Chapter 214 Very social, local

At this moment, new attention is also focused on the fatal injuries of the deceased. Killing him with one knife is not something ordinary people can do.

In reality, when killing chickens at home, it is occasionally impossible to kill them with one knife, let alone kill them.

Has the murderer received professional training, or has he practiced countless times in private?
  Anyway, I must have practiced it, otherwise I would definitely not be able to do it. I will not consider coincidence factors for the time being.

After watching for a while, Chen Yi withdrew his gaze and glanced at the crowd of people watching in the distance. There were adults and children. He couldn't hold back his curiosity. What did he really see? Are you not afraid of nightmares at night?

After the on-site investigation and preliminary autopsy, everyone returned to the city bureau, leaving only Zhuo Yun and the frontline criminal policemen to visit.

The murder was committed at three or four o'clock in the morning. The murderer's timing was very tricky. It was the quietest time in the city and the time when there were the fewest people.

But I don’t know whether it was a deliberate choice or a coincidence of time.

After returning to the city bureau, Fang Shuyu and his forensic assistant immediately began a comprehensive autopsy on the body. Lu Yongqiang also led the technical department to begin trace analysis and on-site footprint restoration.

What Chen Yi and the others have to do is to determine the identity of the deceased as soon as possible.

This job is not difficult. The deceased's mobile phone is there. There is no need to investigate or compare fingerprints. You can immediately know who the deceased is after unlocking the phone.

“A college student again??”

When the identity of the deceased was confirmed, Chen Yi raised his hand and rubbed his eyebrows.

A senior student from Yangcheng Electronic College, who had just graduated and was about to enter the society, was killed in an alleyway in the early morning.

Not only that, his eyes were also taken away, and a strange smile was drawn on his face.

Another very bizarre case.

Some time ago, the corpse dismemberment case at Yangcheng University was solved. In recent days, there was also an intentional injury case at Yangcheng University of Technology. Now it is the turn of Yangcheng Electronic College.

This year’s criminal cases have really stirred up a hornet’s nest in the university.

"Inform the family." Chen Yi said.

The deceased's name was Yang Xiuming. He was [-] years old. He was admitted to Yangcheng Electronic College for a junior college degree. He was promoted to a bachelor's degree at the school and graduated from the bachelor's degree this year.

At noon, Yang Xiuming's parents came. When they learned the news that their son had died tragically on the street, the two of them collapsed instantly. The woman couldn't accept it for a while and fainted in the forensic room.

At this moment, Wu Youde was taking care of and comforting the police officers. This was Wu Youde's strength, and he was responsible every time.

Sometimes Chen Yi really admired Wu Youde for being calm and calm in the face of all the negative emotions from the victim's family and even the suspect's family.

Everyone has their own merits. To be honest, he can't do this job.

After a long time, the brain can explode.

How else to call him a gold mediator? This policeman dug out the value at the beginning, and good steel is used on the blade.

An hour later, the sound in the reception room gradually stopped, and Wu Youde opened the door and walked out.

"Captain Chen, your mood has stabilized, you can ask now." Wu Youde greeted Chen Yi.

Chen Yi came over and said, "Thank you for your hard work, Old Wu."

Wu Youde: "It's okay to be polite, go ahead."

Chen Yi hummed, opened the door and entered the lounge. It was seen that Yang Xiuming's parents were sitting on the sofa. The woman was sobbing non-stop, and the man also looked sad and desperate.

The condition is already much better than it was an hour ago.

Chen Yi and others sat down, and a police officer took out a notebook to record the content of the interview.

"Hello, I am Chen Yi, deputy captain of the Criminal Investigation Detachment. Can we chat?" Chen Yi said.

Yang Xiuming's mother seemed not to have heard and was still crying quietly. Yang's father raised his head and glanced at Chen Yi. He was not very interested and sighed: "Captain Chen, please ask me."

Chen Yi: "Thank you very much. Are you locals from Yangcheng?"

Father Yang nodded: "Yes."

Chen Yi: "Is Yang Xiuming a day student or living on campus?"

Father Yang: "Live on campus."

Chen Yi: "When was the last time you saw him?"

Father Yang thought for a while and replied: "About half a month ago, it happened to be the weekend. He went home and stayed one night and talked to us about graduation."

Chen Yi: "Was there anything abnormal about his mood at that time?"

Father Yang shook his head: "No, it's just like usual, it's normal."

Chen Yi: "Have you contacted him within half a month?"

Yang's father did not answer the question and turned to look at Yang's mother. It seemed that he had not contacted her.

Yang's mother wiped away her tears and said with a tearful voice: "I have contacted him... I call him often."

Chen Yi: "Did you find anything wrong? Or did he mention anything unusual to you?"

Mother Yang: "No."

Chen Yi: "Can you think about it again?"

Yang's mother became excited: "No, it means no! What's the point of asking me? Go catch the murderer!!"

Yang's father quickly comforted Yang's mother, telling her not to vent her anger on the police, and at the same time expressed his apology to Chen Yi.

Chen Yi didn't pay attention. The pain of losing a child was understandable. This was the darkest moment in a parent's life.

After chatting for a long time, Chen Yi left the lounge without getting any effective clues.

College students are basically independent except financially, and they won’t tell their parents about many things.

The focus of interviews should still be on the classmates and friends of the deceased. Only they will know more information about the deceased.

It is actually very clear what happened before the deceased was killed. There was still a residual smell of alcohol on the deceased's body, and the mobile phone payment records also proved that he had indeed entered the massage room.

Payment time is after three o'clock in the morning.

This was very close to the time he was killed.

In other words, last night Yang Xiuming drank with his friends until very late, and then came to the scene of the crime to engage in prostitution. Afterwards, on the way away, his throat was cut.

"This Yang Xiuming, his life is quite disorderly."

In the case handling hall, Ji Xin came to this conclusion after a comprehensive inspection of Yang Xiuming's mobile phone.

Chen Yi sat down, lit a cigarette, and said, "How do you say it?"

He Xin said: "This Yang Xiuming has a girlfriend. Judging from the last chat records, the two have not broken up. They are quite sweet."

"But on the day of the crime, he still spent money to go to the red light district, more than once."

"Looking at the payment records from the past few years, there are many records that are problematic, including transfers of [-], [-], and [-] to strange women, and [-], [-], and up to [-] for going to a foot massage shop. eight."

"You know, this is a college student."

Chen Yi was not surprised: "It's quite rich."

Shi Xin: "Among college students, I am indeed considered rich. I spend more than [-] yuan a month."

Chen Yi: "You can get into Yangcheng Electronic College by taking any test. If he is a student who puts his mind on study, he won't go to this school."

What he said was fact, not prejudice.

The quality of universities across the country varies widely. There are top institutions like Imperial University, but there are also ordinary colleges like Yangcheng Electronics College.

Even in Dongzhou, a major college entrance examination province, two or three hundred points is enough.

As long as you dare to apply, Yangcheng Electronic College will admit you.

A good school will naturally have many good students, and a bad school will naturally have many bad students.

Of course, there must be students in Yangcheng Electronic College who love to learn, but they are relatively few.

Yang Xiuming is obviously not included in this list, and he is a bit exaggerated. Jiang Yu is talking about his girlfriend all the time, but Yang Xiuming is obsessed with feasting and feasting.

When the new word is used to describe it, there is nothing wrong with it.

Too precocious.

Logically speaking, college students who have just left middle school should not know much about these things, but Yang Xiuming has already formed a habit.

If he is caught in the middle, he will definitely be expelled and his parents will be embarrassed.

Shi Xin spoke: "Can you think that Yang Xiuming's circle is a bit chaotic?"

He realized it.

Chen Yi nodded: "This thing must be taken care of by someone. He should have been exposed to society relatively early. Maybe he knew more than his peers in high school."

He Xin mused: "In this case, the possibility of vendetta is not small. His experience can easily offend people."

Chen Yi: "Let me ask, who did he drink with last night?"

When it was new: "The chat history did not mention this matter, and the call history was empty last night. It should be the dormitory. This month is the university graduation season, so we are celebrating graduation."

Chen Yi: "Ask, and then call everyone to the city bureau."

When is new: "Okay."

In the afternoon, the autopsy results came out, and Chen Yi got the detailed autopsy report.

The time of death was accurate to four hours, with a slight error, which was three-thirty in the morning.

The fatal wound was in the throat, killing him with one blow.

The tool that dug out his eyes, the scratches on his face, the scratches on his chest, and the fatal wound on his throat came from the same sharp weapon.

Because there was no penetrating wound, it was impossible to accurately determine whether it was a dagger or another blade.

There was a large amount of alcohol in the deceased's stomach and he drank a lot of beer and liquor before his death.

For a normal person, this amount of alcohol would be enough to make him drunk, which shows that Yang Xiuming still has a good drinking capacity.

Other than that, there were no wounds on his body, and there were no signs of a fight.

On the other side, the results of Lu Yongqiang's on-the-spot investigation also came out. There were many and messy footprints, including those of adults, women, and children. It was impossible to tell which one came from the murderer.

Apart from the footprints, there are no other traces and it is very clean.

Chen Yi frowned slightly: "Brother Qiang, the murderer dug out the eyes of the deceased after killing the person. He will definitely stay next to the body and cannot extract the footprints? I remember that there was a lot of dust at the scene, and the footprints are still very clear as long as someone passes by. .”

Lu Yongqiang was helpless: "It is true that there are no traces of a long stay. There is only one child, but it is impossible for a child to kill someone."

Chen Yi: "Child? What size is it?"

Lu Yongqiang: "Size [-], this shoe size is what a child around ten years old would wear. The others are just passing and do not fit the situation at the scene."

Chen Yi closed the document and said, "Then the ghost is missing. There must be traces of wearing shoe covers."

Lu Yongqiang: "Or else in a very short period of time, the throat cutting, eye removal, and scratching were completed in one go."

Chen Yi: "Then the murderer can't be described as powerful. Why make a movie??"

Lu Yongqiang: "Theoretically, it can be done, right? They were all killed with one knife. The murderer is not like ordinary people."

Chen Yi fell into deep thought.

So professional?

How did Yang Xiuming, a college student, offend such a person?
  Or were they killed randomly for some reason?
  Is the criminal I met this time a master who transcends ordinary criminal cases?
  At present, there are no clues, and these questions can only be thought about. However, Lu Yongqiang's words still make sense. At present, this is the most likely possibility.

In theory... it can indeed be done, as long as it's fast and accurate enough.

Because he can do it himself.

If he can do it, so can others.

Before evening, the other five people in Yang Xiuming's dormitory were called to the city bureau. They were notified by phone, but they did not go to the door to invite them.

When the five people received the call, they were all playing games in the school dormitory. Although they had graduated, they had not gone home yet.

In the interrogation room, five people were sitting in a row, looking at each other nervously.

Many people will never be able to visit a place like the City Bureau once in their lifetime.

Chen Yi sat opposite and said: "Relax, I just asked you to come here because I have questions to ask. Just tell the truth. Answer what you know. Once you have answered, you can leave."

The five nodded.

Chen Yi: "Were you and Yang Xiuming together last night?"

One of them said: "Let's get together, isn't this graduation? Let's have a breakup drink."

Chen Yi: "Did you drink a lot?"

The other party nodded: "I drank a lot, I was drunk, and they helped me back."

Chen Yi: "Where is Yang Xiuming? Why didn't he go back to the dormitory?"

Opponent: "He..."

After saying one word, he fell silent.

Chen Yi looked at the other person: "Say."

The other party quickly lowered his head, indicating that he was unclear.

Chen Yi: "Who is the boss of the dormitory?"

Hearing this, the face of the young man in a white shirt among the five changed, and he said timidly: "I...I am, I am the boss."

Chen Yi looked over and said with a smile: "It's okay, just say whatever you want. We actually already know many things, we're just verifying them."

The boss swallowed his saliva, silently said sorry to Yang Xiuming in his heart, and then replied: "He should have gone to whoring."

Chen Yi: "Did he say that?"

The boss nodded: "Yes, he drank too much at the time, and he clamored to take us to see the world. How dare we? We refused decisively. He scolded us and went off by himself."

Chen Yi: "Does he go there often?"

Boss: "That's right. He usually brags to us when he's drinking, saying this girl is good and that girl is awesome. I don't know if it's true or not."

Chen Yi: "Does he have any enemies in school?"

This question made the boss hesitate. After looking at the other roommates, he said, "No, right? I don't think so."

Chen Yi: "Did any of you tell his girlfriend about his prostitution?"

The five people shook their heads, this was a bit unethical, and they all said they had never mentioned it.

Chen Yi continued to ask: "Does he have a love rival?"

The boss replied: "There are people who chase his girlfriend, but they are not considered love rivals, right? They all give up after they catch up. It can only be regarded as fair competition."

Chen Yi: "Has Yang Xiuming mentioned to you that someone who was chasing his girlfriend had a conflict with him."

Boss: "No, what do you think? Is there?"

The other four shook their heads.

The questioning lasted for more than an hour, and still no effective clues were obtained, but at least he had an in-depth understanding of Yang Xiuming's character.

To put it simply in three words: very social.

He is very social and a local, so his interpersonal relationships are not limited to school.

(End of this chapter)

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