Chapter 248 Quick Trial

Chen Yi leaned back again, smoking the cigarette in his hand, but his eyes did not leave Wudeshan and Wuyong. Respecting one's opponents has been a "traditional virtue" for thousands of years.

But in the eyes of the two of them, this was already Chi Guoguo's contempt.

Wu Yong's expression was extremely gloomy, but due to the identity of the other party, he couldn't get angry, and he was very suppressed.

Wudeshan became much calmer and broke the silence: "Captain Chen, I wonder why your son was arrested?"

He is now very eager to know Wu Ze's crime.

Chen Yi smiled and said: "It's a trivial matter, it's just a matter of pornography. I'm a plainclothes undercover and saw it with my own eyes. I can't rely on it."

Related to pornography?

Wu Deshan was stunned for a moment, then turned to look at Wu Yong.

He had prepared for the worst, but he didn't expect that it was just pornography, but... Chen Yi's words could only be a punctuation mark.

He wouldn't believe it if it was just because of Huang Li's arrest of Wu Ze that he made such a big noise because of his involvement in pornography.

Is it possible to find a crime to arrest the person first, and then try the others slowly?

"It turns out it's because of this. Don't worry, Captain Chen. I will strictly discipline Wu Ze from now on. I wonder if he can be released on bail pending trial after the investigation?" Wudeshan said.

Chen Yi: "No."

Wudeshan frowned: "Why not?"

Chen Yi asked back: "Is he sick? Is he pregnant or breastfeeding? Is he unable to take care of himself?"

Wudeshan ignored it and went straight to the point: "Captain Chen, it's just one sentence. Can you give me some face and talk alone?"

Chen Yi smiled and said: "I'm sorry, Mr. Wu's reputation is not that big, and I am busy and really don't have time. If nothing else, I have to go to Mr. Wu Yongwu's seafood market and buy some local products to take back. , you should also go and take a look at the construction site to see how the infrastructure development in Jiaocheng is going."

"It's not easy to come here, it can't be in vain, don't you think so?"

What he said was pure nonsense. He had no intention of going there at all. If he went there, he would just have a verbal dispute with the other party's men. The best result would be to arrest a few insignificant gangsters, which would not have any impact on Wu Yong.

Wu Yong doesn't look as idiotic as Wu Ze.

The investigation team has entered Jiaocheng, but Huangli is still open. It takes a person with a low IQ to do this. This also shows how Wu Deshan has spoiled Wu Ze.

The boss of heaven, the second boss of earth, and the third boss of me, these nine words describe Wu Ze’s character very appropriately.

Those who are so crazy will usually die the quickest.

Wu Yong is different. The property under his name must be very clean at the moment. It is useless to go there. At most, he is just pretending. For Chen Yi, the effort and reward are not proportional at all.

Listening to Chen Yi's words, Wu Yong's face became even colder. The other party's meaning was obvious, it would be his turn next.

The next one might be my father.

Now that everyone has made it clear, there is no point in engaging in verbal disputes.

"let's go."

Wudeshan turned around decisively and stopped talking nonsense to Chen Yi.

Chen Yi watched the two people leave, and then entered the city bureau.

In the car, Wu Yong said: "Dad, what should we do about Wu Ze?"

Wudeshan gritted his teeth and said: "We must rescue your brother. You don't have to worry about this matter. Handle your own affairs well and don't follow your brother's old path. I will find a way. In ten days and a half, he should be fine." "

Wu Yong nodded: "Okay."

However, the two of them did not know that Chen Yi had set a deadline for Yan Zhe. The criminal investigation detachment would complete the trial within three days, the procuratorate would review it within one day, and the verdict must be issued within a week.

In the next two days, Chen Yi paid no attention to Wu Deshan and Wu Yong. It didn't matter what they planned to do, as long as they didn't run away.

At this moment, the ID cards of all relevant personnel have been blacklisted, and their mobile phones are also monitored. Unless they throw away all their belongings, drag their families and travel a long distance out of Jiaocheng, they will never be able to escape.

As long as you are still in the country, you will always be under the shadow of the law.

Chen Yi went to the procuratorate and the court, and strictly ordered all work to focus on the Wu Ze case, and other trivial matters gave way to the case.

No one dares to disobey the orders of the investigation team.

With the blessing of the investigation team's aura, Yan Zhe finally gave full play to the basic qualities required of an excellent criminal policeman. He led everyone in the criminal investigation detachment to interrogate Wu Ze and Wu Ze's men without stopping.

During this period, Yao Huai wanted to intervene, but Yan Zhe vetoed it with one sentence: If you have anything to do with Captain Chen, I won't care.

The originally lifeless Jiaocheng Criminal Investigation Detachment was reborn at this moment. Everyone was full of energy and regained their original intention of joining the police.

Finally, the victim's body was found. It was fished out of the river and was tied with heavy objects.

Every piece of evidence points to Wu Ze, and every confession points to Wu Ze.

This is a solid case.

However, Wu Ze still didn't let go. Faced with the massive evidence, he just sat there with an ugly face and stared at Yan Zhe.

He never dreamed that he would be arrested because of this incident.

It didn't matter whether it was related to pornography, gambling, or other crimes. As long as he was sentenced to a fixed term of imprisonment, there would be unlimited possibilities in the future. He believed that his father would be able to get him out sooner or later.

But the murder case...

This is already a major criminal offense. As long as a lawsuit involving human life is involved, this life is basically over.

"Yan, you and Liang Yi are playing tricks on me, right?!"

In the interrogation room, Wu Ze, who was handcuffed to the interrogation chair, found it difficult to even move. He was staring at Yan Zhe and speaking angrily, his expression as fierce as a crazed lion.

Yan Zhe said quietly: "Don't talk about those messy things. The evidence is here. Accept it or not."

Wu Ze scolded: "I recognize your mother!! I have never done this! You are slandering and deliberately framed!!"

Yan Zhe mocked: "Wu Ze, there are times when you are afraid. Weren't you quite crazy before? Now that the investigation team is here, can you still be crazy?"

Wu Ze glared: "Don't let me go out, as long as I can go out..."

"Stop it." Yan Zhe raised his hand, "Don't make assumptions. Without this assumption, you think everything will be fine if you don't confess anything, right? Nowadays, confessions are lightly emphasized and evidence is emphasized. With such a complete evidence chain, we can convict with zero confessions. .”

"Good luck and goodbye."

After saying that, he stood up, took one last look at Wu Ze, and left the interrogation room.

Wu Ze became even more angry and yelled and cursed in the interrogation room to hide his inner fear and timidity.

He never dreamed that just three days after the investigation team arrived in Jiaocheng, he would already be a prisoner and face trial. It’s all because of that Chen Yi!

Yes, Chen Yi!

When I free up my time, I will make sure you look good!

He could only fantasize about this matter now.

The file was quickly handed over to the procuratorate, which quickly completed the review and filed a public prosecution with the court on charges of intentional homicide, organized prostitution, organized gambling, and intentional injury.

The court went faster and finalized the verdict in just two hearings. In the first instance, Wuze was sentenced to death and executed immediately.

When he heard the verdict, Wu Ze was so frightened that he almost peed his pants and shouted for an appeal.


The case involved an investigation team and the Supreme Court rejected the appeal on the same day. The first instance was the final judgment and no further appeal was allowed.

Wu Ze was brought to the trial scene by the bailiff and fainted from fright.

When the news reached Jiaocheng Building, the smell of gunpowder in the air became stronger.

"Let's deal with Wu Ze first. This really surprised me. What do you mean by Chen Yi?"

In the investigation team command center, Gu Jingfeng stood in front of the window with his hands behind his back, chatting with Mo Jiantong.

Mo Jiantong thought for a while and said, "It's indeed different from what I imagined."

Gu Jingfeng turned his head slightly and said with a smile: "What did you imagine it would be like?"

Mo Jiantong said: "Step by step, we will investigate slowly and carefully until everyone is dug out, and then we will close the net and wipe out the Huisang Group. Finally, we will file a public prosecution."

Gu Jingfeng: "He asked me before whether I wanted speed or quality. Does that mean now that Liang Yi is in danger?"

Mo Jiantong hesitated: "This...didn't he say it?"

Gu Jingfeng shook his head: "No, I didn't ask either. If he found something, he would probably tell me. I guess he didn't find anything, or it was just a guess. It's hard to tell me."

Mo Jiantong said: "You can defeat them one by one. Now it's Wu Yong and Wudeshan's turn. We don't have to guess. We don't need to doubt the people we employ. I believe Chen Yi will be able to hand in an answer that satisfies us."

Gu Jingfeng was surprised: "Such a tone doesn't sound like you, Old Mo. Do you have a good impression of him?"

Mo Jiantong burst into laughter: "I admit, I do have a good impression of him. He is a unique detective."

Gu Jingfeng: "When did you come up with this idea?"

Mo Jiantong: "A few days ago, when he quickly arrested Wu Ze, and today, he quickly concluded Wu Ze's case and beat the case to death."

"I don't know what he is thinking, I don't know what he has mastered, but it feels to me... like he is playing chess, a very big game, and the chess style is very fierce, and the open cards... have hidden tricks. .”

Gu Jingfeng: "I feel the same way. Do you think he can win?"

Mo Jiantong: "Since it has been moved, we are naturally confident. When the dust settles, we will be able to see the entire chess surface."

Gu Jingfeng smiled: "The person the teacher introduced to me is indeed extraordinary. I thought..."

Mo Jiantong was surprised: "Huh?"

Gu Jingfeng waved his hand: "Nothing."

He could no longer say the words paving the way for future generations to take the back door. At least Chen Yi's ability that he had seen so far was already on par with Qin He's.

Even if Qin He comes, he may not be able to do better than him.

seeing is believing.

Again, ability is the most important thing. As long as you have ability, everything else is easy.

Ability determines the lower limit, and opportunity determines the upper limit.

With the teacher behind Chen Yi, the road ahead is bright and there will be no obstacles. How far he can go depends only on his ability.

Ability is an internal stabilizing factor, and others cannot help.


Wu family villa, living room.

"What did you say?! Death penalty?! Didn't that bastard Chen Yi say he was involved in pornography?!"

Wudeshan was so angry that his body was shaking with anger.

Wu Yong, who was sitting there, held his head and said in a low voice: "Just listen to what he said..."

Wudeshan glared at him: "Do I need you to say that?!"

Wu Yong sighed.

Wu Ze's status in his father's heart is higher than his own, but he has never been jealous. It is impossible for two children to be equal in a bowl of water, and they must always have preferences.

The person who is not favored is also a son, it is the same.

"The investigation was concluded quickly within a week. Chen Yi was just looking for Wu Ze's life. He was too decisive and didn't give us time to react. Even if he was able to operate, it was too late. Is he crazy? What exactly did he want to do?" Wu Yong said.

Wudeshan said coldly: "Don't say these useless things now, find a way to break the situation!"

Wu Yong raised his head: "Dad, the final verdict is that the people from the investigation team rejected the appeal in court. It's impossible."

Takekuyama's fists clenched tighter and tighter, and then he smashed the coffee table.

bang bang bang!

"Asshole, bastard, bastard!!"

He was on the verge of losing his mind.

"If something happens to Aze, I will kill Chen Yi!"

Wu Yong turned pale with fright and stood up immediately: "Dad, don't be impulsive! I still want to live for two more years!"

Wudeshan took a deep breath to calm down. He was just saying angry words. If he really wanted to attack Chen Yi, it would not be the special police who came to arrest him.

"I'll make a call. You can leave first." Wu Deshan sat back slowly, "Remember, all business has been stopped, all documents that should be destroyed are destroyed, and all goods that should be destroyed are destroyed, regardless of losses!"

"If you can't destroy it, dig a hole and bury it!"

Wu Yong: "Okay, I understand."

(End of this chapter)

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