Chapter 101 Simultaneous Summons
Two more days passed.

Comprehensive interviews and investigations are proceeding smoothly, and new clues are emerging every day.

And one of the clues implicated a new suspect: Li Shengguo.

His experience had to turn the attention of the Municipal Bureau's Criminal Investigation Detachment to him.

Tang Yian was once very kind to Li Shengguo!
In his early years, Li Sheng suffered a major change in his country, which made him unable to accept his despair. One night, he stood on a bridge and jumped into the river.

The person who rescued him was Tang Yian, who was still in college.

His act of bravery was even reported in the media at that time.

Later, maybe Li Shengguo regretted his death, or maybe he became enlightened under Tang Yian's persuasion. Anyway, he never committed suicide again and stayed in Huatong Company.

Until the moment Tang Yian was arrested, Li Shengguo was still the most trusted person around him.

This is the result of Jiang Xiaoxin's investigation.

On the other side, more information was obtained from the interview with Tang Yian.

Since childhood, Tang Yian's reputation has always been very good, and it can be said that there is no stain on it.

After graduating and joining his father's Huatong Company, he was very humble and very capable, both to his superiors and subordinates. Anyone who knew Tang Yian before would have a favorable opinion of him, and his imprisonment was not a concern. They all expressed confusion.

Such an outstanding young man should not offend talents.

Could it be that he was so good that Tang Yiping, as his elder brother, felt jealous?Did he deliberately send the other party to prison?
Is the psychology so dark?That's my brother!Do you really want to do this?

In the case handling hall, after listening to all the clues, Chen Yi was not happy, but frowned.

"With such a good reputation, there are too many people who want to avenge him."

As a criminal police officer, what he has to do now is to find out the case, not to sympathize with Tang Yian or to abuse Tang Yiping.

Now that the case is over, it's not too late to think about these issues again.

He has encountered conflicts between love and law too many times before.

Zhuo Yun on the side said: "I'm afraid, this case is closely related to Zhou Zhiyue and Li Shengguo."

"There is no way to repay a life-saving grace. If Li Shengguo learns the truth, he will most likely avenge Tang Yian."

"The same goes for Zhou Zhiyue."

"That's why he suggested that Tang Yiping go to Qingyuantang, which indirectly shows that there is definitely a problem with Qingyuantang."

"Do you want to monitor those four people?"

He was referring to Liu Xinshui, Qi Jie, Zhuo Tianfei and Huang Dalin.

Chen Yi: "It seems that this matter is very necessary."

Zhuo Yun nodded: "Okay, I'll arrange it."

"By the way, Wang Yan's case is going to trial today. There are still three hours left. When will you go?"

It wasn't originally so fast, but he sped up the process.

Chen Yi stood up: "Go right away, let's go."


Five hours later, Chen Yi and Zhuo Yun walked out of the court hearing and stopped in front of the gate.

Both of them were a little silent.

Wang Yan indeed inexplicably got an extra lawyer to defend her, and the level was quite high.

Under the opponent's brilliant arguments and strong arguments, Wang Yan was not even given the sentence of fixed-term imprisonment, but was detained for six months.

The law stipulates that false accusations will be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not more than three years or not more than ten years, criminal detention or surveillance, depending on the seriousness of the circumstances.

A prison sentence is jail time.

Control does not require imprisonment.

For criminal detention, the term is usually less than six months, and you can go home for one or two days each month.

If performance is good, this time will be shortened.

This is not the point. The point is that the lawyer defending Wang Yan is actually the one beside Tang Yiping!

The two had met before when Tang Yiping was summoned.

Sima Jing.

The surname Sima is quite rare.

The case is really becoming more and more bizarre as it is investigated. Every time a new clue is found, it always surprises everyone and makes everyone full of doubts.

It stands to reason that the lawyer who came to defend Wang Yan should be related to the mysterious person. How could he be Tang Yiping's personal lawyer?
Could it be that this Sima Jing also played a certain role in this case?
After the two of them stood there and waited for a long time, Sima Jing walked out carrying his briefcase.

He smiled and greeted the acquaintances, and then looked at Chen Yi and Zhuo Yun.

"We meet again, two police officers." Sima Jing said politely.


Zhuo Yun wanted to ask you why you defended Wang Yan, but he held it back and chose to look at Chen Yi.

Chen Yi didn't speak, just looked at Sima Jing.

The atmosphere was quiet for a while, and Sima Jing smiled and said: "I know what the two police officers want to ask, why are you defending Wang Yan, right?"

"This is normal. We lawyers have professional ethics. Our original intention in practicing law is not only to make money, but also to help the poor and the weak."

"Wang Yan, this is being taken advantage of. My family is poor. I have to support my father who is far away in the countryside and my younger brother who is in school."

"I will defend her for free, so there should be no problem, right?"

Chen Yi looked at him, nodded and said, "No problem, do you know Tang Yian?"

Sima Jing smiled and nodded: "Of course we know each other, because he is an alumnus of my university and we used to have a good relationship."

This information made Chen Yi's eyes narrow.

Due to time constraints, Sima Jing has not yet been traced. Unexpectedly, he had such a relationship with Tang Yian.

Moreover, he admitted it openly.

Of course, as a lawyer, he knew that it would be useless not to admit it. Such a clear relationship would be clear to the police once they investigated.

"So, no one asked you to defend Wang Yan. It was purely a personal act?" Chen Yi asked.

Sima Jing: "That's right."

Chen Yi was slightly silent and said: "Sima Jing, there is a major criminal case that requires you to cooperate with the police investigation. Is it convenient?"

Hearing this, Sima Jing looked calm, shrugged and said, "It's convenient."

"Cooperating with police investigations is the obligation of every citizen, not to mention that I am also a lawyer."

"We can leave anytime."

"Should I drive, or should I take your car?"

Chen Yi did not answer, but pulled Zhuo Yun closer and whispered: "Summon Zhou Zhiyue and Li Shengguo at the same time."

Zhuo Yun: "Okay, I understand."

two hours later.

Municipal Bureau, inquiry room.

The three of them sat side by side, with different expressions, looking quietly at Chen Yi in front of them.

The calmest one was Sima Jing.

The most confused person was Zhou Zhiyue.

The most reserved one is Li Shengguo.

There was no one else in the inquiry room, just four.

Chen Yi glanced at the three of them and went straight to the point: "How did Tang Yiping die?"

He didn't want to get the answer, but to observe the changes in the expressions of the three people.

When this question was asked, the three of them looked at each other with surprise and confusion on their faces. "How did Tang Yiping die? How could I know?"

The first one to speak was Zhou Zhiyue.

"I said Officer Chen, you said before that Tang Yiping died in an accident, and now you called us over and asked how he died. What do you mean?"

"Do you suspect that his death has something to do with us?"

Chen Yi looked over: "Why do you call yourself us instead of me? Do you subconsciously regard Sima Jing and Li Shengguo as your own?"

Zhou Zhiyue said helplessly: "Officer Chen, there is no need to mingle with words. They are all colleagues of the company, so naturally they are our own people."

Li Shengguo remained silent, probably because he was at a loss for words and didn't know how to respond.

Sima Jing smiled at this time and said: "It seems that Officer Chen suspected that Tang Yiping died of homicide and listed us as suspects."

"Okay, I fully cooperate with the police investigation, but I don't know if Officer Chen has any basis for making such a judgment?"

"If not, I ask..."

Chen Yi immediately interrupted: "How did Tang Yian die??"

Hearing these words, Sima Jing's voice suddenly stopped, and his expression froze for a brief moment.

He recovered quickly and chuckled: "The more I ask, the more outrageous it becomes. How could I possibly know about Tang Yian? Isn't it a car accident?"

On the other side, subtle surprise flashed through the eyes of Zhou Zhiyue and Li Shengguo, and then, like Sima Jing, they quickly covered it up.

Even Chen Yi didn't notice anything unusual for a moment.

But by the time the case was investigated, he already had a rough outline. Although it wasn't very clear, the three people in front of him were definitely there.

Zhou Zhiyue used to be Tang Yi'an's girlfriend, but later she followed Tang Yiping for unknown reasons. She could control Tang Yiping's movements 24 hours a day and knew most of his secrets.

Li Shengguo was indebted to Tang Yi'an and was now Tang Yiping's driver and assistant. He would follow him in all commercial work, making up for Zhou Zhiyue's gap in Tang Yiping's private life.

Sima Jing is Tang Yi'an's classmate and friend, and is now Tang Yiping's lawyer. He handles all legal affairs for him and fills in the blanks of Tang Yiping's unknown black material.

The three people almost covered Tang Yiping's life, as if they had a camera on him.

Good guy, Tang Yiping is really surrounded by enemies on all sides, and the few people closest to him all want to mess with him.

Chen Yi said: "I don't know if it was a car accident. I only know that Tang Yiping's death should rule out an accident."

"The three of you seem to have some connection with this case, but you are not directly involved."

Having said this, he looked at Zhou Zhiyue and said, "When I questioned you a few days ago, you told the truth and you didn't hide anything."

"Including when Tang Yiping went to Qingyuantang, how long he went, and who suggested he go, all were provided to me."

"If you don't lie, there is no risk. Even if the incident comes to light in the future, as long as you insist that you don't know anything, the police will not be able to do anything to you."

"I admit that."

"And Li Shengguo, I don't believe you suggested Tang Yiping go to Qingyuan Hall for no reason."

"But it's just a suggestion. You didn't force him to go, so this case has little to do with you."

"Not to mention Sima Jing. He has always been a marginal character and is even less likely to be involved."

"I'm too lazy to take care of you three, and I really can't take care of you, but there must be someone who directly takes action. I just want to know who he is, that is, this person."

After speaking, he picked up the portrait in front of him, which was the portrait of the mysterious man.

The three people's eyes converged.

Sima Jing: "Sorry, I don't know him."

Zhou Zhiyue: "What can you tell from this? I've never seen it before."

Li Shengguo shook his head and said nothing.

Chen Yi took a deep breath and said quietly: "Do you really want me to check?"

"I can assure you, he will never escape."

"If he doesn't want to say anything, I suggest he surrender."

Sima Jing: "Officer Chen, I really don't understand. I think you must have found the wrong person."

Zhou Zhiyue and Li Shengguo also said they were helpless.

Chen Yi looked calm. He had no hope in the first place. He asked the three people to come over at the same time just to confirm his speculation. Now he has the result.

"Okay, since you don't plan to cooperate, then let's... see you next time."

"I hope that when we meet again, you can still be as...calm as you are now."

The three of them looked at each other with incomprehensible expressions, and Li Shengguo couldn't help but frown. After seeing Sima Jing's warning eyes, he immediately relaxed and returned to normal.

"You can go, you don't have to stay for 24 hours."

Chen Yi stood up, waved his hand, and left the interrogation room.

At the gate of the Municipal Bureau.

The three people who left side by side stepped out of the electric retractable door and prepared to take a taxi to leave.

From the back, we can see that they are not talking to each other, they are each doing their own thing.

However, if someone gets very close, they can hear their voices as if they are talking to themselves.

"This policeman is a bit smart, what should we do?" It was Zhou Zhiyue who spoke.

Sima Jing: "I know that the newcomer Chen Yi was the one who investigated Bai Guoxiang's case. He is very evil."

"If it doesn't work, let him leave quickly and leave Yangcheng."

Zhou Zhiyue: "It's impossible for him to leave in a short time."

Li Shengguo: "You have to be kidnapped and taken away. If this continues, the person named Chen will definitely be found out, and he seems to know that there was something wrong with Yi'an's death."

Zhou Zhiyue was silent for a moment and said: "So what if I know, Tang Yiping is already dead."

"Find out? I don't believe there are such powerful people. Let's see what the situation is."


In the case handling hall of the Municipal Bureau, Chen Yi stood in front of the window and watched the three people get into the taxi one after another.

Not the same car, but three.

"It seems like it's already in chaos." Chen Yi said to himself.

People who belong to the same company know each other, so there is really no need to take three cars. It is really a bit deliberate.

He is smart, but his mentality is not enough. It is probably his own words that have had a big impact on him.

"So, who is the fourth person?"

Chen Yi looked away, frowning in thought.

The whole case was manipulated by someone, and he was a very smart guy.

The other party needed the help of these three people, but did not want them to be involved, so on the surface it seemed that they were involved, but based on the evidence, this was not the case.

As long as they don't admit it, there will be no place for these three people in the future dock.

It seems that the relationship is very good. One person is better than four people. Even if a crime occurs in the future, only one person will be responsible.


Chen Yi sighed.

If there is really a problem with Tang Yian's death, then Tang Yiping is really...

You can only think about certain things in your heart. As a criminal police officer, you must absolutely uphold the fairness of the law.

Of course, if there is a more perfect solution, maybe he will choose it. The law is nothing more than human relationships.

Zhuo Yun came over.

"Chen Yi, what should we do next?"

Chen Yi thought for a long time and said: "The most important thing at the moment is Qingyuantang and a thorough investigation."

(End of this chapter)

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