Chapter 254 Going out for a visit

Chen Yi left Qi Weihai's company.

There was gain, but not much, at least in Qin Fei's view, but only he knew what Chen Yi was thinking in his heart.

Afternoon, City Bureau.

Wu Yong's location finally appeared again, and it was locked through Skynet monitoring instead of mobile phone positioning.

According to Shi Xin, he judged that Wu Yong's mobile phone should be carried with him, but the positioning signal was sometimes strong and weak, and occasionally disappeared completely. If the prediction was good, it was blocking interference.

"Anti-positioning technology is not too difficult. As long as you want to do it, it is easy to implement." He Xin explained this matter.

In the Communications Department, Chen Yi raised his head slightly and looked at the big screen and said, "You are really going to play spy war with us. Mark all the positions."

"it is good."

When I first started operating the computer, soon, on the huge map of Jiaocheng, light spots flickered, some were dense, some were sparse, and there was a large blank space in the middle.

Chen Yi glanced at it: "Zoom in, connect the lines, and extend the dotted line farther away."

When the new map is zoomed in, the red lines are connected to each other. The places with the most intersections of the dotted lines are the towns and villages on the outskirts of the city, which are farther than the old city.

"Continue to zoom in on the upper right corner." Chen Yi said.

Shi Xin continued to zoom in on the map, showing several villages.

This is a high-definition satellite map that can be seen as long as it exists.

"There doesn't seem to be anything like a warehouse. That's normal." He Xin looked at it for a while and said.

Chen Yi said nothing and focused on one of the villages.

"Changliu Village, that's Wudeshan's hometown, right? I remember the information is, make sure."

Ji Xin quickly retrieved Wudeshan's detailed information and nodded: "Yes, his hometown is indeed Changliu Village."

Chen Yi: "Continue to expand Changliu Village."

When you slide the mouse, you can have a panoramic view of the entire village in proportion to its size.

There are bungalows, tile-roofed houses, and two-story buildings, which are similar to other villages, but there is still no place similar to a warehouse.

Chen Yi thought for a while and turned around: "I'll go out and continue to keep an eye on them."

When is new: "Okay."

Chen Yi left the Communications Section and passed by the case handling hall. Qin Fei followed him: "Team Chen, where are you going?"

Chen Yi said as he walked: "You don't have to follow me when I go out to help Lao He do his job well."

Qin Fei: "Yes, Captain Chen."

Chen Yi left the city bureau and drove to the suburbs. Under the premise that Wudeshan was already confused and panicked, any coincidence could not be regarded as a coincidence.

Wu Deshan's hometown is Changliu Village, and Wu Yong seems to have stayed in Changliu Village these two days. There may be something wrong with this.

No matter what the truth was, he would know it just by taking a look. He couldn't let go of any possibility, but he was not going to go directly to Changliu Village. Instead, he went to the nearby villages to get a closer look.

In the past, it was enough to scare the tiger by knocking on the mountain, but now we must avoid striking the grass and alarm the snake, and all actions need to be cautious.

After driving for more than an hour, the vehicle turned onto a cement road with a limited width, allowing only small cars to pass.

The road condition was very bad, with potholes and cracks everywhere on the ground, and the speed could no longer increase. This should be the reason why large vehicles were prohibited from entering. Unfortunately, it was too late, and the road was already damaged.

Chen Yi was not in a hurry and drove slowly, looking around from time to time.

There are plate factories, pig farms, chicken and duck farms, and a large-scale shoe factory.

This is not Changliu Village, but Changli Village, a name with a lot of heritage. Judging from the factories that can be seen everywhere, this village is developing well. There is no need to worry about the employment of the villagers. During the breaks in farming, they can still work to subsidize their families. .

After ten minutes of swaying and bumping, Chen Yi drove to the village head.

He parked his vehicle in a nearby vacant lot and opened the door.

The uncles and aunts at the head of the village formed the highest intelligence center in the village, and Chen Yi's goal was there.

The older people are, the more they know, and young people rarely know certain unknown past events.

Chen Yi touched the cigarette case and after making sure it was enough, he strode to the end of the village.

Some were sitting there smoking cigarettes, some were playing with their grandchildren, and some were leaning on crutches and chatting with smiles on their faces. There were about a dozen people.

Some of them brought their own horses, some sat on the ground, and some occupied the few smooth stones.

Whenever someone passes by, the eyes of these old people will follow them for a long time, which makes the passers-by quite embarrassed.

His reputation was ruined in just a few words. These eight words were more than just a joke.

These uncles and aunts have nothing to do, talk nonsense all over the world, and have extremely rich imaginations. It really takes courage to pass here.

"That was the child of the old Liu family just now, right? He's already twenty-seven and he still doesn't have a partner, so he has to make arrangements for him."

"What are you talking about? This kid is not serious. I heard a few days ago that he kissed a shady woman. That woman is as old as my daughter."

"Ah? That's not a bad job."

"So you are not doing what you are doing. Stop making trouble. This kid is useless."

"Hey... you said this."

As soon as they got closer, Chen Yi heard the conversation and immediately felt a little funny.

He was just passing by, and in ten seconds he went from the good boy of the old Liu family to a loser. There was a huge gap.

The authenticity of this matter remains to be verified.

Children of the old Liu family?      Poor, your reputation is completely ruined.

Seeing another young man coming, all the adults turned their heads. Their calm and scrutinizing eyes made even Chen Yi feel a desire to run away.


Chen Yi laughed dryly, thinking that I'm not from your village, so I'm scared.

"This child is so handsome. Which village is he from?" Before Chen Yi could speak, one of the old ladies spoke first. She seemed to smell the gossip.

Chen Yi said perfunctorily: "The village next door, the village next door."

He subconsciously moved away from the women, moved closer to the old men sitting on the rocks, squatted down and took out his cigarette case.

"The weather is nice today, let's have a smoke."

Chen Yi handed over the cigarettes one by one.

The old man didn't know this kind of cigarette, so he felt it was very rare intuitively, so he took it with a smile. It's good to try it occasionally.

As long as you can smoke, no matter your age, cigarettes are the first step in a relationship.

After lighting the cigarette, several old men looked at Chen Yi a lot.

"Young man, which village are you from?"

Chen Yihu made one up.


The old man who smoked dry cigarettes before said oh and put down the cigarette stick in his hand: "Why are you in our village? Are you looking for someone or waiting for someone? Are you dating a girl in our village?"

He was probably influenced by those aunties, and he stayed with the person he was talking to within three sentences.

If you think about it carefully, there is nothing else to talk about among young people except the person they talk about, and they don’t understand anything else.

Where do you go to school? where do you work? How much money do you make? They don't care.

Chen Yi smiled and said: "I am waiting for someone here, not a partner."

The old man said oh again and said, "Then do you have a partner?"

Chen Yi: "..."

"Yes, sir."

After speaking, he pretended to glance at the north and changed the subject: "I heard that the development in Changliu Village is quite good, and many people have made money."

This sentence is pure nonsense and forced to make an awkward conversation.

The old man smoked a cigarette and said cheerfully: "It is easy for some people to make money, and it is difficult for some people to make money. For people like us, it is considered good if we can make 18,000 yuan in a year."

"The Changliu Village... has indeed become a lot richer in the past few years. I heard people say that there are often sedans coming and going."

Another uncle said: "Don't mention Changliu Village. It's very exclusive. No one is allowed in. I used to be able to buy some specialty goods, but now I can't."

Chen Yi asked: "Why are you not allowed in?"

The uncle replied: "Who knows, maybe I made a fortune doing some business, and I don't want others to know. That's normal. If I make money, I don't want others to know. I just make a fortune in silence."

Uncle Hanyan joked: "Old Li Tou, you are the only one who is still rich. When you were young, you worked in a factory for three days, fished and two days dried nets. Later, you built a pig farm. As soon as you bought the piglets, you let someone else take care of the pig farm. I was pushed, I lost a lot of money, and I am still a pauper."

Lao Li glared: "Hello? What's so great about you? You made some money by naming people in the early years, and you gave birth to four children without taking care of them. I have at least two sons, right?"

Uncle Hanyan seemed to have been exposed and became furious: "In this age, sons are still valued over daughters. I have four daughters and I am proud of them. I will never be able to use up the cigarettes and wine they give me every year until I die."

Lao Li pointed out: "Then you still smoke dry cigarettes."

Uncle Hanyan was speechless and his face turned red.

Chen Yi secretly sighed, these four sons-in-law are just average. Not to mention how filial they are, at least they have a long supply of tobacco and alcohol.

Sure enough, the preference for boys over girls in rural areas still makes sense. The idea is not only limited to the older generation, but also to young girls in the village. They think that if they get married, they will change their surname, and their sense of responsibility is weak.

If it were a son, he would definitely be more attentive. Of course, this is only relative. The term "little cotton-padded jacket" does not come from nothing. Girls have more delicate thoughts. It mainly depends on the individual.

Generally speaking, people in remote places still rely more on their sons.

"Girls are pretty good, I just like girls." Chen Yi smoothed things over.

He was telling the truth and he really liked his daughter.

Hearing this, Mr. Hanyan found his close friend: "Look, young people still understand. What do you know, Old Litou?"

Chen Yi was quite helpless. He was originally chatting about Changliu Village, but the topic suddenly turned to having a boy or a girl.

"Uncle, when did Changliu Village become xenophobic?" Chen Yi brought the topic back.

Uncle Hanyan said: "After changing the name, right? I remember it was."

Chen Yi: "Change your name? What was your previous name?"

Mr. Hanyan smiled and said: "You must have asked the right person. I even joined in the fun when the name was changed. This is what I do."

"It used to be called Wujia Village, and there were many people named Wu there. Later, we discussed changing the name, but we discussed it for a long time with no result."

"Sake Village, Xinghua Village, Chaibikang Village, Xingfu Village, Bamengcang Village, Dashe Village, there are all kinds of mess. Finally, I settled on Changliu Village, which is not bad. It's a pity that I didn't choose it, otherwise it would be better. Make a fortune.”

Old Li Tou smiled and said, "It's a waste of time."

(End of this chapter)

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