Chapter 250 Wang Damao confesses

Wang Damao was silent for a long time. Chen Yi was very patient and waited quietly.

When Wang Damao lit his fourth cigarette, he raised his head and looked at Chen Yi with doubt in his tone: "Did you really arrest Wu Ze? And sentenced him to death? It's only been a few days? How could it be so fast? of?"

When a suspect doubts the authenticity of something, it shows that he has begun to care.

Chen Yi was prepared and pushed over a copy of the document.

Wang Damao quickly picked it up and looked at it, his face suddenly became a little exciting.

"Wu Ze... was sentenced to death??" Wang Damao slowly put down the document and muttered to himself, with a confused expression.

Anyone in Jiaocheng who has something to do with the Wu family knows that Wu Ze is Wudeshan's most beloved son. If something happens to Wu Ze, Wudeshan will go crazy.

In such a short period of time, Wu Ze was sentenced to death?

Didn't Takekuyama take any action?

Chen Yi looked at Wang Damao and said, "Let me tell you, do you have any misunderstanding about the investigation team? Do you think we are here for vacation? Or is it that Wudeshan calls us and we don't even dare to give up?"

"You've been in Jiaocheng for a long time. You only recognize the Wu family, right?"

Wang Damao listened to these words. He thought for a long time and didn't know what to say. Finally, he said: "Anyway, no one dared to touch Wu Ze before you came."

Chen Yi: "What now?"

Wang Damao was silent.

Chen Yi: "Okay, stop talking. I will only give you one chance to choose. The next time you come back, what I just said will be invalid."

Wang Damao was still silent.

Chen Yi continued: "Let me tell you the truth, if you don't cooperate, it will indeed cause me some trouble, but it won't be a big trouble. It will just extend my investigation time."

"Extension does not mean there is no result. Now Wu Ze's case is settled, and it will be Wu Yong's turn next."

"After arresting Wu Yong, pull out the carrot and bring out the mud. None of you can escape. Everything you have done in the past will be uncovered one by one."

"To tell you the truth, you are lucky to be the first to be found by me."

"The first person to confess, the first person to perform meritorious service, has room for change in sentencing."

"Also, don't you want to see your son get married or see what your grandson will look like in the future?"

"That's all I have to say, I'll give you a minute to think about it."

After the voice fell, Chen Yi leaned on the chair, took out his mobile phone and put it on the table to time the time, and looked at Wang Damao in front of him quietly.

When Wang Damao mentioned his son, his fingers trembled.

He glanced at the time on Chen Yi's phone, feeling nervous in his heart, and his psychological defenses were shaken violently.

Fifty seconds passed quickly. Chen Yi put away his phone, stood up and prepared to leave.

During this process, he didn't say another word.

He was very sincere just now and did not deliberately deceive Wang Damao in order to get clues for the interrogation.

If Wang Damao refuses to explain, he will indeed need more time to investigate, but sooner or later he will be able to find out. When the time comes, the stubborn Wang Damao will face the harsh punishment of the law together with Wu Yong and others.

This is not a trivial matter. It involves the Wisson Group and aids the evildoers. Even a case that could have been punished with a suspended death sentence may directly become an immediate execution.

If Wang Damao confesses and cooperates with the investigation team to destroy the criminal gang of Huisheng Group, then the probability of suspended death is very high.

He added a few words to the report, and it was basically fine.

Therefore, he did not lie to Wang Damao, it was true.

Just when Chen Yi was about to open the door, Wang Damao's voice sounded: "Wait a minute!"

Chen Yi turned around.

Wang Damao looked at him: "You win, I say, as long as you guarantee that I can live, I say."

Chen Yi had no expression on his face, turned and sat back, and said: "It depends on your cooperation. As long as you give everything without any lies, I will do my best to get a reprieve for you, but if I am 100% sure, don't think about it."

"There is no one hundred percent, there is also ninety percent."

"Ninety percent..." Wang Damao recited silently, "That's it, I say."

Chen Yi: "Say it, I'm listening."

After deciding to confess, Wang Damao relaxed completely, took out the cigarette case Chen Yi had just given him from his pocket, borrowed flowers and offered one to the Buddha.

Chen Yi took it and the two lit it.

"Where to start?" Wang Damao asked.

Chen Yidao: "Let's start with why you killed Liu Yutang."

Mentioning this matter, Wang Damao cursed secretly and said angrily: "Now that I think about it, I'm really angry. You thought I was angry with Liu Yutang, right?"

Chen Yi was surprised: "Isn't it?"

Wang Damao said angrily: "No, I am angry with Xiong Fu!"

"Xiong Fu?" This is an unfamiliar name. Chen Yi asked: "Who is Xiong Fu?"

Wang Damao: "Xiong Fu is a subordinate of Wu Yong. We all call him Brother Xiong. He can talk to Wu Yong directly, so we have always been afraid of him."

Chen Yi took a puff of cigarette: "Go on, what's going on."

Wang Damao said: "My wife did cheat on me. I know about it. It was Liu Yutang who cheated on her. I also know about this. It was because of this that we divorced. But... although I was angry at the time, I didn't think about it at all." Kill Liu Yutang."

"It's all those people like Xiong Fu. They teased me and laughed at me when they came to drink with me. They said that if I were in my shoes, I would have torn that Liu Yutang into pieces."

"They said I was a coward and a bitch. No wonder my wife cheated on her. It turns out I'm not a man at all. My own wife even let others sleep with me, and I didn't even dare to fart."

"I...I just wanted to kill Liu Yutang, and Xiong Fu also knew about it. He told me to do it boldly, man. He would protect me if something happened." Chen Yi: "What happened next?"

Wang Damao: "Later, I took the opportunity to go to Liu Yutang's house and strangled him to death, pretending to hang himself. I thought I would be caught, but I didn't expect that everything was fine. Xiong Fu said that Wu Yong saved me, so that I would never give up. If you work hard for them, you won’t be treated badly.”

Chen Yi: "How did Liu Yutang know that the child was not his?"

Wang Damao: "What I told him... uh no, it was Xiong Fu who told me to tell him. He deliberately caused the couple to quarrel and looked for an opportunity to take action. I secretly did a paternity test. The child is really mine."

Chen Yi nodded slightly and continued to ask: "Where is Guan Cailiang?"

Wang Damao no longer concealed anything: "Xiong Fu asked me to hit Guan Cailiang to death. I didn't tell him the reason."

Chen Yi: "Besides these two things, what else have you done? Tell the truth."

Wang Damao thought for a while and said: "I have shipped goods and need to settle the account, but the rest is gone."

Chen Yi: "What kind of goods are you transporting?"

Wang Damao: "It should be some illegally smuggled goods. I don't know what's inside. I will transport them as soon as they load them into the truck."

Chen Yi: "Where to transport it?"

Wang Damao: "The location is different every time."

Chen Yi: "How much do you know about Wu Yong and Huisheng Group?"

Wang Damao smiled bitterly: "I will do whatever they ask me to do. I don't dare to ask about anything else. If I ask, they won't tell me."

Chen Yi understood this, and now he mentioned the place name that Yan Zhe mentioned: "Eight Gate Cang, have you heard of it?"

Wang Damao was confused: "Bamencang? Never heard of it, is it from Jiaocheng? I have been in Jiaocheng for decades and have no impression at all."

Chen Yi: "That Xiong Fu, has he ever killed anyone?"

Wang Damao shook his head: "I don't know, he is so cruel, he should be... killed, right?"

Chen Yi basically understood the role Wang Damao played under Wu Yong. On the surface, he appeared to be a truck driver, but secretly he was a man who did underworld work.

Delivery and murder require payment, and when asking for payment, they naturally do not ask for it politely.

Every mature criminal gang has people like this who do all the dirty work.

Once the prosecution is launched in the future, Wang Damao will most likely be sentenced to death.

Now, there is a chance to survive.

He is lucky.

As Chen Yi said just now, the first person to find out is lucky.

"That's it for today." Chen Yi said.

What Wang Damao said just now has been recorded.

Wang Damao: "Can I... survive?"

Chen Yi stood up: "Explaining everything is just the beginning. In the future, you will accuse Xiong Fu and Wu Yong. Don't worry, I didn't lie to you just now."

Wang Damao breathed a sigh of relief. He was really worried that the other party would turn his back on him.

Now it seems...this is a pretty kind guy.

Chen Yi left the room and said goodbye to the warden. Walking down the prison corridor, Shi Xin asked, "Did you give me an explanation?"

"Explained." Chen Yi nodded, "But he is not the person who talks directly to Wu Yong. There is another person in the middle. Let's go meet and we will talk in the car."

The three of them walked out of the prison, and there was a girl standing at the door.

It was Qi Ting. She had been waiting for a while and rushed over after hanging up the phone with Chen Yi.

"Captain Chen."

Chen Yi came forward and said, "Miss Qi, let's save time. If you have anything to say, just say it directly."

Qi Ting hesitated slightly and asked: "Wu Ze... was he really sentenced to death?"

Chen Yi nodded.

After receiving the affirmation, Qi Ting's expression became firm and she said seriously: "I...I want to apologize to Captain Chen. I'm really sorry for what happened last time. I did it for the sake of my family..."

Chen Yi: "The apology is too harsh and understandable."

After all, she is Liang Yi's girlfriend. Even if Aiwujiwu, he should be more polite to Qi Ting.

If Liang Yi was still alive, the woman in front of him would be the police wife.

Qi Ting lowered her head and said with shame: "Thank you, Captain Chen. I do know some things about Huisheng Group, but not much, dad knows a lot. He has dealt with Huisheng Group many times, and was... Threatened."

Chen Yi: "Threatened? Why?"

Qi Ting: "In terms of business matters, if it weren't for the suppression by Huisheng Group, our company would not be half-dead and developing slowly until now."

Chen Yi: "In other words, you are also one of the victims."

Qi Ting nodded lightly: "They are too powerful, so I dare not tell you the truth, but you caught Wu Ze and sentenced him to death. I don't think Huisheng Group can escape in the end."

Chen Yi thought for a while and said: "Tomorrow, I will visit your father tomorrow. We can contact him at any time and tell him not to worry about his safety. The Wu family doesn't dare to move a finger now."

Qi Ting: "Okay."

(End of this chapter)

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