Detective: Open your eyes, I am handcuffed in the interrogation room

Chapter 249 Goodbye Wang Damao, simple multiple choice question

Chapter 249 Goodbye Wang Damao, simple multiple choice question

Jiaocheng Bureau.

After the Wu Ze case, Yan Zhe gradually began to take over the entire criminal investigation detachment. Everyone had seen his abilities, and apart from Chen Yi's orders, they also admired him very much.

It is conceivable that when everything is settled in the future, Yan Zhe's position will definitely change, and it will change upward.

Yao Huai is still patrolling Nanping Port, and he has hardly seen anyone these days.

Chen Yi is not very interested in him, he is just a small person, and he needs to dig out the more complicated network of relationships behind him.

This matter is not difficult. After a trial, you will know that they are much less courageous than the Wu family. The premise is that the Huisheng Group needs to be dealt with first.

In the Communications Department, Chen Yihe Shixin was sitting there, looking for loopholes through network means.

Including activity recording, monitoring, and mobile phone positioning.

The ID cards and mobile phone numbers of Wudeshan and Wuyong have been closely monitored for a long time, and even the slightest hint of trouble cannot be concealed.

However, these two guys were also very smart and did not show their weaknesses in this regard.

They are naturally aware of the police's investigative methods.

"There's not even a phone call. It seems to be a relatively private communication channel." He Xin spoke.

Chen Yi: "Wu Ze has been sentenced to death. Wu Deshan must be very anxious. No matter whether he can be saved or not, the call will be made. But we all know the result. It is just in vain."

Shi Xin: "If Wu Ze is dealt with first, their sense of crisis will become very strong and their actions will become bigger."

Chen Yi hummed: "Keep an eye on Wu Yong. No matter whether Bamencang really exists or not, it's always right to be cautious."

After chatting for a while, Yan Zhe opened the door and walked in. Compared with his submissive attitude when they first met, his demeanor today was obviously much more confident and full of energy.

"Team Chen."

Chen Yi turned around and saw Yan Zhe and said, "Where is the thing?"

Yan Zhe no longer had any doubts, so he stepped forward, bent down, and whispered a few words into Chen Yi's ear.

After listening, Chen Yi nodded: "Okay, I understand. You go and do your work. Finish Wu Ze's case as soon as possible without leaving any tail."

Although Wu Ze has pronounced his sentence, there are still many problems to be solved in the follow-up, and this matter cannot be delayed.

Yan Zhe: "Yes, I'll leave Captain Chen first."

Chen Yi hummed.

"Lao He, take your computer and go out with me."

After calling Qin Fei, the three of them drove away from the city bureau.

The driver was Qin Fei. Now he was on full alert and looked in the rearview mirror from time to time to prevent anyone from following him.

"Park? Where did Liang Yi hide his things?" The speaker was Shi Xin.

Chen Yidao: "It is not difficult to guess that Liang Yi knew that he was being targeted, so he was very careful when doing things. The letter left behind is a good example. Let alone the enemy, we almost didn't find it. Even if you find it, you still have to play a puzzle game with him.”

Shi Xin: "Captain Liang's fighting environment is very harsh, but I have a hunch that he is still alive."

Chen Yi turned around and said in surprise: "Where did you get the hunch?"

There are no clues pointing to the fact that Liang Yi is still alive.

Of course, there are no clues pointing to his death.

Shi Xin: "It's inexplicable premonition. You have to believe me this time."

These words made Chen Yi helpless: "Nonsense, if I say I don't believe it, then wouldn't I be cursing Liang Yi to death? That's what you said."

He Xin smiled, psychological suggestion is sometimes very useful, at least it can adjust the mood.

No one wants anything to happen to a policeman like Liang Yi.

Half an hour later, the car stopped at a relatively remote park, and the three of them got out of the car and entered the gate. There is no charge here.

Qin Fei was holding a small shovel in his hand.

Chen Yi followed the location given by Yan Zhe and came to the sixth rockery on the left. There was indeed a small piece of clean soil under his sight, with no weeds on it.

He waved to Qin Fei, who immediately stepped forward and carefully dug in from the outside.

The burial was not very deep. After less than ten shovels, Qin Fei took out a plastic bag, cleaned the soil on it, and handed it to Chen Yi.

Chen Yi took it and opened the plastic bag. Inside were several folded papers and a USB flash drive.

Handing the USB disk to He Xin, he unfolded the paper and read it.

"Sure enough, it is the suspicion and indirect evidence of Liu Yutang's death."

"This guy Liang Yi is involved in a spy war with us."

After reading it, Chen Yi spoke.

He guessed that the thing might be aimed at Wu Yong, so he dealt with Wu Ze first, then checked Wu Yong, and the remaining Wu Deshan was not a concern.

When was the new surprise: "It happened so early, and he still left evidence?"

Chen Yi shook his head: "It's not direct evidence, just doubts and indirect evidence. It cannot convict Wang Damao. If he talks very hard, there is nothing we can do against him."

When new: "So what do you mean?"

Chen Yi: "Let's try scaring. It's useless. Everyone has the desire to survive. I think Wang Damao wants to live, right?"

When was new: "To jail?"

Chen Yi: "Well, let's get in the car first and see what's in the USB flash drive."

The three people left the park, got in the car, and rushed towards the prison where Wang Damao was located.

On the way, Shi Xin inserted the USB flash drive into the computer and opened the files inside.

First of all, it is Wu Ze’s criminal evidence and the recording. This thing is useless now.

Other than that, everything else is about Mount Takeku. Compared to the briefness of that letter, this letter describes in detail the past and development history of Wudeshan, from a small street stall owner to the present day, and has become a famous big shot in Jiaocheng.

There are many people richer than Wudeshan and more powerful than Wudeshan, but none of these people dare to provoke Wudeshan.

He used the most primitive, direct, and least permitted by law method to create the glory of the group and the so-called glory of the Wu family.

There is a term called the top ten illegal profiteering industries, one of which is customs smuggling.

Wudeshan relies on Jiaocheng's proximity to the sea and uses the guise of branded cosmetics to transport contraband.

At first, it was just ordinary cigarettes, wine, electronic products, etc. Later, I got bolder and started to dabble in precious metals, cars, protected animals and even rare antiques.

When Shi Xin continued to slide down, Liang Yi took a lot of risks and took a lot of photos. This information was enough to arrest Wu Deshan for interrogation and let the economic investigation intervene in the investigation of Huisheng Group.

"Catch it?" After reading it, Shi Xin asked.

Chen Yi thought for a moment and said, "Let me think about it and go see Wang Damao first."

As soon as he finished speaking, his cell phone rang. He took out his cell phone and took a look. It was Qi Ting calling.

"Qi Ting?"

Without thinking much, he pressed the answer button.


Qi Ting: "Hello? Captain Chen."

Chen Yi: "It's me, hello Miss Qi."

Qi Ting: "Captain Chen, do you have time to meet?"

Chen Yi: "Not now, but there will be one soon."

Qi Ting: "Then Captain Chen, tell me where you are and I will go find you. Is that convenient?"

Chen Yi: "Conveniently, you can go to the first prison in half an hour."

Qi Ting: "Okay, see you soon."

The phone hangs up.

Shi Xin looked over: "Why did Qi Ting call us suddenly? Do you understand?"

Chen Yidao: "Maybe like Yan Zhe, Wu Ze was arrested and she thinks we are trustworthy."

Shi Xin nodded slightly and said, "Is Qi Ting useful to us? It feels like she doesn't know anything. We have already found everything Liang Yi left behind."

Chen Yidao: "Since she called, she should have good news for us. Let's talk about it later."

When is new: "Yeah."

When they arrived at the prison, the warden quickly arranged for the two to meet.

This was the second time Chen Yi met Wang Damao. Just like the first time, he still had the same expression. Underneath the simple and honest surface, there was ruthlessness hidden underneath.

Chen Yi lit a cigarette himself, and then threw away the remaining cigarette case and lighter.

Wang Damao glanced at it, picked up one without ceremony, and then put the rest into his pocket.

In prison, cigarettes are a good thing.

He slowly exhaled a puff of smoke, looked at Chen Yi and said, "Chen... what is Chen doing?"

"Chen Yi."

Wang Damao said: "Yes, Chen Yi, what do you want to ask me for this time? Don't think that if you give me a box of cigarettes, I will treat you as a friend."

Chen Yi said: "But I'm here to make friends with you."

Wang Damao grinned and said, "Making friends? I'd like to hear about it."

Chen Yi: "I went to see Miao Chunlan, and I already know everything I need to know."

Hearing this, Wang Damao's smile faded: "Are you free?"

Chen Yi said quietly: "It seems that what I said is not clear. What I am referring to is Liu Yutang's matter. To be precise, it is his death."

Wang Damao's eyes narrowed.

Chen Yi's voice continued: "Don't think that this matter has passed. I can tell you clearly that our people investigated this case back then and have obtained the evidence. After arriving in Jiaocheng, the evidence and it came into my hand.”

Wang Damao smoked a cigarette and stared at Chen Yi with squinted eyes: "Sorry, I don't understand what you are talking about."

Chen Yi chuckled: "Okay, let me be more clear. You killed Liu Yutang, and you killed Guan Cailiang. Whether you admit it or not, we will kill these two cases."

"Also, Wu Yong's younger brother Wu Ze has been arrested and sentenced to death in the final verdict. The next one will be Wu Yong, then Wu Deshan, and finally the entire Huisheng Group."

"You don't have to admit it. We will get confessions from others when the time comes. I guarantee that your fate will be the same as Wu Ze's."

Listening to Chen Yi's words, Wang Damao's face gradually became ugly, and in the end, it was as gloomy as water.

"You're scaring me?"

"I'm not that boring." Chen Yi said with a smile. After speaking, he placed several documents in front of Wang Damao, "There are many doubts about Liu Yutang's death. This photo alone can determine that he died of homicide and the manner of killing. It's strangulation, the case has been reopened, you can't hide."

Wang Damao looked down at the document and clenched his fists.

Chen Yi: "To confess and be punished with leniency but to resist being punished with severity is not a lie to you. It is true. Taking the initiative to confess and committing meritorious deeds and being found out by me are two different concepts. The difference is very simple, death or not death."

"To tell the truth, I will fight for a reprieve from death. If I don't tell the truth, I will be shot within half a year."


Wang Damao fell silent and kept raising his hand to smoke.

This is a good sign for Chen Yi, as the other party's mind is already in chaos.

(End of this chapter)

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