Detective: Open your eyes, I am handcuffed in the interrogation room

Chapter 191 Exploring evidence and continuing the interrogation

Chapter 191 Exploring evidence and continuing the interrogation

Chen Yi's question not only stunned Wu Yuanshan, but also stunned Zhang Jingang in the observation room.

He looked back at the young police officer behind him and said, "Is that so? Which of you uses an iPhone?"

Older people don’t know much about the small details of modern technology.

Several police officers looked at each other, and one of them said: "Bureau Zhang, it's... there is such a thing, I know."

Zhang Jingang: "The Apple phone you use?"

Police officer: "Yeah."

Zhang Jingang: "Show me the on-site verification."

Police officer: "Okay."

After saying that, he took out his mobile phone, and under Zhang Jingang's gaze, he unlocked it in seconds with his eyes open. Then, he locked the screen and closed his eyes and tried to slide into the main interface. People around him could clearly see that the unlocking failed.

The experiment can best illustrate the problem. Zhang Jingang's face suddenly became a little ugly.

In other words, Wu Yuanshan in the interrogation room lied and made up facts.

Of course, it is also possible that he was in a panic after the murder, which led to errors in some memories in his mind. It still depends on how Chen Yi will interrogate him next.

trial room.

After Wu Yuanshan was stunned for a while, he said: "Is that so? Oh oh... Then I may have remembered it wrong. It seems that the password was used to unlock it. I asked her directly."

Chen Yi stood in front of Wu Yuanshan, looking down at him, the cigarette between his fingers burning, and the smoke slowly rising.

"What's the password?" he asked.

Wu Yuanshan: "I forgot. It's been a long time and my memory is not very good."

Chen Yi: "How did you kill her?"

Wu Yuanshan: "Didn't I just say that I strangled him to death?"

Chen Yi: "What did you do to her before strangling her to death?"

Wu Yuanshan was impatient: "I told you, it was raped and strangled to death, raped and strangled to death! Are you so young and forgetful??"

Chen Yi: "Where should I pick her up?"

Wu Yuanshan: "On the road outside the hotel."

Chen Yi: "Which hotel?"

Wu Yuanshan: "The Supreme Hotel."

Chen Yi: "Why do you remember the name of the hotel so clearly?"

Wu Yuanshan: "I usually run around nearby, and I am deeply impressed by the surrounding roads and some key buildings."

Chen Yi flicked the ashes from his cigarette and said, "Do you have a son?"

Wu Yuanshan: "Yes, why do you ask?"

Chen Yi: "How old are you?"

Wu Yuanshan: "24 years old."

Chen Yi: "What are you doing?"

Wu Yuanshan: "Go to graduate school."

Chen Yi asked: "Which school are you studying for graduate school? Yangcheng University?"

Wu Yuanshan shook his head: "No, at Imperial City University."

Imperial University?

Chen Yi was surprised and said, "Your son is very good and can be admitted to God City University."

Dongzhou is a major college entrance examination province, and the competition is very fierce. It can be ranked first in the country. Every year in June and July, when it comes to the topic of college entrance examination, Dongzhou is always ranked first.

It is not an easy task to stand out among all the college entrance examination students in Dongzhou.

If you can pass the bachelor's degree, you are considered very good. If you can pass the key point, you have to be very good.

Admitted to God's City University?

He must be an influential figure at the local champion level.

Hearing this, Wu Yuanshan sighed and said: "No matter how good you are, what's the use? He has already run away with his wife."

Chen Yi took a last puff of cigarette, turned around and put it out, and then said: "At 24 years old, he is already a very mature man. Will he abandon his father and leave with his mother?"

Wu Yuanshan: "I don't know. Anyway, he is gone. All the money at home is gone, and the money in my bank card was also taken away."

Chen Yi: "What do you mean by missing? If you are 24 years old... you should be in your second or third year of graduate school. Didn't you look for me?"

Wu Yuanshan: "I asked, and the school said he went abroad, probably with his mother."

Chen Yi frowned: "Going... abroad??"

Wu Yuanshan: "Yes."

Chen Yi: "Which country?"

Wu Yuanshan: "It seems to be a lighthouse country."

Chen Yi looked at Wu Yuanshan: "Are you rich?"

Wu Yuanshan: "It's okay, I'm richer than you anyway."

"Huh?" This answer surprised Chen Yi, "You are a taxi driver, how can you get money and confidence?"

Wu Yuanshan said angrily: "Two units in my house were demolished along the street, and I lost a lot of money!! They all moved away to that stinky bitch!"

"I don't want to treat me because I'm afraid I'll drag them down. What a femme fatale!!"

After hearing this, Chen Yi fell silent and paced back and forth in the room.

After a while, he said: "Tell me the exact location of the crime and the location of the abandoned factory where the body was dismembered."

Wu Yuanshan gave a road coordinate.

Hearing this, Chen Yi turned to look in the direction of the observation room and waved his hand. The place was white and blurry.

Zhuo Yun understood what Chen Yi meant, and immediately left the observation room and called Lu Yongqiang and Fang Shuyu, leading many people to the scene of the incident.

There are four places in total.

First, the location of the crime.

Second, the location of the dismemberment.

Third, taxis in Wuyuanshan.

Fourth, Wu Yuanshan’s home.

If traces of Wu Qianqian's existence can be found in the above, it will match Wu Yuanshan's confession and the chain of evidence will be closed.

At the same time, without waiting for Chen Yi's instructions, Shi Xin also got up and left the interrogation room, went to the case handling hall and began to investigate everything Wu Yuanshan said.

The first was Wu Yuanshan's terminal cancer. He retrieved Wu Yuanshan's medical records and found out that he had terminal cancer.

Then, there is the information about Wu Yuanshan’s wife and son.

My son is indeed a graduate student at Imperial City University. His college entrance examination results back then were very famous in Dongzhou, and reports can be found online.

Then there is the issue of going abroad.

To go to the lighthouse country, you have to either take the waterway or the air route. He Xin quickly searched the air ticket records of the mother and son, and it turned out that they had indeed gone abroad.

The destination, which is the Lighthouse Country, has been there for more than a week, except for not getting on the plane.

This result gave rise to a bad premonition in Shi Xin's heart. Judging from the interrogation process just now, Wu Yuanshan seemed to have some problems, and the possibility of lying could not be ruled out.

If he really lied, it means Wu Qianqian was not killed by him.

He didn't kill him, so why did he plead guilty?The biggest possibility is to help others take the blame.

The only person who can make a man do such a thing is a son.Is Wu Qianqian's death related to Wu Yuanshan's son?But he was far away in Imperial City, why did he want to kill Wu Qianqian from Yangcheng University?
In the interrogation room, the interrogation continues.

"What's the name of the deceased?" Chen Yi asked.

Wu Yuanshan said: "Wu Qianqian."

Chen Yi: "How do you know this?"

Wu Yuanshan: "I asked."

Chen Yi: "What does she look like?"

Wu Yuanshan raised his head: "What's your problem? Can I not know what she looks like? Bring her photo, I can recognize it."

Chen Yi stepped forward suddenly, holding the interrogation chair with both hands, staring at Wu Yuanshan at close range.

Wu Yuanshan was startled and leaned back.

Chen Yi stared at him closely: "I asked, what does she look like??"

Wu Yuanshan inexplicably felt a strong sense of oppression from the other party. He couldn't help but swallowed his saliva and said: "More pure, more beautiful, more..."

Chen Yi interrupted: "Don't talk nonsense. There are many pure and beautiful girls. Let's talk about characteristics."

Wu Yuanshan: " do you say this?"

Chen Yi straightened up and said, "Call Lin Chen over here with drawing paper and pen."

Hearing Chen Yi calling him, Lin Chen quickly came to the interrogation room with painting tools.

"Team Chen."

Chen Yi pointed at Wu Yuanshan and said, "He said, draw carefully."

Lin Chen nodded: "Yes!"

During this period, Chen Yi opened the door and left the interrogation room. Zhang Jingang also left the observation room and walked to the case handling hall with a gloomy look.

He could see that there was something wrong with the suspect, and Chen Yi had already started to verify it.

"How's it going?" Chen Yi came to Shi Xin's side.

Ji Xindao: "Everything he said is correct. The cancer is in the advanced stage. The son is a graduate student at Imperial University. Moreover, the mother and son have gone abroad a week ago. The destination is the Lighthouse Country."

Zhang Jingang said: "Chen Yi, what do you think about this matter?"

Chen Yi: "There are many loopholes, the confession is unreasonable, and the emotional reactions are also unreasonable. Let's wait for the results of the trace examination and forensic investigation, and then continue the trial."

Zhang Jingang asked: "Do you think he is helping others to take the blame?"

Chen Yi: "It is possible, but it cannot be determined for the time being. The current unreasonable aspects are all subjective issues. There is no conclusive evidence to refute his words."

"No one knows whether he really forgot or pretended to forget the details such as unlocking the phone and dismembering the body. We can only say that there are doubts and the investigation needs to continue."

"Also, his motive for killing can barely be explained. He has cancer and hopes that his relatives can be with him, but his wife took their son and ran away with the money. It is understandable that he turned dark in despair."

Zhang Jingang nodded. A middle-aged man who was terminally ill and was about to die soon had nothing to worry about or fear when his relatives ran away.

Anyway, they are all dead, no matter how they die.

"If there is any new information, please tell me immediately." He said.

I thought the case would be solved soon, but now it seems it may not be that simple.

Chen Yi: "Yes, Zhang Ju."

After Zhang Jingang left, Shi Xin whispered: "Chen Yi, what do you really think?"

Chen Yi sat down and said, "There is definitely a problem. He did not kill the person."

When faced with the question of when it will be new, Chen Yi no longer was ambiguous, but directly gave a positive answer.

Ji Xin was not surprised. He frowned and said: "There are many doubts and coincidences. Since it is abnormal, the truth should not be what we see on the surface."

Chen Yi: "Yes, we can think about Wu Yuanshan's motives in reverse."

"What he meant was that because he had cancer, his wife ran away with the children. Because his wife ran away with the children, he wanted to kill someone and end his life in an earth-shattering way."

"Then, in turn, he needs to prove his crime so that his wife and children will go abroad. Otherwise, if you ask, you will know whether he is telling the truth or a lie."

Shi Xin nodded: "Yes, if you think about it the other way around, his behavior is reasonable. So... why did he do this?"

Chen Yi: "Do you think you are taking the blame for your son?"

When New: "That's the biggest possibility."

Chen Yi hummed: "It is indeed the best possibility at the moment. It is in line with human nature and the wishes of parents. Anyway, they are already terminally ill. It is better to use the remaining life of my own to help my son pave the way for a perfect life."

"If that's the case, why did his son kill Wu Qianqian? Do both parties know each other?"

Shi Xin: "This requires in-depth investigation, checking call records, checking interpersonal relationships, and also looking into the growth experience of Wu Yuanshan's son."

"If someone can kill people and dismember their bodies, there is a high probability that there is something wrong with the family environment or the way parents educate them."

"But now there is a problem. The lighthouse countries and we do not have extradition regulations, so it is more difficult to handle."

An extradition treaty is an agreement between countries to extradite criminals.

If there is no extradition treaty, then if you want to catch the suspect abroad, you will have to engage in international negotiations, which is very troublesome.

Chen Yi: "We are still far away from thinking about this issue now. We will wait until we find out the case."

"If it is finally found that his son did it, I will catch him even if he goes to the Antarctic."

"If there is really no way to capture him, it would be better. Evil people will be punished, and he may accidentally die abroad."

When he said the last sentence, a chill flashed in Chen Yi's eyes.

The girl died tragically and was cut into pieces. The murderer still wanted to live a carefree life like a normal person. How could he let him get his wish?

He Xin was shocked and looked at Chen Yi in astonishment.

The words were cryptic, but he understood.

At this moment, he realized that he didn't seem to really understand Chen Yi.


No, he knew that Chen Yi was by no means an arrogant person, he should be confident.

Once you say it, it will definitely be done.

Could it be that he has only seen a small part of the real Chen Yi now?
Just when He Xin was having random thoughts, Lin Chen quickly came out of the interrogation room and said as he walked: "Team Chen, he really met Wu Qianqian, and the appearance he described is exactly the same. Look."

Chen Yi glanced at the portrait in Lin Chen's hand, and there was no doubt that it was Wu Qianqian.

He said nothing and set off to enter the interrogation room again.

"Wu Yuanshan, where are the fingers of the deceased?"

Upon hearing this question, Wu Yuanshan's answer was to throw it into the river to feed the fish.

This answer made Chen Yi angry, but the point of anger did not come from the other party's behavior.

He stepped forward and grabbed Wu Yuanshan's collar, and said coldly: "Don't throw anything, just your fingers, right? Come on, come on, tell me the purpose."

Wu Yuanshan was a little nervous: "The purpose...the purpose is..."

Chen Yi interrupted: "Don't make it up yet, I'll tell you."

"You threw away the deceased's fingers because when you raped her, she struggled to resist and scratched you, thus leaving your DNA in her fingernails. You were worried that the matter would be exposed and the police would find you, so you chopped off the fingers. Throw it away.”

Wu Yuanshan was stunned for a while, then nodded and said: "Yes, yes, that's right."

Chen Yi scolded: "That's right! Didn't you say you don't care about being caught? Didn't you say you are eager to be caught? Does the evidence matter to you?!"

"Wu Yuanshan, are you playing Infernal Affairs with me here? Did you kill Wu Qianqian?"

It took Wu Yuanshan a long time to react, and then he shook off Chen Yi's hand.

"I was the one who killed her! I killed her! I cut her into pieces! I confessed, let me be sentenced!"

(End of this chapter)
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