Detective: Open your eyes, I am handcuffed in the interrogation room

Chapter 213 Horrifying scene, only one knife was used

Chapter 213 Horrifying scene, only one knife was used
  Early in the morning, it is a time when everything is silent, even the bustling Yangcheng is no exception.

Instead of the hustle and bustle of the day and the carnival of the night, there is only silence and depth. The entire city is gently enveloped by the elegant moonlight, and the breeze moves ethereally through the streets.

At this moment, the neon lights have long been asleep, and occasionally lights can be seen shining in the [-]-hour convenience store, as if to welcome the new dawn of the city.

There are few pedestrians on the road, and the only thing that can break the tranquility is the night taxi.

Of course, there are also night owls and young people who hang out in bars and nightclubs.

Although it is early in the morning, the city has not stopped functioning. Cleaners have already begun to clean the roads. If you look down from a high altitude, you can see them everywhere in the corner.

The breakfast stall was also set up to prepare for a new day's work. The steaming steamer brought with it the fragrance of meat buns.

Some are open for business, and some are closed.

Red alluring light is one of them.

They stay up day and night, finishing a night's work, rejoicing in tonight's harvest and looking forward to their future life.

If you persist for another year or two, you will be able to save a lot of money. Not to mention financial freedom, at least you will have the capital to live a good life in this city.


It is also a good choice to go back to your hometown and find an honest man to marry.

Hard work? It doesn't exist. It's impossible to work part-time. A job worth several thousand yuan a month can be earned in one night.

In a remote alley in the city, a tall woman with heavy makeup closed the door of the massage parlor and prepared to go back to her rental house to have a good sleep.

This is her whole day, sleeping during the day and working at night until the early hours of the morning.

The tall woman seemed to be in a good mood. Although her face looked tired, her smile had not disappeared. It seemed that her business was good and she had made a lot of money.

  Accompanied by the sound of the tall woman's high heels hitting the ground, she walked slowly along the deep alley, preparing to take a taxi.

The woman hummed a little tune, and the front was getting closer and closer to the main city street.

At this moment, a man's figure appeared in the distance, not standing, but lying down.

She was stunned for a moment, feeling that the clothes the man was wearing looked familiar, as if he was the last customer she had received.

She remembered that the other party was quite young, in his early twenties, like a college student. He drank a lot at that time and was very generous with his actions.

Therefore, she did not chase him away, but took good care of him and became her last customer today.

Why are you lying here?
  Did you drink too much and sleep on the floor?
  She did drink a lot and was very impressed.

The woman kept walking and continued walking, thinking that she was a customer after all, and in the spirit of the service industry, she should wake up the other person and show her concern. She would still be working here in the future, and her main focus would be repeat customers.

As time went by, the two sides got closer and closer. The woman was about to shout to wake the other party up, but her voice was stuck in her throat and her footsteps stopped suddenly.

Under her long eyelashes, her eyes flashed with extreme fear. Her face, which originally looked fair with makeup, was now even whiter.

what did she see?
  The man's throat was slit and blood flowed all over the floor, which was shocking.

That's not the most important thing. What made the woman feel chilled was the man's weird smile and wide eyes!
  No, not right.

That wasn't a weird smile, it was a face that had been cut open with a knife, extending from the corner of the mouth to the ears.

Those were not wide-open eyes, but empty, dark, bloody eyes, with only blood and no eyeballs.

This was the most horrific scene the woman had ever seen in her life, and the next moment, screams rang out.


The woman's first reaction was not to call the police. She was so frightened that she fell to the ground, got up and ran away, losing one of her high heels in the process.

She was so panicked that she simply threw away the other high-heeled shoe, ran as fast as she could, and quickly disappeared at the other end of the alley.

Lanes in this place extend in all directions, not just the one in front.

The surroundings fell into silence again, except for the lonely and terrifying body, lying there desolately, waiting for the next "destined person" to find it, until the police were called.


Haitian Palace.

This high-end community is located in the center of Yangcheng, with a floor area of ​​[-] square meters. The unit price is very high, and not many people can afford it.

Chen Yi's house is here. After the furniture was delivered yesterday, he and Fang Shuyu have already moved in.

The early morning sunlight poured into the bedroom, shining on the faces of Chen Yi and Fang Shuyu, and also reflected the clothes on the floor.

It was a bit intense last night, but luckily the soundproofing was good.

Fang Shuyu moved his eyes, but did not open them, and shrank into Chen Yi's arms.

Chen Yi woke up, looked at the girl in his arms, and smiled slightly.

After staying in bed for more than half an hour, the two finally got up and got dressed. Fang Shuyu went to the kitchen to make breakfast.

After eating, Fang Shuyu was about to put the tableware into the dishwasher, but Chen Yi hugged him from behind.

Even the loose pajamas could not hide Fang Shuyu's curvy figure, which was very charming.

"What are you doing? You're busy."

Fang Shuyu reminded the other party not to disturb him in packing his things.

Chen Yi nodded: "Yes."

Fang Shuyu didn't react: "Huh?"

The next moment, with her exclamation, she was picked up by Chen Yi and entered the bedroom.

Only then did Fang Shuyu understand what Chen Yi meant. Although he had experienced it last night, his shyness had not disappeared.

"Don't...don't make trouble!"

The intensity of rejection is obviously very small.

Chen Yigang was about to make a move when his cell phone rang on the bedside table.

Fang Shuyu turned around to look, picked up the phone and handed it over: "It seems to be Zhuo Yun."

Chen Yi's enthusiasm was extinguished, and the ominous premonition came again.

"Hello? Brother Yun."

Zhuo Yun's voice was urgent: "Team Chen! There's a case! A murder! The sanitation workers called the police!"

Chen Yi became serious: "Where?"

Zhuo Yun: "There is an old house in the middle of Longquan Road. Someone was killed in the alley. The caller said that his eyes were gone! And his face was very scary!"

Chen Yi: "Okay, I understand. You deal with it first. Once the scene is under control, we will arrive later and ask the forensic assistant to bring everything."

Zhuo Yun: "Yes!"

A murder had occurred, and he had no intention of playing word games and gossiping with Chen Yi.

When the phone was hung up, Fang Shuyu on the other side had already opened the closet and started looking for clothes. From the content of the call, she could guess that a big case must have happened.

"Shu Yu, there is no need to go to the city bureau, we will go directly to the scene."

Fang Shuyu nodded: "Okay."

Afterwards, the two got dressed as quickly as possible, went out, and drove towards the crime scene.

After arriving at the place, you can see many police cars parked on the roadside, their lights flashing, and a cordon has been set up near the alley.

"Deputy Branch Chen."

Seeing Chen Yi, the policemen from the police station who came as quickly as possible set up a cordon to let him in.

Chen Yi nodded and walked into the alley with Fang Shuyu. Shi Xin and the others had already arrived. There were many digital signs on the ground, including high heels scattered on the ground in the distance.

Everyone made way for Chen Yi. When Chen Yi came closer, his eyes were on the deceased, and his eyes immediately froze.

Empty eye sockets, a terrifying smile, and such a weird and cruel killing method are really rare.

He turned to look at the high heels in the distance. The shoes definitely didn't belong to the deceased, so there were three possibilities.

The murderer's.

Pedestrians passing by.

of the deceased’s friend.

Looking further away, although the lights of the massage parlor are turned off, the words on the sign can still be recognized.

This alleyway is a red light district.

In this case, the owner of that pair of high heels is most likely a prostitute.

Where is the deceased?

Was the deceased a prostitute?
  Chen Yi thought a lot in just two seconds. This was his thinking habit.

On the other side, Fang Shuyu was also shocked by the death of the deceased. He took the clothes and gloves handed over by the forensic assistant and prepared to start the preliminary autopsy work.

Judging from the wound on the deceased's throat and the amount of bleeding, it should be a fatal injury.

Killing by slitting throats.

During the forensic work, Chen Yi lowered his head and looked at the surrounding environment, carefully followed the place where he could stay at the scene, and walked towards the massage shop in front.

Behind him, Shi Xin and others followed.

When he arrived at the entrance of the massage parlor, the door was locked. Chen Yi leaned close to the glass door and looked in for a while, then looked away.

He continued to look left and right. There were four roads in the alleyway, all of which could lead to leaving the scene. At this moment, every road was cordoned off and blocked, and there were police officers standing guard to prevent the onlookers from approaching.

No matter the time, there will always be people watching the excitement.

Shi Xin said: "There are too few surveillance cameras nearby, almost none. You can only check after leaving the lane and reaching the main road."

Chen Yi nodded and said: "It is precisely because there is little monitoring that the massage parlor is opened here."

There is more than one massage parlor, and you can still see a few in the distance, but they are all closed.

Ji Xin turned to look at the massage shop next to him and said, "I don't know which shop those high heels are from. The murderer shouldn't be someone from the shop, right?"

Chen Yi turned around: "The distance between the two high-heeled shoes was more than ten meters. The owner of the shoes ran away in panic. Most likely, he did not call the police after discovering the body and chose to leave."

"She was so frightened, but it doesn't look like the murderer's psychological quality."

Shi Xin: "Yes, the wounds on the face and the missing eyes all indicate that the murderer did not leave immediately after killing the person, but dealt with the subsequent events very calmly. Regardless of the motive, his psychological quality is definitely very strong."

Chen Yi: "We need to find the owner of this pair of high heels. We can't rule out whether she is a witness yet."

Discovering the body is only a relatively high possibility. Maybe the owner of the high-heeled shoes not only found the body, but also saw the murderer killing people, but the murderer had a clear target and ignored it.

Ji Xin: "This is easy to handle. Just sweep this street. Why don't you let the security brigade help? They are skilled in their work."

Chen Yi hummed, turned around and said, "Brother Yun, call Lao Cao and tell him to come and try to catch everyone today."

Normally the criminal investigation detachment would not care about these matters, but when it comes to murder cases, those who deserve to be arrested must be arrested.

Zhuo Yun: "Okay."

Several people returned to the crime scene and the autopsy was still continuing. At this time, the deceased's clothes had been lifted and new wounds appeared.

It was a straight line on the chest, extending from the bottom of the neck to the navel.

Chen Yi knelt down and took a look. The wound was not very deep, just a cut of flesh, and there was no damage to his clothes.

Obviously, the murderer deliberately opened the clothes of the deceased and left this wound on the body of the deceased.

Lost eyes.

A "smile" that extends from the corners of the mouth to the ears.

A straight wound on the chest.

The murderer's motive is very strange.

"Can you see anything?" Shi Xin asked.

Chen Yi shook his head: "It's hard to say. I hope we didn't meet a serial killer. If it's just revenge, aren't there too many symbols?"

The word "serial killer" is quite sensitive. Not only did it change its color, but Fang Shuyu and others also raised their eyebrows.

Now that the case has just happened and the identity of the deceased is not yet known, why is the possibility of a serial killer suddenly raised?
  Shi Xin couldn't help but said: "How does it look like a serial killer?"

Chen Yi pointed at the chest of the deceased and said: "What do you think the purpose of this straight line is? It couldn't be a whim when you opened up the clothes of the deceased and drew it?"

He Xin lowered his head and stared at the line for a while. The more he looked at it, the more it looked like...a number 1.

"1? No way?!" Ji Xin frowned.

Chen Yidao: "I hope not. If another number 2 pops up, things will go wrong."

When Xin fell silent, he continued to stare at the wound on the deceased's chest.

It's bad, let Chen Yi remind him like this, his preconceptions look more and more like each other. Although it is just a guess, guesses are sometimes more worrying.

Unknown things are the scariest things.

After a long time, Fang Shuyu stopped working and said: "A male corpse, [-] meters tall. The fatal wound was in the throat. Only one knife was used. The cause of death was suffocation and excessive blood loss. The deceased's eyes were gouged out, and the corners of his mouth were A centimeter-deep scratch was visible on the ear.”

"Rigor rigor mortis and corpse spots have just appeared and have not yet begun to spread. The preliminary estimate of the time of death is about four hours."

Shi Xin was surprised: "Four hours? So short? Wait...a knife?!"

Chen Yi glanced at the time, which meant that the murderer killed the victim around three-thirty in the morning.

It's almost... it's time for the massage parlor to close and get off work, which happens to coincide with the scattered pair of high heels.

A certain woman discovered the corpse after get off work. She was so frightened by the horrific appearance of the corpse's face that she lost all her shoes and ran for her life.

No police were called.

If she chooses to call the police, the police can arrive at the crime scene faster and may be able to find more clues.

There's nothing you can do about it. It's up to others to decide whether or not to report the discovery of a dead body to the police.

"Here, the deceased's mobile phone has not been touched and still has power." Fang Shuyu picked up an evidence bag. "There is only one mobile phone. No ID card or other items that can prove identity were found on the body."

When did Xin take over: "It's enough to have a mobile phone."

The mobile phone is still there, at least it is not a robbery, and there is no need to gouge out people's eyes.

This is either a perversion or a purposeful venting of anger.

Chen Yi: "Visit all nearby residents and sanitation workers, including the [-]-hour convenience store, and ask everything I can."

Zhuo Yun: "Yes, Captain Chen."

Chen Yi: "Brother Qiang, what's going on with the footprints?"

Lu Yongqiang was lying on the ground investigating carefully. Hearing this, he said: "There are a lot of footprints. There are too many people coming and going. I have already taken pictures and made rubbings."

Chen Yi nodded and looked at the deceased's neck again.

Only one knife was used?

That's kind of awesome.

(End of this chapter)

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