Chapter 188 The Dead Boyfriend

Chen Yi opened the door and left the interrogation room.

Standing at the door, he lit a cigarette and blew out the smoke from his mouth and nose, his eyes becoming colder and harsher.

In the room behind him, the collapsed cries of the victim's parents could still be heard. Wu Youde was working with other police officers to try their best to comfort each other's emotions.

But Chen Yi knew that any words of comfort that came into his heart were pale, and the only thing he could do was to prevent the parents of the deceased from acting excessively under the extreme grief and pain.

For Wu Qianqian, death was actually just a small matter. What was most unbearable to her parents was the fact that her body was dismembered.

The two are immediate family members of the deceased, and they must be informed of this matter, as they have the right to know.

Having their biological daughter killed and dismembered would be a fatal blow to any pair of parents. If the murderer stood in front of them at this moment, it would be a no brainer that they would definitely be torn into pieces.

Crazy parents can do anything.


Chen Yi sighed and walked towards He Xin. The other party was still checking the surveillance, hoping to find a clearer picture.

Not all cameras now have high-definition pixels. They are not very lucky. The shots that can capture the front face are relatively blurry. They can only judge the features but cannot extract the photos.

At this time, Lin Chen was trying to draw a portrait.

"What exactly happened?" He Xin asked when he saw Chen Yi coming out.

Chen Yi said: "The murderer used the victim's mobile phone to contact her parents. It was not until the other parents realized something was wrong and called them that they turned off the phone."

Ji Xin was surprised: "Why is this? Using the time of death as an alibi? But the corpses are divided into parts like that, how can we check the time of death?"

"And this guy chose to dump his body in the downtown area openly. He doesn't look like someone with such intelligence."

Chen Yi smoked a cigarette and said, "Yes, it is indeed a bit weird."

"According to Wu Qianqian's parents, Wu Qianqian asked for leave from school during the first month of the month holiday, but she did not ask for it by herself, but with the help of her classmates,"

"The time of death should be after the holiday. I guess something happened during the holiday."

When was it new: "Go to the school and ask? Check it out?"

"However, surveillance has captured the suspect. He is a man in his 50s. First of all, we can exclude the deceased's classmate from committing the crime. Do you think he looks like a university teacher?"

Chen Yi stared at the surveillance screen for a while and said: "It doesn't look like it. He doesn't have that temperament. Since the surveillance captured it, we will definitely be able to find the person in a short time. The investigation process of this case should not be too difficult. We will go there tomorrow. Ask the school.”

When Xin nodded.

The surveillance has captured it, so he can't run away.

That night, Chen Yi received the autopsy report completed by the forensic department. It still lacked the head and fingers of the deceased. Judging from the cut surface of the corpse, the suspect's dismemberment tool should be an axe. It is impossible for a knife to cause such serious damage to the bones. destroy.

Also, there is the matter of whether Wu Qianqian was raped.

The forensic doctor detected the ingredients of silicone-based lubricant. In layman’s terms, silicone-based lubricant is the oil on condoms.

This shows that the deceased had had a relationship with someone before his death, but unfortunately safety measures were taken and no DNA was left behind.

It is impossible to judge whether it was rape and murder. We need to ask whether the deceased had a boyfriend.

After Chen Yi scanned all the information, his eyes focused on one of them: the body had been frozen.

Chen Yi frowned, what kind of operation is this?What is the purpose?We have already decided to dismember the body, so why freeze the body?
What was the suspect doing during the freezing process?Wondering what to do with the body?
Is sending WeChat messages to the parents of the deceased to prevent them from calling the police prematurely?
What happened to asking for leave?Is Wu Qianqian asking for leave from a friend who asks for leave face to face, or from a classmate who asks for leave by calling or sending a WeChat message?
If it was sent via WeChat, does it mean Wu Qianqian was already dead at that time?

There are many questions at the moment and more things to do, at least to find the remaining body parts of the deceased.

Early the next morning, Chen Yi took Qin Fei to Yangcheng University. After notifying the school leaders and counselors, he entered the girls' dormitory.

The temperature at the end of May was already very warm, and the female students coming and going were wearing cooler clothes. Facing the two men who suddenly appeared, they were unexpectedly curious, but few of them were shy.

Mainly because of Chen Yi and Qin Fei's police temperament and good looks, they are very eye-catching.

Qin Fei was a little embarrassed and followed Chen Yi silently with his head lowered.

Arriving at Wu Qianqian's dormitory, Chen Yi knocked on the door.

"Come in, come in!" A girl's voice sounded from inside.

Chen Yi did not enter immediately, but shouted first: "We are men!"

Hearing the sound, the dormitory was quiet for a moment, and then there was the rustling sound of getting dressed.

Qin Fei breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, Captain Chen had the foresight, otherwise he would have had a lot of fun if he went in hastily.

"Come in!" the voice sounded again.

Chen Yi then opened the door and walked in. There were three people on the bed and two people in front of the desk and computer in a six-person dormitory.

One girl probably didn't wear any clothes and just chose to wrap herself in a quilt.

Seeing the two handsome young men coming in, the five girls were stunned for a moment, then their eyes lit up.

"Sorry to bother you, City Bureau Criminal Police." Chen Yi smiled and took the lead in identifying himself.


The girls were very surprised. It was rare for the detective to see them.

After the accident, they also realized something was wrong. After all, Wu Qianqian had not been back for almost a month.

Could it be... something happened?

"Hello, policeman." A girl in front of the computer said with a smile.

Chen Yi: "Hello, who asked for leave from Wu Qianqian at the beginning of the month?"

"That's me." The girl just now continued, "Uncle policeman, please sit down, you're welcome."

At this time, another girl reminded: "Don't call me uncle, he is not a few years older than us."

The girl in front of the computer changed her words: ""

Chen Yi put his eyes on her and said, "You can call me whatever you want. Is it convenient for us to chat?"

The girl nodded: "Okay, sit down."

"Thank you." Chen Yi said, and Qin Fei moved two chairs and sat down.

"What time is it when I ask for leave?" Chen Yi asked.

The girl replied: "No. [-]."

Chen Yi: "Did Wu Qianqian tell you personally to ask for leave for her?"

Girl: "Yeah, she sent me a WeChat message saying that something big happened at home and she needed to take a long vacation, so she wouldn't go back to school for the time being."

Chen Yi: "Words?"

Girl: "Yes."

Chen Yi: "In other words, you can't be sure whether the person who sent this WeChat message is Wu Qianqian herself."

These words made the girl's expression change. In line with the other party's identity as a criminal police officer, a chill rose from the soles of her feet and went straight to her forehead.

She stammered: "Police...police brother, you...what do you mean??"

Chen Yi smiled and said: "It's okay, don't be nervous. We police are strict. We are used to it. I'm sorry."

The girl's expression softened: "Oh oh oh..."

Chen Yi continued to ask: "How is Wu Qianqian's situation at school? Has she encountered anything that embarrassed her?"

Hearing this, the girl glanced at the other roommates to confirm each other before replying: "No, I don't remember such a thing."

Chen Yi: "Are there any individual teachers or school staff who showed extraordinary care and concern for her?"

The girl shook her head: "No, we didn't have much communication with the school teachers. We just left after class and we didn't even know their names."

Chen Yi: "What is Wu Qianqian's personality like?"

The girl thought for a while and then said: "She is quite introverted and conservative. She never swears because her upbringing is strict."

Chen Yi: "Did she act abnormal before the holiday?" Girl: "No, it's normal, just like usual."

Chen Yi thought for a moment and continued to ask: "Does she have a boyfriend?"

The girl nodded: "Yes."

"Huh?" This answer surprised Chen Yi, "What's your name? Are you in the same class?"

Girl: "My name is Jiang Yu. He's not in the same class or first grade. He's in his junior year."

Chen Yi: "Did Wu Qianqian tell you what to do during the first month of the month holiday?"

The girl smiled and said, "Of course I'm going out with Jiang Yu. Why don't you think about it? I have a boyfriend."

Chen Yi: "Since Wu Qianqian is relatively introverted and conservative, then the suitor must be Jiang Yu?"

The girl nodded: "Yes, it's Jiang Yu. Qianqian is very beautiful. There are many people pursuing her, including those from outside."

"It's a pity that the smooth-talking Jiang Yu finally won."

Chen Yi: "Flattery? Doesn't this Jiang Yufeng have a bad review?"

The girl said disdainfully: "No, I heard that he had several girlfriends during his freshman and sophomore years, and they all broke up after getting tired of them. Later, he fell in love with Qianqian and pursued her crazily."

"Hey, Qianqian is stupid. That Jiang Yu is not a good guy at first glance, but he knows how to coax girls and is willing to spend money."

After talking about this, the girl on the bed said: "If it were you, you would have to agree to it. Who wouldn't want to have a handsome senior who is good at coaxing people and willing to spend money? Falling in college is not marriage. Just be happy. Who cares? .”

"Go away!!" This sentence ushered in a curse from the other party.

Chen Yi ignored the interlude and asked, "Do you have Jiang Yu's contact information?"

All five girls said no. Adding the contact information of roommates and boyfriends casually can easily lead to misunderstandings, and those who don't know may think they are poaching.

Chen Yi: "Which dormitory building do you know?"

"I know."

After asking about the location of Jiang Yu's dormitory, Chen Yi and Qin Fei left the girls' dormitory and walked to the boys' dormitory not far away.

The two dormitories are very close to each other, only a 2-minute walk.

Yangcheng University is very big. Is this arrangement just to make it easier for students to fall in love?
After entering the dormitory building, the two inquired about each floor, and finally met Wu Qianqian's boyfriend Jiang Yu in a dormitory on the fifth floor.

Jiang Yu had just finished washing and returned to the dormitory wearing big pants and carrying a washbasin, and happened to be face to face with Chen Yi.

"Jiang Yu?" Chen Yi looked at the boy in front of him.

Jiang Yu was a little strange: "It's me, are you?"

Chen Yi smiled: "Hello, City Bureau Criminal Police."


Jiang Yu was startled, and everyone else in the dormitory was also surprised. Those who were still lying on the bed quickly got up.

Why did the criminal police come to the university dormitory?
"Did...something happen?" Jiang Yu stood there holding the washbasin, wondering why the detective was looking for him.

Chen Yi said in a calm tone: "Don't be nervous, I just want to have a casual chat with you. Put down your things and we'll sit down and talk."

Jiang Yu nodded repeatedly: "Okay, okay."

After a few people sat down, Chen Yi said: "Are you Wu Qianqian's boyfriend?"

Jiang Yu: "Yes."

Chen Yi: "Were you with her during the holiday at the beginning of the month?"

Jiang Yu replied: "Together."

Chen Yi: "What are we doing together?"

When Jiang Yu mentioned this, he felt embarrassed and said, "It's just... eating, drinking and having fun."

Chen Yi: "Live outside?"

Jiang Yu hummed.

Chen Yi: "Then what?"

Jiang Yu: "Then we go back to school."

Chen Yi stared at him: "But she is not in school."

Jiang Yu: "Oh, yes, she sent me a WeChat message saying that something big happened at home and she went home. I haven't contacted her during this time."

Chen Yi nodded slightly. Regarding Wu Qianqian's whereabouts in the past month, everyone gave the same reason.

"Jiang Yu, did you have sex with Wu Qianqian?" Chen Yi asked.


Jiang Yu's face froze, and the other roommates started gossiping when they heard this question, waiting for the other party's answer.

"Um..." Jiang Yu smiled, "It's more private, right?"

Seeing this, Chen Yi said: "I heard from Wu Qianqian's roommate that she is relatively conservative and introverted, and her tutoring is very strict. What was her attitude like when you had a relationship?"

Jiang Yu covered his head: "I didn't say I had sex with her."

Chen Yi: "If there had never been a relationship, you would have directly denied it just now instead of changing the subject."

The roommates were suddenly surprised. A criminal policeman is a criminal policeman. It is difficult for them, students who have not yet entered society, to lie.

Jiang Yu was helpless and simply admitted: "Okay, we had sex. We are lovers."

Chen Yi: "Answer my question head-on. I didn't say this was wrong."

Jiang Yu: "Oh...ok, Qianqian is indeed more conservative. This is her first time in love, but we have a good relationship. If love comes naturally, won't we have sex?"

Chen Yi: "Often?"

Jiang Yu: "No, just once for the time being."

Chen Yi: "When?"

Jiang Yu thought about the time and replied: "The second of this month."

number two?

Chen Yi raised his eyebrows. No. [-] and Jiang Yu stayed in a hotel. No. [-] asked for leave and disappeared. When he reappeared, he had been turned into corpses and thrown into the garbage.

"Are you going back to school on the [-]rd?"

Jiang Yu nodded: "Yes."

Chen Yi: "Did you come back together?"

Jiang Yu: "No, we separated after leaving the hotel. She said something happened and I came back by myself."

Chen Yi: "Which hotel?"

Jiang Yu: "Zhi Shang Hotel."

Chen Yi: "What color was she wearing at that time?"

Jiang Yu thought for a moment and said, "Pink dress."

Chen Yi stood up: "Okay, thank you."

Seeing that the other party was about to leave, Jiang Yu quickly asked: "Um...Qianqian, is she okay?"

Chen Yi smiled: "We are just asking questions on a routine basis, don't make your own wild thoughts."

Jiang Yu breathed a sigh of relief: "Oh...that's good."

(End of this chapter)
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