Chapter 130 Jiang Fanlei’s Project
While the interrogation was going on, Hong Yongtian and Hou Juan arrived.

Even if they couldn't accept such a big thing happening to their daughter, they wouldn't be able to sit still at home. They would definitely come to the city bureau to have a look.

This is their only daughter, their only child.

At this time, the door of the interrogation room opened, and Chen Yi walked out first, followed by Hong Shanshan, who was handcuffed and walking slowly with her head lowered.


When Hong Yongtian and his wife saw it, they felt extremely distressed and couldn't help but wanted to rush forward, but were immediately stopped by nearby police officers.

"Sorry, we can't have any contact with the suspect!"

"Sorry, please step back!"

Hong Shanshan stopped and raised her head. The coldness in her eyes disappeared and she regained her confusion.

After seeing his parents, confusion was immediately replaced by panic.

"Shanshan!" Hong Yongtian shouted, with a look of pain on his face.

Hong Shanshan pursed her lips, a complex look appeared in her eyes, and then she sighed deeply.

"I'm sorry, Dad, Mom."

She only said one sentence, then turned and left.

"Shanshan! Dad is sorry for you!"

Looking at Hong Shanshan's leaving figure, Hong Yongtian burst into tears and half sat on the ground.

Hearing these words, Hong Shanshan's body trembled, but she did not look back.

Everyone looked at this scene and shook their heads.

Hong Shanshan was actually a poor person, but Peng Mo was also innocent and should not have died in her hands.

The roots lie in Hong Yongtian. It can only be said that he chose the wrong education method. He will live with regret and self-blame for the rest of his life.

This indirectly destroyed two families.

Hong Shanshan was taken to the detention room and will be taken to the detention center in the next two days.

Hong Yongtian and his wife were in extremely poor condition and were temporarily placed in the lounge, under the supervision of experienced criminal policemen.

In the case handling hall, Chen Yi poured himself a glass of water, raised his head and drank it in one gulp.

The case was declared over, but everyone felt heavy, probably because neither the victim nor the suspect had committed a heinous crime.

An innocent person was killed and a person's character was damaged, which is sad.

"Hong Shanshan secretly memorized the password of Dong Yubo's home. It seems that she is possessive."

A voice sounded, and it was Zhuo Yun who spoke.

"Do you think she really loves Dong Yubo, or does she regard Dong Yubo as her pet?"

Everyone looked over and realized that this matter was really worth deliberation and discussion. I'm afraid Hong Shanshan herself didn't know the answer.

Logically speaking, it should be love between men and women, but Hong Shanshan has a personality disorder, and the deaths of Maomao and Xiao Hei will always linger in her memory. Now that she has a boyfriend like Dong Yubo, maybe subconsciously, she will treat him as a half-hearted person. Pet treats.

When Peng Mo wanted to take away his pet, Hong Shanshan's dark personality was aroused.

This time, Hong Shanshan did not fear Peng Mo as she feared her father. Instead, she used the same method as her father and brutally ended Peng Mo's life.

Even Dong Yubo didn't let him go, and he almost went crazy with fear.

This should be a way to vent, let out the repression of the past.

"Probably...all of them." Jiang Xiaoxin said.

Zhuo Yun nodded slightly: "Maybe."

"It's said that memories are interconnected, but they are not completely interconnected. It's like the two of them were chatting in a dream..."

"Another person said, I will help you kill him. Hong Shanshan said: Yes."

"Then Peng Mo died."

Listening to the chat of several people, Chen Yi did not participate in it. He just sat there drinking water. Sometimes it is useless to think too much. What happened happened, Hong Shanshan's heart, perhaps only a senior psychological expert can try. walk into.

On the same day, Qin Fei handed the compiled brief file to Chen Yi.

This is the first case he has participated in when he first came to the Municipal Bureau's Criminal Investigation Detachment. He has gained a lot. He still needs more time to digest the experience in the process and truly turn it into his own.

In the office, Chen Yi was reporting to Zhang Jingang, saying that the case was closed.

"It's really rare to have dual personalities." Zhang Jingang put down the document in his hand and looked at Chen Yi, "You did a good job. It seems that you adapted to the status of deputy captain very quickly."

Chen Yi smiled and said: "What is there to adapt to? It's the same as before, how to investigate the case or how. Everyone works together, the difference is not really big."

Zhang Jingang: "You can't feel the pressure?"

Ordinary police officers and captains must face different pressures. The former only need to face the pressure from the captain and do not have to face the pressure of case investigation.

But the captain is different. If the case cannot be solved, all accountability will be focused on himself.

Chen Yi said: "Of course there is pressure, even before I became the captain. The responsibility belongs to everyone, not the captain alone."

"The desire to solve crimes comes from the duties of the criminal police, not from pressure."

"Huh?" These words made Zhang Jingang sound extremely comfortable and satisfied, and he joked: "Why does it sound like an interview? Now I know why the examiner gave you such a high score during your interview last year, and even took the responsibility for it. Under the pressure of censorship, it’s not just because of me.”

"I know you are telling the truth, but not all police officers have this awareness."

"I really saw you right."

Chen Yi smiled and said: "Thank you, Director Zhang, for the compliment."

Zhang Jingang said yes: "Okay, you go and do your work."

"Oh, by the way, how is the performance of the new one named Qin Fei?"

Chen Yigang was about to stand up. He hesitated for a moment and said honestly: "It's quite satisfactory. There's nothing surprising about it for the time being."

"But this kid is a growth type, with strong learning ability and strong execution ability. He is still very optimistic about his future development."

Zhang Jingang nodded slightly: "Okay, I understand. If he is really a good candidate, then you should try your best to cultivate him and add new blood to our Municipal Bureau's Criminal Investigation Detachment."

Chen Yi: "Yes, Zhang Ju, I can do it."


Before getting off work, Chen Yi received a call from Jiang Fanlei, who said he would treat him to dinner tonight.

"Okay, where to eat?"

He didn't ask why. We were so close and we were buddies. It was normal to have dinner together occasionally, no reason was needed.

Chatting and bragging over meals is the only reason.

Jiang Fanlei: "Let's have a banquet at Zunfang."

Chen Yi: "Yanzunfang? Why go to such a high-end place for a casual meal?"

Jiang Fanlei smiled and said: "I recently studied a project, can you help me with my advice?"

Chen Yi: "Project? What project? What good projects can you, an evil car dealer, have?"

Jiang Fanlei: "What are you talking about? What do you mean by an evil car dealer? I didn't buy your car for you, right?"

Chen Yi: "Last time I was arrested and crashed. Please buy me another one."

Jiang Fanlei: "Are you asking for bribes outright?"

Chen Yi: "It's okay, I'm not afraid."

Jiang Fanlei: "Go away, there is really a project, and it's very elegant. You must be interested. Do you want to invest in it?"

Chen Yi: "Brother, I am a criminal police officer."

Jiang Fanlei: "What's wrong with the detective? You can't even buy shares?"

Chen Yi coughed slightly: "Listen to me and read it to you. It is strictly prohibited to run a business in the name of an individual or in the name of another person, or to engage in profit-making business activities in the form of stock ownership, intermediary, employment, etc."

"Is it clear?"

Jiang Fanlei was silent for a while and said: "Damn! This is so stupid! You are the policeman, I am really convinced!"

Chen Yi: "What's the matter? Lack of money?"

Jiang Fanlei: "Okay, okay, let's talk about it when we meet."

Chen Yi: "Okay, can you bring your family members?"

Jiang Fanlei: "..."

After hanging up the phone, Chen Yi got up and went to the forensic room.

"Shuyu, pack your things and take you to a restaurant." Chen Yi said with a smile.

When he heard about eating, Fang Shuyu, who was already tired, immediately became energetic and asked curiously: "Where to eat?"

Chen Yi: "Yanzunfang."

Fang Shuyu thought it sounded familiar. After thinking for a while, he was surprised and said, "That place is very expensive. Why go there if you have nothing to do?"

Chen Yili was amused: "The bureau formed by Jiang Fanlei, there are only three of us, and he said he has a project that he wants to discuss with me."

"Originally, I guessed that this kid wanted to drag me along to show his sincerity and chose Yanzunfang to prepare the blueprint. Unfortunately, we have regulations. He was a little dumbfounded and couldn't take back what he said."

"Eat more tonight and don't be afraid of getting fat. I will like you even if you are fat."

Fang Shuyu rolled his eyes and said rather cutely: "What do you mean, you say it as if I am very good at eating."

Chen Yi: "You..."

He wanted to say that you are really good at eating, but he changed his mind temporarily: "You have a good appetite. If you have a good appetite, your health will be good. How many people can't envy you."

Fang Shuyu was helpless: "Okay, don't be poor. I'll pack my things and change my clothes. You go out and wait for me for a while."

Chen Yi: "Okay."

As soon as he left the door of the forensic room, a figure rushed towards him, which made Chen Yi, who was conditioned to react, almost grab him and throw him over his shoulder.

Looking at Zhuo Yun hugging him, Chen Yi was speechless: "Brother Yun, are you okay?"

Zhuo Yun chuckled: "Captain Chen, where are you going to eat with Beauty Fang again? Can you take me with you?"

Chen Yi: "Didn't we just finish the invitation last time?"

Zhuo Yun: "One time is not enough. Come a few more times, I miss the seafood buffet."

Chen Yi broke away and said he was helpless: "Today is a game for friends, you can go."

Hearing this, Zhuo Yun waved his hand: "Forget it."

Don't force yourself to integrate into other people's circles. Zhuo Yun still has this emotional intelligence.

Chen Yi smiled and said: "I'll treat you on Sunday night."

Zhuo Yun's eyes lit up: "Thank you Chen Tuhao for the seafood feast!! I wish you and the forensic doctor a wonderful and ecstatic night."

The detectives who have a good relationship are all life-long friends, and they can be trusted when performing tasks. Chen Yihao is inhumane. This little money is nothing at all, it will only increase the feelings.

At the end of the day, Chen Yi and Fang Shuyu left the city bureau.


The door of the banquet room and private room opened, and Chen Yi and Fang Shuyu walked in.

What Chen Yi didn't expect was that Jiang Fanlei not only finished ordering the dishes, but also had them all served, and was eating by himself while sipping red wine.

"Jiang Fanlei, you can eat your treat first. This is the first time I've seen this in my whole life. You're really good at it!"

Chen Yi was unable to vomit, so he pulled out a chair for Fang Shuyu and sat next to him.

Jiang Fanlei quickly swallowed the food in his mouth and smiled: "I'm so sorry, I'm hungry, I'm hungry, don't worry about the details."

"Come, come, eat, eat, eat."

"Forensic doctor, I just ordered a few dishes. If you need anything else, just order it." Before Fang Shuyu could respond, Chen Yi had already taken out his mobile phone to scan the QR code and handed over the electronic menu.

"Shu Yu, be more expensive!"

Fang Shuyu had long been accustomed to the rare brotherly friendship between the two. He took the phone with a smile and looked through it carefully.

Chen Yi turned the red wine to himself and poured a glass, and said, "Tell me, what's going on with the project on the phone?"

"Oh, I understand. You want to be not only a car dealer in Yangcheng, but also a car dealer in the whole country, right?"

Jiang Fanlei shook the red wine glass in his hand and said with a smile: "How can it be? Didn't I tell you that it should be high-end and classy?"

"There is an island in the middle of the lake in the south. I captured it."

Chen Yi was surprised: "What are you doing with that thing?"

There is indeed an inland lake to the south of Yangcheng. It is not large in area and the surrounding environment is average, so it has not been developed.

The island in the middle of the lake that Jiang Fanlei mentioned does exist. The impression given to everyone by that place is that it is a broken tower. It is not very old and has no archaeological or cultural relic value. It can be demolished at any time.

It seems that someone had developed it before, but the effect was average, and no one paid attention to it after a long time.

Jiang Fanlei: "Convert it into a hotel resort."

Hearing this, Chen Yi was startled: "Damn it! You've made a fortune recently? Are you in a panic?"

Hotels are not cheap.

Jiang Fanlei shook his finger at him: "Don't you understand this? The island in the center of the lake, the island in the center of the lake, what's the point? It's a lake, not an island."

"Those people in the past always focused on the island and ignored the surrounding lake."

"Give me two years, I can definitely transform it into a hotel with the best scenery in Yangcheng, integrating leisure and entertainment. Do you think it is reliable?"

Chen Yi took a sip of red wine and said noncommittally: "Maybe, it sounds good. I will answer this question in two years."

"After working on it for a long time, is this what you call a project?"

Jiang Fanlei nodded: "Yes, I am planning to transform into tourism development. Yangcheng has been in a period of rapid development in the past few years, and the tourism industry framework will be established very quickly. It will be too late to do it after everything is settled."

Chen Yi was not interested: "Okay, come on, I'm just a little policeman and can't give you any advice. Just give me a lifetime free card."

Jiang Fanlei slapped his chest: "With our relationship, I will book a presidential suite for you!"

Chen Yi: "You can stop me. The report letter will be placed on the leader's desk the next day."

At this time, Fang Shuyu finished ordering and returned the phone to Chen Yi. He looked at Jiang Fanlei and said with a smile: "I know that place. Although it is inconspicuous now, it will definitely become a landmark area in Yangcheng in many years."

"As for the's pretty good."

Jiang Fanlei smiled: "Look, look, other medical doctors know more than you."

"You, everyone became stupid after becoming a police officer."

Fang Shuyu suppressed laughter and glanced at Chen Yi. If the other person was stupid, then there would probably be no smart people in the entire criminal investigation detachment.

It can only be said that the occupations are different, and the focus is naturally different. She also heard from her father about the matters on the island in the center of the lake. Yangcheng will definitely continue to develop southward in the future.

There is no way around such a good place.

Jiang Fanlei was able to capture the island in the middle of the lake in advance. He had a very good business vision and saw far ahead.

Even if you don’t make money now, you won’t suffer a loss if you rent it out in the future.

Chen Yi was a little depressed and said, "I'll ask my dad to buy it tomorrow."

Jiang Fanlei chuckled and said, "I've already got the contract. You can wait a few decades."

Chen Yi: "I'll pay the liquidated damages for the other party. I can set the price at will. I'll wait for a penny for a penny."

Jiang Fanlei's expression froze. Although the other party was joking, the Chen family definitely had the connections and financial resources.

"Brother Chen, come on, come on, have a drink, I'll pour it for you to calm down, hehe."

Chen Yi felt comfortable and picked up the chopsticks.

Fang Shuyu found it interesting that Chen Yi sometimes had a cute and naughty side, which was in sharp contrast to his calm and wise character at the murder scene.

Maybe, this was his way of self-regulating his stress. He couldn't keep those bloody and dark things in his mind every day.

Halfway through the meal, Jiang Fanlei repeated the question on the phone: "You really can't invest in it? This project will definitely make a profit without losing any money. That would be a pity."

Chen Yi was helpless: "I really can't, there are regulations."

"If you are short of money, I will give you the contact information of the company's development manager."

Jiang Fanlei: "It's not that I'm short of money, I'm thinking of you."

"Think about it. In the future, the most perfect hotel in Quanyang City will rise on the island in the middle of the lake. The owners of the hotel are our two brothers. We can go out for dinner and fishing when we have nothing to do. What a wonderful life."

Chen Yi was slightly silent, which was indeed a very good scene, but it was a pity that he was in the world of criminal investigation and not the world of making money.

"Thank you. I will definitely support you when the time comes."

He was quite touched that Jiang Fanlei had such a heart.

In most cases, it is best not for friends to open a company together, as it can easily lead to disagreements, but there are exceptions, and it mainly depends on the person.

Jiang Fanlei: "Thank you, who among us will follow the other."

After saying that, he looked forward to it: "In the future, I will be a famous entrepreneur in Yangcheng, with industries all over the country."

"As for you, you will be the deputy team leader next year, the team leader the year after that, and the deputy detachment leader the year after that. You will be the detachment leader in less than five years... Well, that's a bit fast, right? It's okay, your goals must be ambitious."

Fang Shuyu, who was eating, looked up at him.

Chen Yi said expressionlessly: "I'm already the deputy detachment leader, so what's next for me?"

Jiang Fanlei was stunned for a moment, then widened his eyes: "What are you talking about?!"

Chen Yi repeated: "I am already the deputy detachment leader."

Jiang Fanlei's expression was stunned, and then he complained: "You will die if you don't brag!!"

The outrageousness of this kind of thing is not much different from making [-] million in one month from scratch.

Chen Yi shrugged: "Really."

Jiang Fanlei chuckled and looked at Fang Shuyu: "Forensic doctor, is your boyfriend delusional?"

Fang Shuyu shook his head, smiled, and said, "He didn't lie to you."

Jiang Fanlei: "???"

He looked at Fang Shuyu and then at Chen Yi.

"We are bragging in a group, right?"

Chen Yi: "These days, sincerity cannot buy trust."

After speaking, he took out his ID and slapped it on the table.

"Police officer ID card, do you recognize it?"

Police officer certificates and police certificates are not the same thing. The former is generally for police officers with certain behavioral authority, and the latter is generally for police assisting personnel such as auxiliary patrol officers.

One shows law enforcement rights and the other shows law enforcement qualifications. There is a big difference.

Seeing this, Jiang Fanlei quickly stood up and came to Chen Yi, picked up his ID and looked through it.

Soon, his expression became more and more shocked.

"Chen Yi, you're on a rocket!!"

In his opinion, this matter is quite nonsense. How is it possible?

Chen Yi took the certificate out of Jiang Fanlei's hand and said quietly: "This is called strength, do you understand? Okay, my taxpayers, sit down quickly."

"Also, close your mouth."

Only then did Jiang Fanlei realize that his mouth was open.

"Chen Yi, I'm convinced, how did you do it?"

Jiang Fanlei returned to his seat and gave Chen Yi a thumbs up. At the same time, he was also curious. There must be a reason for such a fast promotion.

Is it just because the Wang Lihua murder case was solved last time?
Impossible, it was too forced, quite... reluctant. He even doubted whether it was Chen Zhiyao's idea for Chen Yi.

Chen Yi chuckled: "It's very simple, just do what you should do."

Jiang Fanlei was helpless: "Forget it if you don't say it."

His good friend suddenly became the deputy captain of the criminal investigation detachment of the city bureau, and he felt as if he had bragging rights.

However, this matter was relatively sensitive and might bring trouble to Chen Yi, so he could only think about it.

As time passed and the dinner was about to end, Fang Shuyu asked casually: "Chen Yi, what are your plans for the weekend?"

Chen Yi: "On duty on Sunday, I didn't think about Saturday. What do you think?"

Fang Shuyu: "Want to go to the suburbs? Get close to nature and take a walk."

Chen Yi smiled and nodded: "Okay, I have no objection."

Opposite, Jiang Fanlei stared at the two people and suddenly said: "Can I go?"

The two of them turned their heads together, with a strange understanding on their faces.

"You... go?" Chen Yi looked at Jiang Fanlei seriously and asked suspiciously: "Are you deeply attached to the identity of the light bulb?"

Hearing this, Jiang Fanlei felt embarrassed and said: "If you go to the suburbs, you must go south. You can take a look at my island in the middle of the lake. I am so lonely."

Chen Yi decisively refused: "Dream."

Jiang Fanlei: "I pay for all purchases."

Chen Yi: "No, I'm not short of money."

Jiang Fanlei turned to look at Fang Shuyu: "Methodist..."

Fang Shuyu raised his hand and touched his flawless white forehead, and said, "How about we come together."

Chen Yi: "???"

"Shuyu, being soft-hearted is sometimes a shortcoming."

Jiang Fanlei was delighted: "I'll drive on the weekends and I'll cover all the expenses! It's such a happy decision!"

Seeing this, Chen Yi could only passively accept his fate.


Time comes Saturday morning.

Jiang Fanlei picked up Chen Yi and Fang Shuyu in the car, and the three of them rushed towards the suburbs. It was one of the few tourist attractions in Yangcheng, but there was nothing interesting inside, and as locals, they were tired of seeing it. It was good to just stroll around. .

Mainly for leisure and relaxation, other things are not so important.

"It looks like the Ningshun Orphanage is ahead." Fang Shuyu suddenly spoke midway.

Chen Yi turned around and saw that this was indeed the way to Ningshun Orphanage, so he happened to be on the way.

"Ningshun Orphanage? Where?" Jiang Fanlei, who was driving, was confused.

The two of them didn't answer him, and looked at the building in front of them strangely.

The Ningshun Orphanage, which should have been desolate, seemed to be lively today, with many cars parked at the door and construction workers standing smoking at the door.

"Is it going to be demolished?"

Chen Yi thought back to last year. It was impossible for an abandoned place to remain abandoned forever, but he didn't know what would be built after it was demolished.


Hearing Chen Yi's words, Jiang Fanlei let go of the accelerator.

(End of this chapter)

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