Chapter 128 Hong Shanshan’s Experience
Chen Yi sat in front of Dong Yubo again.

Qin Fei also poured another cup of tea for Dong Yubo, looking at him with deep meaning in his eyes.

Chen Yi pressed the lighter and lit the cigarette in his mouth.

Dong Yubo felt something was wrong in the atmosphere, looked at Zhuo Yun Qin Fei nearby, and finally focused on Chen Yi, who had just lit a cigarette.

The two looked at each other.

Chen Yi's calm gaze made him inexplicably nervous.

"I..." Dong Yubo couldn't bear it and was about to speak.

Chen Yi waved his hand to interrupt: "Mr. Dong, actually I only have one question. It's very simple. You can leave after you answer it."

"After that, you will have nothing to do with this case and you can start your new life."

"Hong Shanshan, why on earth did you want to kill Peng Mo."

Dong Yubo frowned. He couldn't remember how many times this was the other party's question. He felt a little annoyed: "Didn't I say it? I don't know why she wanted to kill Peng Mo!"

"Didn't you arrest Hong Shanshan? Ask her!"

"If you don't ask the murderer about this kind of thing, why would you ask me, an outsider?"

Chen Yi was not angry and said slowly: "Mr. Dong, we just went to search Peng Mo's house. Guess what we found."

Hearing this, Dong Yubo's expression changed, and he subconsciously turned to look at the other people in the room.

As a result, he could see a hint of weirdness in everyone's eyes, and he didn't know if it was his own illusion or psychological suggestion.

"Fa...what did you find?" Dong Yubo was a little flustered.

Chen Yi: "I respect your privacy, don't you appreciate it? Then I'll tell you, Peng Mo..."

"and many more!"

Dong Yubo shouted loudly, interrupting Chen Yi.

"Can we...can we talk alone?"

Chen Yi did not refuse, nodded and said: "Okay, you go out first."

"Yes, Team Chen."

The few people did not hesitate and immediately left the interrogation room.

When only he and Chen Yi were left in the room, Dong Yubo looked up and down, left and right, and then searched on the table.

Seeing Dong Yubo's actions, Chen Yi said: "There is no video or recording, so don't worry."

"Is this embarrassing for you?"

Hearing this, Dong Yubo breathed a sigh of relief and immediately said: "Of course! Can you not be embarrassed?!"

Chen Yi: "It's understandable. Let's talk about business."

Popular stereotypes generally show discrimination, rejection and even fear towards people with sexual orientation issues, especially in China, where there is a lack of respect.

There are still very few people who have the courage to face it calmly.

"Do you like both men and women?"

Dong Yubo was agitated by these words. He quickly looked back at the door and found that the door was tightly closed before he spoke: "So... it's true, it's not true..."

Chen Yi nodded: "I understand. I also have a certain curiosity and attraction towards the opposite sex, plus my inner sense of morality, so I chose to be with Hong Shanshan."

"Taking a step back, if the public can completely accept the existence of this kind of relationship, then you will definitely choose to be with Pomeran."

"Is it like this?"

Hearing this, Dong Yubo glanced at Chen Yi in surprise and said, "You expressed it very accurately. Yes, this is what I want to say."

Chen Yi took a puff of cigarette and said: "In other words, you were with Peng Mo before, but later broke up and fell in love with Hong Shanshan."

Dong Yubo nodded: "Yes."

Chen Yi: "Does Hong Shanshan know about this?"

Dong Yubo: "I definitely didn't know it before, but what happened recently makes me feel...she seems to know it, but I don't know how she knew it."

Chen Yi: "When I showed you the surveillance screenshot last night, did you recognize Hong Shanshan?"

Mentioning this matter, Dong Yubo waved his hands quickly: "No, no, really not. I didn't lie. I didn't recognize it. I just suspected it."

Chen Yi: "There must always be a reason for suspicion. Why?"

Dong Yubo was slightly silent and said: "Because Peng Mo asked me to break up with Hong Shanshan some time ago and continue to be with him, but I refused."

"It won't work if we continue like this. We all have parents. If our relatives and friends find out about this, things will be very serious. How can we meet people?"

"Anyway, I don't have the courage to come out. Besides, I don't hate women, so I can accept living together."

Chen Yi: "That Peng Mo is very pitiful. He has no retreat, but you have many choices."

Dong Yubo lowered his head slightly and whispered: "There's nothing I can do about it, it's not my fault."

"It's enough that we can all be together happily. There's no need to ask for a result. Life is still very long. I also have to consider my parents' ability to bear it. What should I do if they get mad at me?"

Chen Yi was noncommittal: "Go ahead."

This kind of thing involves emotions, and there is really no right or wrong, and outsiders are not qualified to comment.

Dong Yubo: "After I rejected Peng Mo, he was very disappointed and angry. He said that if I didn't stay with him, he would mess with Hong Shanshan and me. Anyway... I didn't care about some angry words."

Chen Yi: "Did you and Hong Shanshan break up because of Hong Shanshan's character or because of Peng Mo?"

"to be frank."

Dong Yubo was helpless: "It's really because of Hong Shanshan's character that I didn't get together with Peng Mo after Hong Shanshan and I broke up."

"I thought Peng Mo really went to find Hong Shanshan, and then Hong Shanshan killed Peng Mo in a fit of rage, so...that's why I have suspicions, but I'm not sure."

"That figure looks like Hong Shanshan, but there are many more like Hong Shanshan. I can't talk nonsense."

Chen Yi: "So, you don't know what happened between Peng Mo and Hong Shanshan."

Dong Yubo nodded: "Yes, I really don't know. I don't even know that they have any contact in private."

Chen Yi fell silent and could tell that Dong Yubo should have told the truth. There was no need to hide these things. What he wanted to hide was just his sexual orientation.

It seems that I have to ask Hong Shanshan.

Only Hong Shanshan knows what Peng Mo did or said to Hong Shanshan.

Can this incident force out another personality of Hong Shanshan?

I'm afraid it's a bit difficult. We can only rely on speculation, and the accuracy will not be very high.

Unless we know what Hong Shanshan experienced in her early years that led to the formation of her possessive personality, passive-aggressive personality disorder, and dual personality.

"I... can I go?"

Seeing that Chen Yi didn't speak for a long time, Dong Yubo spoke tentatively.

Chen Yi came to his senses and said, "Okay, Mr. Dong can leave."

Dong Yubo breathed a sigh of relief and quickly stood up from his chair.

"That...this thing?"

Chen Yi knew what the other party wanted to say: "If it is related to the motive of committing the crime, I am afraid it cannot be ignored in the trial."

"However, this case involves personal privacy, so it should be heard in closed court."

"Unless there are special circumstances in closed trials, family members are not allowed to observe, so you don't have to worry too much."

"As for our internal affairs, we will naturally keep them secret for you."

Dong Yubo was relieved: "Thank you, thank you..."

He left, but Chen Yi did not leave. He was still sitting in the interrogation room.

The entire case has actually come to an end, and all that remains is the confession of suspect Hong Shanshan.

It is not impossible to submit a zero confession, but the flaws are obvious and the chain of evidence has not been closed. The possibility of the suspect retracting his confession in court cannot be ruled out.

So what we need to do now is to explore Hong Shanshan’s early experiences. This is the key to breaking the deadlock.

Forcibly forcing another personality out may sound a bit cruel and impersonal, but when it comes to major murders, it must be done.

After Dong Yubo left for a while, the door opened and Zhuo Yun and others walked in.

"Chen Yi, how are you?"

Chen Yi nodded: "I have said everything that needs to be said. The clues do point to love murder. Peng Mo should have done or said something to Hong Shanshan."

"It's a pity that he underestimated Hong Shanshan. Although she seemed to be an inoffensive girl on the surface, there was another side hidden in her heart that could tear him into pieces."

"The facts prove that this is indeed the case. Hong Shanshan ended Peng Mo's life in the most direct and violent way."

After the words fell and the atmosphere was quiet for a while, Qin Fei whispered: "So... don't mess with others casually, because you never know whether you are messing with normal people or..."

Zhuo Yun nodded, his words still made sense.

A person's life is long or short, and sometimes it will pass if you endure it, at least don't go too far.

Chen Yi: "Go back and rest today. Tomorrow we will meet Hong Shanshan's parents."

"Hong Shanshan's character has such serious problems. I think it's impossible for her parents not to know the inside story. Let's ask first."


The next morning, the case handling hall of the Municipal Bureau.

Jiang Xiaoxin retrieved Hong Shanshan's parents' information and checked every detail.

The question that everyone is most concerned about has been answered. Hong Shanshan is her biological child, and she is also an only child.

In order to rule out whether it was an early adoption, Jiang Xiaoxin also contacted the hospital and obtained the prenatal checkup and birth records of Hong Shanshan's mother.

It's certain that he is his biological child.

If this is the case, it seems that the childhood abuse that everyone speculated cannot be established.

This result made Zhuo Yun puzzled: "With a healthy family and a biological child, how could a personality disorder appear?"

Chen Yi frowned slightly: "It's indeed a bit strange."

"Possessiveness can be explained. It is caused by over-indulging or being greatly stimulated. It's not surprising for an only child to be doting on her."

"But personality disorders and dual personalities are harder to explain."

Zhuo Yun: "Is it possible that you received any stimulation in school or society? For example..."

He didn't say it out loud, but everyone understood.

If that's the case, it would be a bit cruel to force out Hong Shanshan's second personality by exposing her scars.

There's nothing you can do about it, you have to go to court if you encounter a case like this.

Why do criminal police officers need regular psychological counseling?This is the reason. There are many tragic cases that are difficult for outsiders to imagine, and even experienced elderly people find it difficult to accept them in a short period of time.

There have been certain public cases over the past few decades. After watching the case for the first time, the public would not dare to watch it a second time and would easily become depressed.

If this is the case for observers, what about the investigators who have experienced it personally?

Chen Yi: "Let's talk about it after meeting Hong Shanshan's parents."

...The next afternoon.

Hong Shanshan's father is Hong Yongtian and her mother is Hou Juan. One is a contractor at a construction site and the other is a nurse in a hospital. They are both natives of Yangcheng. Their hometown comes from villages in the surrounding towns of Yangcheng.

When I contacted them, both of them were very busy and said they were unavailable. It was not until Hong Shanshan's name was mentioned that they quickly agreed in surprise.

The meeting place was at Hong Yongtian's home.

It is worth mentioning that although Hong Shanshan is not married yet, she has moved out and chose to rent a house by herself.

Whether it is the place where I rent an apartment or the milk tea shop where I work, it is far away from my parents. It takes two hours to drive.

It takes another two hours to drive to Yangcheng. Basically, one is in the east and the other is in the west.

When Chen Yi brought Zhuo Yun and others to Hong Yongtian's house, the other party had already made tea and was waiting out of politeness.

An ordinary house with three bedrooms and two living rooms has an area of ​​about 130 square meters. It is located in a relatively remote location and is an old commercial house.

In the living room, several people were seated.

Hong Yongtian and his wife were very anxious and couldn't wait to ask Chen Yi before he could speak.

"Officer, what happened to my daughter?"

"Yes, tell me what happened to Shanshan!"

The criminal police came to the door because of Hong Shanshan's matter, and they couldn't tolerate their random thoughts.

If the detective is involved, it must be a criminal case. Either the victim or the suspect is not a good thing.

Chen Yi spoke: "Mr. Hong, Ms. Hou, hello, I am a criminal police officer from the Criminal Investigation Detachment of the Municipal Bureau. My name is Chen Yi."

"I came here for two things today."

"First, I regret to tell you that Hong Shanshan has been arrested by us on suspicion of a major criminal crime."

After hearing this, the two people's expressions changed drastically, and they stood up suddenly in unison.

"What did you say? A major criminal offense? Impossible! Absolutely impossible!"

Hou Juan was also shocked and said angrily: "Did you make a mistake! Shanshan is so good, how could she commit a crime! She must have made a mistake!"

Chen Yi glanced at the two of them and said, "I understand your excitement, but I can tell you responsibly that there is absolutely no mistake."

"She killed someone, and she did it in a very cruel way."

Immediate family members have the right to know and do not have to hide it.


The second bombshell hit Hou Juan so hard that she became unsteady on her feet and fell onto the sofa crookedly.

I didn't faint, I just heard the unbearable news, which caused me to have an emotional breakdown.

Hong Yongtian's reaction was slightly better, but his face was still pale and his hands were shaking.

There was still deep suspicion in his eyes.

After a while, he sat back in a daze and muttered to himself: "Impossible, absolutely impossible, there must be a mistake."

Chen Yi said no more.

This news is really difficult for parents to accept and it takes time.

To a certain extent, the murder of a child is not much different from being killed. It can be said that the whole life is completely ruined.

I don't know how long it took, but there was a sound of crying, coming from Hou Juan.

Although she didn't believe it, the police came to the door, so she couldn't help but not believe it.

Hong Yongtian's face became more and more ugly as time went by. At a certain moment, he suddenly turned to look at Chen Yi and said coldly: "Who did my daughter kill?!"

Chen Yi: "Her friend."

"To be precise, he is a friend of his ex-boyfriend."

Hong Yongtian: "She has a boyfriend?"

Chen Yi looked at the other party and said: "Mr. Hong, it seems that you don't communicate much with Hong Shanshan. You don't even know you have a boyfriend."

Hong Yongtian clenched his fists and gritted his teeth: "Why did she want to kill someone?"

Chen Yi: "This is the second thing I came here for today."

"Yeah, why did she kill someone?"

Hong Yongtian was stunned for a moment: "Who are you asking? Ask me??"

Chen Yi: "Hong Shanshan is an only child. I think you should know her very well. Can you tell me what she has experienced?"

Hearing this, Hou Juan wiped away her tears and looked over.

Hong Yongtian said in a deep voice: "Officer, I don't understand what you mean!"

Chen Yi: "Okay, I'll make it clearer."

"Hong Shanshan's character and even personality are problematic. To be precise, they are defects and obstacles, which are acquired."

"We suspect that during her childhood or teenage years, she may have experienced tremendous stimulation that was unacceptable to her."

"You two, do you know about this?"

Hong Yongtian stayed there.

Beside her, Hou Juan seemed to understand Chen Yi's words. After frowning and trying to remember, she suddenly remembered something and grabbed Hong Yongtian's clothes.

"Hong Yongtian! It's you! It's you who did it!!"

Hou Juan's voice became sharp, filled with anger and hysteria.

Hong Yongtian said angrily: "What does this have to do with me?!"

Hou Juan stood up again, lost control of her emotions and slapped Hong Yongtian on the face, making him feel a little confused.

Seeing this, Zhuo Yun and others looked at Chen Yi and kept quiet when they saw that the other party didn't say anything.

Compared with the current murder case, the fight between husband and wife seemed quite insignificant, and Chen Yi was too lazy to care about it.

Moreover, he also wanted to hear what the two were arguing about.

It seems that Hou Juan's sudden anger came from Hong Yongtian, so did Hong Yongtian do something to Hong Shanshan?
"You... why are you hitting me!" Hong Yongtian reacted and wanted to fight back, but he might have been worried about the presence of the police, so he held it back.

Hou Juan scolded: "You are the one I beat! Look what Shanshan has become now, killing people! You are the one who forced me to do this!"

"Ever since she was little, you have been pushing her! Pushing her to be better than everyone else!"

"Isn't it because I didn't give you a son? You have to prove that a daughter is much better than a son! So that you can hold your head high in front of your relatives!"

Not to be outdone, Hong Yongtian stood up and said: "I do it for her own good! Is it wrong that I want her to become better? What father doesn't want his child to become better?"

Hou Juan: "Then you can't kill Maomao! That's her best friend! And..."


Hearing this, Chen Yi's eyes narrowed: "Wait a minute! Kill Maomao? Who is Maomao??"

Could this be another murder case? !

Hou Juan stared at Hong Yongtian in front of her and said coldly: "Maomao is a cat raised by Shanshan. This child has loved small animals since she was a child, but she was beaten to death by her cruel father!"

"And in front of Shanshan!"

Hearing this, everyone's expressions changed slightly, including Chen Yi, and they all turned to look at Hong Yongtian.

In front of the child, you smashed the cat that lived with the child day and night to death?
They seemed to understand a little bit where Hong Shanshan's twisted personality came from.

Hou Juan continued: "Not only Maomao, but also Xiaohei!"

"Xiao Hei is a dog. Shanshan worked hard to become excellent, and finally got the consent of her father to bring back a dog from her hometown."

"What's the result? Because Shanshan got closer to a boy in her class, her grades dropped a bit. The father and daughter had a fight and were beaten to death again!"

"You dare to say you didn't do this?!"

Hong Yongtian was speechless: "I..."

Hou Juan kept talking: "Since then, Shanshan has become taciturn, less timid, and her personality has changed. She is submissive to everyone, especially to her father!"

"Even if I let her get another kitten later, I've never seen her happy again!"

"You want an obedient daughter, right? You succeeded! What's the result? Huh?!"

Chen Yi frowned.

This kind of "bloody" education method that kills chickens to scare monkeys is really rare. No wonder Hong Shanshan has passive-aggressive personality disorder, which should be extended from her childhood experiences.

As long as you cater to others, or to be precise, cater to your own father, you can get what you want and satisfy all your wishes.

In this case, nothing will be lost.

She thought Maomao and Xiao Hei belonged to her, but eventually discovered that the control was in her father's hands, and he could deprive them of their lives at will.

right in front of my eyes.

To paraphrase this murder case...

One inference can be made: She thought Dong Yubo was hers, but later found out that he was not. He was Peng Mo's, so Peng Mo died.

In her eyes, Peng Mo is no different from her father. They are both demons who rob her of her beloved things.

She may have killed Peng Mo, but she also killed the "father" in her heart.

Everything is clear.

Hong Shanshan later became well-behaved and sensible, catering to her father and everyone she met.

On the surface, it seems calm and developing in a good direction, but inside, a second personality begins to grow. This is an alternative product brought about by a strong desire for self-defense.

Hong Yongtian turned pale after being told by his wife. He wanted to refute but didn't know how to say it.

"I...she...that was all in the past! Did I ask her to kill someone?!"

At this moment, Chen Yi, who had been watching, said, "Mr. Hong, have you always lived in the city?"

Hong Yongtian turned his head: "No, we lived in the countryside when Shanshan was young. After the living conditions improved, I bought a house in Yangcheng with my family."

"Police officer, am I wrong in your judgment?"

"When I was little, I didn't even have enough to eat. After a lot of hard work, I have the life I have now. I just want Shanshan to be better than us!"

Chen Yi answered simply: "There is a mistake, and the mistake is very serious."

"To be precise, you ruined Hong Shanshan."

Hong Yongtian's body was shocked: "You...what did you say?"

Chen Yi: "Did you kill Maomao and Xiaohei with a hammer?"

Hong Yongtian said subconsciously: "Yes."

Chen Yi: "Hong Shanshan also killed someone with a hammer and smashed the victim's head mercilessly."

These words made Hong Yongtian feel as if he had been struck by lightning, and his eyes were a little dizzy.

(End of this chapter)

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