Detective: Open your eyes, I am handcuffed in the interrogation room

Chapter 102 Important information, Tang Yiping’s motives

Chapter 102 Important information, Tang Yiping’s motives
Zhuo Yun: "Xiaoxin's results show that there is no problem with the information of the four Chinese medicine practitioners, and no connection with Huatong Company was found."

"Do you want to dig deeper? Or summon you?"

Chen Yi: "We must dig deeper. Let Sister Jiang lead people to continue the investigation. We have other things to do for the time being, which is to truly achieve comprehensive coverage of Tang Yian's interpersonal relationships."

"First, the prison needs a trip."

"Secondly, the friendship between the mysterious man and Tang Yian is absolutely extraordinary. Why can't I find it?"

"Is it possible that the older generation or descendants of the older generation are involved?"

Zhuo Yun: "Are you referring to Tang Yongshou?"

Chen Yi nodded: "The scope of the investigation is already very broad. No one has ever mentioned the conflict between the Tang brothers. Isn't this strange?"

"It seems that we are going to learn about Tang Yongshou, not only to check Tang Yian's interpersonal relationships, but also to find out what is going on between Tang Yiping and Tang Yian."

"To target Tang Yian like this for no reason, Tang Yiping must have a very good reason for him."

Zhuo Yun: "Yes, this is indeed something that needs to be clarified."

"But Tang Yongshou is dead now, how should we check?"

Chen Yi thought for a moment and said: "Of course they are friends or relatives of Tang Yongshou, mainly friends."

"There are some things that friends know better than relatives."

"Let's find his best friends first. They shouldn't all be dead, right?"

Zhuo Yun: "I understand, I'll check."

At night, the investigation against Tang Yongshou encountered no obstacles, and now the results have been obtained.

A name appeared in sight: Wu Xiong.

This Wu Xiong is 70 years old, older than Tang Yongshou. He is not only Tang Yongshou's good friend, but also the second shareholder of Huatong Company besides Tang Yiping.

Although the shareholding is not large, it has a certain say.

According to old employees of Huatong Company, Wu Xiong rarely cared about the company's affairs before, especially after Tang Yian was imprisoned more than ten years ago, he basically never came to the company.

He earned dividends every year and traveled all over the country, but no one knew where he went.

The phone was also turned off for a long time, and it seemed that it had completely lost contact with Huatong Company.

Jiang Xiaoxin tried to make a call, but the phone was indeed turned off.

Zhuo Yun stood nearby and said, "Check your ID card. You have to use your ID card, right?"

Jiang Xiaoxin nodded: "Okay."

Afterwards, she worked on the computer for a while.

"Eh? Wu Xiong has stayed in a hotel these days, and he probably hasn't checked out yet. The address is...Haicheng."

"Haicheng?" Zhuo Yun didn't expect it to be that far away, "Has this been the winter?"

Haicheng is almost the southernmost place. The temperature in this season is still very suitable, and it will not be lower than [-] degrees in winter.

After getting Wu Xiong's position, he looked at Chen Yi: "What to do? It's a bit of a hassle."

Chen Yi: "You have to go through all the trouble and book the nearest flight ticket."

"By the way, will you be reimbursed?"

Zhuo Yun was stunned: "Ah?"

Is this a question that a rich second generation should ask?

"Of course the nonsense will be reimbursed."

Chen Yi: "Let's go."


The next morning, the flight from Yangcheng to Haicheng landed. After getting off the plane, Chen and Yi immediately took a taxi to the hotel where Wu Xiong was staying without any delay.

This hotel has a five-star standard and covers a large area. It is not a high-rise building, but a complex of villas.

There is even a free electric convertible car to pick you up from the front desk to your room.

There is a landline phone just two steps outside the guest room. You can call an electric car when you pick it up. The service is very considerate.

The price was not as high as expected, just over a thousand, maybe not because of the peak tourist season.

When Chen Yi and Wu Xiong found him, he was swimming in the open-air swimming pool in the hotel.

It's winter in Yangcheng now, and the temperature difference between the north and the south is quite obvious.

Knowing that he was a Yangcheng detective, Wu Xiong jumped up from the swimming pool and sat down on the exclusive lounge chair. Tattoos were visible on his body.

While wiping his body, he said: "The criminal police from Yangcheng? Why are you here?"

Wu Xiong has a bald head and a fierce appearance, but his expression is very kind, giving people the impression that he used to be a "social person", but now he has changed.

Years of exercise have made his skin no longer as saggy as a 70-year-old's, and he is in good spirits.

As expected, age is not important, mentality is the most important.

"Sit down, sit down, stop standing."

After being surprised for a moment, Wu Xiong's voice continued. Although his tone was a bit salty, his overall attitude was still polite.

The two of them found a place to sit down, and Chen Yi said: "Mr. Wu, we have come all the way to find you. The main reason is that your phone cannot be reached. We have no choice but to meet in person. Please forgive me for disturbing you."

Wu Xiong put down the towel and chuckled: "It doesn't matter, I don't have anything to do."

"Just tell me, what do you want from me?"

Chen Yi: "About...the Tang family."

When he heard about the Tang family, Wu Xiong's smile faded, and he stared at Chen Yida and said, "What's wrong with the Tang family?"

Chen Yi: "Did you know that Tang Yiping died?"

As soon as these words came out, the smile on Wu Xiong's face completely faded, and his eyes became sharper, as if he had the ruthlessness of breaking into society when he was young.

"Dead? Who did it?"

Chen Yi looked at him: "Are you so sure that Tang Yiping died of homicide?" Wu Xiong was slightly silent and said, "There's no need to talk nonsense. If you have anything to ask, just ask."

"I will definitely say what I can say, and I think this police officer can understand what I can't."

"But what I can guarantee is that whatever I say is the truth."

Chen Yi nodded: "Thank you, Mr. Wu, we will never embarrass you."

"First of all, I want to make one thing clear. Do you know anything about the Tang brothers?"

Wu Xiong: "I understand, I watched you grow up."

Chen Yi: "Is there any conflict between them?"

Hearing this, Wu Xiong looked at the young man in front of him thoughtfully. He did not answer for the time being, but asked: "What did you find out?"

Chen Yi: "Almost 90.00% of the cases have been cleared up."

"The only thing unclear is who will attack Tang Yiping."

Wu Xiong asked: "Including Tang Yian's case?"

"Huh?" Chen Yi raised his eyebrows, "Mr. Wu knows that there are problems with Tang Yian's case?"

Wu Xiong smiled and shook his head: "I just believe in my own judgment."

"I know this kid Tang Yian very well, and there is no way he would do that kind of thing."

"Besides, the other party is just a company receptionist, why is it so troublesome? I can't believe she doesn't agree if she spends tens of thousands."

"If it's not hundreds of thousands, or if it's not millions, how about committing a crime?"

"Even if you drink, it's impossible."

Chen Yi nodded slightly: "What you said makes sense. It is indeed not true. It is indeed the case."

Wu Xiong: "Did Tang Yiping do it?"

Chen Yi: "Yeah."

After receiving a positive answer, Wu Xiong's face darkened and he said coldly: "I knew that this bastard was born with darkness and was extremely despicable. His legs should have been broken long ago!"

Seeing this, Chen Yi and Zhuo Yun looked at each other. It seemed that Mr. Wu Xiong had a bad impression of Tang Yiping.

In the early years, I'm afraid a lot of things happened.

"Mr. Wu, can you answer my question?" Chen Yi asked.

Wu Xiong: "Okay, it's a contradiction, right? There's only one: Huatong Company."

Chen Yi frowned slightly: "Do you mean that Tang Yiping attacked Tang Yian just to compete for the company?"

Wu Xiong nodded.

Chen Yi hesitated: "But when Tang Yongshou was still alive, the distribution of property between the two brothers should not be too biased, right?"

"Even if Tang Yian is more likable, Tang Yiping is also a son, and the palms and backs of his hands are all flesh."

Wu Xiong sighed: "You are wrong. There is a difference between Tang Yiping and Tang Yian."

"Brother, I was adopted."

Hearing this, Chen Yi's face changed slightly, and Zhuo Yun also widened his eyes. This was a new situation.

Wu Xiong continued: "I take responsibility for what I said. He was indeed adopted."

"At that time, Yongshou's wife had not been pregnant for many years. After going to the hospital for a checkup, she was told that she was infertile. She had no choice but to adopt her."

"The relationship between their husband and wife was very good. Although the other party proposed divorce at the time, Yongshou never agreed and refused verbally, so Tang Yiping was born."

"According to the files, Tang Yiping is Tang Yongshou's biological son. Not many people know about this."

"Don't ask me where Tang Yiping was adopted. I won't answer you."

Chen Yi didn't care about the details and asked: "What about Tang Yian?"

Wu Xiong: "Tang Yian is his biological son."

"After adopting Tang Yiping, Yongshou and his wife never gave up treatment. Finally, after visiting many hospitals and meeting with many local doctors, they succeeded in getting pregnant."

"What a pity. Yongshou's wife may have taken too many medicines. She was always in a dangerous state during pregnancy. After trying hard to give birth to Tang Yian, her body became weaker day by day and she died relatively early."

"Fortunately, I have seen Tang Yian grow up. I remember that Tang Yian was still in college at that time."

Chen Yi seemed to understand the whole case and continued to ask: "So Tang Yiping knew that he could not inherit the family property, so he attacked Tang Yian?"

Wu Xiong glanced at him and said, "You are wrong again."

Chen Yi: "Huh?"

Wu Xiong: "I know Yongshou and his wife. Although Tang Yiping is not his biological child, they have been treated as biological children for so many years."

"First of all, it's impossible for them to tell each other their life experiences. Furthermore, it's impossible for them to leave the entire company to Tang Yian."

"In their eyes, Tang Yiping is the eldest son and Tang Yian is the youngest son. There is no difference."

"Of course, there must be preferences. This is inevitable, but it won't be too exaggerated."

"All of this is definitely Tang Yiping's own imagination."

Chen Yi: "So, you don't know why Tang Yiping knew about his life experience?"

Wu Xiong shook his head: "I don't know, maybe some bastard is quick to talk, or maybe he overheard it secretly."

"After so many years as a couple, it is inevitable that they will talk about this matter."

"Now that Tang Yiping is dead, this issue can no longer be pursued."

"In short, the result is the most important. Tang Yiping later became like a lunatic. This must be the reason."

"Whatever your own virtues are, you will imagine others to be who you are. This Tang Yiping, I..."

He didn't finish speaking, as if he was very angry, and he took a few deep breaths to calm down.

(End of this chapter)

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