Detective: Open your eyes, I am handcuffed in the interrogation room

Chapter 215 Encounter with City Bureau colleagues

Chapter 215 Encounter with City Bureau colleagues
  The five people left the city bureau. The students only asked about that little thing and did not ask for any information related to the case. More in-depth investigation is needed.

When Xin went to check the call records, Chen Yi came to Jiang Xiaoxin to check the surveillance results.

There is a lack of surveillance near the crime scene, but if you want to leave that area, you still have to pass through the main road. As long as you are not particularly familiar with the surveillance location and deliberately avoid it, you can photograph it.

Unfortunately, the results were not optimistic. Yangcheng was very quiet at three or four in the morning, with very few pedestrians on the streets. The monitoring time lasted until the police arrived, and no suspicious persons leaving the alley were found.

"Bring up the map and let me take a look." Chen Yi said.

Jiang Xiaoxin: "Okay."

She pulled up a detailed map of the area around the crime scene. Chen Yi moved closer and carefully compared the surveillance images with each other.

There is indeed a certain blind spot and you need to walk against the wall.

But that's not a wall, but a shop along the street. Shops generally have their own private surveillance.

"Sister Jiang, here, here, and here, go and copy the private surveillance of the store." Chen Yidao.

"Okay, I'll go right away."

Jiang Xiaoxin wrote down these locations, got up and left the city bureau with a police officer.

When night came, Zhuo Yun was the first to return, followed by Jiang Xiaoxin.

Zhuo Yun said that after extensive interviews near the crime scene, no one mentioned that they had seen suspicious persons or heard any suspicious sounds such as screams.

At three or four in the morning, everyone was asleep. There were not many pedestrians on the road, so it was difficult to find witnesses.

After investigating the private surveillance of the store, Jiang Xiaoxin also said that no one passed by before or after the incident.

"No one passed by? How did the murderer leave?" Chen Yi whispered to himself. After pondering for a moment, he thought of a possibility, "Or he didn't leave."

"Didn't leave?" Zhuo Yun was slightly shocked. "Did you mean that the murderer was always at the scene? Until someone called the police?"

Chen Yi recalled the onlookers who stayed at the scene before and said: "Maybe we haven't left even after we arrived at the scene, watching the fun with everyone."

Zhuo Yun: "Are you so brave?"

Chen Yi: "I cut my throat with a knife and dug out my eyes. How dare you? We need the information of all the residents in the old house, especially the tenants."

Zhuo Yun: "I'll check."

He understood what Chen Yi meant. If the murderer was a nearby resident, then the conditions for committing the crime would be perfect. He could just go home directly after killing the person, and there would be no need to worry about being caught on camera when leaving.

After the police arrived, everyone would become a crowd, and no one would have thought that the murderer was dozens of meters away from the criminal police officer handling the case.

On the other side, He Xin is still checking Yang Xiuming's call records. The records are easy to check. The time consumed comes from the need to check the true identity of each number and their detailed information.

He is just a college student. No matter how complicated the interpersonal relationships are, it will not be exaggerated. The focus is on people outside the school.

Being able to kill with one knife, they did not think that the murderer would be someone from the school. When investigating the case, they must first investigate the high probability events, rule out the high probability, and then check the low probability.

Cao Hui acted quickly. After receiving the call from the criminal investigation detachment, he immediately led the security brigade to clean up the red light district.
  At ten o'clock in the evening, he brought back seven or eight women, all of them wearing heavy makeup.

They are all very old, no one is under thirty years old, and the oldest is nearly fifty.

Working in a massage parlor in a dark alley, the quality won't be that high.

"Deputy Chen, we have brought everyone back. There is one who is not at work. I went directly to her house to arrest her." Cao Hui said with a smile.

In the case handling hall, Chen Yi glanced at the row of women with their heads raised and asked, "Which one is not at work?"

Cao Hui raised his hand and pointed: "She."

The woman was a little scared and wanted to raise her head but didn't dare.

Chen Yi stepped forward: "Did you see a corpse last night?"

The woman was shocked: ", I didn't see it!"

In a poor performance, Chen Yi brought the high-heeled shoes left at the crime scene and asked, "Aren't these your shoes?"

The woman glanced at it and her expression froze.

Seeing this, Cao Hui said coldly: "Tell the truth! If you dare to lie again, you will not be detained!"

Fifteen days of detention and a fine of several thousand yuan are the punishment these women need to face, and the same goes for the men.

But they may have gotten used to it, it's only been fifteen days, and they may continue to work in another place after they come out.

Pornography cases can never be eliminated unless everyone is caught and shot.

The woman was frightened and said quickly: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry...I, I...I did see the body, and it scared me at the time."

Chen Yi waved his hand: "Take him to the interrogation room."

"Interrogation room?!" The woman became even more panicked, "Officer, I didn't do anything. I didn't kill him! It wasn't me!"

She had never been in a place like an interrogation room, and her impression was that it was where major criminals were interrogated.

In the past, when I was caught, I would just sit on the sofa and ask a few questions. The police were not surprised and had a good attitude. They even handed me water and food. I was sent to the detention center the next day and was released after ten and a half days.

"Just asking something, don't be nervous." Chen Yidao.

The woman made a request: "Can...can you not enter the interrogation room? Find another place..."

Chen Yi nodded: "Okay, take her to the interrogation room and give her a glass of water."

The woman breathed a sigh of relief, that's right. We didn't kill people or set fires. We just did it for the sake of living, so it won't happen.

"Thank you, Lao Cao."

After the woman was taken away, Chen Yi stepped forward and patted Cao Hui.

Cao Hui smiled and said: "Thank you for everything. It belongs to the same unit. If you have anything to say in the future, I have to thank you. I swept another place."

Chen Yi: "I'll treat you to dinner later."

Cao Hui: "It's agreed, I remember it."

Chen Yi: "Of course."

Room inquiry.

Chen Yi sat in front of the woman. He didn't ask her name and said directly: "The one who died in the early morning was your guest?"

The woman nods.

Chen Yi: "The last one?"

Woman: "Yes."

Chen Yi: "How many times has he looked for you?"

Woman: "It seems...just once, I can't remember clearly."

Chen Yi: "What did he talk to you about?"

Woman: "We're not chatting. I'm not here to chat."

Chen Yi: "What time did he go?"

Woman: "About... around two o'clock."

Chen Yi: "So long? How many times have you done it?"

Woman: "Both times, he drank for a long time and was very generous."

Chen Yi: "Tell me if there are any important clues about his death. If so, I can exempt you from detention."

After hearing this, the woman's eyes lit up and she began to recall seriously.

Fifteen days in the detention center were very boring. Apart from eating and sleeping every day, I also watched movies. It was very boring, and it also hindered my ability to make money. It would have been best if I didn't go.

After a long time, she sighed in disappointment and said, "No..."

Chen Yi stood up: "Okay, then our conversation is over."

The woman opened her mouth, feeling helpless that she had not seized the opportunity to leave immediately.

But she really couldn't think of any clues. What else could she talk about when the man left her? Talk about life? Case handling hall.

It is already very late. After a day of investigation, it can be said that there are no clues that can advance the case. The investigation direction is now focused on the call records of the deceased Yang Xiuming.

Most people have gone back to rest, leaving only Chen Yi, Shi Xin and the staff on duty. Zhuo Yun and Qin Fei are also there.

"From the call records, most of them are classmates, parents, and school counselors and teachers." Shi Xin said, "We have found two people from outside the school. One of them has a criminal record. He was involved in a fight a few years ago. Once, my name was Song Yitao."

"The other one is called Lu Hongwen."

"I checked the call records of these two people, and they know each other. There is overlap between the three of them."

Chen Yi: "Do you know what you are doing?"

Ji Xin shook his head: "I don't know, it's not in the information. It's difficult for the person with the case record to be engaged in a job that provides five insurances and one housing fund. They should be casual workers or freelancers. Do you want to call and ask? But it is possible to alert the snake."

In the early stages of the investigation, anyone could be the murderer.

Chen Yi thought for a while and said: "The file that was transferred to Song Yitao was entered in a fight somewhere."

When will it be new: "Okay, let me take a look."

After working on the computer for a while, he quickly got the result: "Lizhi Club, he was working there at the time."

Chen Yi: "Where?"

When New: "Nightclub."

Chen Yi glanced at the time, stood up and said, "Let's go, I'll treat you to a drink."

When the new people looked at each other, now it was during the investigation, no matter what kind of wine they drank, Zhang Jingang would be dead if he knew.

Chen Yi changed his mind and said, "You can also have some fruit plate."

Several people drove out of the city bureau gate in private cars and rushed to Lizhi.

On the way, Chen Yi said: "The person who killed Yang Xiuming was quite skilled. He could kill with one blow. There are very few people who can do it. Do you think he was involved in any illegal or criminal activities?"

He Xin said: "It's possible. Nightclubs are very chaotic, and it's not uncommon for people to be involved in pornography and drugs."

Zhuo Yun said: "Having his eyes gouged out, does that mean he saw something he shouldn't have seen?"

Chen Yi turned around: "What about the scratches on the face? There are also scratches on the chest."

Zhuo Yun thought: "Maybe... it's the murderer's personal hobby? A murder symbol?"

Chen Yi didn't speak. This possibility was a bit fantasy. Before there are any clues, the inference must be based on reality.

During the chat, Lizhi arrived. There were many cars at the door, but Chen Yi and others chose to park far away.

At this time, Chen Yi had just opened the car door and was about to get out of the car, when a figure suddenly squeezed in quickly and closed the door smoothly.

Just as Chen Yicai was about to make a move, he recognized who it was in the next second.

"Captain Huo?" He was immediately surprised.

In the car, everyone else stopped getting out of the car and turned to look over.

"Captain Huo?"

Zhuo Yun is relatively familiar with Huo Gaoyang, but Shi Xin and Qin Fei are relatively strangers, and it is difficult to see them usually.

Huo Gaoyang, leader of the Anti-Drug Detachment of the Yangcheng City Bureau.

Huo Gaoyang's complexion was dark, and he looked even darker at night.

He grinned, showing his white teeth: "Chen Yi, what are you doing here?"

Perhaps because he often dealt with drug dealers, Huo Gaoyang's calm voice contained an imperceptible coldness and questioning, and it was not directed at Chen Yi.

There is a big difference between the criminals the criminal investigation detachment comes into contact with and the criminals the anti-narcotics detachment comes into contact with. The former generally won't resist, while the latter really dare to risk their lives against you.

If you get caught, you will die, so it is better to fight for a chance of survival.

The most dangerous police type is Huo Gaoyang.

"Investigating the case." Chen Yi said truthfully.

Huo Gaoyang asked: "What case are you investigating?"

Chen Yi: "Murder case."

Huo Gaoyang: "Are you going to Lizhi?"

Chen Yi nodded: "Yes."

When asked about this, Huo Gaoyang was silent for a while and said, "We are also investigating Lizhi. What should we do?"

Chen Yi: "Uh."

This was embarrassing. He didn't expect such a coincidence. Huo Gaoyang was also on a mission tonight, and he was also investigating Lizhi.

"Lizhi is involved in drugs?" Chen Yi asked.

Huo Gaoyang glanced at the people in the car.

Chen Yi guaranteed: "I am absolutely one of my own. If anything happens, Captain Huo will come to me directly. I will be responsible."

When the new three people turned their attention, they were inexplicably moved in their hearts. Qin Fei felt it the most. After all, he had only been in the Criminal Investigation Detachment of the Municipal Bureau for a short time.

Huo Gaoyang nodded slightly and said: "Still investigating. A few days ago, the security brigade handed over an ice girl. The source is Lizhi, but I am not sure whether it is a coincidence or something else."

Chen Yi raised his eyebrows: "Oh?"

Cao Hui has been very busy these days, and he made a great contribution inadvertently.

He asked: "Didn't Bingmei explain?"

Huo Gaoyang said: "Everything has been explained, but we don't know much. We can only check it ourselves."

Chen Yi: "How to check?"

He knew he shouldn't ask this question, but he couldn't help it.

Sure enough, Huo Gaoyang took a deep look at Chen Yi, thinking that the other person was Fang Songping's future son-in-law, and that he was very rich, so there would definitely be no problems with the direction, so he replied: "Undercover."

Chen Yi guessed it.

The reason why many anti-drug police officers choose to investigate cases undercover is simple: evidence.

In a society governed by the rule of law, one cannot be convicted casually without evidence. Even if all the clues point to someone being a drug dealer, there must be evidence to arrest him.

Even if the transaction is blocked by the police and the suspect chooses to immediately destroy the evidence, such as directly throwing it into the sea, he still cannot be convicted.

Going inside is the most direct and effective way.

"Already in?" he asked.

Huo Gaoyang: "I was about to go in, but here you are. I know your car. Just in case, I came here to ask. I thought you were out to play."

Chen Yi: "Don't make trouble, why would we come to a place like this to play? There is a ban."

Huo Gaoyang smiled: "Just kidding."

His smile quickly faded and he continued: "Today's situation... how do you think we should handle it?"

Chen Yi: "It's easy to handle. I'll help you take the lead. Let's check the side first."

Huo Gaoyang was stunned: "How to check? What if there is something wrong with Lizhi and the people inside are alarmed? What should I do?"

Chen Yidao: "Captain Huo, why are you so stubborn? I directly revealed my identity as a criminal police officer to investigate the murder case. What does it have to do with anti-narcotics?"

"Even if there is really something wrong inside, I will never doubt it, because I am really here to investigate the murder case. If Captain Huo doesn't show up, I won't know anything."

Huo Gaoyang thoughtfully said: "That's true. What does the murder have to do with Lizhi?"

(End of this chapter)

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