Chapter 190 Caught the Suspect

Jiang Xiaoxin returned before noon and obtained the surveillance data of Zhishang Hotel.

Case hall.

Jiang Xiaoxin inserted the storage disk into the computer, opened the video file, and jumped directly to the night of the second of this month.

In the hotel lobby, Jiang Yu and Wu Qianqian could be seen appearing, walking to the front desk to communicate with the hotel staff, then getting the room card and leaving.

Wu Qianqian is wearing a pink dress, which is consistent with Jiang Yu's answer.

The scene shifted to the corridor. Jiang Yu and Wu Qianqian entered the room and never came out again at night.

Jiang Xiaoxin adjusted the time to the next morning, the door opened, Jiang Yu and Wu Qianqian walked out, went downstairs and left the hotel.

The surveillance at the entrance of the hotel showed that the two people were separated from each other, one on the left and the other on the right. There was no discrepancy with what Jiang Yu said.

The surveillance after Wu Qianqian left no longer belonged to the hotel.

"Immediately check all the nearby road surveillance cameras to see where she went." Chen Yi said.

Jiang Xiaoxin: "Okay."


In the afternoon, Zhuo Yun has already started to lead people to conduct interviews based on surveillance screenshots and portraits. Although the scope of the new information is not large, it is relatively speaking, and it will take two or three days to complete.

Investigation is like this. Sometimes the workload is very heavy and very boring.

In order to prevent clues from being discovered during the visit, the ten people chosen by Zhuo Yun were all elites from the Municipal Bureau's Criminal Investigation Detachment. Each of them was equipped with a gun to respond to possible emergencies at any time.

"Hello, have you seen this person?"

"Sorry, I haven't seen it."

"OK, thanks."


"Hello, have you seen this person?"


"OK, thanks."


The 11 people spread out and asked questions one by one along the spread of all the corpse dumping sites given when the time came, without leaving any chance.

Even when you meet children playing in front of a children's product store, you have to ask them with a smile.

The places where the suspect dumped his body are relatively concentrated, and the possibility that he is nearby cannot be ruled out.

Time passed little by little, and it was already six o'clock in the afternoon, and night would fall in half an hour.

Zhuo Yun stood there holding the portrait and took a deep breath, then took a sip of water and continued walking forward.

"Hello, would you like to meet this person..."

When he came to the door of a restaurant, he saw a waiter coming out to throw away garbage. Zhuo Yun stepped forward to ask.

At this moment, he saw a person in the corner of his vision, his pupils suddenly shrank into needle shapes, and his voice stopped abruptly.

Near the garbage station not far ahead, a middle-aged man was carrying a black bag and approaching the garbage station.

Zhuo Yun lowered his head and looked at the portrait. The facial features of the other party coincided perfectly with the portrait in his hand!
After realizing this, Zhuo Yun's heart began to beat faster and his whole body became tense.

"What did you say?" the waiter in front of him was surprised.

Zhuo Yun: "Oh, it's nothing, excuse me."

After saying that, he put away the portrait in the waiter's doubtful eyes, walked forward slowly, and whispered into the headset: "Everyone, approach Zhenxing Road and find the suspect!"

"I repeat, if we find a suspect, please be careful!"

After hearing Zhuo Yun's voice, the other ten people's expressions suddenly changed and they quickly began to move towards Zhuo Yun's position.

Zhuo Yun raised his hand to touch the handle of the gun, getting closer and closer to the man.

Ten seconds later, the man had approached the garbage station and was about to throw the black bag in his hand. At this moment, he realized something and turned his head sharply.

The two of them looked at each other from a very close distance.

In an instant, the man's expression changed, he turned around and wanted to run away.

"do not move!!!"

Zhuo Yun suddenly took out his pistol and pointed it directly at the man.

"Stand there and don't move!!"

The sound attracted the attention of passers-by, and everyone turned their heads.

The waiter's face changed drastically when he saw Zhuo Yun pulling out a gun. He immediately ran into the store, but soon showed his head again and quietly looked this way.

In this era, it is very rare to see someone with a gun on the street, and most people may never see it once in their lifetime.

Therefore, after a brief period of astonishment, the surrounding passers-by quickly moved away from the scene without hesitation, but they did not choose to leave, but watched from a distance.

If you miss this scene, you will regret it for the rest of your life.

At this time, the other ten police officers from the detachment also arrived. They took out their pistols as they ran and surrounded the man from all sides.

"do not move!!"

"Don't move!"

The man lowered his head and looked a little ugly.

Zhuo Yun moved forward slowly as if facing a formidable enemy.

The person in front of me is very likely the murderer of this corpse dismemberment case, an extremely dangerous person!
"Slowly put the things in your hands on the ground, put your hands on your head and squat down!" Zhuo Yun shouted angrily, "Hurry up!!"

The man clenched his fist tightly and did not move.

Zhuo Yun: "I repeat, slowly put the things in your hands on the ground, put your hands on your head and squat down!!"

"You are surrounded, don't resist needlessly!"

The man's face became more and more ugly. With ten pistols pointed at him, he really didn't dare to move.

There are more and more people watching in the distance, but no one dares to take out their mobile phones to take pictures or videos.

It would be fine if the police mediate disputes or the traffic police handle accidents. The police can accept public supervision, but now it is obvious that serious criminal police are catching serious criminals, and they psychologically do not dare to have this idea.

If something happens in the future because of photos and videos, there will be no room for regret.

"I heard that there seemed to be a brutal case of mutilation of corpses recently. Is it true?"

"No way, I thought it was a rumor."

"Look at this posture, have you caught the murderer? Is it so fast?"

There are people who are familiar with each other and are whispering. Although they don’t dare to take videos, they can still make a few comments.

Zhuo Yun realized that there were many people watching and didn't want to delay. He said angrily: "Did you hear that? Put down what you are holding!"

The man struggled mentally for a long time, and finally slowly put down the black bag in his hand, then squatted down with his head in his hands.

The surrounding police officers slowly approached, then swarmed up and controlled the man.

Zhuo Yun strode over, bent down to untie the black bag, and immediately took a step back in fright, with goosebumps all over his body.

Inside the black bag, there was a head!
"Cuff me!!" Zhuo Yun was furious.



Municipal Bureau, Communications Section.

Chen Yi and He Xin looked at the large surveillance screen and were discussing Wu Qianqian's inexplicable disappearance.

After an afternoon of investigation, it was determined that Wu Qianqian disappeared after leaving the hotel.

All surrounding road surveillance showed no trace of Wu Qianqian.

I just called to confirm. After leaving the hotel, turn right and there is a newly built auxiliary road. There is indeed no time to build surveillance cameras in that area.

Could it be that Wu Qianqian left from the side road?
This is a possibility.

There is another possibility that Wu Qianqian had just left the hotel gate and immediately got into a car in the blind spot of the surveillance.

But after that point in time, passing vehicles had been checked, and no trace of Wu Qianqian was found at least in the passenger seat, or she was sitting in the back seat.

"Why do I feel a little weird? Chen Yi, what do you think?" He Xin said.

Chen Yidao: "It's very weird."

"A very introverted girl, in a strange city, left the hotel door with her boyfriend and left alone. The surveillance has not captured her whereabouts. Isn't this weird?"

Shi Xin: "Maybe he really took the auxiliary road on foot. Let me check from the end of the auxiliary road. There should be surveillance there."

Chen Yi: "Okay."

At this moment, the phone rang, and he took out the phone to answer the call: "Hello?"

Zhuo Yun: "Team Chen! The murderer has been caught!!"

Chen Yi was stunned for a moment and said in surprise: "What did you say?!"

He didn't realize it. He and He Xin were still discussing doubts. Why did Zhuo Yun catch the murderer?

Zhuo Yun spoke very quickly: "I was taking people to visit that area, and I happened to come across the man in the portrait throwing a body. It was the head. What he wanted to throw was the head!"

Chen Yi: "Bring it back immediately!"

Zhuo Yun: "Yes!"

After hanging up the phone, Chen Yi looked at He Xin and said, "The suspect has been caught." Hearing this, He Xin stood up suddenly and said in surprise: "Really or not?!"

Chen Yi: "It should be true. What he wanted to throw was Wu Qianqian's head, and Zhuo Yun just happened to hit it. We are lucky."

After receiving the affirmation, He Xin clenched his fists and clapped his hands, and said excitedly: "I'm just saying that this guy is very crazy. He dares to dump a body in a downtown area in broad daylight. Can anything happen? What kind of mentality is this? Is he crazy?"

Chen Yi snorted coldly: "Maybe he is really crazy. Just ask him and you will know."

At seven o'clock in the evening, the suspect was brought to the city bureau and sent directly to the interrogation room, closely guarded by two elite field officers.

Zhang Jingang also got the news and left the office and came to the case handling hall.

"Has the murderer been caught??" he said as he walked.

Chen Yi nodded: "He was about to throw Wu Qianqian's head, but Zhuo Yun caught him, and now the victim's body is missing only his fingers."

Hearing this, Zhang Jingang looked at Zhuo Yun.

Zhuo Yun straightened his back.

Zhang Jingang stepped forward and patted him: "Great job! Credit you!"

Zhuo Yun said modestly: "The main reason is that Team Chen and Team He have good leadership. They found the clues and ordered us to visit. We are the ones doing the work."

Zhang Jingang was in a good mood: "Everyone has to remember their merits!"

"Chen Yi, go to the trial immediately. I'll watch your trial."

Such a bad corpse dismemberment case, now that the murderer has been caught, he can't sit still in the office.

Chen Yi: "Yes, Zhang Ju."

After preparing for a while, Chen Yi and He Xin came to the interrogation room and sat in front of the man.

The man had lowered his head and remained silent since he was handcuffed there. Now he heard some movement and raised his head slightly.

Chen Yi looked at the man and was sure that he was the person under surveillance.

"What is your name?"

"Wu Yuanshan."

"how old are you?"

"54 is old."


"taxi driver."

Chen Yi picked up the photo: "Where did this head come from?"

Wu Yuanshan was silent.

Seeing this, Chen Yi slammed the table: "Answer the question!!"

Wu Yuanshan trembled with fright, raised his head again and said, "I... I chopped it off."

Chen Yi: "You also killed people?"

Wu Yuanshan: "Yes."

When the word "yes" was spoken, Zhang Jingang and others in the observation room breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, I thought it was a very difficult corpse dismemberment case, but I didn't expect the murderer to be brought to justice so quickly. In this way, the impact can be minimized and the reporter will not be alarmed and public opinion will not be triggered.

Even if a reporter comes to interview, just say that the murderer has been caught. At the worst, hold a press conference to promote the majesty and inviolability of the law.

In the interrogation room, Chen Yi continued: "Do you know the deceased?"

Wu Yuanshan shook his head: "I don't know him."

Chen Yi: "I don't know her, why do you want to kill her?"

Wu Yuanshan grinned: "In search of excitement, I want to do something big and shocking!!"

Chen Yi was slightly stunned and said in astonishment: "What did you say??"

This motive is really unheard of.

He Xin next to him was also confused for a moment, what kind of weird idea did he have?

Wu Yuanshan stared at Chen Yi and repeated: "Don't you understand? I'm going to do something earth-shattering!!"

Chen Yi frowned and continued to ask: "When did you kill her? Where did you kill her? Where did you divide the body? Tell me the detailed process."

Wu Yuanshan: "On the third day of this month, I was running on the road that day, and I happened to meet her leaving the hotel and taking a taxi on the side of the road. After getting in the car, I saw that she was very pure and beautiful, so I decided on my goal."

Chen Yi interjected: "Determine the target? Didn't you come up with the idea of ​​committing a crime after seeing her, but were you about to commit a crime before?"

Wu Yuanshan: "Yes, I just haven't found a good target."

Chen Yi: "Continue."

Wu Yuanshan said: "After getting in the car, I deliberately avoided some surveillance, dragged her to the wilderness, raped and strangled her to death."

"The place where the bodies were dismembered was in a nearby abandoned factory. Later..."

Chen Yi interrupted: "Wait a moment, you are too anxious. What about the process in the middle? Was it to dismember her body immediately after killing her?"

Wu Yuanshan said: "No, I took the body home and froze it. It took more than two weeks to divide the body."

Chen Yi: "Why do you do this?"

Wu Yuanshan: "I don't know how to deal with the body, so I'll freeze it first and think about it later."

Chen Yi pondered for a moment and said, "You thought about committing the crime in advance. Didn't you think of a plan in advance?"

Wu Yuanshan shook his head: "I didn't think much about it. I only thought about killing people. I didn't think much about what to do after killing people."

Chen Yi: "You brought the body to your home. Is there no one at home?"

Asked here, Wu Yuanshan suddenly became excited: "No one!!"

"My wife ran away with the kids! She took all my money and ran away! I don't know where she went. I'm the only one at home!"

Chen Yi looked at Wu Yuanshan who was out of control and said calmly: "Is this why you want to do such a shocking thing?"

Wu Yuanshan: "Yes! I have cancer, and it's still in the late stage. I won't live long."

"Now that my wife and children have run away, I am not afraid of anything. I want to take revenge on this society. Why can they live well and happily?"


Advanced cancer?

Chen Yi looked at Wu Yuanshan. No wonder the suspect in the surveillance looked weaker, and it was more obvious when he was face to face.

"How did you divide the body?" he asked.

Wu Yuanshan: "Axe."

Chen Yi: "Looking at how weak you are, can you still chop?"

Wu Yuanshan: "Don't underestimate people, why can't they cut it? It just takes a little longer."

When asked, Chen Yi leaned back on the chair, picked up the cigarette case, took out a cigarette, and said, "How many times have you chopped off the limbs?"

Wu Yuanshan paused for a few seconds and said: "The limbs are relatively hard, so I'll chop them a dozen times."

"Nonsense!!" Chen Yimeng slammed the table, "Judging from the incision, it was two or three times at most, how could it be more than ten times??"

Wu Yuanshan was confused: "Really? Then I may have remembered it wrong. How could I remember that kind of thing clearly?"

Shi Xin felt something was wrong and turned to look at Chen Yi who was lighting up his cigarette. The latter slowly exhaled a puff of smoke and asked, "Why did you choose to dump the body in a downtown area?"

Wu Yuanshan: "Didn't I say that we are going to do something big and shocking? Since it is a big thing, of course it should be seen by everyone!"

Chen Yi: "So, you are mentally prepared for being caught, and you are even eager to be caught."

Wu Yuanshan nodded: "Yes."

Chen Yi: "Who is it that sent WeChat messages to the parents of the deceased?"

Wu Yuanshan: "Me."

Chen Yi: "Where are you asking for leave for the deceased?"

Wu Yuanshan: "Me too."

Chen Yi: "Why do you do this?"

Wu Yuanshan: "I haven't figured out how to dispose of the body yet. If they call the police, it will affect my next plan."

Chen Yi smoked a cigarette and stared straight at Wu Yuanshan with his sharp eyes: "How to unlock it?"

Wu Yuanshan and Chen Yi looked at each other: "Are you stupid? Face, aren't all mobile phones nowadays unlocked by face?"

Chen Yi: "Did she die when it was unlocked?"

Wu Yuanshan: "Dead."

Chen Yi: "In other words, if she closes her eyes, you can unlock her, right?"

Wu Yuanshan: "Yeah."

Chen Yi: "What mobile phone does she use?"

Wu Yuanshan: "Apple."

Chen Yi took a deep breath, gritted his teeth with an ugly expression, stood up, and walked towards Wu Yuanshan.

"Nonsense, Apple's face password requires pupil gaze to detect whether the user is awake. How do you unlock it?!"

Wu Yuanshan was stunned.

(End of this chapter)
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