Chapter 100 Unsure
In the case handling hall, Zhuo Yun's whole body was excited.

Now whenever Chen Yi raises a new question, he is afraid, because the other person's mouth is like a light, and he can speak accurately every time.

Of course, it was just a joke to open his mouth, because Chen Yi must have analyzed it in his mind before asking a new question.

As long as you say it, regardless of whether it is true or not, the rationality is definitely not low.

The other police officers also looked over.

Was Tang Yian's death an accident?

Chen Yi always seems to be able to come up with another more surprising possibility after investigating a clue.

"Chen Yi, do you suspect it's not an accident?"

The speaker was Jiang Xiaoxin. She was sitting in front of the computer and looked back at Chen Yi.

Chen Yi lit a cigarette and said, "It's not a matter of doubt. Just raise the issue and we can discuss it."

"It's still based on that premise: Tang Yiping died of homicide."

"So, why did the murderer only kill Tang Yiping and not Ma Huiru and Sun Qingwei?"

"It is true that Ma Huiru was retaliated and returned to before liberation overnight, and Sun Qingwei was also tortured for two days."

"But these are nothing compared to eight years in prison. The most important thing is that Tang Yian is dead."

"Where is Ma Huiru? Although she is married to an ordinary breakfast shop owner, what we see today is a happy couple."

"Where is Sun Qingwei? He is still the general manager of Huatong Company."

"The mysterious person did not touch Ma Huiru and Sun Qingwei, but only killed Tang Yiping. Is it just because Tang Yiping was the mastermind?"

Zhuo Yun answered: "Maybe, just because he is the mastermind?"

"So far, the mysterious man seems to be quite kind. He adheres to the principle that every wrongdoer deserves his debt. We have discussed this issue before, so he did not embarrass Ma Huiru and Sun Qingwei too much, but focused on Tang Yiping."

Chen Yi nodded: "This explanation is more reasonable."

"Then based on the character of the mysterious man, another question arises. Since he was kinder and did not kill Ma Huiru and Sun Qingwei, why did he kill Tang Yiping?"

"Tang Yian died in an accident. Tang Yiping is not to blame. According to the mysterious man's behavior, other means of revenge should be chosen."

"For example, like Ma Huiru, let Wang Yan do it more perfectly and send Tang Yiping directly."

"No matter what the means, Tang Yiping's crime will not lead to death. Even if he still has one breath left, even if he is disabled for life, it will not kill him."

"How should we explain this problem?"

Zhuo Yun was stunned for a moment, frowned and hesitated: "This..."

Others were also lost in thought.

Things that were originally reasonable seemed unreasonable again when Chen Yi said this.

It’s over, I don’t have enough brains anymore.

After a while, Zhuo Yun said: "If you put it that way, if Tang Yi'an's death is related to Tang Yiping, then Tang Yiping must die."

"The other two people were only involved in the rape case, so a small punishment or a big warning will suffice."

"Is it right?"

Chen Yi: "We don't know the facts, but at least from an analysis point of view, this is the only way to make more sense."

"Also, when Tang Yian died, he was released from prison five years ago. Not long after he was released from prison, he had a car accident."

"Then let's start to speculate after Tang Yian is released from prison, what will he do first?"

Zhuo Yun: "Looking for Ma Huiru?"

Chen Yi: "Well, he did look for it. Maybe he realized something through Ma Huiru's reaction, and then started investigating the matter."

"As time went by, he began to suspect that there was something wrong with that party, and he began to suspect Sun Qingwei, and then Tang Yiping."

"Perhaps, he went to Tang Yiping and got a negative answer."

"And what about Tang Yiping? I found that Tang Yian was determined to investigate the matter, and he was worried that the matter would be exposed, or driven by other motives, he came up with the idea of ​​killing Tang Yian."

"So, there was that accident."

"After Tang Yian's death, a mysterious man came on the scene. It took about two years to find out everything. Then Ma Huiru's business failed, Sun Qingwei was tortured for two days, and Tang Yiping died suddenly and mysteriously."

After the words fell, the entire case handling hall fell silent.

This seems... to be the most reasonable explanation.

Although sometimes even the facts may not be reasonable, in the process of investigating unknown cases, of course, we must analyze in a reasonable direction and find the most reasonable possibility.

Even if they can only face each other six or seven times out of ten.

Chen Yi: "Also, I suspect that the bank card was given to Tang Yi'an by Tang Yiping."

Zhuo Yun: "Huh?"

Chen Yi: "Tang Yiping transferred 100 million to his bank card four years ago, after Tang Yian was released from prison."

"Tang Yian may be penniless after he is released from prison. As an older brother, it is normal for Tang Yiping to give him some money to spend, and it can also show his brotherhood."

"Then, for some unknown reason, this bank card got into the hands of a mysterious person."

"It wasn't until Tang Yian's death in an accidental car accident that Tang Yiping transferred the 100 million away through the Internet, but did not revoke or report the loss of the bank card."

"After that, the mysterious person transferred 200 million to the card as the beginning of revenge."

"The figure of 200 million coincides with the amount of money Ma Huiru received. It seems that he has a bit of obsessive-compulsive disorder and a deep obsession."

"At that time, Ma Huiru's business was finished, Sun Qingwei also learned a lesson, and only Tang Yiping was left."

Hearing this, Zhuo Yun said: "Wait a minute, didn't Tang Yiping know about the change in the bank card balance?" Chen Yi: "Brother Yun, the fact has happened. He obviously doesn't know. Let's not worry about why he have no idea."

"Let's just assume that this bank card has no balance change reminder."

Zhuo Yun fell silent.

This case is indeed a bit complicated, especially under Chen Yi's analysis, it feels even more complicated, and he needs time to digest it.

The same goes for other people. They can't react in a short time and have to figure it out.

Chen Yi was not disturbed and continued to speak: "So, tomorrow I am going to investigate this accident and see if I can make any new discoveries."

Zhuo Yun came back to his senses: "Since we have doubts, we will investigate and make sure there are no doubts."

"Chen Yi, I really admire you more and more. Next time when you analyze the case, be more tactful and don't be so sudden. My brain really can't keep up."

Chen Yi smiled, turned around and said, "Others will continue to visit, expand the scope, and investigate Tang Yian's interpersonal relationships as clearly as possible."

"The relationship between the mysterious man and Tang Yian is absolutely extraordinary. There are no surprises in this matter."

"Sister Jiang, please help me check on Li Shengguo again."

Jiang Xiaoxin was surprised: "Li Shengguo?"

Chen Yi nodded: "Li Shengguo is Tang Yiping's driver. Although there seems to be no problem now, he proposed the Qingyuan Hall on his own initiative."

"Check it out, just in case."

"Also, the background information, experience, and bank card change records of the three Chinese medicine doctors of Qingyuantang must be reviewed, especially that of Huang Dalin."

"The task is very heavy, Sister Jiang has worked hard."

Jiang Xiaoxin smiled: "I understand."

"What's the hard work? I'm also from the criminal investigation detachment. Don't be so polite in the future. I'm not used to it."

"I'm serious."

Chen Yi coughed lightly: "Okay, okay, I'm sorry."

"By the way, where is Shuyu?"

Jiang Xiaoxin shrugged: "I don't know, you don't even know where I am going?"

Chen Yi looked at Zhuo Yun again, who also shook his head.

At this time, a police officer said: "I know, it seems that she went to see her master, saying that she wanted to talk about Tang Yiping's autopsy report and find out the cause of death."

Chen Yi nodded: "Oh...thank you."


The next day, Chen Yi and Zhuo Yun came to the traffic police brigade and retrieved Tang Yian's car accident records. The traffic police officer in charge was now the brigade captain.

After a long period of questioning, they had a clear understanding of the situation and subsequent handling.

The car accident occurred on a mountain road, which happened to be a sharp turn downhill. It was at such a place that Tang Yian's car flipped over the guardrail and fell down the cliff.

Not only that, the violent collision caused the car body to catch fire and explode. When the traffic police arrived, only empty shells and burned bodies were left at the scene.

The traffic police found the owner of the vehicle based on the license plate information, and it was Tang Yiping who came to identify the body.

Although the body was burned, some of the belongings could withstand the burning. Tang Yiping recognized it at a glance and it was Tang Yian.

The detailed process is unknown, but it was confirmed by Tang Yiping.

There was no surveillance at the scene of the incident. The car body was severely damaged during the fall and had been hit multiple times. It was impossible to determine whether there were signs of collisions with other vehicles. In the end, the traffic police determined that the vehicle lost control and ran out of the guardrail.

Chen Yi stood at the door of the traffic police brigade and handed Zhuo Yun a cigarette.

Zhuo Yun said: "If it wasn't an accident, it was another car that hit me."

"But there is a very important question. If Tang Yiping did this, how did he know Tang Yian's location? Has he been following him?"

Chen Yi lit the cigarette and said: "It's all possible, it can be achieved anyway, such as positioning."

"Positioning?" Zhuo Yun was surprised, "The traffic police carefully inspected the car body and did not mention the positioning device."

Chen Yi: "It may be that the damage is so severe that it cannot be identified, or it may be that the inspection was not careful, or it may not be a positioning device, but a networked positioning system modified from the vehicle."

"The technology from five years ago was completely possible."

"Tang Yian has been there for eight years, and Tang Yiping has plenty of time to do this."

Zhuo Yun's eyes narrowed slightly: "Prepare in advance?"

"Chen Yi, do you insist that there is something wrong with Tang Yian's death?"

Chen Yi said: "Both of them are dead. This matter doesn't seem to be very important to us. I just have doubts and want to check it out."

"Now there are two more things."

"First, will the lawyer show up at the trial to help Wang Yan?"

"Second, visit the prison where Tang Yian is serving his sentence."

Zhuo Yun: "Prison? What are you going there for?"

Chen Yi: "By covering the survey area to the greatest extent, in eight years, we should be able to make very good friends, right?"

"This possibility cannot be ruled out."

"There's no need to rush this matter. The possibility is low. Let's check the person who appears in front of us first and then go there if we have no other choice."

Zhuo Yun: "Okay, everything is up to you."

(End of this chapter)

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