng."

Chen Yi glanced at him and said: "Mr. Qi, we are not going to rectify the situation. You also know that my time is precious. The more time we waste, the one who suffers will be ourselves, and the one who makes gains is Hui Sheng Group."

Hearing this, Qi Weihai was embarrassed and said sarcastically: "Captain Chen is right, I'm just... a little nervous. I'm not usually like this. I'm not usually like this..."

Two sentences made Chen Yi understand Qi Weihai's character, which was a bit submissive. I don't know if it was originally like this or if he had been frightened by Huisen Group in recent years.

Probably, both.

"Mr. Qi, I heard from Qi Ting that you have dealt with Huisheng Group many times. Who specifically? Wudeshan or Wuyong." Chen Yi asked.

Qi Weihai said: "Wude Mountain."

Chen Yi: "Please tell me briefly what he did to you."

Qi Weihai replied: "Forcibly took away the company's shares, used despicable means to fight for partners, and almost killed me."

He was prepared in advance and spoke quickly without thinking.

You could see humiliation and anger on his face, as well as a hint of fear.

Chen Yi pondered for a moment and said: "Share? Partner? Is Huisheng Group seriously engaged in the cosmetics business?" Qi Weihai: "This was the case in the past few years. When the company was in the development stage, they needed to expand rapidly, so they decided to It’s on me.”

"I'm not afraid of Captain Chen's jokes. At that time in Jiaocheng, when it came to cosmetics, everyone knew that we were Teng Yue. Unfortunately, we no longer have any sense of existence. At this rate, within a few years, we, Teng Yue, would have to go bankrupt. Before we went bankrupt... …Maybe Takeyama will buy it at a low price.”

At the end of the sentence, he sighed deeply, feeling helpless and confused.

Chen Yidao: "Don't worry, Mr. Qi, it will be over soon. Tell us about Wudeshan who almost killed you. What exactly happened?"

Mentioning this matter, Qi Weihai couldn't help but tremble and said: "He...he hung me on top of the crusher. My feet were only one centimeter away from the crusher. This scared me...I could only Sign the contract."

Chen Yi: "When did it happen?"

Qi Weihai: "It must have been four or five years ago."

Chen Yi: "Did Qi Ting and Liang Yi fall in love at that time?"

Qi Weihai: "Not yet."

Chen Yi: "Have you ever communicated with Liang Yi about Huisheng Group?"

Qi Weihai: "He did come to ask me, but I didn't dare to say too much to him at the time. I also reminded him not to investigate Huisheng Group anymore, which caused a bit of unpleasantness. Looking back now... I was too cowardly."

"Captain Chen, you have arrested Wu Ze and sentenced him to death. Will it be Wudeshan's turn next?"

Chen Yi nodded: "Of course."

Qi Weihai breathed a sigh of relief: "Then I'm relieved. If you need me to testify, I... I can, but I still hope that Captain Chen can send someone to protect me. I'm either timid or... just..."

Chen Yi expressed his understanding: "Okay, no problem."

He felt that Qi Ting's personality was different from his father's, which was normal. Qi Weihai had experienced more things, but Qi Ting didn't seem to be affected in any way so far.

As Qi Weihai's daughter and Liang Yi's girlfriend, she is at the center of the whirlpool. She is... lucky, very lucky.

Qi Weihai was delighted: "Thank you, Captain Chen."

Chen Yi: "Mr. Qi is too polite, let me ask, have you heard of Bamencang?"

He wanted to ask someone now that he caught him.

"Bamencang?" Qi Weihai was stunned for a moment, then frowned in thought.

Seeing this, Chen Yi's eyes narrowed and his body straightened up. The other party seemed to know.

After thinking for a long time, Qi Weihai said: "I think it sounds a bit familiar."

Chen Yi immediately said: "Familiarity is not enough, think about it carefully."

Qi Weihai thought for a while, and finally shook his head: "Sorry, Captain Chen, I just think it sounds familiar, but I can't remember where I heard it. It must have been many years ago."

Chen Yi: "Is it a place name?"

Qi Weihai: "I don't know, I have no impression."

Chen Yi was disappointed. He finally found someone who had heard of Bamencang, but there was no substantive answer. can be regarded as one more clue and basis for inference.

First of all, Bamencang definitely exists. Two people related to Huisheng Group have mentioned Bamencang, so it cannot be fake.

Secondly, Qi Weihai had heard of Bamen Cang, where would he have heard of it? Business partners, or friends and family?

On the map, there is no Bamencang.

There is no trace of Bamencang on the Internet.

In this case, it can only be spread by word of mouth, and the attention is very low, and there is no sense of existence.

Chen Yi felt that he now had a clearer understanding of Bamencang, and he was just about to make the final move.

With a few more clues, maybe we can forcefully deduce what it is.

Looking at Chen Yi who had calmed down, Qi Weihai hesitated: "Captain Chen, does this Bamencang have anything to do with Huisheng Group?"

Chen Yi raised his head: "I don't know yet, maybe it's related."

Qi Weihai said oh and didn't ask any more questions.

Chen Yi said: "Mr. Qi, I hope you can carefully recall the Bamencang. If you think of anything, please call me at any time."

Qi Weihai: "Okay, is there anything else you need me to do?"

Chen Yi: "How much do you know about Wu Yong?"

Qi Weihai: "Wu Yong is a ruthless person. A few years ago, Guan Cailiang of Nanping Port refused to sign the transfer contract and was later hit by a car and died. Could this be an accident?"

"Compared with Guan Cailiang, I am really lucky, but I have never dealt with him."

Nanping Port was mentioned again. This place is really a strategic location for Huisheng Group.

However, when the investigation team entered Jiaocheng, Nanping Port must have been completely cleared, and there would be no obvious clues left, otherwise he would not have let Yao Huai go on inspection.

In a few days, I can go and have a look.

When Nanping Port completely loses its vigilance and thinks that the investigation team will not waste time on it, there may be unexpected gains. The main thing is to surprise the enemy and not give the enemy a chance to judge his intentions.

(End of this chapter)

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