Chapter 216 Boss Lizhi
  Chen Yi explained: "A friend of the deceased had a fight in Lizhi a few years ago and went in. I think he might not change places after coming out. I came here to make sure."

"If you're still here, just ask."

"Oh, by the way, the deceased had his throat cut with a knife."

Hearing these words, Huo Gaoyang's face became solemn and he thought wildly: "Is it possible that the deceased was killed because of drugs?"

Chen Yi: "How did I know this? It just happened today."

Huo Gaoyang: "Have you ever taken drugs?"

Chen Yi: "I don't know."

Huo Gaoyang: "Why don't you know anything?"

Chen Yi: "Brother, the case just happened today. You treat me like a god. How about you help me investigate the murder case and I will help you investigate the source of the drugs."

Huo Gaoyang was speechless, he knew Chen Yi was joking.

To be honest, if you really ask yourself to investigate a murder case, you may still be blind. The term "specialization" is subdivided in the art industry and can be used in different types of police.

On the other hand, the same goes for asking Chen Yi to check for drugs, or so he thought.

"Just wait a moment."

Huo Gaoyang said something, opened the car door and left, returned quickly, and handed a headset to Chen Yi when he came back.

"Here, our team's private channel. If anything happens, tell me immediately and I will lead someone to rush in."

Chen Yi glanced at it but didn't answer, and said: "Lao Huo, I'm going to investigate the murder case, not really to investigate drugs. At most, I can help you understand from a side perspective. What could happen?"

Huo Gaoyang forced the earphones to Chen Yi: "Just in case, what should I tell the superiors if something happens? By the way, do you have a gun?"

Chen Yi had no choice but to accept it and at the same time replied: "I'll take it with me."

He understands that Huo Gaoyang's nerves are highly tense every time he goes on a mission, because you don't know whether you will encounter a small minion or a big fish who kills without blinking an eye at the next second.

Being a criminal police officer is a dangerous job, but being a narcotics police officer is a job where you have to stick your head in your belt.

Chen Yi still respected him very much.

"That's good, I'll wait for you outside." Huo Gaoyang adjusted the headphones while talking, "Hey, hey, hey? Can you hear me?"

Chen Yi: "Okay..."

Huo Gaoyang: "Let's go then."

Chen Yi: "Okay..."

Several people got out of the car. On the way, Chen Yi looked back and felt like he had changed departments.

"Team Chen, are you really checking for drugs?" Qin Fei asked in a low voice.

Chen Yi: "The main thing is to investigate the murder case, and I can also learn more about it. Otherwise, wouldn't this evening be in vain?"

Qin Fei suddenly understood, there should be no delay.

When we entered Leichi, we heard deafening music, which was in sharp contrast to the outside.

Before a few people could observe the environment, a male waiter immediately came forward and said politely: "Hello, four of you?"

Chen Yi hummed.

The waiter smiled and asked: "Do you need a seat?"

There is a minimum consumption for the private seats, and the commission is very high. If the guests don't need it, they just want to move freely on the stage and dance floor.

You still have to ask.

Chen Yi: "Let's find a place with a better location."

Hearing this, the waiter was delighted and his attitude became even better. He quickly led Chen Yi and the others to a relatively quiet seat away from the dance floor.

"What would you like to drink?"

Chen Yi: "It's not convenient today. Let's grab some food and mix four glasses of wine without alcohol."

Waiter: "Okay, please wait a moment."

After the waiter left, Chen Yi leaned comfortably on the soft sofa and looked at the DJ with a great figure in the distance, as well as the men and women posing on the dance floor.

To be honest, this place can really help people relax and forget their worries.

On the other side, Zhuo Yun and Qin Fei were a little uncomfortable and kept rubbing their ears. It would be okay when they are new. After all, they are deputy captains and have seen a lot.

The waiter returned quickly and placed food and drink on the table one by one. Then he came to Chen Yi, bent down and asked, "Sir, do you need some company to accompany you?"

Chen Yi: "No need for the moment. By the way, is Brother Tao here?"

"Brother Tao?" The waiter was slightly stunned and looked at Chen Yi, "Who are you?"

Chen Yi smiled and said: "I'm an old friend. I haven't seen him much since he came out. Please call him for me."

Seeing that he was an acquaintance, the waiter smiled and said, "Okay, please wait a moment."

The waiter left again.

He Xin approached Chen Yi and said, "It seems that Song Yitao is still working here, and his status is not low."

Chen Yi took out a cigarette and handed it over, saying: "In a place like this, status is earned. Outside, if you have a criminal record, others will stay away. But in a place like this, having a criminal record is capital and a sign."

He Xin nodded: "That's right."

Everything has both pros and cons. Don’t talk about anything else in the gray area. Once a conflict occurs, shouting that I will go in for the second time will definitely make the other party feel scared.

If you feel inferior outside, you will feel proud here.

Everyone has their own way of living, and that is why the world is so colorful.

The two lit cigarettes and waited quietly. Not long after, a man, probably in his thirties, walked quickly from a distance. After seeing several unfamiliar faces, he became suspicious.

Underneath the doubts is a hidden vigilance.

"Who's looking for me?" Song Yitao glanced at the four of them, and finally his eyes fell on Chen Yi, who was smiling slightly.

Chen Yi pointed to the sofa: "Sit."

Song Yitao stared at Chen Yi: "No need, let's just talk about it."

Chen Yi took a puff of cigarette and said slowly: "Police."

When Song Yitao heard the word police, his pupils shrank and he subconsciously took a half step back, which meant he wanted to run.

But he didn't really run away. Thinking about it, he felt something was wrong. How could the police come to meet him in this way and still consume money?

"Real or false?" Song Yitao confirmed.

Chen Yi repeated: "Sit down and talk. I'll see you if I have a case."

Song Yitao regained his vigilance: "What case?"

Chen Yi: "Murder case."

"Homicide?" Song Yitao was obviously stunned, his face softened, and then he stepped forward and sat down, "Who died?"

Chen Yi did not answer immediately and asked, "Do you know Yang Xiuming?"

Song Yitao: "We know each other."

The next moment, he was surprised: "Yang Xiuming is dead?!"

Chen Yi hummed.

Song Yitao: "Killed?"

Chen Yi nodded.

After receiving the affirmation, Song Yitao took a breath. He was not frightened, but was very surprised: "How could he be killed?"

Chen Yi: "This is why we came to you."

Song Yitao understood, spread his hands and said, "Officer, I don't know anything about his death. I have very little contact with him. We occasionally meet for drinks."

Chen Yi asked: "How did you two know each other?"

Song Yitao: "We know each other at the billiard hall."

Chen Yi: "When?"

Song Yitao smiled and said: "It must be a few years old, probably five or six years ago."

It can be seen that he does not care about Yang Xiuming's death, he is also very capable of accepting surprises, and he can still laugh when his friends die.

Chen Yi: "Five or six years ago? Yang Xiuming was in high school at that time, right?" Song Yitao nodded: "Yes, in No.[-] Middle School."

Chen Yi: "He took the initiative to get to know you?"

Song Yitao: "Well, this guy is quite generous. He treats guests and buys cigarettes. He wants me to help him settle things."

Chen Yi understood.

Who hasn’t had a youthful and frivolous past? At that time, apart from games, the topic of conversation between male students was who had the best fist in school.

Whoever has more friends is more powerful. As long as he doesn't go too far, no teacher will take care of him. He can't do anything anyway.

And in this circle, if you can get to know people in society, you are definitely the best among the best, and the fighter among the tractors.

Middle school students are still in awe of adults, and few dare to provoke them.

It seems that Yang Xiuming was also a famous figure in school at that time.

"Have you helped him fight?" Chen Yi asked.

Song Yitao said with a smile: "No, but if we are just standing there, do we still need to take action? It's good if the few of us stop there, those students won't be scared to the point of peeing."

Chen Yi: "Once?"

Song Yitao: "Once is enough. If we show up once, Yang Xiuming's status in the school will be very stable."

Chen Yi: "What about after you go to college?"

Song Yitao: "It doesn't matter anymore after I go to college. Who fights in college? If you have money, it's your father."

He sees clearly.

Chen Yi nodded: "That's true, but he died for no reason. What do you think happened?"

Song Yitao: "How could I know? You, the criminal police, have to investigate this."

Chen Yi: "Of course, the first one to check is you Lizhi."

Song Yitao was stunned: "What does this have to do with our Lizhi?? He didn't die here."

Chen Yi raised his hand and waved: "Slit his throat with a knife. What do you think it has to do with Lizhi?"

These words made Song Yitao's eyes widen and he swore: "F*ck! Cut his throat with a knife?! So awesome?! Who is so capable!"

Chen Yi said lightly: "I don't know, but Yang Xiuming's interpersonal relationships are very simple. The only people he knows are you and Lu Hongwen."

Hearing this, Song Yitao pointed at himself: "No way, sir, do you doubt me?"

Chen Yi: "Have you watched too many movies? My surname is Chen."

Song Yitao: "Officer Chen, why did I kill him without any grudge against him? When did he die? I can definitely provide an alibi."

Chen Yi: "I didn't say you were the one who killed me. Where were you from two to four o'clock this morning?"

Song Yitao pointed to his feet: "I'm here. I've been here all day and slept here. My friends can help me prove it."

Chen Yi: "Where is Lu Hongwen?"

Song Yitao: "Here too. I saw him at two or three in the morning."

Chen Yi: "What bad habits does Yang Xiuming have?"

When mentioning this issue, Song Yitao coughed lightly and said: "I like girls. This guy is a playboy. Not only does his girlfriend have a beautiful girlfriend, but he also goes out to prostitutes all day long. Let me tell you, if you are under thirty years old, you will have to use your waste..." …Well, he’s not thirty anymore, he’s already wasted.”

There is no psychological burden in teasing a friend who was killed, which shows Song Yitao's character and also shows that the relationship between the two is not that good.

At the same time, it also reduced his suspicion in Chen Yi's mind.

At present, Song Yitao does not look like the murderer of Yang Xiuming, not to mention the alibi.

Of course, it just doesn't look like it, and further investigation is needed.

This guy should be the person Huo Gaoyang is looking for.

When we first met, I was worried that I was an anti-narcotics policeman, but after I learned that I was a criminal police officer, I relaxed. My reaction was too obvious and it was easy to see the problem.

But I don’t know if the boss here is involved in the case.

Chen Yi now has a clearer understanding of Yang Xiuming. The most likely cause is either drugs or women.

Could it be that his eyes were gouged out because he had an affair with a married woman? Watched something you shouldn't have? But nothing was found in the call records.

"Besides women, what else is there?" Chen Yi asked.

Song Yitao shook his head: "Then no. Drinking and playing with women are this boy's two biggest hobbies."

When asked, Chen Yi pondered for a moment and said, "I need to see your boss."

Since I agreed to Huo Gaoyang, I can do my job more thoroughly.

Song Yitao frowned: "Officer, why are you meeting our boss? Is this a trivial matter necessary? His death has absolutely nothing to do with our Lizhi, I promise."

Chen Yi looked at him: "People are dead, a small matter? I wonder what is a big deal to Brother Tao? Tell me."

Song Yitao didn't know how to answer or refuse. After hesitating for a moment, he had no choice but to take out his mobile phone and said, "Okay, I'll call and ask."

Chen Yi stopped talking.

"Hello? Brother Meng, is it like this..."

After communicating for a while, Song Yitao hung up the phone, stood up and said, "Please come with me."

The four got up.

Song Yitao turned around and said, "No, it's just Officer Chen. Our boss likes to be quiet. Isn't this too demanding?"

Zhuo Yun and Qin Fei were about to speak, but Chen Yi stopped him and said, "Okay, I'll be alone. Let's go."

The two left the booth.

Before he could go far, Zhuo Yun quickly said: "Captain He, isn't it a bit dangerous for Captain Chen to go alone?"

He Xin was surprised: "Danger? Don't you know what Chen Yi is capable of?"

Zhuo Yun: "Uh..."

Looking back on the past few years when he was tortured by Chen Yi with one hand in the fighting teaching and research room, he had a stern expression and said nothing.


If he really wanted to take action, Chen Yi would definitely not be in danger, let alone carrying a gun.

Song Yitao took Chen Yi to the third floor, and his ears gradually became quiet, and he could clearly hear the footsteps.

It can be seen from the burly man guarding the stairs that the boss of Lizhi is not a simple person, but he does not know his specific background.

dong dong dong.

Arriving at the room, Song Yitao knocked respectfully. Soon the door opened and Chen Yi walked in first.

Before he had taken two steps, four bodyguards blocked Chen Yi's path.

Seeing this, Song Yitao sneered from behind.

Chen Yi calmly raised his eyelids. He knew that there must be someone on the coffee table and sofa behind the bodyguard, but he couldn't see it due to the obstruction.

"Interesting welcome ceremony." Chen Yi's voice sounded, "Take it easy, I hate boring arrogance, otherwise there will be four fewer beds in the hospital tonight."

Song Yitao: "Officer Chen is quite confident."

Chen Yi: "Five."

Song Yitao's face darkened.

Chen Yi flexed his wrist and said, "I guarantee with my personality that I won't accuse you of assaulting the police. Come on, let's relax and let's fight."

Song Yitao's eyes narrowed slightly, and his confidence didn't look fake.

At this moment, a man's voice sounded in the room: "Get out of the way, why are you so rude to Captain Chen? Do you know who he is? I can't afford to offend ten of you."

Hearing this, the four bodyguards turned sideways.

Chen Yi looked over and was stunned, but he didn't expect that Lizhi's boss would be so young, only in his thirties.

The white suit looks very eye-catching in the dim room. The most noteworthy thing is the man's appearance, which can be described as delicate and feminine.

He was holding a goblet, and the hazy pomegranate red color was shaking in the goblet.

Chen Yi felt that this person was very pretentious, but he pretended to be more natural and could not offend him.

(End of this chapter)

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