Detective: Open your eyes, I am handcuffed in the interrogation room

Chapter 252 The interrogation failed and Wu Yong’s position disappeared

Chapter 252 The interrogation failed and Wu Yong’s position disappeared

Jiaocheng Bureau, interrogation room.

Xiong Fu was sitting on the chair in the interrogation room without handcuffs. His right arm was hanging casually on the back of the chair, his legs were crossed, and his left foot was shaking in the air from time to time.

This look made the police officers in the room frown, especially those who had dealt with Xiong Fu, and their expressions were even more ugly.

People like Xiong Fu didn't know how many years ago they entered the palace. They had no respect for the police, and they might even sneer at them.

Chen Yi did not interrogate immediately. At this moment, he was fully understanding Xiong Fu's past. The final result told him that it was very unlikely to pry Xiong Fu's mouth open.

As Xiong Fu himself said, he was a low-level person in his early years. He was severely beaten by society. He had nowhere to express his sufferings and could not avenge his revenge. After following Wu Yong, he got to where he is today step by step.

No wonder Wu Yong trusted him so much and entrusted him with such a heavy responsibility. It was almost impossible for him to betray Wu Yong.

Even so, you still have to ask. Even if you can't get anything out of the question, finding flaws through facial expressions and reactions is still rewarding.

"Keep an eye on Wu Deshan and Wu Yong, and tell me immediately if there is any situation."

Chen Yihe He Xin said something, stood up and entered the interrogation room.

When Xiong Fu saw Chen Yi open the door and come in, he raised the corner of his mouth and said, "Captain Chen, why did you go to such trouble to bring me here? If you need anything, please tell me quickly. I'm busy."

Chen Yi sat down and took out a cigarette.

After Xiong Fu saw it, he raised his fingers and said, "Give me one."

Chen Yi lit his cigarette and said, "Tell me something that interests me."

Hearing this, Xiong Fu said with disdain: "Forget it if I don't give it to you. I really don't care how good you little policemen can smoke."

A police officer warned: "Xiong Fu, be honest!"

Xiong Fu snorted coldly: "Don't scare me, I'm timid, am I not honest enough?"

Chen Yi waved his hand to signal everyone to be quiet. He looked at Xiong Fu and said, "I know you are not afraid of anything unless the gun is pressed against your head. What I want to tell you is that Wang Damao told you, so you can't leave. Don't expect to get out by yourself." .”

"What you can do now is to squat in the city bureau and wait for the destruction of the Huisheng Group. There will be no eggs left after the destruction. You know what you have done."

Hearing Wang Damao's name, Xiong Fu's expression froze for a moment, and then sneered: "You're cheating on me?"

Chen Yi: "Am I free? Tell me two names. The first name is Liu Yutang, and the second name is Guan Cailiang."

Xiong Fu's face darkened.

Chen Yi: "How about it, two names are enough, right? Do you still think you can leave now?"

Xiong Fu put down Erlang's legs, his eyes were as cold as ice: "Who are these, I don't know them."

Chen Yi smiled and said: "Don't know? Okay, let me help you recall it."

"Years ago, Wang Damao's wife cheated on her, and the cheater was named Liu Yutang. It was you who encouraged Wang Damao to avenge his cuckoldry and killed Liu Yutang."

"Three years ago, Wang Damao drove a truck and rear-ended Guan Cailiang on a detour, causing the other person to die on the spot. According to his confession, you instigated him to do this."

"how to explain?"

Xiong Fu spread his hands: "How else can I explain it? It's slander! Do you really believe what a madman said? Then I can also say that Captain Chen killed someone. Can a case be filed? I want to report it."

Hearing this, Chen Yi's eyes lit up and he nodded: "Yes, we can file a case. You call the police, right? There's another crime, false accusation and frame-up. You really call the police, right? If you really call the police, I'll call someone over now. Are you sure?" ?”

Seeing Chen Yi's serious look, Xiong Fu's mouth twitched: "You...are sick?"

He is just showing off his quick words, who is willing to frame himself with false accusations for no reason.

Chen Yi restrained his smile: "Xiong Fu, I know you are lucky and have confidence and fantasy in the Wu family, but one thing I need to tell you is that the Wu family is definitely over. It's just a matter of time. I'm not trying to scare you. "

Xiong Fu remained calm: "Captain Chen, don't say any more useless things. I really don't know anything. Wang Damao is just a false accusation. You can go check it out, but you can't just say that I instigated murder based on his words." ?”

Chen Yi stared at him: "Where is Bamencang?"

"Bamencang?" Xiong Fu was stunned for a moment, "What kind of mess is Bamencang? A place?"

Chen Yi caught the subtle changes in his expression and suddenly mentioned Bamencang. Xiong Fu's reaction was normal. Most likely he had never heard of the word Bamencang.

He said: "Yes, Jiaocheng is a very interesting place. I want to visit it."

Xiong Fu felt confused: "I've never heard of it... No, why are you asking me? I'm not a tour guide, so I'm asking someone else."

Chen Yi: "Where is Liang Yi?"

Liang Yi's name made Xiong Fu's eyes fluctuate, and he said: "Captain Liang Yi, how could I know that one of your own people is asking me?"

Chen Yi: "Is he still alive?"

Xiong Fuyou was frightened: "Captain Chen, your questions are getting more and more shocking. Where can I go... He is missing? You can't come to me about this. I don't have the courage."

Chen Yi: "Then how brave are you?"

Xiong Fu smiled: "Guess."

Chen Yi spent half an hour in the interrogation room with Xiong Fu. After confirming that it was impossible to obtain a confession, he left decisively. Xiong Fu would be temporarily detained until the entire case was investigated or some targeted clues emerged.

There is still something to gain. Xiong Fu probably doesn't know about Bamencang, nor does he know about Liang Yi's disappearance. Even if he does, he didn't do it.

What he said just now is correct. No matter how courageous he is, he would not dare to attack Liang Yi openly. He would be seeking death.

"Let Duan Quan come to the conference room, alone."

Passing by the case handling hall, Chen Yi said as he walked.

Duan Quan, captain of the anti-drug detachment.

After hearing Chen Yi's words, a police officer immediately left and notified Duan Quan.

In the conference room, Chen Yi waited for a while, and then there was a knock on the door.

"Come in." Duan Quan opened the door and walked in: "Captain Chen, you are looking for me."

Duan Quan is in his forties, and years of hard work have left traces of wind and rain on his face. His firm and sharp eyes are a great deterrent to criminals.

Standing 1.85 meters tall, he is tall and strong.


Chen Yi spoke, flicked the ashes into the ashtray, and then pushed the cigarette box on the table.

Duan Quan was not polite, he picked it up and smoked it.

Chen Yi: "Duan Zhi, how is the drug control situation in Jiaocheng?"

Duan Quan replied: "The results are good. There were several serious drug trafficking cases in the early years, but they have been solved and the source has been eliminated."

Chen Yi: “It’s rare to see it on the market now, right?”

Duan Quan nodded: "Yes, the past two years have been peaceful. The few we occasionally catch are stimulant traditional drugs, and there are almost no new synthetic ones."

Chen Yi said, "Marijuana K powder is a traditional drug, while methamphetamine is a new type of synthetic drug. The latter is relatively more harmful. The main reason is that it is addictive and profitable, and you will be exposed to it for a lifetime."

That's why drug dealers are keen on new types of synthesis, constantly adjusting formulas to find breakthrough technologies.

Duan Quan: "Captain Chen, do you suspect that Huisheng Group is involved in drugs?"

Chen Yi: "That's not true. I just asked casually."

Duan Quan: "Captain Chen, don't worry. I don't know about other things, but in terms of drugs, Huisheng Group has never been involved. They are not so courageous. None of the cases I have investigated over the years have pointed to Huisheng." group."

Chen Yi nodded: "That's good, Duan Zhi, have you heard of Bamencang?"

Duan Quan shook his head: "No, Captain Chen was talking about a place name?"

Chen Yi was unsure: "Maybe it's a place name."

Duan Quan: "Is it important?"

Chen Yi: "Maybe... it's important."

Duan Quan: "Uh."

He didn't know what Chen Yi found out, but since he asked, it was probably highly related to the case, but he had never heard of this place.

"How about... let me inquire?" he said.

Chen Yi thought for a while and said, "Okay, don't be too ostentatious and ask through trusted channels."

Duan Quan's network of contacts is wider than that of the Criminal Investigation Detachment. They come into contact with all kinds of people and their intelligence network is very strong.

"Okay, then I'll pay attention these days." Duan Quan said.

Chen Yi took a puff of cigarette and said, "Duan Zhi, how is your relationship with the anti-smuggling team?"

Anti-smuggling has little to do with the municipal bureau and belongs to the customs.

When mentioning this matter, Duan Quan hesitated for the first time: "This... work relationship is just like a personal relationship."

Chen Yi: "Is there any problem?"

The answer was actually obvious, but he still asked. If anyone in the entire city bureau had high credibility, besides Yan Zhe, the second one was Duan Quan.

Yan Zhe is because of Liang Yi, and Duan Quan is because of his special police type.

Narcotics police are not something ordinary people can do.

Duan Quan: "I can't say, I just dealt with him a few times."

Chen Yi didn't ask any more questions: "Okay, Duan Zhi can go and get busy. Contact us anytime."

"it is good."

Duan Quan stood up and left the interrogation room. He felt Chen Yi's trust in him, which made him feel somewhat shaken.

Just do your own thing.

Chen Yi was the only one left in the conference room. He smoked for a while and then put out the cigarette butt. He stood up and went to the window to look at the Jiaocheng buildings outside.

The traffic is busy, but evil is hidden all around.

Ordinary people may never know that the Huisheng Group in Jiaocheng is a beast that can eat people at any time, and they are out of reach.

"Liang Yi, where is it? If Bamencang is not a warehouse, what is it? A nickname for a building? What is the meaning of its existence?"

"Important cargo, important documents, the last line of defense?"

"Wu Ze is sentenced to death within a short period of time, and Takekuyama will definitely take action. Can we use this to find the location of Bamen Cang?"

"They may completely destroy the goods, just destroy them. That's not what I want."

After thinking for a long time, Shi Xin suddenly opened the door and walked in, his pace quick.

"Chen Yi, I'm sorry, Wu Yong lost his position, but he didn't leave Jiaocheng." He Xin walked to Chen Yi.

Chen Yi didn't react much: "Just throw it away. Record the location. When he appears again, continue to record the location."

With Wu Yong's ability, as long as he is not closely watched 24 hours a day, he cannot be caught if he wants to disappear.

As long as he is still in Jiaocheng, it doesn't matter. The more places he goes, the more flaws he exposes.

If you're not afraid of him moving, just be afraid of him not moving.

When is the new: "Okay, I get it."

(End of this chapter)

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