Chapter 189 Principal Li Guozhi

After leaving the boys' dormitory, Chen Yi and Qin Fei walked around the campus and felt the university atmosphere and youthful atmosphere.

As a double first-class university, Yangcheng University is still very well-known across the country, and its score line is not low. If you want to get into the exam, you will have to cross the single-plank bridge with thousands of troops.

Wu Qianqian's incident may have a considerable impact on this university for a long time to come.

If there is an accidental death internally, that's fine. The school can always hide it, and there is no need to make it public. But when it comes to criminal cases, it is beyond their control.

The suspect's characteristics have been photographed under surveillance. It is initially judged that he does not look like someone from the school, at least not like a student or teacher. Otherwise, in the early stages of case investigation, police officers would inevitably be seen on campus.

If the investigation reaches a deadlock, the provincial department may even set up a task force and station it directly at Yangcheng University.

At that point, it's not just an issue that affects the school, it affects everyone.

Now, it is not necessary for the time being.

"Team Chen, did you gain anything just now?" Qin Fei asked with a learning attitude on the way to the campus gate.

Chen Yi asked back: "What do you think?"

Qin Fei thought for a while and said: "Wu Qianqian was with her boyfriend on the [-]nd of this month, and left the hotel to say goodbye on the [-]rd. Then Wu Qianqian's roommate received a WeChat message asking for leave. In this case, there are two possibilities."

"The first possibility is that this message was sent by Wu Qianqian herself, which means that something really happened to her, and her death is likely to be related to this incident."

"The second possibility is that this message was not sent by Wu Qianqian. Since it is not Wu Qianqian, it can only be the suspect. After she left the hotel and walked alone, she encountered the suspect on the way."

After listening to Qin Fei's words, Chen Yi glanced at him and said, "That's very good. Now we need to determine the authenticity of the testimony."

Qin Fei: "Hotel?"

Chen Yi nodded: "Well, although the suspect is not Jiang Yu, as the victim's boyfriend and the last person who saw the victim, he must face an in-depth investigation. Let's go, we will check the surveillance."

Just when the two were about to step out of the school, a middle-aged man with extraordinary temperament suddenly blocked their way and said politely: "Excuse me, is this Deputy Chen?"

Chen Yi stopped and looked at the other person, while nodding: "It's me, who are you?"

After receiving the affirmation, the middle-aged man smiled, stretched out his hand and said, "Hello, Deputy Chen, my name is Li Guozhi."

"Li Guozhi?" Chen Yi reached out and shook his hand. He felt that the name sounded familiar and quickly remembered, "Oh, it turns out to be Principal Li. Hello, hello."

Li Guozhi is the president of Yangcheng University, academician of the Imperial City Academy of Engineering, deputy minister, and has many other identities.

His status in Yangcheng is still not low.

When they came to the university just now, they were not looking for Li Guozhi. It seemed that the other party got the news from their subordinates.

"Deputy Chen, are you free to come and sit with me?" Li Guozhi said with a smile.

Chen Yi: "Okay."

He did not refuse.

In this case, the other party is the principal of the victim's school. In interpersonal relationships, the other party is the spokesperson of Yangcheng University. He has to give face to him in many aspects.

The two followed Li Guozhi to the principal's office, and two cups of tea were brought over.

"Thank you."

After Li Guozhi sat down, he went straight to the point: "Deputy Chen, please forgive my presumption, was there a corpse dismemberment case that occurred in Yangcheng recently?"

Chen Yi: "Yes."

He didn't believe that the other party knew nothing, and if he wanted to know about it, there was no need to ask him.

Based on the other party's identity, he could actually ask Zhang Jingang directly.

If you have some connections, you might be able to ask Fang Songping directly.

It’s not your turn not to be in your turn.

The reason why he stopped himself was probably because he was the investigator of this case, so he could get first-hand information, and it was also convenient for him to talk about how the case would be investigated.

The so-called official is not as good as being in charge.

Li Guozhi: "The victim... is a student of our school?"

Chen Yi: "Yes."

Two simple and most important questions made Li Guozhi frown and subconsciously raised his hands to hold his head.

He should have a headache.

Anyone who hears the words "dismemberment case" will change their color, and the deceased was still a student of their school.

If word of this spreads, Yangcheng University will be brought to the forefront in a very short period of time, dominating the headlines, and he himself will be held accountable.

As a principal, no matter whether it is his fault or not, he has some responsibility.

"Deputy Branch Chen, please have tea..." Li Guozhi gathered his emotions and spoke politely.

Chen Yi hummed, picked up the tea cup and took a symbolic sip, then looked at Li Guozhi.

He wanted to end this conversation as soon as possible because he had to go back to the city bureau for further investigation work.

Suspects under surveillance must be found as quickly as possible.

Once the suspect is found and the case is closed, the incident will not continue to escalate. Otherwise, the longer it drags on, the more serious it will become, and the possibility of an outbreak of public opinion cannot be ruled out.

Li Guozhi was silent for a while and said, "Deputy Chen, do you have any clues about this case now?"

Chen Yi smiled: "I'm sorry, Principal Li, the investigation of the case is our internal secret. It's not convenient to say more now."

Hearing this, Li Guozhi did not ask further questions, expressed his understanding, and continued: "Then this matter will not be known to outsiders for the time being, right?"

Chen Yi: "The search has been going on for four days. Police from all over the city have participated. There is a lot of movement. It is impossible for no one to know."

"Moreover, the murderer chose to dump the body in the downtown area, and people gathered around on the day he called the police. Coupled with the police's actions in the past few days, we can guess what happened."

"But please don't worry, Principal Li. We have ordered certain people to strictly prohibit spreading nonsense. It will not spread in a short time."

Li Guozhi: "What about the victim's parents?"

Chen Yi: "I have already communicated with the victim's parents. Spreading this matter may prepare the suspect and affect the police investigation, so they will not say anything for the time being."

This thing needed to be done. He didn't use it to win Li Guozhi's favor. It was what it was.

Li Guozhi also realized this and looked at Chen Yi differently.

As expected, he is an outstanding talent valued by the provincial department. He only has cases in his eyes and will not mix any personal emotions and personal needs when handling cases.

He knew that the future of the young man in front of him was limitless.

"Did this student... die miserably?" Li Guozhi asked.

After hearing this question, Chen Yi softened his attitude towards Li Guozhi.

If the other person only cares about himself and not the victim, then there is no need for him to continue the conversation.

Chen Yi: "That's right."

Anger flashed across Li Guozhi's face. He was also a teacher and had taught many students. He could not imagine that such a serious criminal case would occur today when he was the president of Yangcheng University.

The young eagle is about to spread its wings, but now it has turned into a broken corpse. The person who did this is really crazy and unforgivable. Even if he is shot ten times, it will not be enough!

"Deputy Branch Chen, if you need any help with the investigation, please let me know and I will do my best." Li Guozhi looked at Chen Yi and said seriously.

Chen Yi nodded: "Okay, thank you Principal Li for your cooperation."

Li Guozhi: "It should, it should, that... the murderer shouldn't be from our school, right?"

He couldn't help but ask this question.If so, the nature of the case will change again.

Chen Yi and Li Guozhi looked at each other without speaking.

Li Guozhi was embarrassed: "I'm sorry, Deputy Chen, let's add a contact information so that we can contact you later, okay?"

Chen Yi: "Okay."

After exchanging contact information, the two chatted for a while, and then Chen Yi left the principal's office.

Interpersonal relationships still need to be dealt with. There is no harm in getting to know more people. In the future, if things are based on principles, I can help if I can.

On the other hand, if Li Guozhi was asked for something, such as sending in a student, he would certainly not refuse.

Helping each other is what is called interpersonal relationships.

The president of Yangcheng University is not something that just anyone can know.

"What's wrong? Are you unhappy?" After leaving the campus, Chen Yi looked at Qin Fei.

Qin Fei said: "I think it's a bit too much to ask about the case in a roundabout way. The case has just happened. You can see that he is anxious."

Chen Yi smiled and said: "After all, he is the head of a school. It is understandable that people will become complicated if there are too many issues to consider."

"But fortunately, he has the original intention of holding the chalk in his hand, and he hopes that the police will end the case as soon as possible, but his motives are not so pure."

"At least he cares about the students, that's enough."

Hearing these words, Qin Fei nodded, feeling that he had learned a little bit about Chen Yi's pattern.

Back at the city bureau, there was no new news from Zhuo Yun, and the head of the deceased was still not found.

And the dead man's fingers.

The head and fingers are the two missing parts at present. As long as they are found together, the body will be complete.

This is something that must be done both for the police investigating the case and for the families of the victims.

"Haven't you found any clear surveillance footage?"

In the case handling hall, Chen Yi asked.

Shi Xin shook his head: "Not yet. The few cameras that can capture the front face are not very clear."

"However, the suspect's activity trajectory has now been locked, and it is within a small area. After investigation and interviews, there may be results."

Although the face is blurry, the features are obvious. As long as you know someone, you can definitely recognize it when you see the photo.

Chen Yi frowned: "There are not enough manpower."

Now all the police in the city who can be dispatched are looking for the remaining body bags, and no one is available in a short time.

When will there be a new silence? This is indeed a question. You cannot have your cake and eat it too.

Either go all out to find the body or go all out to find the suspect, but now you can only satisfy one.

In terms of importance, of course, the priority is to find the suspect. After all, if the suspect is found, there is no need to look for a body bag, and he can be directly interrogated.

"Oh, by the way, the portrait is out. Lin Chen just went to the bathroom."

He Xin picked up the face portrait on the table and handed it to Chen Yi.

Chen Yi took it and looked at it. The portrait was of a middle-aged man who looked honest and honest.

"How accurate is it?" he asked.

When will it be new: "Lin Chen said that it is impossible to search the database, but as long as people are familiar with it, they can recognize it."

Hearing this, Chen Yi turned around and said: "Qin Fei, call Zhuo Yun, pick out ten police officers from the body bag inspection, and conduct interviews based on surveillance screenshots and portraits. Let Lao He tell you the scope."

Qin Fei: "Yes!"

Chen Yi looked at Jiang Xiaoxin again: "Sister Jiang, check the Zhishang Hotel in this city to see if the surveillance in the hotel is connected to our network."

Jiang Xiaoxin: "Okay, wait a minute."

She worked on the computer for a while and replied: "There is no Internet connection. I need to retrieve a copy. What's wrong with this hotel, Captain Chen?"

This question is also a question that I want to ask when I am new.

Chen Yi explained: "The day before the victim disappeared, she and her boyfriend went to this hotel to check out the authenticity."

Jiang Xiaoxin: "Can't we check the room opening records?"

Chen Yi: "No, look at the surveillance. It's less than a month now, so the surveillance shouldn't cover it."

Hearing this, Jiang Xiaoxin stood up and said, "Then I'll censor you?"

Chen Yi: "Okay, go and come back quickly."

After Jiang Xiaoxin left, when did she ask again: "What happened after the apartment was opened? Did he disappear?"

Chen Yi nodded: "Yes, Wu Qianqian asked her roommate to ask for leave the next day, and then she went to who knows where."

"Lao He, where are Wu Qianqian's call records? I'll take a look."

"By the way, her boyfriend's name is Jiang Yu, and the call records have also been retrieved."

When is new: "Okay."

When checking Jiang Yu's call records, Chen Yi sat aside and looked through Wu Qianqian's call records.

The records were discontinued on the [-]nd, and only those before the [-]nd could be found. This shows that Wu Qianqian should have encountered something on the [-]nd or [-]rd.

Since the other party No. [-] has a room with Jiang Yu, it is No. [-].

Soon, Shi Xin handed over Jiang Yu's call records. Chen Yi took them and glanced at them. After the [-]rd, Jiang Yu occasionally called Wu Qianqian, but they were never answered.

Indirectly explaining that he didn't know where Wu Qianqian had gone, and wanted to know her whereabouts and current situation.

Combined with the person who dumped the body captured under surveillance, Jiang Yu's suspicion has been basically eliminated for now, and the investigative focus can be diverted away from him.

"It's possible that a stranger committed the crime." Chen Yi put down the document in his hand and said.

When did Xin turn around: "Why?"

Chen Yi: "According to the school visit, Wu Qianqian is a very introverted and conservative person. Except for going out with her boyfriend, she basically stays at school. Moreover, she is from out of town and has no other interpersonal relationships in Yangcheng."

"When someone was killed suddenly, we can think that there is a high possibility that a stranger committed the crime."

He Xin was slightly silent and said: "Rape and murder?"

Chen Yi: "Well, what do you think?"

Shi Xin: "From the clues we have so far, it does look like rape and murder."

Chen Yi: "But there is a problem here. Where did Wu Qianqian go after leaving the hotel on the [-]rd? Why did she leave alone? Isn't it a bit contradictory?"

He Xin thought for a while and nodded: "Yes, since she has no interpersonal relationships in Yangcheng, she should go back to school with Jiang Yu that day. Even if something happens, why not go with Jiang Yu?"

Chen Yi: "This is the strange thing."

"But sometimes, there are reasonable explanations for strange things. Everyone has privacy, even between lovers. Maybe Wu Qianqian went to deal with personal matters and was killed in the process."

Shi Xin: "If this is the case, I'm afraid there will be no answer."

Chen Yi: "Check it slowly. Maybe the suspect can tell us the answer."

(End of this chapter)
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