Chapter 72 Hit!Must fight!
Umino Keisuke was very arrogant and did not hide his traces at all.

Even Masashi Miwa could easily tell that there were five people in the target, including a team of four, which should be a special configuration of a jounin and three genin, and the other was a puppet master who was protected by a team of four.

The configuration of the four-man team should be the same as that of the team Yu Uchiha killed, so there would be no trouble in killing them.

But the puppet master is not simple. The traces he left prove that his taijutsu is very strong, at least reaching the level of a jounin named Sunagakure Muramasa.Coupled with two different types of puppets, but absolutely sophisticated, the puppet master may have a combat power equivalent to three Jonin. He is truly the son of Ebizo.

But in Uchiha Yuu's memory, Umino Keisuke did not leave any reputation. It was most likely due to bad luck that he was killed in the war before he could make a name for himself.

Uchiha Yu sneered, his luck was indeed bad, this time he couldn't even catch up with the war, and he would be dead.

The pursuit lasted all night. In the darkest moment before dawn, Uchiha Yu and Miwa Masashi caught up with the Sunagakure ninjas and saw the bonfire they lit on the opposite hillside from a distance on the top of the mountain.

The Sunagakure ninja ignored two ninja prohibitions. The first was not to light a bonfire in the open air late at night, and the second was that no more than two people could sit around the bonfire.

The ban may be unreasonable or even inhumane, but every ban is a bloody lesson.

After being illuminated by the bonfire, Uchiha Yuu could observe enough information even from across the entire valley by opening his Sharingan.

"The special jounin of the four-person team is good at wind release. There is a puppet master among the three genin, but the puppets are made of ordinary hardwood, so they are very poor."

"Does that mean this puppet master is weak?"

"Well, ordinary wood is just fine, so we can completely ignore him. The other puppet master actually has three puppets, and they are all imitations of Bunzaemon Chikamatsu's ten people."

"Tsk tsk, the degree of simulation is extraordinary, and the materials are top-notch. This is not something money can buy. He is definitely Umino Keisuke."

"Who is the sixth ninja, nya?"

There was another ninja in the Sunagakure ninja team. He and Umino Keisuke sat together, enjoying hot water, fresh wild fruits, and the service of the genin.

Obviously, the newly emerged ninja has the same status as Umino Keisuke, at least he is also a jounin.

The new jounin joined the team, and the combat power of the Sunagakure ninja increased by almost one-third.

A Jonin is a heavy weight, and the impact on the outcome of the battle must be taken seriously by the Shadows. The thought of giving up on Yuu Uchiha began to emerge in his mind.

But whenever similar thoughts appear, they will be burned away by anger. The weight of Jōnin is very heavy, but it is not enough to change his decision. It can only make him choose the time more carefully.

But as Uchiha Yuu waited, the first change he received was bad news.

When it was daylight, another Sunagakure ninja joined the team. He walked directly to Umino Keisuke and another jounin, and the three of them formed a three-person team in tacit understanding.

The posture and movements of the new ninja, as well as everyone's obedience to him, allowed Uchiha Yu to judge that this was a senior jounin whose seniority and combat power were higher than those of Umino Keisuke.

Uchiha Yu and Miwa Masashi felt very heavy. The target had gathered three jounin and one special jounin. Their strength exceeded their expectations. They did not have the confidence to defeat the four jounin.

Miwa Masashi asked: "What should I do, nya?"

Uchiha Yu replied: "Follow them, and depends on the specific situation."

Before the war officially begins, there are rarely tasks that require more than five ninjas to perform, so it is very unusual for seven ninjas to gather together.

Moreover, when the genin and chunin did not suffer large-scale losses, it was even more inappropriate for three jonin to form a team.

Uchiha Yu judged that this group of Sunagakure ninjas probably only met temporarily, and they would disperse and leave before long, each carrying out their own tasks.

A powerful puppet master like Umino Keisuke is more effective when acting alone.

Uchiha Yu guessed correctly.

After the Sunagakure ninja finished their simple breakfast, the four-person team left first, heading south in search formation.After a while, one jounin left alone and went to the north at a very fast speed. Only the later jounin and Umino Keisuke were left by the campfire.

Although Umino Keisuke was not alone, Uchiha Yu was already very satisfied. He said happily: "The opportunity has come. When those ninjas go farther away, we will take action."

"Miwa Masayo, you pester the later Jonin, I will kill Umino Keisuke, and then we will surround and kill your opponent together."

"No problem nya."

Just as they were happily preparing for battle, a sharp whistle came from the sky, which was the cry of a swift eagle. The two Sunagakure ninjas who were still resting and talking immediately stood up.

After Swift Eagle left, the higher ranking Jonin fired three signal flares without hesitation, exploding three thick clouds of red, white and black smoke in the sky.

Uchiha Yu knew that it was an emergency signal from Sunagakure Village, but these signals were like passwords, which were temporarily determined and used for a limited time. It was impossible for outsiders to know what they meant.

But this time it was different. He soon knew the meaning of the emergency signal. It was an emergency gathering order for the Sunagakure ninjas.

All the ninjas who left Sunagakure returned as quickly as possible, and there was even a new Sunagakure team, a three-person team led by a chuunin.

The ups and downs of the situation made Uchiha Yu's mentality explode, and he rarely used foul language.

"Puppet master Umino Keisuke, two jounin, one special jounin, one chunin, and five genin."

Uchiha Yu found that there was no saliva in his mouth. He took out the water bottle and took a sip. He said in a dry voice: "I don't know if I can eat it."

Miwa Masashi heard Uchiha Yu's worry, and even heard his determination: "Do you really want to fight?"

Uchiha Yu said decisively: "Fight! We must fight!"

Miwa Masashi had already seen Uchiha Yu's determination, but when he heard his confirmation, his expression changed greatly in fright.

Although only one ninja team was added, these three people happened to have a quantitative change to a qualitative change in numbers. The Sunagakure ninja had already assembled ten ninjas, which had formed an order of magnitude advantage for her and Uchiha Yuu.

What's more, the enemy also has four jounin, which also has a quality advantage.

In Miwa Masayo's view, it was time to consider retreating.

But Uchiha Yu unexpectedly refused to give up: "We have chased you here. Whether we can win or not is one thing. If you leave without fighting, my heart will definitely be turned upside down."

In fact, insisting on a fight is not only due to the threat of the inner demon, but the most important reason is that there is a vague voice in Uchiha Yu's heart shouting: Victory! !

From the experience of absorbing natural energy and following the body's feelings and inspiration to succeed, Uchiha Yu finally decided to go against Gou Dao's true intention and initiate a fight without 90.00% certainty.

The certainty of victory this time may only be 50.00%, which is too low, really too low.

"The guarantee of victory is too low, and even if I can win by chance, I can't possibly destroy them all."

"I need to disguise myself so they can't see me."

Uchiha Yuu handed all the things related to his identity to Miwa Masayo, and then used natural energy to twist his facial muscles, turning himself into a square-faced man, with black contact lenses inserted into his eyes.

The disguise was just a base. He put on Kakashi's same black mask and Obito's same style goggles for a secondary disguise.

After thinking about it for the last time, he took out three more masks and carefully put them on outside his goggles.

Finally feel at ease.

(End of this chapter)

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