Chapter 70 The Brilliant Hunter

Uchiha Yuu did not wear a chuunin vest, did not reveal the Uchiha clan emblem, and restrained his aura, misleading the Sunagakure ninjas into judging him as a genin.

This is a strategy of pretending to be a pig and eating the tiger, but more importantly, misdirection is the starting point of his illusion, which is specially used to warm up the Sharingan when it is not activated.

The powerful real power and the successfully disguised genin image formed a subtle conflict in the hearts of the three Sunagakure ninjas. Under the exquisite control of Uchiha Yuu, they unknowingly pried open the gaps in their hearts and planted the seeds of illusion.

The Sunagakure ninja on the hillside on the left quickly approached along the dam: "Maybe it's not arrogance, but disguise. A single genin shouldn't appear in a foreign country. There may be something wrong with him!"

The Sunagakure ninja in the south said flatly: "If there is any problem, capture him and then interrogate him!"

Uchiha Yu roared angrily: "Asshole, does Sunagakure Village want to start a war with Konoha Village?"

"Start a war? Just you?" the Sunagakure ninja from the south sneered, "Your life is worthless, and you won't let Konoha Village and Sunagakure Village go to war."

When the Sunagakure ninja on the left finally reached the range of the shuriken, he suddenly shouted: "Attack!"

The three Sunagakure ninjas stepped into the range of the shuriken at the same time, and each threw a shuriken.

Uchiha Yuu put away the straight sword in a flash of his right hand, with his fingers filled with cross shurikens, and threw them straight ahead and to the right, but his whole body tilted to the left.

Just as he was about to charge towards the enemy on the left, a puppet emerged from the lake behind him.

The puppet's wide-open mouth sprayed out more than a dozen Senbons against the water. Uchiha Yu became alert and suddenly turned around and rolled over, but the distance was too close, and he was finally hit on the torso by three Senbons.

He wanted to pull out Qianben, but suddenly he fell to the ground weakly, lying on the ground and squirming slowly, as if he was very unwilling to do so.

The Senbon of the puppet master of Sand Hidden Village is naturally poisonous. Judging from the speed of onset, the poison is quite violent.

Seeing that the ambush was successful, the three Sunagakure ninjas took a step back and returned to the range of the shuriken.

The puppet that launched the sneak attack also sank underwater again, and the puppet master who controlled it surfaced far away on the water and stood on the surface.

All the Sunagakure ninjas did not move forward. They waited very cautiously in the distance, just like a group of vultures waiting for the target to die before approaching to eat.

Uchiha Yu lay on the ground, struggling hard but in vain.

But this struggle lasted for several minutes, and Uchiha Yu was still not dead.

Seeing that the target was not dead, the four ninjas from Sunagakure relaxed and began to carefully surround him.

The Sunagakure ninja in the south was very cautious. Although he already knew his subordinates' methods, he still confirmed to the puppet master on the lake: "He is not pretending, is he?"

The puppet master replied confidently: "Impossible, no one would have thought that what I applied to Qianben was not lethal poison. If he missed the hit, he would definitely take the opportunity to pretend to be dead instead of struggling all the time."

"Captain, you are too cautious. Mr. Liusha's methods are very subtle. Not only can he control the target, but he can also identify hits. He has never failed."

"Well, there's always something wrong with caution."

The puppet master sneered: "The ninjas of Konoha are not small, and they are not better than the ninjas of small countries. How could we lose to such ninjas in the last war?"

The Sunagakure ninja on the left is an unshaven genin, whose memories of the war were brought back by the puppet master's words.

He subconsciously sighed: "There are many Konoha ninjas who are incredibly weak, but there are also really powerful guys, like White Fang..."

The southern captain's expression changed with horror, and he interrupted his sigh: "Shut up, do you want to die?"

The puppet master also changed his expression: "Master Umino Keisuke is nearby, you bastard, do you want to kill us?"

The bearded ninja turned pale and saluted everyone: "I'm very sorry." The captain was silent for a while and then said: "If you don't want to be punished, don't spill the beans."

"Yes!" x3

The Sunagakure ninjas stood in a circle around Uchiha Yu. The ninjas on the hillside on the left were checking for traces of life nearby and assessing how long Uchiha Yu had been active here.

The leading ninja said: "Actually, this Konoha ninja is quite powerful. He almost ran away from Sukeda-kun."

The puppet master kicked Yuu after hearing this, and then said: "It's really good..."

【屮!I remember you...】

The leading ninja continued: "Since we have captured him alive, we will interrogate him to see if he knows any information."

At this time, the ninja who was checking for traces of life came over and said listlessly: "Why waste your efforts? We have been searching in the Kingdom of Kawa for almost a month and found nothing."

"This Konoha ninja has been here for four days at most. Can we still get information about the Kazekage from him?"

【...Finally came. 】

Uchiha Yu, who was lying on his stomach, suddenly said in a muffled voice: "It's possible, I really know."

The four Sunagakure ninjas were stunned. They took out their weapons and detonating talismans in horror, trying to surround and kill this enemy who had pretended to be hit by Senbon.

But Uchiha Yuu had already drawn his straight sword in advance, and the tip of the sword jumped briskly, hitting each enemy's wrist almost at the same time.

The sharp sword tip did not penetrate deeply, but it happened to cut off their hand tendons and abolished most of the ninja's fighting ability.

The Sunagakure ninja who took out the detonating talisman was even worse. He chose to die together as soon as possible. Naturally, he was targeted by Uchiha Yu. All ten fingers were deliberately cut off, and the last sword penetrated his meridian node. , interrupting the flow of chakra and completely destroying his ability to activate the detonating talisman.

Uchiha Yu confirmed his victory and then said: "I know your Kazekage is missing, and now you are going to disappear too."

The Sunagakure ninjas now understood that they were unlucky enough to meet a powerful ninja who was good at fishing.

They ran away without hesitation, wanting to pass the information to their superiors, but found that their feet sank into the ground at some point, and the ground completely fused with their legs, making them unable to move at all.

The desperate Sunagakure ninjas tried to commit suicide without hesitation. Uchiha Yu opened his three magatama sharingan eyes, detonating the genjutsu seeds planted in their hearts, causing all Sunagakure ninjas to lose their chakra control.

However, he did not take away the enemy's perception and mobility. Without chakra, even if ninjas can control their bodies, what can they do?

The leading Sunagakure ninja roared like crazy: "Uchiha, you are actually an Uchiha! How can you be an Uchiha? How can an Uchiha be so shameless!!"

Uchiha Yuu smiled and replied: "There are many of you, and you are the special jounin leader. If one of you escapes, I will be in trouble."

"Compared to trouble, I am more able to accept the loss of a little pride."

He patted the dirt on his body easily and pulled out the three senbons nailed to the weight.

Miwa Masashi who was hiding also appeared quietly. She couldn't help but praise: "Yu, you are so powerful. You followed the opponent's sneak attack disguise and easily captured a Jonin team."

"Sure enough, what you said makes sense: a good hunter often appears as a prey."

"But how do you know the poisonous sting is not a deadly poison?"

Uchiha Yu pointed to his nose with a smile and replied: "I am also an excellent ninja. I can tell the general effect of the toxin just by smelling it."

(End of this chapter)

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