Chapter 129 The Second Personality
"Smashed to death with... a hammer? Same as... like me?"

Hong Yongtian murmured to himself, lost control, and fell on the sofa.

In my mind, two pictures kept intertwining, one was a scene that had happened in the past, and the other was an imaginary picture.

He killed his daughter's pet with a hammer.

The daughter killed someone with a hammer and has now been caught.

The most serious crime of murder is the death penalty!

"My... my fault? I harmed Shanshan? I... I ruined Shanshan?"

Hong Yongtian kept repeating, and he seemed a little dazed. A series of bad news kept hitting his mind, and he didn't know if he could bear it.

In front of her, Hou Juan became even angrier and started to curse again, but Hong Yongtian seemed to hear nothing and just slumped there, staring blankly at the ceiling above.

To be precise, it is the void under dilated pupils.

No one knows what he is thinking now, regret or guilt?It's already too late.

After a long time, Hou Juan seemed to be tired of scolding her. Thinking of her ruined daughter, she burst into tears.

She may also be regretting why she didn't stop Hong Yongtian back then.

Chen Yi and others were silent, sighing secretly in their hearts, no one spoke.

What children need is not control under steel claws, but a relatively free environment under rules. Personal excellence is naturally good, even if it is mediocre, it is nothing. Healthy physical and psychological growth is the most important.

Being too demanding will only be counterproductive.

Also, it is okay to kill rather than torture living things. Hong Yongtian can do it if he can. In fact, there can be a better solution. Even giving it away or selling it is better than killing him.

What's more, he killed him in front of the child, which really didn't consider the child's feelings at all.

Maybe it was because Hong Yongtian grew up in the countryside and saw the deaths of chickens, ducks, geese, dogs and cats that he had no sympathy for animals.

In the end, it left a huge psychological shadow in my daughter's heart.

This psychological shadow is long-lasting. After fermentation, it led to the loss of Hong Shanshan's personality and the birth of a second personality.

"Will my daughter be sentenced to death?" At a certain moment, Hong Yongtian's voice suddenly sounded.

He still fell there, looking at the white ceiling in front of him, with a look of despair on his face.

Chen Yi said: "I don't know, this is a matter for the court."

"Mr. Hong, Ms. Hou, you have asked what you need to ask, and you already know what you need to know. Let's leave first."

From beginning to end, the cup on the coffee table remained untouched. It was like a decoration, placed there lonely and silently to set off this cold home.

Maybe Hong Shanshan felt the warmth of family, but more of it was the "bloodiness" that she shouldn't have to endure.

Many adults, let alone a little girl, can't deal with a killing scene.

The kind of screams and wails that shook the eardrums and penetrated the soul will probably never be forgotten by Hong Shanshan for the rest of her life.

After saying that, Chen Yi stood up.

Hong Yongtian and Hou Juan didn't react at all. They seemed to have lost their souls at this moment and were deaf to everything around them.

Several people left the home.

Downstairs, Chen Yi stopped and lit a cigarette.

I don't know whether it was a coincidence or irony, but not far ahead there happened to be a family of three passing by, including the daughter.

The daughter is holding a rope in her hand, and at the end of the rope is a cute puppy. It sniffs as it walks, and looks back from time to time to see if its little master is still there.

My daughter smiled very happily, and the whole family of three also laughed very happily.

This scene made Zhuo Yun grin: "What's the matter? How can anyone kill in front of his daughter? He's sick!"

"I'm really convinced, there are all kinds of people!"

Chen Yi slowly exhaled a puff of smoke and said, "It's a pity that a girl was ruined like this, and Peng Mo also became a victim."

"Let's go and meet another Hong Shanshan."


City Council.

trial room.

Chen Yi sat in front of Hong Shanshan. She still looked innocent and timid, and with her unusual baby face, she was pitiful.

"I really didn't kill anyone, believe me!"

Before Chen Yi could speak, Hong Shanshan's voice sounded, and she was already crying.

Chen Yi looked at the girl in front of him and sighed slightly: "Have you ever killed someone in your dream?"

"In a dream?"

Hong Shanshan was stunned for a moment, then fell silent.

Chen Yi: "I don't know how much your memories are connected, but you have always had a friend, right?"

These words made Hong Shanshan tremble, but she still didn't speak.

A trace of intolerance flashed in Chen Yi's eyes, and he quickly became firm and spoke slowly: "Shanshan, let me tell you a story."

"Once upon a time, there was a girl who loved small animals and got her wish by raising a kitten."

"She loved the kitten and named it... Fluffy."

The word "Maomao" made Hong Shanshan's whole body tense up and her hands clenched into fists.

Chen Yi: "The girl and Maomao quickly became friends. This is the happiest time in the girl's memory."

"In her eyes, the world is beautiful, carefree, and she has Maomao accompanying her."

"But one day after that, a man hit Maomao on the head with a hammer, and Maomao screamed in agony."

"It wanted to escape, but it couldn't escape the man's clutches."

"It wants to cry for help, but there is nothing you can do. You can only watch Maomao die tragically under the hammer of a man."

"Later, the girl had a second friend named Xiao Hei."

"Xiao Hei is more sensible and obedient than Maomao. You walking in the garden of the community are the last beautiful memories of the girl."

"The man came again. He took the same hammer and hit Xiao Hei's head in the same way."

"Xiao Hei screamed, twitched, his head was broken, and he stopped breathing in front of the girl."

"The girl is powerless. She can't stop the man from swinging the hammer. Sometimes she thinks, if she is a strong person, if she is a powerful person and a courageous person, she can rush Go up and take the hammer from the man’s hand.”

"Later, the girl had another friend, his name was Dong Yubo..."

"do not talk!!"

Hong Shanshan raised her head suddenly and stared at Chen Yi.

The innocence in her eyes completely disappeared at this moment, replaced by a chilling coldness and ruthlessness.

"Is it fun?"

After saying these three words, the corner of Hong Shanshan's mouth raised a curve, with ridicule and heart palpitations.

This scene seemed to lower the temperature of the entire interrogation room.

The police officer in charge of recording was also surprised to see a different girl in front of him. The contrast was so great that it was hard to describe.

There was also a commotion in the observation room, and everyone looked surprised. Is this another Hong Shanshan?
Chen Yi and Hong Shanshan looked at each other for a while, then stood up, took chairs, and sat nearby.

From the beginning to the end, Hong Shanshan's gloomy eyes have been following Chen Yi's figure.

Even the legs are slightly bent, like a cheetah dormant and hunting.

The whole person seems to be on alert and offensive.

If she were not handcuffed, onlookers even suspected that the girl could pounce directly on him and use all available organs in her body to launch a crazy attack on Chen Yi.

Her hands and teeth are all her tools.

Chen Yi was less than half a meter away from Hong Shanshan. He reached out and rummaged through it, pulled out a box of cigarettes, and then lit it silently.

"Is it fun for me to ask you?"

Hong Shanshan's speech was slightly raised, and her hoarse and low voice sounded like a murmur from hell.Chen Yi lit the cigarette, took a deep breath, and said, "Is killing fun?"

Hong Shanshan sneered: "It's quite fun. I feel so comfortable all over my body. If I have the chance, I really want to kill a few more."

Chen Yi: "Do you have a goal?"

Hong Shanshan: "Yes, Hong Yongtian counts as one."

Chen Yi: "He is your father."

Hong Shanshan was surprised: "So what? Can't I kill my father? How interesting."

"Smashing his head, the scene must be wonderful, it makes me excited just thinking about it."

While speaking, she raised her hand to test it a few times, as if she really held a hammer in her hand.

Everyone was silent. It was hard for them to imagine that these words could be said by a girl without any emotion. It seemed that for her, killing someone was as simple and natural as eating and drinking.

Chen Yi shook his head and sighed: "I didn't expect that what happened in your early years could cause such a great irritation to you, leaving your second personality without any emotion at all."

The darker the secondary personality, the more it illustrates the despair and longing of the primary personality.

It's a miracle that Hong Shanshan didn't collapse on the spot and be sent to a mental hospital.

Hong Shanshan grinned, a smile that made people feel scared: "Emotions? What is that?"

Chen Yi was surprised.

Why does this so-called second personality feel so cute and cute? Doesn’t it have the complete emotional cognition of the main personality?
Dual personality is indeed very complicated.

He remained silent for a moment and explained: "It's just like...the relationship between you and Shanshan."

Hong Shanshan said thoughtfully: "Oh... I understand."

Chen Yi: "Do you have a name?"

Hong Shanshan: "Are you an idiot? My name is Hong Shanshan."

Chen Yi was silent for a while and said, "Did you kill Peng Mo?"

Hong Shanshan: "Yes, what's wrong?"

Chen Yi: "Why."

Hong Shanshan smiled and said: "Shanshan is being bullied, I will come out to help her."

Chen Yi: "Tell me the process and explain it in detail."

Hong Shanshan asked, "Why should I tell you?"

Chen Yi: "Because if you don't say anything, Shanshan will be questioned countless times, and maybe you two will quarrel."

Hong Shanshan thought for a while, nodded and said, "Okay."


The night of the incident.

Two in the morning.

Haiyun Apartment.

Hong Shanshan, dressed in black, leaned against the bar, shaking the red wine glass in her hand while looking at the door with the fingerprint lock unlocked.

The door opened and Peng Mo stepped in.

Seeing Hong Shanshan, he frowned: "Why did you arrive first and how did you get in? Only Abo and I know the password, and he also told you?"

Hong Shanshan raised her hand and took a sip of red wine, then chuckled and said, "Of course you enter the password. Only you are allowed to know the password, but our Shanshan is not allowed to know it?"

"Your Shanshan?" Peng Mo was stunned for a moment, his brows furrowed deeper, "Are you sick?"

Hong Shanshan shrugged, turned around and said, "Sit down, let's talk."

Peng Mo snorted coldly, came to the living room and sat down: "What's the point of inviting me over? If you want to persuade me to leave, don't think so."

"Apo doesn't belong to you, he belongs to me."

Hong Shanshan walked over and put one hand on his shoulder: "I can't say for sure."

Peng Mo glanced at the hand on his shoulder and threw it away in disgust: "Don't touch me. You women know how boring it is to stalk men."

Hong Shanshan didn't take it seriously: "Aren't you the same?"

Peng Mo: "I'm not. Apo and I really love each other."

Hong Shanshan: "Really love each other? I heard from Shanshan that only men and women can truly love each other. You guys are abnormal."

These words made Peng Mo turn into a cat whose tail was stepped on, and he said excitedly: "Nonsense! You... what did you say? Listen to Shanshan? You are schizophrenic!"

Hong Shanshan smiled and handed over the wine glass in her hand: "Drink something?"

Peng Mo leaned back with a look of disgust on his face: "You've already drank it, it's disgusting!"

Hong Shanshan smiled even happier, raised her head, drank the wine in the glass, and turned around to the bar.

"Why are you bullying Shanshan?"

Peng Mo: "Don't pretend to be cute and bully Shanshan. It's really disgusting."

"I just want to tell you that Apo is not yours, but mine."

"Do you think he's yours once he's been with you? That's just your wishful thinking."

"I also heard Apo say that you are a control freak? Huh, it's really disgusting. You opened the door to disgusting. It's so disgusting!"

"You think he is under your control, but actually he has always been under my control. I can take him away whenever I want!"

"Now that I've gone back on my word, I want to take him away from you. Don't waste your efforts. Just disappear."

At the bar, listening to Peng Mo's words, the smile on Hong Shanshan's face slowly faded, and as her eyes narrowed, murderous intent burst out.

"What did you say?"

Peng Mo didn't turn around and said, "Are you deaf?"

Hong Shanshan walked over, holding a hammer in her hand.

"You can take it away whenever you want?"

"I see, but what if... I am stronger than you? I can stop you, just like back then, I really wish I could stop that man and swing the hammer in his hand."

Peng Mo turned around subconsciously: "What did you say..."

What greeted him was Hong Shanshan's hammer.

Peng Mo was hit hard and his body slammed onto the coffee table.


Hong Shanshan stepped forward and smashed it a second time.

Then the third, fourth...

"Can you still take them away now? Take one and let me see, haha."

Hong Shanshan took off happily. After hitting it five times, she felt comfortable all over.

Looking at the body lying on the coffee table, she raised her hand to smooth her hanging hair.

"Since you and Dong Yubo have such a good relationship, then sleep together every day. I believe he will also be very happy."


In the interrogation room, when Hong Shanshan's voice fell, Chen Yi looked at her beaming expression and looked strange.

What happened before my eyes and the stories I heard were truly fantastical.

Sure enough, the world is full of wonders, and this case is not difficult to investigate. However, the process exceeded everyone's imagination and was extremely bizarre.

"Where did you buy the hammer?"

Hong Shanshan: "Store."

Chen Yi: "Address."

(End of this chapter)

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