Chapter 71

Miwa Masato sighed with emotion: "You are so powerful, but you deliberately hide yourself and remain unknown until today. It's really hard work."

"For freedom, the hard work is worth it. If I become famous, as an Uchiha, I can't just run out of the village with a C-level mission."

"That's right, Meow. If you weren't famous, you'd already faced Genbu twice. If you were famous, I don't know how much trouble it would be."

"Konoha Village is so scary..."

Uchiha Yu rubbed Miwa Masayo's head and retorted: "You are wrong, Konoha Village is not scary."

"Actually, I started planning to defect when I was four years old, but through the intelligence I collected, I discovered that Konoha Village is already the safest place in the ninja world. Even for an Uchiha, Konoha Village is the safest."

"Outside the village is the real hell."

He sighed deeply, pointed at the four prisoners and said, "Every one of them has murderous intent. They have obviously seen blood just now."

"Yashi, if you think about the direction they came from, you will know who they killed."

Miwa Masayo was silent for a long time before asking slowly: "The villagers of Kyusen Village? But, but the ninjas of Sunagakure Village have no reason to kill?"

Uchiha sighed: "The ninjas you have come into contact with, Miwa Masashi, are all Konoha ninjas, so you have an illusion."

"Konoha ninjas are well educated. Even if a root ninja kills someone, they need a reason. For example, I am an Uchiha, or it hinders their mission."

"But the ninjas in other villages are not so civilized, and their reasons for killing are very unreasonable."

"In other words, ninjas don't need a reason to kill, but they need a reason not to kill."

Uchiha Yu pointed his finger at the leading Sunagakure ninja, turned his red blood eye, and asked: "Tell me, why did you kill those villagers of Kawa no Kuni?"

The Sunagakure ninja replied blankly: "Master Umino Keisuke ordered the massacre of the village, and we killed people according to the order."

"What is the origin of Umino Keisuke? Why do you think he ordered the murder?"

"Umino Keisuke-sama is the son of Ebizou-sama. His mission has not been completed. There is no trace of the Third Kazekage-sama. It may be because he is in a bad mood and wants to relax."

"If you happen to meet a pariah from the Kingdom of Sichuan, kill him."

"Tu Cun, in order to relax, if you happen to meet me, I'll kill you..."

Even if he had known this outcome, Uchiha Yu still choked uncomfortably, and the anger and murderous intent surged in his heart.

How can people be ruthless if they are not grass and trees?

It had just been a few days since the villagers of Kyusen Village and Uchiha Yuu separated. Their images and their conversations with him were still clearly visible and audible in his mind.

On behalf of all the villagers, the village chief thanked him for his help and tried to give him the maximum compensation. I still remember clearly that these living people died.

Umino Keisuke killed someone just because he was in a bad mood.

Now Uchiha Yu is in a bad mood, and he also wants to kill someone.

Miwa Masayo had the same idea as Uchiha Yu. She jumped off his shoulder with a meow and walked south: "Let's go to Kusen Village, meow."

Uchiha Yuu didn't pack anything like the package, but just took out a few pieces of equipment, and then followed the steps of the tabby cat and headed south.

"This ninja world is not good, very bad. It is comparable to hell for most people."

"I didn't have any ability to protect myself before, so I could only hide in Konoha Village to save my life. Now I'm strong enough to protect myself, but I can't stand the evil behavior of others in front of me. I feel like I'm being kicked. One kick makes me feel angry."

There is no doubt that such emotions will greatly arouse the restlessness of the monkey, but Uchiha Yu did not suppress him. The best way to solve the problem now is not to suppress, but to vent! !
Uchiha Yu's eyes gradually became sharper, and he murmured: "I don't have the power to change the ninja world like the first Hokage, but I have the power to understand my thoughts today, so let's change a little bit."

When a man and a cat jumped off the barrier dam, the four Sandgakure on top of the dam suddenly caught fire and turned into four blazing torches.The severe pain lifted the suppression of the illusion, but everyone was unable to break free from the shackles of the earth. They screamed and tried desperately to save themselves.

But the ninja whose hand tendons were severed could not use ninjutsu. Even if there was a large lake next to them, they could only let the flames slowly devour them, and eventually burn them into ashes flying all over the sky.

"Keisuke Umino, if you're in a bad mood, you'll kill someone, right?"

"I'm in a bad mood, so...I'm here to kill you."


While on the way, Uchiha Yu and Miwa Masato exchanged information on the target.

In fact, it was Masashi Miwa's inquiry.

Because she usually doesn't care, she has little knowledge of the information about other ninja villages. She doesn't even know who Ebizo is.

Uchiha Yu was shocked and asked: "You don't know Ebizo?"

"I don't know Nya. I only know the Third Kazekage and Chiyo as Sunagakure ninjas. No one else knows Nya."

"Ebizo is Chiyo's younger brother. He is one of the top five puppet masters in Sunagakure Village. He is an out-and-out big shot."

"Then you still dare to kill his son, Meow?"

"Kiusen Village was massacred by that bastard. The three hundred kilometers in the Kingdom of Sichuan became a complete no-man's land. Force is the only reason here."

"Like that fool said, kill him."

"Why does Umino Keisuke say and do this? Of course it's because he is powerful."

"Now that I am stronger, why can't I say this or do this?"

"What about his father?"

"Ebizo's status in Sunagakure Village is equivalent to Danzo Shimura's, but in no man's land, his power is meaningless."

"After killing Umino Keisuke, I would have to work harder to clean up the traces and leave no clues. Will Ebizou know that I did it?"

"Ebizo won't show up here anyway."

Uchiha Yu knew that if Ebizo appeared, he would retreat immediately and keep this in mind before talking about it later.

Of course it's a good thing to have clear thoughts, but if you have to pay for it with your own life, it's not worth it. Who doesn't feel a little regretful?

Two hours later, Uchiha Yu and Miwa Masashi followed the river to Kusen Village.

It should be said that the "former" Jiusen Village has now become a stinking corpse dump, with corpses that have been severely decomposed and covered with maggots everywhere.

With just a simple inspection, Uchiha Yuu could confirm that the villagers died miserably.

The people who carried out the killings must have been six to eight ninjas. They were obviously capable of killing with one blow, but they deliberately attacked the abdomen and limbs so that the villagers could not escape. Their stomachs and intestines were exposed, and they slowly died of blood loss in great pain.

The one who gave the order deserves to be damned, and the one who follows the order is also a damn bastard.

After the two immortals inspected it, they silently remembered each corpse. They did not collect the corpses for the villagers, but used their memories as their graves.

After a moment of silence, they followed the traces left by Umino Keisuke to the west.

(End of this chapter)

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